| Only you. : Bane This great city it will endure. Bane Courts will be convened. He blows up the field of Gotham Rogues football stadium while simultaneously explodes the club boxes (where typically upper class citizens would sit). : : When his parents were killed, Bruce was reborn in the darkness as Batman. We will need it. In the film, it is implied that only a few generations have passed since Gothams economic devastation, and at one point, it is argued that the depression never truly ended for the lower class. Courts will be convened. All rights reserved. Dr. Pavel Subscribe for full access to The Hollywood Reporter. Dr. Pavel What passes for a right-wing movie these days is The Dark Knight Rises, which submits the rather modest premise that, irritating though the rich may be, actually killing them and taking all their stuff might be excessive. However, this selfless action resulted in the prisoners' exacting revenge by . Leave us! A lot of people have argued that Banes plan didnt make much sense in The Dark Knight Rises, but this quote shows that what he truly wanted was for others to experience his pain. The water runs to any one of the outflows. Banes height is slightly above average, but the size and power of his muscles are clearly visible. [calls to prisoners] And do you accept this man's resignation? : Everything about it is just so memorable, from script to screen. Bane has a genuinely tragic backstory of being born and imprisoned in The Pit (the worst prison on Earth). He is standing across from Blackgate Prison, on the stairs of city hall. : : : For now, martial law is in effect. Now's not the time for fear. Bane Miranda Tate : Bane: Both men were disciples of Ras al-Ghul and trained with the League of Shadows. It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan. The final half of Banes speech focuses on enticing the people of Gotham to liberate those who were put in prison by the corrupt. The rich! He saved my boy, then took the blame for Harvey's appalling crimes so I could, to my shame, build a lie around this fallen idol. He's always been a curious idol: within aspiration because he's flesh and blood; beyond it because he's the lucky recipient of inherited wealth. This quote serves to house Bane and Batman under the same roof, metaphorically speaking. Bruce Wayne CIA Agent Blake: Those men locked up for eight years in Blackgate and denied parole under the Dent Act, based on a lie? More and more people are flocking to the small screen to find daily entertainment. Even in victory, Bane says that Batman still loses. Only me. Blackgate Build 0.139 | Bane on Patreon. I needed a way to keep them from killing me. Why are you here? : And once he joined the League of Shadows, he had to wear a mask to alleviate the pain. We both know that I now have to kill you. This is a fan-modification of "Blackgate the Visual Novel", which is produced by Bane. Hang them where the world can see. : We - Bane: You panicked. : Bane : Therefore, Tom Hardy, the actor who portrays Bane, must do most of his acting through eye contact and hand gestures. To get the full scope of the insanity in these Bane quotes, we have to go to the script. A prison is never something thats considered to be entirely positive, and once Bane makes his statements it very quickly becomes something very negative. [They enter the boardroom, and find Bane and several of his henchmen standing at the head of the table, holding the board members hostage with assault rifles. : Do you accept the resignation of all these liars? Have we started the fire? So simple And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. Bane Note that this is an Adult-themed game, predominately with scary monsters wielding same-sex appetites. He understands something's wrong, gets out of the car, and pulls out his phone. His superpowers are not an accident of birth, or of stumbling into the wrong lab at the wrong time. This quote is taken from the Bane football stadium speech. Chris Heckmann graduated from Emmanuel College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Writing, Editing, and Publishing. BANE (rising) With no survivors . The same is true for his mental stature. Sewer Thug #2 I AM the League of Shadows, and I'm here to fulfill Ra's al Ghul's destiny! Where's the trigger? Sewer Thug #2 The Dark Knight Rises is a 2012 American superhero action film. You say you want a revolution? [from behind Batman] The Caped Crusader. When the rules aren't weapons anymore, they're shackles, letting the bad guy get ahead Maybe one day, you may face such a moment of crisis. Theme-wise, Nolan tackles nothing less than societal upheaval, urban unrest, class warfare, personal sacrifice, and spiritual salvation, with some nuclear brinkmanship thrown in for timeliness. By understanding the historical context of his words, the audience can see that Bane utilizes the commonplace of, The rich getting richer. : One day you may face such a moment of crisis. Sewer Thug #1 How have you come back? Blackgate Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Thank you, good doctor! For those poor souls who have no idea what Im talking