If you pass the interview, you will be invited to a language test. In 2019, Stonewall ranked the firm the second most inclusive place to work in the UK. The next step to getting a training contract for both vac schemers and direct entrants is an interview with two fee-earners. Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner work on a rolling recruitmentbasis so we encourage applicantstosubmit an application early, if you leave applying for the roleon the date of the deadline your application maybe overlooked. BCLPs Global Inclusion & Diversity Action Board is responsible for shaping the strategic direction of diversity across the firm. This is BCLP: BCLP lawyers are getting involved with the this is me initiative, where lawyers can speak openly about their mental health it really helps people to realise that theyre not the only one experiencing something.. Here the focus is often on high-value commercial contracts disputes for clients operating in sectors such as transport and logistics. This means we will better understand your achievements, particularly if you narrowly fall short of the stated criteria. an. Throughout the period leading up to the start of your training contract and also throughout your two year trainingthe graduate recruitment team are always on hand to assist in any way. They also use the Rare Contextual Recruitment System when screening applications, to increase greater diversity of backgrounds at entry level. Whats the difference between pretty and quite pretty. These may be similar to the ones you answered in your application form, but they may also be more specific or technical. BCLP was formed in 2018 through a merger between London-based Berwin Leighton Paisner and US-based Bryan Cave. We will thenask you to complete our online test. It is also a good idea to revisit your application form responses, as you'll likely be asked questions that build on the content. Law Training Contract Interview Question Bank. Recommended. Demonstrate your knowledge of BCLPs strengths, culture, reputation, competitors, legal market dynamics and strategic vision. During peak season, we aim to reply within sevenworking days. Allfuture traineesare allocated a trainee buddy who along with the graduate recruitment team isavailable to answer any queries you may have before starting your training contract. During each seat you will attend trainee-specific technical training sessions designed and led by our ownknow-how and fee-earning lawyers. Lenders, borrowers, and sponsors are represented here, and acquisition financings are something of a forte for the team. Please contact Isabel Elsey, Senior Emerging TalentAdvisor on Isabel.Elsey@bclplaw.com to have a confidential conversation. Most of the socialising tends to be in your team or wider practice group., a great chance to work directly with a client and take on lots of responsibility., Interviewees were positive about the firms diversity and inclusion efforts and highlighted the work overseen by dedicated D&I partner Daisy Reeves. BCLP Online Application. All parties will receive information available to both sides, then each side will also receive specific information not available to the other side. Lawyers work not only across the office, but between 31 offices across the globe. Offer - Congratulations! Bitte helfen Sie uns, Glassdoor zu schtzen, indem Sie besttigen, dass Sie BCLP Law | Global Law Firm | M&A, real estate, financial services, litigation and corporate risk | Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner Emerging Themes in Financial Regulation & Disputes 2023 Learn more about Emerging Themes Developments in the Banking Sector Visit our Banking Developments Hub Hear how we helped clients get from A to B Read our stories You can apply for an Open Day in conjunction with any of our other opportunities; and. As it's a respected global firm, the application process for Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner is competitive. What efforts will the firmmake to keep in contact with me during my studies? Do we pay for someone to study the GDL and/or LPC? Individuals with great communication and organisational skills as well as the ability to work to tight deadlines and as part of an ever-growing team will thrive in our firm. The final stage is a partner interview which will take place on the day of the assessment centre if youre applying for a training contract, or during the vacation scheme if you completed one. Think about the person reading the application and why they are asking the questions. Oxford European and Middle Eastern Languages 2022 entry. Before submission, check your responses carefully for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Practice under exam conditions with timed tests designed to simulate the precise experience youll face. The firm offers student vacation schemes, graduate training contracts (at its London, Manchester, or Hong Kong offices), and job opportunities for experienced hires. If you have been unsuccessful early on in the process, BCLP offers email feedback, which will outline the main reasons you were not invited to the next stage. Having trouble with Assessment Centres? In addition we would want to see that you have progressed since your previous application, this may include work experience, further study and performance at assessment centre. There may be occasions during your time in the London office where youmay get the chance to travel internationallyto meet or work with ourclients. The assessment centre will consist of a 10 minute presentation, an interview, and a verbal commercial awareness exercise. What do I do if I am unsuccessful at the assessment centre? Questions may include variations on the following, usually with a short limit of 250 words: Prior to March 2019, the online application included a verbal reasoning test (which is currently not in use). This test is bespoke to BCLP and based on the key skills and strengths that make a successful trainee solicitor at BCLP. As well as recruitingdiverse members of staff, BCLP alsowants to recruit those that actively promote and seek out such initiatives. Talent team where you discuss your seat preferences and which seats might be best suited to help you reach your career ambitions. Trainees can get involved with the human rights charity Reprieve and the Sonali Gardens Day Centre (a legal advice clinic for people facing housing issues) in Shadwell. There are opportunities to progress to associate level at the firm on qualification. Cross-border deals are something of a staple here, and the department benefits from having dual-qualified lawyers covering the US and England. Applications should focus on post-merger integration efforts, legacy and transatlantic strength, and the new integrated firm core principles of diversity and innovation. 