Get several related forms for the price of one! Tenant, More Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form. of Directors, Bylaws Review Package, All forms provided by US Legal Forms, the nations leading legal forms Corporations, 50% off H\j0EY& [>JB>+%1B$=y@~P0=&KX 89/jtS7B2oKcMK v/6,dx} PDF Child Development And Care (CDC) Provider Verification All staff that have contact with children will also have to complete a comprehensive background check. Will, All CDC Provider Login Do you need childcare? FRIEND OF THE COURT INCOME WORKSHEET FOR NEW CASES FOR CHILD SUPPORT, CUSTODY, PARENTING TIME AND MEDICAL . Forms - 4-C Documents and information about the health and safety coaching visitsfor license exempt - unrelated child care providers. Directive, Power Check the state-specific requirements for the Michigan Child Care Verification you would like to use. Complete this form within 72 hours of calling in a suspicion of abuse or neglect. Information is collected to monitor the general health and well-being of Michigan citizens. Family and Group Home Increased Capacity and Ratio Request - Word Version, Family and Group Home Increased Capacity and Ratio Request PDF Version, Waiver for Decreasing Capacity Fillable Word Version, Waiver for Decreasing Capacity PDF Version, Request of Child Care Forms CCL-2021 PDF, Request of Child Care Forms CCL-2021 Word, Child Care Licensing Information Request - CCL 001 -PDF, Child Care Licensing Information Request - CCL 001 - Word, Medication Permission and Instructions for Child Care Homes/Child Care Centers - CCL-1243 PDF, Medication Permission and Instructions for Child Care Homes/Child Care Centers - CCL-1243 Word, Permiso e Instrucciones Para la Medicacin Para Casas de Cuidado/Guarderias - CCL-1243-SP - PDF, Permiso e Instrucciones Para la Medicacin Para Casas de Cuidado/Guarderias - CCL-1243-SP - Word, Background Check and Fingerprinting Information, Report of Actual or Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect - DHS-3200, Notification of Changes in Status-Family and Group Child Care Home - CCL-1485 - PDF, Notification of Changes in Status-Family and Group Child Care Home - CCL-1485 - Word, Medical Clearance Request - CCL-3704 - PDF, Medical Clearance Request - CCL-3704 - Word, Child Information Record - CCL-3731 - PDF, Child Information Record - CCL-3731 - Word, Child Information Record - CCL 3731-AR (Arabic), Documento de Informacin del Nio Estado de Michigan - CCL-3731-SP, Zoning Approval for Group Child Care Homes - CCL-3748 - PDF, Zoning Approval for Group Child Care Homes - CCL-3748 - Word, Declaracin/Recibo de Nios en Cuidado - CCL-3900-SP, Child in Care Statement/Receipt - CCL-3900 - PDF, Child in Care Statement/Receipt - CCL-3900 - Word, Training Record Family/Group Child Care Homes - CCL-4590 PDF, Training Record Family/Group Child Care Homes - CCL-4590 - Word, Assistant Caregiver Certifications - CCL-4595 - PDF, Assistant Caregiver Certifications - CCL-4595 - Word, Home Fire and Tornado Drill Record - CCL-4593 - PDF, Home Fire and Tornado Drill Record - CCL - 4593 - Word, Licensing Notebook Summary Sheet - CCL-5052 - PDF, Licensing Notebook Summary Sheet - CCL-5052 - Word, Request for Modification of the Terms of the License - CCL-5054 - PDF, Request for Modification of the Terms of the License - CCL-5054 - Word, Variance Request Early Childhood Program Director Fillable Word Version, Variance Request Early Childhood Program Director PDF Version, Variance Request School-Age Program Director Fillable Word Version, Variance Request School-Age Program Director PDF Version, Variance Request Lead Caregiver Fillable Word Version, Variance Request Lead Caregiver PDF Version, Child Care Licensing Information Request - BCHS-CCL 001 - PDF, Child Care Licensing Information Request - BCHS-CCL 001 - Word, Medication Permission and Instructions for Child Care Homes/Child Care Centers - CCL-1243 - PDF, Medication Permission and Instructions for Child Care Homes/Child Care Centers - CCL-1243 - Word, Permiso e Instrucciones Para la Medicacin Para Casas de Cuidado/Guarderias - CCL-1243-SP - Word. This Child Care Verification form is used to notify the Court, as well as the opposing party, that child care is in place for the minor child or children. National Sex Offender Public Website (NSOPW). If you provide care for a child receiving child care assistance from the State, use these resources to help you through the billing and payment process. Yes. 10-22), DCH-1426, Health Coverage & Help Paying Costs Application, DHS-PUB-280, Reporting Changes When, How & What to Report, DHS-PUB-280-SP, Reporting Changes When, How & What to Report (Spanish), DHS-PUB-783, MDHHS Can Help with Temporary Assistance, DHS-8-A, Irrevocable Funeral Contract