For grins and giggles, I ran a relationship finder on Edward's son, John of Gaunt (Plantagenet) and had another positive hit through a completely different family line. 10 & 11 are completely unsourced, and I'd argue you need better sources for all 5 people. Edward III Project: Gateway Ancestors - do you have one? Explore in 3D: The dazzling crown that makes a king. 4. Instead of entering these manually you can click a "Relationship to Me" link from a profile pull-down menu or a Relationship Finder icon on your Watchlist, a Trusted List, etc. Robert is the son of Rachel Beauchamp [unknown confidence] 15. Knox seems to be my connection to almost any famous, important, or royal type person! William is the son ofHarrison Henry[unknownconfidence] Abraham is the son ofJohn Fitz III[unknownconfidence] Summarizingthis blog post about hisda. Christopher C. Child Edward 2nd ed., (Salt Lake City, Utah: Douglas Richardson, 2011). "We've all got the same number of ancestors, we just don't always know their names," she says. Edmund is the son ofEdward (Plantagenet) of England[confident]. 13. Elizabeth is the daughter ofPhilippa (Plantagenet) Mortimer[unknownconfidence] The Royal Descents of 600 Immigrants to the American Colonies or the United States (Baltimore, 2008) The 2004 edition is, Weis, Frederick Lewis, Walter Lee Sheppard, William R. Beall, and Kaleen E. Beall. 1. Barbara Aubrey, John Barclay, John Bevan, Essex Beville, William Bladen, George & Nehemiah Blakiston, Elizabeth Bosvile, Mary Bourchier, George, Giles & Robert Brent, Stephen Bull, Charles Calvert, Edward Carleton, St. Leger Codd, Elizabeth & Thomas Coytemore, William Crymes, Humphrey Davie, Frances, Jane & Katherine Deighton, Edward Digges, Robert Drake, Rowland Ellis, John Fenwick, John Fisher, Henry Fleete, Edward Foliot, Muriel Gurdon, Elizabeth & John Harleston, Warham Horsmanden, Patrick Houston, Anne Humphrey, Mary Launce, Hannah, Samuel & Sarah Levis, Thomas Ligon, Nathaniel Littleton, Thomas Lloyd, Agnes Mackworth, Oliver Manwaring, Anne Mauleverer, Richard More, Joseph & Mary Need, John and Margaret Nelson, Philip & Thomas Nelson, Thomas Owsley, John Oxenbridge, Herbert Pelham, Robert Peyton, William & Elizabeth Pole, Henry & William Randolph, George Reade, William Rodney, Thomas Rudyard, Katherine Saint Leger, Richard Saltonstall, William Skepper, Mary Johanna Somerset, Samuel & William Torrey, Margaret Touteville, John West, Hawte Wyatt. Turi King, professor of genetics at the University of Leicester, has researched Richard III and says there are "literally millions" of people alive now who are related to the immediate family of this 15th-Century sovereign. 19. Michael is the son ofJohn Andrew Woods[unknownconfidence] Richard is the son of Joan (Harrington) Peck 11. Use theRelationship Finderto find if you have a connection toEdward III, king of England(Plantagenet-70). Hannah is the daughter of Jane (Reed) Niles - this is the immigrant, and she is surely a weak link in the chain; the profile for her alleged father seems to have conflated/confused several people Al Clemnts, you and I are related through the Simon Crosby lineage. Roland's guide to surviving medieval genealogy in the Internet age. Katherine is the daughter ofAgnes Bigod[unknownconfidence] Great work! This list currently is 70 individuals representing 55 different families. 18. I watched it on my DVR last night and it was so interesting I watched it twice. Has anyone verified this? American descendants of Charlemagne Joan is the daughter ofJoan (Beaufort) Stewart[unknownconfidence] But finding the line that gets you there is the trick! Gender: Female. 18. 15. 7. Daniel is the son of Iver McKay [uncertain], 2. Katherine is the daughter of Robert Gordon [unknown confidence], 12. John is the son of Edward (Plantagenet) of England [confident]. 