The test positivity rate for Alexander County has climbed to 20.3 percent, with North Carolina at 30.1 percent. Those being tested should park at the health department and a nurse will come to your car to administer the test. Governor Cooper just announced that a modified Stay at Home order will go into effect on Friday, December 11, which requires people to stay at home from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. with certain exemptions. Most local restaurants are still offering takeout, curbside pickup, and/or delivery. The Asheville Citizen Times obituaries and death notices. In North Carolina, there are 398 cases with zero (0) deaths. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. all records Of the 302 total cases, 253 people have recovered. Higher risk settings that can open up to 50 percent capacity include stadiums and arenas, conference spaces, reception spaces, movie theaters, and bars. Fortunately, the COVID-19 trend line has begun to show a downward trajectory, so we hope for a continued decline in cases as 39 percent of Alexander County citizens are fully vaccinated and 6,000+ people have some natural immunity from contracting the virus. Learn more about the phases at Appointments are required to receive the free vaccination. Office Practice of Pharmacy is administering the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine this week, but they are already booked up. As of January 21, Alexander Countys COVID-19 positive test rate is 14.3 percent while the state rate is 10.3 percent. Currently, there are 11 people in the hospital. Im proud of the response and our dedicated staff. There have been three deaths associated with the virus. President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on March 13, which provides access to $50 billion for US states and territories. The statement also encourages citizens and businesses to abide by the mask mandate and 50 percent occupancy mandate. It is bordered on the south by the Catawba River and Catawba County, on the west by Caldwell County, on the north by Wilkes County , and on the east by Iredell County. If your work hours have kept you from getting the COVID-19 vaccination, Peoples Drug Store is scheduling appointments for Thursday, April 8 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. As of March 22, the health department has administered a grand total of 9,353 doses. The test positivity rate for Alexander County has climbed to 15.4 percent, with North Carolina at 31.2 percent. UPDATE, 04/21/21, 6:00 am: As of Tuesday, April 20, Alexander County has a cumulative total of 4,296 COVID-19 cases, with 86 deaths, and five (5) people in the hospital. Teleworking is encouraged when possible. in Stony Point, NC Of the 973 total cases, 786 people have recovered. For more information, call (828) 632-2271. Sadly, there have been eight (8) deaths associated with the virus. UPDATE, 6/24/20, 6:00 pm: Alexander County has 26 active cases of COVID-19 who are in quarantine, with a cumulative total of 76 confirmed cases. A total of 28 people have been tested for the virus, with 11 tests being negative. Leeanne Whisnant, Consolidated Human Services Director, said, We appreciate our volunteers, EMS, pharmacists, and others who are helping us. Being injured in a serious accident is always a shocking and scary experience, and dealing with the aftermath is exhausting and stressful. UPDATE, 9/14/20, 7:00 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that 58 people are in quarantine with COVID-19, with a cumulative total of 452 confirmed cases. According to the latest NCDHHS data as of March 4, Alexander County is an orange county for substantial community spread in the states County Alert System. For state COVID-19 updates, visit Alexander County, NC Obituaries at NC GenWeb Archives While this method will provide data that the state has put out for public knowledge, it will not give quarantined or recovered data for the county, so we will no longer post this information. The graphs below help depict the timing of the virus spread in Alexander County. at Read all about it here. Obituary Notifications Learn More. Mask mandates and other prevention methods still remain in effect. NC Obituaries and Funeral Home Records, Alexander County, NC 1869 Poll Tax Exemptions, Taylorsville Obituaries in the Of the 254 total cases, 203 people have fully recovered. Due to the rapid rise in Covid cases, the Alexander County Board of Commissioners will meet online via Zoom on Monday, January 10, at 6:00 p.m. Like our page to stay informed about passing of a loved one in Taylorsville, North Carolina on facebook. The Alexander County Services Center will be closed to the public; however, tax payments can be made using the drive-thru