Born: 1965Nationality: GermanFirst appointed: 2015. From November 2015 to November 2019 he was the Board member responsible for Human Resources and until July 2020 for Legal and Governance. The realignment of responsibilities will allow the CEO to focus on cross-divisional priorities such as client centricity, sustainability and the control environment. Sign up for notifications from Insider! She previously spent almost six years within Finance as Head of Group Planning & Performance Management from August 2015. Boards and committees These statements are based on plans, estimates and projections as they are currently available to the management of Deutsche Bank. The main business is the monetary policy of the Eurosystem. She joined Deutsche Bank on its graduate programme in Auckland in 1998. Organizational Structure - Deutsche Bank Banks and other financial corporations, Property prices and prices for construction work, Exchange rates, euro foreign exchange reference rates, gold prices, International investment position and external debt, Overview We support education, enterprise and communities through our corporate social responsibility. Will Covid-19 be an opportunity or threat to sustainable development? Karl von Rohr was appointed as a member of the Management Board on November 1, 2015 and became President in April 2018. Chief Transformation Officer 1 Stefan Simon Chief Administrative Officer 0 Claudio de Sanctis Head of Wealth Management 0 Rebecca Short Chief Transformation Officer 0 Olivier Vigneron Group Chief Risk Officer 0 Add people Board & Advisors Paul Achleitner Chairman Bernd Rose Supervisory Board Dagmar Valcrcel Supervisory Board Detlef Polaschek Deutsche Schule Istanbul - Wikipedia He will be responsible for a closer front-to-back alignment of business and operations, which has proven effective in the Private Bank and the asset manager, DWS. What does it take to make bold moves in business? Born: 1973Nationality: British, ItalianFirst appointed: 2019. A number of important factors could therefore cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. With the dual bachelor's degree in applied computer science, we offer an attractive career in the world of information technology. Copyright 2023 Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, President and Head of Private Bank and Asset Management, Head of Corporate Bank and Investment Bank, Chief Technology, Data and Innovation Officer. She then set up a new Risk-wide team, Strategic Risk Analysis & Reporting, in 2012 before moving to a senior central management role in Audit in 2013 where she spent two years. Members:Dr. Dagmar Valcrcel, ChairpersonLudwig Blomeyer-Bartenstein*Sigmar GabrielTimo Heider*Gabriele Platscher*Alexander WynaendtsThe Tasks of the Committee can be found in the Terms of Reference. Deutsche Bank's 2019 Org Chart After Restructuring Will greater investment in water resources make for a more sustainable future? How cloud technology is silently revolutionising our economy. TheSupervisory Board oversees and advises the Management Board in its management of Deutsche Bank. On May 19, 2022 the Annual General Meeting appointed Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprfungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart as the auditor of the Annual Financial Statements and as the auditor of the Consolidated Financial Statements for the 2022 financial year. Exhibition: Money in caricature and satire, Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Bundesbank: An important partner at your side. Business Overview - Deutsche Bank Careers We value our German roots and remain committed to our international presence. The Management Board has, as its prime responsibility, the Group's strategic management, resource allocation, financial accounting and reporting, risk management, and corporate control. ), 1978 1983:University of Mnster, Business Administration and Economics (Diplom-Kaufmann), Memberships of statutory supervisory boards in Germany:Bayer AG (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)Georgsmarienhtte Holding GmbHSievert SE (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)Bohnenkamp AG (Chairman of the Supervisory Board), Year of Birth:1957Nationality:GermanElection first effective:2018/05/24Term expires:2023, Spokesperson of the Management Bremen of Deutsche Bank AG, since 2016:Spokesperson of the Management Bremen of Deutsche Bank AG, Bremen, 2016 2021:Head of the Market Region Bremen of Deutsche Bank AG, Bremen, 2013 2016:Spokesperson of the Management and Head of the Corporate Clients Region Weser / East Westphalia, Deutsche Bank AG, Bremen, 2006 2013:Spokesperson of the Management and Head of the Corporate Clients Region Weser / Ems, Deutsche Bank AG, Bremen, 2003 2006:Head of the Market Region Bergisches Land, Deutsche Bank AG, 2001 2003:Head of the Corporate Clients Coverage Unit, Deutsche Bank AG, Cologne, 2000 2001:Project management work, Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, 1995 2000:Member of the Management Board of Deutsche Bank Rt., Budapest, Hungary, 1993 1995:Branch