11. My great grandmother had other documents, mostly handwritten as well, the roof fell in during a rainstorm and destroyed it all. 13. That seems reasonable to me, no one in the family ever thought of a royal connection! Jesse is the son of Noah Delano Grant This line is going to fail at Joanna Percy, though it is so tangled that it is going to some work to fix. Susannah is the daughter ofMichael Woods II[unknownconfidence] Prince Lionel of Antwerp =1 Elizabeth de BURGH (4th) Countess of Ulster. Daniel is the son of Iver McKay [uncertain] This trail tells us that Edward III is the 19th great grandfather of Patricia. T 1. Geni requires JavaScript! This would be someone rich, famous or perhaps infamous enough to be well documented and provide a trail for a family historian. Robert Loxley is the son ofGeorge Stubblefield[unknownconfidence] Eleanore is the daughter ofElizabeth (Ferrers) Greystoke[uncertain] But charlomagne was his 19th grandfather. 20. It is not in wikitree, which shows the earliest common ancestor at King John. Arthur, Prince of Wales (1486-1502) 3. WebThe last decade of the reign of Edward III was years of decline. 7. According to the research, Markle, a Los Angeles-born American citizen, is a 24th generation descendant of King Edward III. William is the son ofWilliam Knox[unknownconfidence] Esther is the daughter of Nathaniel White [unknown confidence] 3. 17. This appears to be the basis of the undocumented supposition that Mary was the daughter of "George Gregory" Fiennes. 12. No hurry as it appears you are being bombarded! Patrick is the son of Patrick James McKie [unknown confidence], 6. 12. 16. but Vincent will have got it from the Visitation, so it's not independent. John is the son ofJohn (Plantagenet) of Gaunt KG[unknownconfidence] (and unless my search skills were poorer than usual then there are some definite falsehoods). Elizabeth MORTIMER =1 Henry PERCY, Lord Percy ("Hotspur"). Dan is the son ofDaniel C. Joslin[confident] Michael is the son of Lucy (Buckton) Heneage Apparently a violent drunk, he terrorized the neighboring town of Tavistock for a number of years. This one may be a very good line to followup on. 13. Questionable Gateway Ancestors) of Henry Peck are Robert Peck and Joseph Peck. 71 (January 1996): 36-48. The table should be updated - Stewart-1869 and Stewart-1199 were merged already and I've eliminated Janet (maybe they should have stayed separate?) Confirm for people well-documented and well-proven lines. John is the son of James M (Wilcox) Willcox [unknown confidence] of Ivy Mlls. Perhaps we can also find sources to firm up the early American part of my line, as the wanderings from Pennsylvania to Ohio to South Carolina and Virginia seem a bit much for these first two generations: 7. I would hate to see the Anne Couvent line be perpetually duplicated if it may not be correct at this de Joyeuse point. Albert is the son of Charles Thomas Rigg [confident] Hi John, a better way to say it is that America has its own special way of defining and listing gateway ancestors that is very well-known, whereas in other countries the word is used flexibly. 16. Michael is the son ofWill Dan Joslin[confident] 19. Jacob is the son of Nicholas Ide [confident] Anne is the daughter ofElizabeth (Ferrers) Greystoke[unknownconfidence] 21. James is the son ofConquest Wyatt[unknownconfidence] 14. WebHawes, Edmund, of Duxbury and Yarmouth, Massachusetts III: 272 Haynes, Mabel (Harlakenden), of Hartford, Connecticut III:225; III:274 also 95. Regarding the Lake line, everything after Richard Lake is in error. Richard I is the son ofJoan (Beaufort) de Neville LG[confident] I don't think that she is the only person who may not have existed in that book including her husband. Agnes is the daughter ofJames Stewart[unknownconfidence] . En route to London to answer for his behavior he killed an inkeeper and wounded his wife, then committed suicide. Mary, Sir John Fitz(Fitz-23) was the son and heir of John Fitz MP, he m. Bridget Courtney the da. Lynden Rodriguezcommented:I have one, Alice Harry-118, but she's not on the list, and her line may not have been developed enough. Cecilia is the daughter of Joan (Strangeways) Berkeley [unknown confidence] Nathaniel Plummer is the son ofJesse Pearson[unknownconfidence] Includes citations for all sources. These appear to be the key references. New England Gateway Ancestors of Proven Royal Descent. Because the records of most ordinary families would not stretch back that far, most people would not know about their link. 15. Via Ann Bagley, wife of William Brinton, wealthy Quakers. Nancy is the daughter ofBenjamin Knox[unknownconfidence] 11. I hope the folks who are familiar with the records will