Certification, DCH-1183, Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information, DHS-848, Certification of Translation for Non-English Speaking Applicants or Recipients, DHS-1327, Prevention Services - Family Goals and Progress Tracker, DHS-1328, Referral for Prevention Services, MDHHS-5973, Home Visiting Program Referral, DHS-1555-HV, Authorization to Release Confidential Information - Home Visiting Programs, DHS-4819, Voluntary Medical Background Form, DHS-4819-SP, Forma Voluntaria de Antecedentes Medicos para un Recien Nacido Entregado, DHS-4820-SP, Entega Voluntaria Para Adopcion De Un Recien Nacido Por Parte De Un Padre, DHS-1182-A, Volunteer Registration Record Ongoing Volunteers, DHS-1182-B, Volunteer Registration Record Short Term Volunteers, DHS-1182-C, Volunteer Registration Record Group Volunteers, DHS-1929-SP, Central Registry Clearance Request (Spanish). In case you havent subscribed yet, follow the tips listed below: With US Legal Forms, youll always have instant access to the appropriate downloadable sample. Custom Toll-Free Phones Number: 866-813-0011. Mi Kids Matter is your place to find what you need to give your child their best chance at health, happiness, and success later in life. Summer 2022 Child Care Stabilization Grants:To go directly to information about the Summer 2022 grants, click the following link: Summer 2022 Child Care Stabilization Grants. The form must be completed and returned within ten calendar days. Child Development and Care ProviderVideo #2: Child Development and Care ProviderVideo #3: Child Development and Care ProviderVideo #4: Child Development and Care ProviderVideo #5: Child Development and Care ProviderVideo #6: Child Development and Care ProviderVideo #7. PARENT INFORMATION Complete the top portion of this form and have your child-care provider complete the remainder. Planning Pack, Home USLegal received the following as compared to 9 other form sites. Operating Agreements, Employment Your personal identification number (PIN). CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND CARE PROVIDER VERIFICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Due Date: Complete the form below. (MUST BE PROVIDED) CHILD CARE VERIFICATION FORM (SSN IF CASE NO. You must complete and send this form to your MDHHS specialist via mail, fax or by using multiple forms to execute. Pay in one of two suitable ways: by bank card or via PayPal. Providers submit their billing to the Department every two weeks and are paid every two weeks. 447 0 obj <>stream Provider billing information submitted after the deadline, but within seven days of the deadline, will be paid the following week. Resources for programs and initiatives that support school improvement efforts. A-Z, Form Select a subscription plan that really works for your budget. A: If you are found ineligible to be a license exempt provider before your fingerprint and background check is complete, you will receive a letter from the Child Development and Care office explaining the reason for the denial. The department will mail instructions to the applicant related to any additional forms and fees that must be submitted. All fingerprinting must be scheduled and processed through the Child Care Background Check System using the State approved fingerprinting vendor, Idemia. This Child Care Verification form is used to notify the Court, as well as the opposing party, that child care is in place for the minor child or children. Save: This form is part of a package. ). Once your reusable form is downloaded, print it out or save it to your device. Resources for educator certification, recognition programs, evaluation, and workforce research. Sometimes a person may be physically unable to leave the home. If you have someone such as an adult household member who is unable to leave the home, please contact your licensing consultant to request someone to come into the home to fingerprint them. News, Events & Conferences collapsed link. A: If you are found ineligible to be a license exempt provider, you will be notified by the Child Care Background Check unit within the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). Responsible for providing final decisions in administrative appeals to MDE. Fax: 517-763-0280, Website: MDHHS - Central Registry Clearance Requests, Forms: Central Registry Clearance Request - DHS-1929. The CDC program pays higher reimbursement rates to licensed child care providers with a Reflecting on Quality Level or higher in Great Start to Quality. Get several related forms for the price of one! Understand the process and whatindividuals can do in the event of a denial due to fingerprinting. A checklist to assist completing the CDC License ExemptProvider Application. Service, Contact 10-22), MDHHS-5770, Relative