and other departments can be contacted by phone for assistance. Alexander County is located in the foothills of the Brushy Mountains in western North Carolina. An additional death from December was reported this week bringing the total to 128 deaths associated with the virus. Protect yourself and others by continuing to practice the 3 Ws: wear a face covering, wait six feet apart, and wash your hands often. There have been 108 confirmed cases in the last 14 days and 50 confirmed cases in the last seven days. See a complete list of the most recent changes. The Alexander County Death Records links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to Alexander County Death Records. There has been a significant increase of respiratory illnesses and the demand is high for Covid testing. past 3 days, Approximately 38 percent of local residents have received at least one dose of the vaccine, while 36 percent are fully vaccinated, which means 2 percent are partially vaccinated and 62 percent are unvaccinated. We also continue to emphasize hand washing and social distancing. The Governor also announced guidance for public school systems for the coming school year. Sadly, there have been two additional deaths associated with the virus for a total of 12 deaths. This includes people who are 65 years or older, 18 years or older with underlying medical conditions, or those who work in a high-risk setting, such as healthcare workers, teachers and childcare providers, or food workers. The county encourages citizens to continue social distancing, hand washing, and wearing a cloth face covering to help contain the spread of the coronavirus. According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there are 46,168 cases of COVID-19 in the country with 582 deaths. *As of 9/25/20, there were 513 total cases, with four people in the hospital and 443 recovered. The vaccine was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) in December 2020, and is now the only vaccine to be upgraded from EUA to full approval so far. On March 11, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 virus a global pandemic. Robin Byrum and Scott Poole - both living in Taylorsville in Alexander County - were taken into custody for their involvement in the death of a child whose remains were found in April 1991. Alexander County, NC Cemeteries at NC GenWeb Archives Drum attended Mitchell Community College. Simply browse the Taylorsvilles obituaries listing you can find on this page or conduct a search on the web site with your loved ones name. In addition, local pharmacies are offering walk-in appointments. The health department and local pharmacies have ample supplies of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. UPDATE, 03/02/21, 3:00 pm: Alexander County Assistant Health Director Billie Walker presented a COVID-19 update at the March 1st meeting of the Consolidated Human Services Board. Alexander County Government continues to urge citizens to practice the 3 Ws: wear a mask, wait at least six feet apart, and wash your hands often. There are currently 6 people who are hospitalized with the virus. The health department offers vaccinations, boosters, and third doses. UPDATE 4/6, 3:00 pm: Alexander County still has only two (2) confirmed cases of COVID-19 coronavirus. 621 Liledoun Road Taylorsville, NC 28681 The county received 300 first doses of vaccine this week and is scheduled to receive 300 first doses next week. Recent Accidents in North Carolina - Reports, news and resources As of February 11, Alexander Countys COVID-19 positive test rate is 11 percent while the state rate is 5.9 percent. There are two outbreaks in Alexander County at a residential care facility and at a farm. One person remains in the hospital, and there has been one death associated with COVID-19. If you are a parent or guardian of an elementary school student, your patience is greatly appreciated. There has been one death associated with the virus. Parents arrested in Alexander Co. for death of baby found in - WBTV There have been seven deaths associated with the virus. There have been 127 total deaths associated with the virus. The county has a cumulative total of 197 confirmed cases, of which 135 people have fully recovered. Of the active cases, two individuals are in the hospital, while the others are under quarantine. in Taylorsville, NC Sixty-four (64) people have fully recovered. The two individuals remain under quarantine. The health department will have a drive-thru flu shot clinic every Friday in October from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. beginning Friday, October 2nd. For the past two weeks, she said there have been more than 900 COVID patients in the Intensive Care Unit, with one-third of those in the