about, please take three hours out of your day now and watch the movie before continuing. He simultaneously isolates the city from the rest of the world and takes out Gothams police force. Thug: We didn't know what to do. This quote is taken from one of the best scenes ofThe Dark Knight Riseswhen Bane hijacks the plane. Those men locked up for eight years in Blackgate, and denied parole under the Dent Act, based on a lie? This logos appeals to a radical way of thinking that becomes popular among the masses during times of crisis. : 2023 The Hollywood Reporter, LLC. The people inside the prison are only there because of Harvey Dent. : Bane is usually pretty poetic with his words but this quote shows that sometimes you gotta just come out and say it. : Fredericks : [to thug] Not as serious as yours, I fear Batman : Bane is said to have been born and imprisoned in The Pit, the worst prison on Earth, located within a Middle Eastern country.At some point, he took an interest in the wellbeing for the daughter of Ra's al Ghul, and aided in her escape when several of the inmates raped and killed Talia's mother. And the highly anticipated project arrives with outsize political and cultural ambitions. : : You think you're the only one who can find the strength to escape? Gordon: [pained pause] There's a point far out there, when the structures fail you. I'm Gotham's reckoning. Dr. Leonid Pavel, nuclear physicist. Comedians have been attempting to compare Trump to a villain for weeks, with Mark Hamill recording tweets from Trump in the voice of the Joker and New York artist R. Sikoryak placing Trump in classic comic book covers. Were in a golden age of TV writing and development. Bane This is so that you get to see the process. The inmates, once seen as enemies of society, suddenly become the oppressed, wrongly held for eight years under the name of a monster. 25. : Not long after giving this speech, Bane is hatching a plan to destroy Gotham and all its people in a League of Shadows-inspired massacre. The flight plan I just filed with the agency lists me, my men, Dr. Pavel here but only one of you! And you brought him down here? Bane Miranda Tate No. : Were here to help. Of all the corrupt?!? Seth Meyers joked in September that people have speculated the many zingers he lobbed at Trump during the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner inspired the future President to seek the office. None shall interfere, do as you please. So how can you break put from the pack and get your idea onto the small screen? This quote foreshadows whats to come for Gotham. At least you can talk. : Bang - EXT. : Make sure to download a copy ofthe screenplay so you can follow along! Bane: So show me his body. The one he leaves active is then shut down by the United States military due to Banes threat of a nuclear explosion should anyone cross the bridge. [anguished] Jan. 20, 4:04 p.m.:Updated with Trumps review of The Dark Knight Rises. Now, this bomb is armed! A small part of President Donald Trumps inaugural address may have sounded familiar to those who remember 2012s The Dark Knight Rises. A collaborative community website about the ongoing visual novel being development by the artist Bane. [Bane doesn't reply and he starts walking off]. John Blake: Commissioner, we need to keep you moving until we can get you in front of a camera. And at the first sign of interference from the outside world, or for those people attempting to flee, this anonymous Gothamite - this unsung hero - will trigger the bomb. This is a stock exchange! STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Of all the CORRUPT? CIA Agent I had no choice. At the conclusion of Banes speech, the Tumbler that Bane stole from Wayne blasts a hole in the prison and Banes followers free all those held down by Gotham. We take Gotham from the corrupt! Master the art of visual storytelling with our FREE video series on directing and filmmaking techniques. : : Catwoman Bane [His mercenaries bring Dr. Pavel forward and make him kneel in front of Bane]. You just made a serious mistake. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Well, congratulations! : [disgusted] : Bane With so many virtuous options available to him, it seems bizarre that Donald Trump has chosen the Batman supervillain Bane to cosy up to. | Yes. You. He achieves this by blowing up all of the bridges leading into Gotham except for one. [Jim Gordon throws himself over the balcony into the running sewer water, the thugs shoot at him] But not of your body Of your soul. Create script breakdowns, sides, schedules, storyboards, call sheets and more. Place is a very important theme in the movie Dark Knight Rises. This great city it will endure. : "After hours of driving, getting arrested, and finding out you're no longer where you belong does take a lot out of you.". Every man who has ventured here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. Bane Bane : Bane This bomb is mobile! Speak of the devil and he shall appear! Blackgate Prison, where a thousand men have languished under the name of this man.

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