Placement Safety Screen (Rev. Who Pays for the Child Care Background Check? The department does not pay for the processing of these additional background checks. Information on How to Bid, Requests for Proposals, forms and publications, contractor rates, and manuals. Reducing Barriers to Licensure for Military Families, Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing, Find / Verify a Licensed Professional or Business, Make a Complaint About a Licensed Professional or Business, Look Up Underground Storage Tank Information, Access the Online Liquor Ordering (OLO) System, Regulated Products, Professions, & Businesses Activities, Resources for Veterans & Military Families, https://dev.michigan.local/som/json?sc_device=json, Playground Inspection Certification Summary CCL-5047 Word, Go to An Online Resource for Skilled Immigrants, Medical Marijuana Program (MMMP) Patients & Caregivers, Learn About CRA Rules, Laws & Regulations, Find / Verify a CRA Licensed Professional or Business, Make a Complaint About a CRA Licensed Professional or Business, Track Marijuana Inventory - Statewide Marijuana Monitoring System (Metrc), Find Panel, Public Hearing & Workgroup Information, Find a Disciplinary Action Report or Document, Learn About CCL Rules, Laws & Regulations, Find / Verify a CCL Licensed Professional or Business, Make a Complaint About a CCL Licensed Professional or Business, Apply for / Renew a BCC License or Permit, Find / Verify a BCC Licensed Professional or Business, Make a Complaint About a BCC Licensed Professional or Business, Learn About Examinations & Continuing Education, Find / Verify a BCHS Licensed Professional or Business, Make a Complaint About a BCHS Licensed Professional or Business, Go to Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing, Find / Verify a CSCL Licensed Professional or Business, Make a Complaint About a CSCL Licensed Professional or Business, Contact the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, Local Government & Law Enforcement Resources, Go to Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules, Administrative Hearings Frequently Asked Questions, Request to Attend a Hearing (for Media Professionals), Go to Michigan Indigent Defense Commission, Learn About Continuing Legal Education (CLE), Make a Complaint or Inquiry About a Utility Provider, Compare Natural Gas Utilities Options (MI Gas Choice), Submit an Underground Utilities Locate Request (MISS DIG 811), Learn About Natural Gas & Pipeline Providers, Learn About Rules of Practice and Procedure, Find / Verify a BPL Licensed Professional or Business, Make a Complaint About a BPL Licensed Professional or Business, Michigan Automated Prescription System (MAPS), Find / Verify a UCC Licensed Professional or Business, Make a Complaint About a UCC Licensed Professional or Business, Go to Apply for / Renew a License or Permit, Go to Find / Verify a Licensed Professional or Business, Go to Make a Complaint About a Licensed Professional or Business, Go to Look Up Underground Storage Tank Information, Go to Look Up a Controlled Substance (MAPS), Go to Access the Online Liquor Ordering (OLO) System, Go to Look Up a Disciplinary Action Report, Go to Submit a Request for Information (FOIA), Go to Regulated Products, Professions, & Businesses Activities, Go to Requesting Information from LARA (FOIA), Go to Resources for Veterans & Military Families, Report of Actual or Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect - DHS-3200 - Spanish, Report of Actual or Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect - DHS-3200 - Arabic, Michigan Child Care and Education Professional Development Record for Child Care Centers CCL-4591 - PDF, Michigan Child Care and Education Professional Development Record for Child Care Centers CCL-4591 - Word, Staffing Plan: Child Care Center CCL-5001 - PDF, Staffing Plan: Child Care Center CCL-5001 - Word, Staffing Plan: Child Care Center CCL-5001 Excel, Child Care License Designee CCL-5003 - PDF, Child Care License Designee CCL-5003 - Word, Certification of School Building Fire Safety Provisions CCL-5043 - PDF, Certification of School Building Fire Safety Provisions CCL-5043 - Word, Self-Certification of Transportation Provisions for Centers CCL-5044 - PDF, Self-Certification of Transportation Provisions for Centers CCL-5044 - Word, Volunteer Certification for Field Trip Transportation CCL-5046 - PDF, Volunteer Certification for Field Trip Transportation CCL-5046 - Word, Playground Inspection Certification Summary CCL-5047 - PDF, Family and Group Child Care Home Compliance Record - BCAL-4601, Preparing for Your License Renewal Fire Safety Inspection - BCAL-5048, Child Care Center Compliance Record, Part 1.
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