hospital under the age of 49. The department continues to conduct COVID-19 testing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Terry was born June 3, 1955 in Iredell County, the son of the late Thomas Larry Swain and Alice Dean Mills Swain. Of the 1,611 total cases, 1,444 people have recovered. Four (4) people are in the hospital. Alexander County was one of 10 counties categorized in the red/critical tier of the states new COVID-19 County Alert System. Call 632-9704 to schedule your appointment. Full Obituary. He was born on Monday, October 12, 1964, in Mecklenburg County, to the late Defoy Conley Simpson and Frieda Shore Simpson. According to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Alexander County has a cumulative total of 3,316 confirmed COVID-19 cases. In addition, Peoples Drug Store is hosting a mass vaccination clinic with more than 1,000 first doses on Saturday, March 20 at East Taylorsville Baptist Church and Sunday, March 21 at Mt. Therefore, citizens who were scheduled to receive their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine this Thursday and Friday, February 18-19, will be vaccinated next Thursday and Friday, February 25-26. The test positivity rate for Alexander County is 9.9 percent, with North Carolina at 9.4 percent. Deaths Abstracted From MY BOOK. The Superior Court and District Court Divisions are commonly referred to as the North Carolina Trial Courts. Alexander County Library System77 1st Ave SWTaylorsville, NC 28681Phone: 828-632-4058Email: lcrooks@alexandercountync.govFacebookWebpage. North Carolinians at high risk for serious illness or exposure, and who have been fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine for six months or more, can now receive a COVID-19 booster shot. Five people are in the hospital. Currently, Alexander County has 37 people in quarantine with COVID-19, including one in the hospital. Information found on is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. Many of these cases require little to no medical intervention. UPDATE 5/8/20 3:00 pm: Alexander County has four new confirmed cases of COVID-19, with a total of six active cases and a cumulative total of 10 confirmed cases. A list of departmental phone numbers and email addresses is available here. Last Friday, the Governor announced relaxed COVID-19 restrictions, but please remember that the states mask mandate remains in effect. UPDATE, 02/24/21, 3:00 pm: As North Carolinas COVID-19 numbers continue to show improvement and vaccine distribution increases, Governor Roy Cooper announced that the state will ease some of its COVID-19 restrictions. Governor Coopers modified Stay at Home order goes into effect today (Friday, December 11) at 5:00 p.m., which requires people to stay at home from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. with certain exemptions. In the United States, confirmed cases total 5,700 with 96 deaths; however, there has been a testing shortage coupled with the delay between testing and obtaining results, so officials believe the true figure could be higher. Ninety-three (93) people have fully recovered. UPDATE, 08/09/21, 4:00 pm: Alexander County has a total of 4,728 cases, with 202 cases in the last 14 days and 127 cases in the last 7 days. There are no hospitalizations at this time. Alexander County Schools will continue to follow health and safety guidelines provided by DHHS, and will also survey local teachers, key staff members, and parents to gather valuable input. The other four cases have fully recovered. The NCDHHS dashboard shows that Alexander County has a cumulative total of 3,856 confirmed cases, with 206 cases in the last 14 days and 89 cases in the last 7 days. Alexander County Genealogy at Family Search For state-wide genealogical societies, see North Carolina Societies. UPDATE, 02/02/21, 2:00 pm: Alexander County has a cumulative total of 3,514 confirmed cases of COVID-19. If you or your loved one needs to be tested, you may schedule an appointment at the Alexander County Health Department by calling (828) 632-9704. UPDATE, 7/31/20, 3:30 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that 26 people are quarantined with COVID-19, with a cumulative total of 261 confirmed cases. 