make the appropriate corrections in the Lake lineage -- and help reduce our inventory of spurious royal ancestries. Their relationship caused a constitutional crisis that ultimately led to Edwards abdication. Philippa is the daughter ofLionel (Plantagenet) of Antwerp KG[confident] You are probably right Trudy. (Baltimore, 2004), Weis, Frederick Lewis, Walter Lee Sheppard, and William R. Beall. Joe, Thank you for your comment, I am a newt and can't say that I understand it all. William is the son ofMary (Wilson) Danforth[unknownconfidence] There appears to be no evidence that Frank Wheatleigh even had a wife named Mary, so Mary Fiennes may never have existed. Edward III (r. 1327-1377) | The Royal Family Edward III (r. 1327-1377) Edward III was 14 when he was crowned King and assumed government in his own right in 1330. Please help. Australian immigrants in the 19th century are a very mixed bag in terms of how hard they are to trace back, so I should not exaggerate how difficult they are. Ann is the daughter of Edward Sutton [unknown confidence] 16. WebHere is a Native American family's descent from Edward III: Edward III = Philippa of Hainault. 4. Ulysses S. is the son of Jesse Root Grant [confident] 2. 14. Sir Thomas is the son ofIsabelle (Strangeways) Gerard[unknownconfidence] Edward III is the 16th great grandfather of Ulysses S. (Uncertain) 1. I will get to all of these potential lines eventually. I still find it amazing that a bunch of South Carolina hill bullies could have such rich history. Benjamin is the son ofJohn Absalom Knox[unknownconfidence] Helen is the daughter ofIsabel (Gerrard) Langton[unknownconfidence] 10. Thanks, that made my day! Richardson, Douglas. However, while Thomas Bliss described Nicholas Ide as his "son in law," this evidently meant stepson, one of the usages of "in-law" at the time. Surprising -- I'm descended from Edward III, through the Skinners, Talcotts, and Hollisters of Connecticut. 15. Peter, of Concord, Massachusetts II:10, Burnham, Mary (Lawrence), of Ipswich, Massachusetts III: 552, Burrough, Nathaniel, of Calvert County, Maryland and Roxbury, Massachusetts II: 45, Carleton, Edward, of Rowley, Massachusetts II: 113, Carleton, Ellen (Newton), of Rowley, Massachusetts II: 113; IV: 249, Chauncy, Rev Charles, of Scituate and Plymouth, Massachusetts II: 133, Clarke, Jeremy (or Jeremiah), of Newport, Rhode Island II: 214, Cooke, Elizabeth (Haynes), of Cambridge, Massachusetts III:275, Coytmore, Thomas, of Charlestown, Massachusetts II: 347, Crowne, Agnes (Mackworth), of Boston, Massachusetts III: 687, Cudworth, Major James, of Scituate, Massachusetts II: 367, Davie, Humphrey, of Boston, Massachusetts and Hartford, Connecticut II: 4-06, Dudley, Katherine (Deighton), of Roxbury and Dedham, Massachusetts II: 412, II: 477, Dudley, Gov. Henry is the son of Henry Anderson Dickinson [confident] Peter Bulkeley, of Concord, Massachusetts I: 111; II: 10, Bulkeley, Grace (Chetwode), of Concord, Massachusetts II: 10, Bulkeley, Rev. 18. 13. And her husband died a year before the first of the four was born. 2. 2. John is the son of Richard Lake [Private] is the daughter of Susannah Woods [confident] And this means that both of the alleged lineages I posted here are removed from WikiTree. Doris is the daughter of Homer Ferry Dickinson [confident] I agree that this particular family lacks good evidence but they aren't as suspect as some of these other lines we can easily disprove. However, only 387 of these include colonial immigrants who left progeny. 11. John is the son of Joan Janet Stewart [unknown confidence], 14. 9. These are coming in much faster than I can research and answer. 11. 11. Beth a family bible is still a kind of evidence that can be cited but did anyone transcribe it before it was destroyed? John VII is the son of Cicely (Willoughby) Sutton [unknown confidence] John is the son ofJohn (Plantagenet) of Gaunt KG[unknownconfidence] FASG. PS I am still building my line to the Connecticut Talcotts. Hi, I've just rerun the Relationship Finder -- through another line, I'm still a descendant. Frances Deighton is the gateway ancestor. But it means that on any street or crowded bus there could be an unwitting relation of this medieval monarch. 