7. 2nd year law (or 3rd year law students on a four year degree), 3rd year non-law students (or final year non-law students on a four year degree) or graduates and postgraduates from any discipline. Top 5 'game changer' of the past . I have a 2.2 and/or lower than 340 UCAS points. verdade. I really felt their trust in me to carry out tasks., Trainees raved about their business and commercial disputes seat for its hectic but fun culture. Towards the end of my seat, I got into the meatier negotiations while working closely with the partner its a busy seat, but thats what Im here for!. The drafting exercise will see you being provided with documents and instructions to review, with you then being asked to write an analysis of that business. Irequirethe application form in an alternative format, what do I do? You wont be able to prepare for it as its scenario-based and specific to the firm, but you should take your time and reflect on the questions while completing the test. This is a brilliant opportunity to experience first-hand a. If you applying for a training contract directly, your final stageinterview will be on the same day as your assessment centre. I am unsure whether to apply for a Vacation Scheme or a Direct Training Contract, what shall I do? Applicants are required to submit an online application, complete an online psychometric test, attend an interview, and take part in an assessment centre day. If you impress in the interview, you'll be invited to the final stage of the recruitment process the assessment centre. If you are applying for a placement scheme, the assessment centre will be built into your timetable during your time with us. 2023 Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (registered number OC315919). Trainees acknowledged that theres still more for the firm to do: Higher up in the ranks the diversity isnt as representative as it is lower down. Recruiters have many application forms to sift through, so ensure yours is engaging and evidence-based. Remember that an interview is a two-way process, so be prepared to ask a couple of questions. The board comprises partners and leaders from Germany, Hong Kong, UAE, the US and the UK. You cannot complete another application for the same intake, but you may reapply in the next recruitment intake. How many training contract vacancies do you have? Alternatively, you might need to analyse the market standing of an organisation, give advice on maintaining a competitive edge, or analyse whether a company should be acquired. What else might they be implying or inferring? According to Chloe Muir, Head of Emerging Talent,we value individuals that are proactive, motivated and creative thinkers. You will be sent a link to sign up for a 10-minute slot where a member of the graduate recruitment team will call you to discuss the reasons why you were unsuccessful. We are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic and motivated about commencing their career in law. In London, Chambers UK showers praise upon BCLPs big-ticket real estate work, as well as its real estate finance and litigation, planning, and construction know-how. Join the 2023 TSR All Day Revision Thread! Recent studies suggest that NEO-PI scales are reliable and . The application process for the BCLP training contract traditionally consists of four distinct parts, which you will need to pass to move to the next: Online Application Form Verbal Reasoning Test (currently discontinued) Assessment Centre Final Interview with Two Partners Online Application Form Trainees should expect to demonstrate that they will be capable of the tasks asked of them, which include client contact, legal research, drafting, proposing a course of action, and supporting other team members during client negotiations. Please refer to the Solicitors Regulation Authority's website at www.sra.org.uk to find out more. We always ask for trainee seat preferences and we endeavor to meet these; on average 85% of our trainees will receive their first or second preference each seat. 2nd and3rd year law(or 3rd and 4th year law students on a four year degree), 3rd year non-law students (or final year non-law students on a four year degree) or graduates and postgraduates from any discipline; A Direct Training Contract. Interviewees felt that pro bono provided them with a great chance to work directly with a client and take on lots of responsibility. We heard of trainees working on housing disputes and insurance claims, which involved drafting letters and conducting property law research. In addition to the questions discussed above, you might be expected to answer the following: Successful candidates have four weeks to accept their offer from BCLP. This role play will be based on the same subject as the drafting exercise. Once you've submitted your application, you'll be invited to sit an online psychometric test. What are you looking for? LPC? Adaptability is a core quality that we look for in our trainees coupled with an ability to maintain resilience.Mature applicants and career changers are also valued at BCLP for their prior experience. We are sorry for the inconvenience. 