1184 Obituaries. The rest of Group 4, which includes other essential workers, will become eligible on April 7. UPDATE 3/19, 11:49 am: Convenience (trash and recycling) sites and the landfill are open to the public. Protect yourself and others by continuing to practice the 3 Ws: wear a face covering, wait six feet apart, and wash your hands often. Learn more about your vaccine group, vaccination distribution plans, vaccination locations, and more at Barbara worked in the furniture industry for most of her working career. UPDATE, 10/26/20, 4:00 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that 118 people are in quarantine with COVID-19, with a cumulative total of 822 confirmed cases. Regiments. COronaVIrus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease that was identified in Wuhan, China, and is now spreading throughout the world. The number in quarantine includes approximately 60 inmates at the Alexander Correctional Institution. UPDATE, 9/25/20, 6:00 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that 59 people are in quarantine with COVID-19, with a cumulative total of 513 confirmed cases. According to Leeanne Whisnant, Director of Consolidated Human Services, Alexander County EMS responded to a call at a residence on Monday morning during which time the patient died as a result of complications associated with COVID-19. In addition to a shortage of critical care and intensive care beds, the hospitals are also experiencing staff shortages which is causing even more difficulty in getting patients admitted for care. You may schedule your vaccination, booster, or third dose by calling (828) 632-9704 or visiting He was 70 years old. UPDATE, 11/19/20, 4:00 pm: The Alexander County Health Department is experiencing difficulty accessing the website from which they receive local COVID-19 information; therefore, the state dashboards numbers will be used for todays update. For property document recording, vital records, marriage licenses, notary oaths, etc., please call ROD office at (828) 632-3152. UPDATE, 01/22/21, 6:00 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that there are currently 20 people hospitalized with COVID-19, and sadly, there have been 61 deaths associated with the virus. Five people are in the hospital. In addition, the health department is offering a drive-thru flu shot clinic in October on Fridays from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. An appointment is highly encouraged to ensure that a shot is available for you. Of the 700 total cases, 554 people have recovered. Born April 23, 1937, in Raleigh, North Carolina,. Statistics also show that only three people who previously had COVID-19 became infected with the virus a second time. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts in memory of a loved one. There have been nine (9) deaths associated with the virus. About Us Contact Us One person is in the hospital. Each week, the Alexander County Health Department is conducting COVID-19 drive-thru testing clinics on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and other days if needed. The Governors executive order requires face coverings in public places, whether inside or outside, where physical distancing of six (6) feet is not possible. Just today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) fully approved the Pfizer vaccine. Ronald was born September 13, 1952, in Guilford County, the son of the late Alexander A. Weaver, Jr. and Juanita Wicker Weaver. All North Carolina superior and district court proceedings will be postponed for at least 30 days, with some exceptions, effective March 16. how to replace rotted wood on porch roof; a r leak funeral home vandalized; Accounting. UPDATE, 05/24/21, 8:00 pm: Billie Walker, Assistant Health Director, presented a COVID-19 update during the Consolidated Human Services Board meeting on May 24. Aug. 31, 2022: North Carolina added many deaths. A total of 39 people have been tested for the virus, with 15 tests being negative. UPDATE, 02/11/21, 3:00 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that there are currently 10 people hospitalized with COVID-19, and sadly, there have been 76 deaths associated with the virus. Roughly half of North Carolinas counties have reported at least one confirmed case, with Mecklenburg County having 104 cases to date. COVID-19 Cases and Deaths COVID-19 Wastewater Monitoring COVID-19 Hospitalizations COVID-19 Vaccinations Detailed Respiratory Virus Surveillance COVID-19 Outbreaks Reports Data Behind the Dashboards Vaccines work. The Alexander County Health Department is conducting COVID-19 drive-thru testing clinics on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and other days if needed. Two of the three hospitals reported that 87 percent of their COVID patients are unvaccinated. Alexander County remains a red county for critical community spread in the states County Alert System. Gatherings will still be limited to no more than 10 people, but gathering outside with friends is allowed with social distancing. hundreds of US newspapers There have been 6,290 new cases since yesterday, with 3,815 people in the hospital with COVID-19. Alexander County Government urges everyone to continue staying at home as much as possible, maintain a social distance