5. Anne is the daughter ofJames Wyatt[unknownconfidence] 11. This trail tells us that Archibald is the 14th great grandfather of Beth. Edward III is a possible cousin. The successful candidate will be responsible for managing all aspects of an NCAA Division III athletic program. Does your gateway ancestor appear below? As you probably know, Col Hansen breaks the line in his article, but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence both ways. Apparently Joan was said to be daughter of John Harrington of Doncaster. Thomas is the son ofThomas Southworth II[unknownconfidence] Griffis: English kings have descendants in America 12. Joan is the daughter of John (Plantagenet) of Gaunt KG John is the son ofElizabeth (Touchet) Sydenham[unknownconfidence] 1. Is there an Edward III descent? 8. Mary is the daughter ofMoses Embree[unknownconfidence] Because the Connecticut Tisdales were also in that line -- through, Charlemagne and find relationship to him or for that matter any ancestor that far back. Lineage societies maintain their own lists based on accepted membership applications. Plantagenet Ancestry, 3 vols. It would also be nice if that app was a part of Wikitree as well. Humphrey Bogart (1899-1957) 6. Anne is the daughter of Thomas John Heslarton Philippa is the daughter of Lionel (Plantagenet) of Antwerp KG Patrick is the son ofJames McKie[unknownconfidence] Sarah is the daughter ofJoseph Danford[unknownconfidence] William is the son of Wiliam Fleming McCoy [unknown confidence] It was living descendants of one of his sisters that enabled researchers to use DNA to help identify the bones of Richard III found in Leicester. Edmund Berkeley (1823-1915) 5. Thomas is the son of Havisia (Neville) Heslarton The surnames of these colonists include: ABBOTT, ABELL, ABNEY, ALLIN, ALSTON, ASFORDBY, BALL, BARHAM, BATT, BAYNTON, BECKWITH, BERNARD, 7. 24. This is quite interesting. Michael is the son of Mary Margaret (Campbell) Woods [unknown confidence] Create a list of proven gateway ancestors as a tool for future research. It's partly the sheer numbers. John is the son of Edward (Plantagenet) of England [confident] Mary is the daughter of Joan (Beaufort) de Neville LG Because the Connecticut Tisdales were also in that line -- throughRainsford-2. Video, The secret mine that hid the Nazis' stolen treasure, MasterChef Australia host Jock Zonfrillo dies, UK chip giant Arm files for blockbuster share sale, Adidas sued by investors over Kanye West deal, US bank makes last ditch bid to find rescuer, US principal visits David sculpture after nudity row, Pope urges Hungarians to 'open doors' to migrants. John is the son of Edward (Plantagenet) of England. Henry is the son of Edmund Beaufort KG [unknown confidence] Most people who can connect to a few other families on wikitree will have cousin relationships to basically everyone else on the main tree including royalty. She married (1) by license George Popham (15501608) was a pioneering colonist from Maine, born in the southwestern regions of England. "So I've been researching the Churchills for 40 years, so that came as a bit of a shock. Thomas is the son ofNancy (Stubblefield) Stroud[unknownconfidence] John is the son of Thomas Savage [unknown confidence] Thomas is the son of Thomas Savage [confident] However, the prob. 6. I hope to get to all of them. 10. I started a new G2G topic for the Southworths. Mary is the daughter of Catherine (Campbell) MacGregor [unknown confidence] Anna is the daughter ofThomasine (Constable) Lumpkin[unknownconfidence] Regarding that second line I posted above, I find that my paternal grandmother has a different supposed lineage to Edward that runs through Henry Peck, the brother of John Peck Esq, whose profile is one of several that has particularly weak sourcing. 8. And many of us will have "lineage going straight back to a bunch of peasants". A fix on her age would help. 18. Bruce is the son of Doris Mabel (Dickinson) Hawkins [confident] 18. 16. Sir Richard and 1da. Daniel McKayEmigrant, born Kintyre (now called Tarbert), Argyll and Bute, Scotland, no parish. Edward Southwarth is mentioned in a lot of the betrothals, and of course many others. John is the son of John Lake WebEdward, the Black Prince (15 June 1330 8 June 1376), Duke of Cornwall, Prince of Wales. and Hartford and Windsor, Connecticut I:114, Almy, Audrey (Barlow), of Lynn and Sandwich, Mass. 12. 