Sec. Sec. Jurors parking at the garage will receive a discounted rate, please bring your parking ticket for validation at Jury Services. This Chapter authorizes the Bexar County Tax Collector to collect taxes for the City of Leon Valley. A requested hearing will be scheduled no earlier than the eleventh (11) day after the date of the service of notice at a date and time determined by the court. (a) The owner or keeper of any equine, dog or cat must have the animal implanted with a registered microchip before the animal attains four (4) months of age. (2) Dogs classified as level 2 dogs shall be confined within a secure enclosure whenever the dog is not on a leash. Sec. Sec. (b) A person who keeps livestock as defined in this chapter shall pay a permit fee per year for each animal. 5-3. (a) Any animal not claimed by its owner after being held for two (2) days excluding the day the animal is impounded and any days the animal care services facility is not opened shall become the property of the city. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to keep livestock in the city without first applying in writing and obtaining a permit from the department, such permit to be valid only for the location for which it was issued. Sec. What law regulates the County authority to require building permits? The city animal care services facility is authorized to accept animals for humane disposition from Bexar County for animals in the unincorporated areas of Bexar County as long as the city and county maintain a joint animal control program by contractual agreement. The animal permit hearing officer shall issue written factual findings and a determination as to whether the permit denial or revocation should be reversed within five (5) working days after the animal permit hearing. All Rights Reserved. 5-162. The owner or keeper of any aggressive dog shall not permit the special tag or collar to be removed from the dog. (f) The department shall refund fees paid by persons who adopted an animal that dies within two (2) weeks of adoption due to apparent congenital illness or communicable disease that could have been contracted by the animal prior to adoption. Trees in an ETJ: Ruling from the Fourth Court of Appeals District of Texas on Milestone Portranco Development Ltd. v. City of San Antonio "Milestone Potranco Development, Ltd. appeals the trial court s judgment declaring that the City of San Antonio s Tree Preservation Ordinance and Streetscape Tree Planting . Prohibiting sale of baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl and rabbits. Please refer to the Unified Development Code for the specific regulations covered under the ordinance. It shall be unlawful for any person to wound or kill any cattle, horse, sheep, swine or goats of any description, whether wild or domestic, in any public place within the city. (3) Fail to keep the dog confined at no cost to the city during the hearing process. 5-117. Find more information at .0 Strict//EN" "">, Cliff Morton Development and Business Services Center Aggressive dogs; levels defined. Visit the Jury Services webpage for more information. Chapter 5 - ANIMALS [1] Share Link; . Commercial boarding kennels license. **Proof of fifteen (15) hours of continuing education credits (e.g. (3) Serving a copy of the notice of appeal to the department by certified mail. 5-160. section 821.022 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. 5-112. All three (3) said directors are each individually authorized to petition a justice or municipal court for a court order for the seizure of a particularly described animal or all animals kept on the subject premises to be impounded and cared for as abused or neglected animals pending a hearing before the court in accordance with section 821.022 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. Each sellers permit shall be valid for one (1) animal or one (1) litter. Learn about the ordinances and resolutions of the City of Sandy Oaks. 211 South Flores Street San Antonio, TX 78207 Phone: 210-335-2700 Sec. An administrative search warrant shall be obtained from any municipal court magistrate to enter onto private property to search for a dog which is allegedly aggressive or has been previously determined to be aggressive, if permission to enter the subject premises is denied by a person in lawful possession. Sec. Over the course of administration of the UDC, interpretation questions often arise. (b) No person shall leave any animal in any standing or parked vehicle in such a way as to endanger the animals health or safety. Sec. (b) If it is found that a person intentionally, knowingly or recklessly violated sections 5-4, 5-5, 5-7, 5-8 and 5-77 then upon conviction a person shall be punished by a minimum fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) and a maximum fine of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for a first offense, a minimum fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and a maximum fine of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for a second offense, and a fine of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for a third and subsequent offense. Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. The criteria for evaluating the application for an excess animal permit shall be those listed in subsection (b). Oak Preservation Project Sec. (a) The governing body of a municipality by ordinance shall regulate the installation and use of outdoor lighting. Term: Members serve a two-year term, and may be re-appointed. Sec. san antonio animal laws - The Cannoli Fund (d) The director of health, the director of animal care services and the director of development services or their designees are separately authorized and empowered to enforce the provisions of this section, and may summarily abate and remove any immediate public health and safety hazard due to the presence of animals by declaring the conditions to be an immediate public health hazard and public nuisance, and shall execute an administrative order that the premises be cleaned to city health code standards by the city or its contractor within twenty-four (24) hours. Final disposition of rabid, nonrabid animals. Sec. 5-19. 5-9. Sec. San Antonio, Texas, Code of Ordinances, Part II, Chapter 5: ANIMALS. Codes & Ordinances - San Antonio (a) Cruelty to nonlivestock and livestock animals, excluding uncaptured wild living creatures, is a violation of the Texas Penal Code and depending on the circumstances, is a class A misdemeanor, state jail felony, or a felony of the third degree. CITY HALL (210) 824-7401 FAX (210) 822-2297 Police & Fire Dispatch (210) 824-1009 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Chapter 6: Health and Sanitation Upon the timely receipt of such written notice, the department shall schedule an animal permit hearing. Development activities that remove trees and disturb vegetation require a Tree Preservation Plan be submitted with the tree application. The goals of the Landscaping and Tree Preservation Ordinance are to enhance the aesthetic environment, to provide health benefits to our community, and to continue to provide elements essential to establish and maintain a strong ecosystem. - How Code designated and cited. Prohibiting sale of baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl and rabbits. Municode Library Hours: The domestic fowl must be kept housed or confined in a manner that does not allow them to create a nuisance. (c) A permit