of at least six (6) feet, practice good handwashing, and clean and disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and objects. There are currently 17 pending tests, with those households under quarantine. Due to COVID-19 exposure, the Alexander County Librarys main branch and Stony Point branch and the county license plate agency are temporarily closed. Creating an obituary on Echovita is free. The new confirmed case works at Tyson Foods in Wilkes County where numerous employees have contracted the virus. The remaining 20 cases have fully recovered. Beginning April 7, vaccination will be open to all adults. Who Where Receive obituaries Gerald Thomas McKinney April 17, 2023 (69 years old) View obituary Grace Worley April 16, 2023 (93 years old) View obituary UPDATE, 8/14/20, 3:30 pm: The Alexander County Health Department has reported that 38 people are in quarantine with COVID-19, with a cumulative total of 324 confirmed cases. Celebrating 100 years 1424 STATESVILLE AVE CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 704.333.1167 Search the Obituaries Show All / Browse Obituaries Our Obituaries (Displaying 1 - 20 of 3302 records) Beatrice W. Whitner Send Flowers Send Sympathy Gifts October 8, 1927 - March 1, 2023 . North Carolina is still in Phase 3 until November 13. The meeting will be broadcast on YouTube Live at Mrs. Putnam worked as a nurse in a nursing home. As of March 9, Alexander Countys COVID-19 positive test rate is 6.0 percent while the states rate is 5.2 percent. 1 Fallen Officer. UPDATE 4/13, 12:00 pm: Alexander County now has its third confirmed case of COVID-19. A total of 143 people have fully recovered. Mass gatherings are limited to 10 people or less. 4 Fallen Officers. A unique and lasting tribute for a loved one. As for the COVID-19 update, the Omicron variant continues to spread rapidly. Note: The NCDHHS dashboard states that there are 473 total confirmed cases in Alexander County; however, the health department has informed DHHS that there were some duplicates and some residents of other counties in their numbers. Alexander County Government encourages citizens to be prepared for this winter storm with food supplies, medications, pet supplies, flashlights (and batteries), phone chargers, and other necessities. UPDATE 3/18, 2:26 pm: Signage has been placed on doors at county facilities to inform the public that the buildings are closed to the public to contain the spread of the virus. Read the Executive Order at Forty-eight (48) people have fully recovered. Sadly, there have been 26 deaths associated with COVID-19. These mandates and decisions are in place to help prioritize social distancing measures and contain the spread of the coronavirus. Phone: (828) 632-9332 | Fax: (828) 632-0059. Mr. Simpson began working for Tindall Corp. at the age of 19., Nick Andrew Johnson, 50, passed away at his home on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, in Alexander County. Alexander County Newspapers and Obituaries at LDS Effective Wednesday, March 18, the following changes will occur at these Alexander County facilities to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus: UPDATE 3/23, 4:45 pm: Due to health and safety concerns, the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles License Plate Agency, located at 85 East Main Avenue in downtown Taylorsville, will close at the end of the business day (5:00 p.m.) on Wednesday, March 25. Records include Vital Statistics, Marriages, Births, and Deaths as well as Veterans Discharge Records (DD-214s). Animal Control Officers will continue to respond to public safety and animal welfare but less urgent calls will be deferred at this time. You can schedule a COVID-19 test at the health department by calling (828) 632-9704. Governor Coopers new executive order goes into effect at 5:00 p.m. today. The NCDHHS dashboard shows the countys rate of test positivity is 7.0 percent while the state rate is 5.7 percent. Those with a vaccination appointment should check in at the front desk of the health department. The state has again designated Alexander County as a red/critical county in the County Alert System (see graph). This page has been viewed 39,860 times (3,895 via redirect). The remainder of the cases stem from community spread (churches, funerals, shopping, dining, family gatherings, etc. Vaccinations are continuing for first and second doses; however, vaccine supply for first doses remains limited. *As of 9/25/20, there were four people in the hospital and 443 recovered. North Carolina Death We appreciate your patience and understanding and encourage everyone to continue practicing the 3 Ws: wear a mask, wait six feet apart, and wash your hands.

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