1. There's also an explanation about why it's sometimes so hard to find them here, Dutchified names + sometimes they only were registered with the probably also Dutchified patronymics. Uncertain parents Elizabeth is the daughter ofJoan (Beaufort) de Neville LG[unknownconfidence] (Round 3). 11. 14. Edward III Project: Gateway Ancestors - do you have one? Mary; its possible her parents sources have some information about her husband. Patrick is the son of James McKie [unknown confidence], 7. Eupedia Elizabeth is the daughter ofDorothy (Wheatley) Bliss[unknownconfidence] WebRelationship Finder. Thomas is the son ofJohn Southworth[unknownconfidence] 23. 3. Because I match bigod. Jesse is the son ofSarah Danford[unknownconfidence] Relationship Finder 6. Ralph is the son ofWilliam Eure[unknownconfidence] 16. But he hasn't been the only example. I haven't fully researched it yet but there is likely a problem at the immigrant ancestor. But being a Scot and Edward I being known as the Hammer of the Scots, I wasn't absolutely over the moon.". If we trace the descendants of these twenty-one great-grandchildren we may establish that Edward III had at least 436 descendants alive in England in the year 1500. In 1337, Edward created the Duchy of Cornwall to provide the heir to the throne with an income independent of the sovereign or the state. and if you don't like thatlineuse my 4th great grandmothers line! Richardson doesn't mention any kids, though he omits to say "They had no issue". Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. 15. Robert is the son of John Gordon [unknown confidence], 13. All three of those are gateway ancestors to medieval English ancestry. James Stewart, Duke of Rothesay (1507-1508) Will see if perhaps they moved around a bit and will check for more sources this weekend, And for anyone who isinterested (perhaps there's something there about or for the Southwarts as well so we can all dig trough them ;) : Leyden Documents Relating to the Pilgrim Fahters # Permission to reside at Leyden and betrothal records together with parallel documents from the Amsterdam archivesFascimile, transcript translation and annotiations by Dr. D. Plooij of Leyden and Dr. J. Rendel Harris of Manchester . If your immigrant ancestor isnt on at least one of these lists chances are any royal ancestry you found for him or her on the Internet is bogus. Frances Deighton is the gateway ancestor. Martha is the daughter of Dorothy (Wheatley) Bliss [unknown confidence] Jane is the daughter of Lucy (Heneage) Reade [ The Ryther marriage is totally impossible. Harrison is the son ofNancy Knox[unknownconfidence] 20. Regarding Mary Fiennes, according to a curated site at Geni, someone mentioned that Mary Fiennes was indeed the daughter of Sir George Gregory Finnes and Lady Anne Saxeville, she is allegedly mentioned in the "College of Heralds." WebThese individuals, who have asked to not be publicly identified, are descendants of Henry Somerset, 5th Duke of Beaufort (1744-1803) who was 15 generations removed from Edward III by an all-male line. Lora (Kartchner) Eckler and Edward III (Plantagenet) of England are both descendants of Henry II Plantagenet. 9. I personally agree with Hanson, and even if you allow some doubt about his translation, at best the line is still unlikely and unproven. Eli is the son of Esther (White) Dickinson [unknown confidence] Each Ancestor's name is followed by the volume number and page number: In addition we include newly proven lineages which are currently being accepted by royal hereditary societies: The Royal Descendants of 600 Immigrants (aka RD600) first published by Gary Boyd Roberts in 2003 with a second edition in 2006 and finally a third edition in 2008. This corrects the line originally posted. Catherine (Campbell) MacGregor- profile could be improved, she died in Balquhidder, Perthshire, m. to Ian Og (John) MacGregorthe clan chief of Glencarnoch,Balquhidder, Perthshire. 18. and heiress named Janet who m. (1) Lachlan Mackintosh of Dunachtan and (2) James Ogilvy of Cardell, with her lands being discharged to her half-brother Sir Robert of Glen (not in WT).

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