5/5 7. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. Open days and first-year opportunitiesWe are hosting an Open Day in December 2022 and February 2023. That being said, they are doing more, and theres an office netball team in the works. I really felt their trust in me to carry out tasks.. The Manchester and Hong Kong training contract application process does not conclude until the deadline has passed. BCLP meet all fees associated with both the GDL and LPC if you have not started or completed your studies when being offered and accepting a training contract. Our sources noted: They make a real conscious effort and theres a huge amount that goes on Im still learning whats available! Interviewees emphasised the firms Pride community, networks for lawyers with disabilities, social mobility initiatives, and Race for Change programme the latter provides Black undergraduates and graduates with access to role models in the profession and advice on how to make applications to law firms (among other areas of support). To apply, we ask that you complete an online application form and if you are successful, you will be asked to complete a 30 minute interview with a member of the Emerging Talent team. The assessment will typically run from 09.30 until 15:00 and will include a case study and presentation exercise followed bya group based exercise. We offer two four-week vacation schemes over summer, providing students with a real insight into the life of a trainee lawyer. Thesecond semester is tailored andelectives will focus on our core areas of corporate, finance, real estate andlitigation. A London Vacation Scheme in conjunction with a London Training Contract. JavaScript is disabled. Not sure what to expect from an Assessment Centre? The ideal candidate should be adept at problem-solving, possess strong communication skills, and demonstrate an ability to work independently while delivering superior quality services in a timely manner. Trainees will expect to receive 232 hours of training by qualification, and are encouraged to take a secondment either with clients or at an overseas office. The first stage in the process is to complete an online application. What Key Skills and Qualifications Are Sought? You can apply for an Open Day in conjunction with any of our other opportunities; A Hong Kong Vacation scheme in conjunction with a Hong Kong Training Contract. BCLP bridges the Atlantic to form a real estate and commercial powerhouse in the City. Be prepared to verbally summarise your report and conclusions, and to justify your decisions when challenged. Successful applicants are then invited to the assessment centre. Ive always found the service that Law Tests provides to be excellent throughout the whole interview process. The test is a strengths based assessment and will contain a number of scenario based questions, testing candidates situational judgement and critical reasoning, as well as verbal reasoning. BCLP bridges the Atlantic to form a real estate and commercial powerhouse in the City. BCLP recruit students and graduates from a diverse range of backgrounds. The city is clearly preparing for an attack and a siege. In 2018, Britains Berwin Leighton Paisner (BLP) merged with the Missouri-founded firm Bryan Cave, forming the international entity we have before us today. Diversity, inclusion and wellbeing:Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner has a deep commitment to inclusion and diversity, supported by well-established goals, programs, campaigns and leadership engagement. In addition, we regularlysend trainees to our clients onsecondments within the UK. As always Jaysen, really helpful! During the scheme, there will be further assessment as well as a partner interview. We encourage all future and current Trainees to disclose if you have a disability, any caring responsibilities, mental health problems or long term health conditions to the Graduate Recruitment team prior to you joining us. You will be given a candidate brief relevant to all parties in the exercise, and relevant information for yourself only. After the 30 minutes of preparation time, you will then have 30 minutes to negotiate terms and achieve a positive outcome for your team. Most shops are closed, the sale of alcohol is prohibited, fuel is rationed, and cash withdrawals are limited. Open to all law students/ graduates who have the right to work in Singapore. The budget projected is approximately 30 million for 2022-2023. We aim to keep our schemes very interactive. Youll spend four days a week in the office focusing on your on-the-job learning. You'll also get to attend a series of partner-led talks and workshops, have a sit down lunch with partners and meet regularly with your supervisor. We want to make you feel like you are a trainee through out your time at the firm and the work you do will often make a real impact and be presented to our clients. And thank you to your anonymous contributor! You may be asked to recommend a company for a merger with your client, justifying your position. Each trainee receives regular 1:1 support from the Emerging Talent team and the Training Principal, a Partner mentor to provide wider career guidance and a designated supervisor within each department. We are proud to be using theRareContextual Recruitment System for this recruitment year. Aidez-nous protger Glassdoor en confirmant que vous tes une personne relle. Please contact our graduate recruitment team, on +44(0)20 3400 1000 ortraineerecruit@bclplaw.com. The application starts with an online application. message, please email 2nd and 3rd year law (or 3rd or 4th year law students on a four year degree), 3rd year non-law students (or final year non-law students on a four year degree) or graduates and postgraduates from any discipline; Open Day (December 2022and February 