shall not be required for any animal so long as it is owned by a governmentally owned and operated facility, publicly operated facility, a public zoological park, or bona fide medical institution or research institution. Notification of change of status; disposition of dangerous dog. In addition, all domestic fowl must be kept in a coop and run not less than fifty (50) feet from any business or dwelling occupied by any person other than the owner. It details how many animals can be kept, where and in what manner they are to be kept, and prohibits animals from running at large in the City. How do I get a Certificate of Occupancy for my home? You may enter the building through the Justice Center on Dolorosa or the Paul Elizondo Tower on Nueva St. (closest to the parking garage). If you use assistive technology (such as a Braille reader, a screen reader, or TTY) and the format of any material on this Web site interferes with your ability to access information, please. Safety of animals in motor vehicles. Animal limits; excess animal permit. Effective on July 1, 2015, all construction documents must comply with the 2015 International Fire and Building Codes and the amendments contained in the Bexar County Rules for the Enforcement of the Fire and Building Codes. San Antonio, TX 78204. Sec. This Chapter is enforced through Community Development and Code Enforcement. Sec. 5-76. The person shall be notified of the directors findings and determination by certified mail, return receipt requested. Sec. (d) It shall be unlawful for anyone to whom an animal has been conditionally released under this section to fail to have the animal sterilized and provide proof of sterilization to the department within thirty (30) days from the date of the conditional release. (1) A dog or cat that qualifies for a certified medical exception from a veterinarian; or For example, an On-Site Sewer System permit may be required if there is no developed sewer system available. (200) square feet of pen of which forty (40) square feet is under roof must be provided for each head of sheep or goats. Municipal Code Corporation may without notice to you, but shall have no obligation to, refuse, edit and/or remove any User Generated Content that Municipal Code Corporation determines in its sole discretion to be unlawful, fraudulent, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable. Such symbol or decal must be displayed on or about the sign; 5-129. pending a hearing before any justice of the peace of Bexar County, Texas or any municipal court judge on the issues of . Parking Restrictions - San Antonio -Renewal of permits that have not expired these permits may be renewed by paying the permit and inspection fee only for each permit issued.-Renewal of permits that have expired these permits are no longer valid, and the project must be resubmitted as a new project, subject to a new plan review and all applicable fees will be required. If a member misses three consecutive meetings the committee may remove that member from the Committee, and the Liaison will notify Commissioners Court of the vacancy.Members' Responsibilities: Member-at-Large: In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, any other Committee Member present may chair the meeting. (2) If an owner desires to exceed the maximum number of domestic fowl specified in subsection (b), an owner must make an application for an excess animal permit with the department which shall be valid for one (1) year. Sec. Bexar County Flood Damage Prevention Latest version. The department is authorized to charge the dog owner a fee to cover the cost of this leash; The department shall investigate the applicants qualifications for a license. Oak Wilt Prevention and Control Ordinance Presentation, For additional recommendations and information visit the TFS Texas Oak Wilt.Org website:, Eight Step Program to Oak Wilt Management: (b) Owners may receive a temporary extension of time to sterilize their dog or cat if a veterinarian provides documentation showing that an extension is needed for the health and safety of the animal. 211 South Flores StreetSan Antonio, TX 78207Phone: 210-335-2700View Map and Get Directions. The administrative appeal hearing officer shall consider only the factual record made at the animal permit hearing and decide if the determination of the animal permit hearing officer is reasonably supported by substantial evidence. You may make your request by E-filing, Mail or in person. 5-134. Dangerous dog means a dog that: Sec. About Us Contact Us Sec. The owner or keeper of any animal in the city is responsible for the behavior and conduct of that animal at all times including the creation of a public nuisance. 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Mon - Fri) Sec. Jury duty is located in the basement of the Justice Center (300 Dolorosa Street), across the hall from the cafeteria. Includes visitor check in information and safety measures at DSD. Failure to comply with the specified restrictions shall be a violation of this chapter for which a fine can be imposed. 5-137. All other past due taxes are surrendered for collection on July 1st of the year the taxes became delinquent and are also subject to the additional 15 or 20% collection fee. Appeal of dangerous dog determination. Sec. For additional information on obtaining a Tree permit, please refer to the Permit Section for either Residential or Commercial. 5-135. Livestock owners shall have and maintain a fly control program. For information on obtaining a Marriage License, please contact the Bexar County Clerk's Office at (210) 335-2221 or visit the County Clerk's webpage for marriage information. Humane care shall be provided for any trapped animals including the provision of food, water, and protection from extremes of the environment including heat, cold, and precipitation. Impounding animals creating animal nuisance. Ear cropping, tail docking, and dewclaw removal. The fungus is transmitted when these beetles feed on the fungal mats and carry fungal spores to fresh wounds or cuts on healthy oak trees. (d) The provisions under this section shall not apply to any law enforcement agency where a dog is being used for law enforcement. (b) Upon an application from any person, the municipal court shall conduct a hearing to determine compliance with dangerous dog requirements. 5-15. Due to their immature immune system, any abandoned animal under four (4) months of age shall become the property of the city upon delivery to the animal care services facility, for disposition at the discretion of the department. Any apartment complex with five or more units within San Antonio city limits could be required to be listed on the registry if they: Registered properties will be subject to monthly inspections of up to 5% of units while in the program, and remain the registry for a minimum of six months. Fri: 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 | (210) 684-1391 | Staff DirectoryHOURS: MON - THU: 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM, FRI: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Rule Interpretations are formal interpretations of the UDC. Chapter 12: Traffic and Vehicles (a) Any veterinarian or person having knowledge of an animal having bitten, scratched or injured a person, within the city shall report the incident to the director who is also the local rabies control authority immediately.

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