2023). Why Law? How does BCLP align with your ambitions for your career? Talk about a deal which BCLP was involved in that caught your attention. How would you describe the way that you work? How do interest rates affect the market? Whats an event youre following in the media that would affect our company? Is [legal principle] in a clients best interests? How would you balance loyalties to the firm and to clients? Who are some of BCLPs core competitors? What do you think BCLPs strategy is? What do you think the work of a trainee at BCLP consists of? After the presentation, there will be a Q&A session with the assessors on your presentation. We wanted more transparency and better training. If you are on a vacation scheme the interview will take place during the scheme. Submit. The departments lawyers have been busy of late advising global investment firm KKR on its 291 million sale of five major student housing developments across the UK; its 1.7 billion investment in a build-to-rent joint venture platform with Apache Capital; and its investment in another joint venture with Moda thats set to build up to 5,000 homes in Birmingham. If you have already completed your LPC before you apply, we will not ask for you to complete the tailored LPC. Arun, you may find these threads helpful: Ah ok thank you. Wir entschuldigen uns fr die Umstnde. A Hong Kong Training Contract commencing in September 2025. Our three-week internship gives you the chance to gain some first-hand experience of life at BCLP and the work we do regionally and internationally. To prepare, research recent deals that BCLP has been involved with, and be familiar with business and legal market dynamics. What are the current trainee and NQ salaries? Make sure you play your own role but also that you listen to others. You will also receive a suite of competitive benefits. Here, you'll be very much part of the team, doing live work, and getting involved in everything from research and client meetings to presentations. Please contact Isabel Elsey, Emerging TalentManager onIsabel.Elsey@bclplaw.comto have a confidential conversation. Randomized clinical trials, cohort and case control studies using BCLP Yardstick and/or modified Huddart-Bodenham system to judge treatment outcome of patients with BCLP were included. You may need to write this report by hand, and you only have one hour to complete the task which includes reading, preparation and drafting. BCLP takes around 30 vac schemers a year, spread across two placements, both held during the summer. BCLP explains that it looks to bring enduring value to client relationships. The final stage of the process is an assessmentcentre. 98% of travelers recommend this experience. This interview will last around 30 to 40 minutes and shall evaluate your career motivation, legal excellence (this just means we want to understand the processes surrounding the way you work), commercial awareness and how you build relationships. Again, depending upon the circumstances, this may be held in-person at a Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner office or online. You should aim to make the application as soon as possible after applications open in September. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. The BCLP training contract is offered in London, Manchester and Hong Kong, and is a comprehensive two-year programme that aims to provide first-class training across a variety of departments. enva un correo electrnico a Candidates who have been rejected at assessment centre for a vacation scheme are not eligible to apply for a direct training contract in the same recruitment year. As a Legal Apprentice, you will be embedded into one of our fee-earning teams who provide quality transactional support on a wide range of some of BCLPs most important client matters. Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner works across the practice areas of real estate, corporate, finance, tax, investigations, litigation & dispute resolution regulation, compliance & advisory, and mergers & acquisitions. Then, you will receive an invitation to an online test, with proofreading, watson glaser and situational judgement. The allocation process is pretty standard: Three months before you start, were sent a preference form with all the teams available and then you choose your top five. For the more competitive seats, theres a little box for some narrative, where you can say why you want to train in that particular department. Situational judgement questions present hypothetical work scenarios. Labour left abandons Diane Abbott in antisemitism row, Official University of Warwick 2023 Applicant Thread, Official: University of Leicester A100 2023 Entry Applicants and Offer Holder thread, The billions of pounds wasted by the SNP laid bare as opponents tear strips out of it. The test centres on a paragraph of information that you will be given to understand and deduce the relevance from. Graduates, postgraduates or candidates at any stage of a University degree. The firm also represents 30 of the world's top 50 banks. 20 years 15 years 12-15 years Joint Appointment at 12 yrs . We heard that there was some scope to work on international arbitrations as well. Itis not timed but we suggest setting aside 45 minutes to complete it. The firm represents business, institutional, financial, and individual clients across sectors such as energy & natural resources, financial services, real estate & infrastructure, food & agribusiness, technology, and sports, hospitality & retail. We wanted to form a community of aspiring lawyers who care about becoming the best version of themselves. If you successfully complete your Paralegal Apprenticeship and the Certificate of Higher Education, and choose to continue with the Solicitor Apprenticeship, you will gain an exemption from years 1and 2 of the Solicitor Apprenticeship on the proviso that you have chosen Contract Law as an elective module.