Manager, Deutsche Bank AG, Wolfsburg, 1991 1993:Branch Manager, Deutsche Bank AG, Wolfenbttel, 1988 1991:Assistant to the Management Board and authorised signatory (Prokurist), Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, 1986 1988:Corporate Clients department, Deutsche Bank AG, London, UK, 1983 1986:Branch Loan Office, Deutsche Bank AG, Munich, 1983:Graduate Training Course, European Asian Bank Deutsche Bank AG, Singapore, 1982 1983:Loan and Corporate Client department, Deutsche Bank AG, Munich and Augsburg, 1980 1982:Bank apprenticeship at Deutsche Bank AG, Munich, Memberships of statutory supervisory boards in Germany:Frowein & Co. Beteiligungs AG, Wuppertal, Year of Birth:1957Nationality:US-AmericanElection first effective:2018/05/24Term expires:2023, 2011 - 2016:Founder and Managing Partner, Eachwin Capital, New York, USA, 2006 - 2011:Partner and Member of Executive Committee / Senior Advisor, AEA Holdings / Aetos Capital, New York, USA, 1981 - 2005:Managing Director, Morgan Stanley, New York, USA; Served as Director of Global Private Wealth Management; Global Research Director; Chairman of MSCI; deputy to the Chairman, President and Management Committee; Head of Real Estate Capital Markets; Principal, International Capital Markets; Operations Officer, Corporate Finance; and Vice President, Mergers & Acquisitions, 1981:Stanford Graduate School of Business (MBA), 1976:University of Southern California (Bachelor of Science), Memberships of comparable boards:Member of the Board of Directors, Ally Financial, Inc., Detroit, USAMember of the Board of Directors, Allvue Systems Holdings, Inc., Florida, USA, Year of Birth:1984Nationality:GermanAppointed by court:2016/08/02Election first effective:2017/05/18Term expires:2023, Head of national working group Banking, trade union ver.di, Since 2016:Head of national working group Banking, trade union ver.di, 2013 2015:National youth secretary, trade union ver.di, 2008 2013:Trade union secretary for youth to the national executive board, trade union ver.di, 2007 2008:Exempted member of the staff council, Universittsklinikum Leipzig AR, 2003 2008:Member of the youth and trainee representatives, since 2004 Chairman,Universittsklinikum Leipzig AR, 2002 2005:Apprenticeship as healthcare professional and paediatric nurse, Universittsklinikum Leipzig AR, Year of Birth:1971Nationality:GermanAppointed by court:2022/04/07 Term expires:2023* Appointed by the court as an employee representative, since 2022:Chairperson of the Staff Council, Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin, 2018 2022:Deputy Chairperson of the Staff Council, Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin, 2014 2018:Exempted Staff Council member, Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin, 2012 2014:Deputy Chairperson of the Staff Council, Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin, 2007 2012:Corporate Client AdvisorInvestment and Finance Center Kurfrstendamm, Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin, 2007:Qualification as Corporate Client Advisor, Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin, 2004 2007:Support & Service staff memberGTO Service Center Corporates, Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin, 2003 2004:Team Leader Account Adjustment and Balance Confirmation,Service Center Business, Corporate and Investment Bank,Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin, 1990 2003:Various positions in the Corporate Clients Business,Deutsche Bank AG, Berlin, 2000 2003:Certified Professional of Business Management (Betriebswirtin)bbw Akademie fr betriebswirtschaftliche Weiterbildung GmbH, Berlin, 1997 1999:Bachelor Professional of Banking (CCI), Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Berlin, 1994:Recognition of professional apprenticeship as Banker by the Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family, Berlin, 1988 1990:Professional apprenticeship in Banking (Finanzkaufmann),Specialisation in loans and deposits, Deutsche Auenhandelsbank, Berlin, Year of Birth:1959Nationality:GermanAppointed by court:2020/03/11Term expires:2025, Former German Federal Government Minister, Since 2019:Senior Advisor, Eurasia Group, New York, USA, Since 2018:Partner, self-employed advisor, Speech Design SGL GbR, Berlin, 2017 2018:Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin, 2013 2016:Federal Minister, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Berlin, 2013 2018:Vice Chancellor, German Federal Government, Berlin, 2009 2013:SPD Chairman, SPD Political Party Headquarters, Berlin, 2005 2009:Federal Minister, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety, Berlin, 2005 2019:Member of the SPD Parliamentary Group, German Bundestag, Berlin, 2003 2005:Leader of the SPD Parliamentary Group, State Parliament of Lower Saxony, Hanover, 1999 2003:Minister President, Government of Lower Saxony, Hanover, 1991 1999:Member of the Town Council, Goslar, 1990 2005:Member of the State Parliament, State Parliament of Lower Saxony, Hanover, 1989 1990:Lecturer for adult education, Lower Saxony Adult Education Centre (Volkshochschule), Goslar, 1987 1998:Member of the District Parliament, District of Goslar, 1987 1989:Secondary State Exam, Secondary School Teacher Qualification, German Studies and Political Science, University of Gttingen, 1982 1987:First State Exam, Teacher training, German, Literature, Politics and Sociology, University of Gttingen, Memberships of statutory supervisory boards in Germany:Siemens Energy AGThyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG (Chairman of the Supervisory Board), Year of Birth:1975Nationality:GermanElection first effective:2013/05/23Term expires:2023, Since 2014:Chairman of the General Staff Council of PCC Services GmbH der Deutschen Bank (formerly: BHW Kreditservice GmbH), 2011 2018:Chairman of the Group Staff Council of Deutsche Postbank AG, Since 2009:Chairman of the General Staff Council of BHW Bausparkasse AG / Postbank Finanzberatung AG, 2008 2010:Deputy Chairman of the Group Staff Council of Deutsche Post AG, Since 2006:Chairman of the Staff Council of BHW Bausparkasse AG, PCC Services GmbH der Deutschen Bank (formerly: BHW Kreditservice GmbH), Postbank Finanzberatung AG and BHW Holding GmbH, Since 2002:Exempted Staff Council member in Hameln, 1999 2002:Credit administrator at BHW Bausparkasse AG, 1995:Document management administrator at BHW Bausparkasse AG, 1996 1999:Training as an office administrator (Brokaufmann) at BHW Bausparkasse AG, 1992 1995:Training as an electronic specialist for energy systems at BHW Bausparkasse AG, Memberships of statutory supervisory boards in Germany:BHW Bausparkasse AG (Deputy Chairman)PCC Services GmbH der Deutschen Bank (Deputy Chairman), Memberships of comparable boards:Pensionskasse der BHW Bausparkasse AG VVaG (Deputy Chairman), Year of Birth:1962Nationality:GermanElection first effective:2008/05/29Term expires:2023, Since 2018:Deputy Chairperson of the Staff Council PWCC Center Frankfurt of Deutsche Bank, Since 2010:General Staff Council member, Group Staff Council member, European Staff Council member and Chairperson of the Economic Committee, Deutsche Bank, 2003 2018:Chairperson of the Staff Council Group COO Eschborn/Frankfurt, Deutsche Bank, Since 2001:Exempted Staff Council member, General Staff Council member and Economic Committee member, 2000 2001:Deutsche Bank, Quality Assurance, 1992 2000:Deutsche Bank, Foreign Payments Fund Manager, Business Administrator for Industry and Application ProgrammerStudies Political Science and Romance Languages in Marburg, Kassel and Lyon. We ensure the responsible, value-driven management and control of Deutsche Bank through our system of corporate governance, which has four key elements: good relations with shareholders, effective cooperation between the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, a system of performance-related compensation for managers and employees, as well as transparent and early reporting. Ludwig Blomeyer-Bartenst. Deutsche Bank is the leading bank in Germany with strong European roots and a global network. . In August 2021 he took on additional responsibility at Management Board level for Deutsche Bank in theUK andIreland (UKI). Corporate Governance Organizational Structure Committees of the Supervisory Board Committees The Supervisory Board has established the following standing committees: Chairman's Committee Members: Alexander Wynaendts, Chairman Detlef Polaschek* Frank Werneke* Professor Dr. Norbert Winkeljohann It comprises the President, the Vice-President and other members. Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, Research Council, Research Professors and Research Fellows, Overview Deutsche Bank has 432 executives and 35 subsidiaries Board N-1 CEO Christian Sewing President @ Deutsche Bank CIB Move Chairman of the Board Alexander Wynaendts Move Vice Chairman of the Board Detlef Polaschek Move Director, Employee Represent. Organisation Chart Central Office | Deutsche Bundesbank Stefan Simon studied law at the University of Cologne and received his doctorate there in 1998. The aim of the reorganisation is to focus the management team more closely on the four business divisions in order to ensure sustainable profitability following the banks return to profitability last year. Seeing as our share is also listed on the New York Stock Exchange, we are subject in certain respects to U.S. capital market laws as well as the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange. Deutsche Bank announces public tender offer for six series of its senior non-preferred bonds, Deutsche Bank Agrees to Combine UK and Ireland Corporate Finance Business with Numis, A message from Christian Sewing on Q1 results 2023, Deutsche Bank reports 1.9 billion profit before tax in the first quarter of 2023, Deutsche Bank to sharpen Management Boards focus on accelerating strategy execution, Friederike Rotsch appointed General Counsel of Deutsche Bank, Karl von Rohr not seeking to renew his contract as Member of Deutsche Banks Management Board, Deutsche Banks Annual General Meeting 2023 shareholders to vote on 50% higher dividend, Deutsche Bank announces decision to redeem its Fixed to Fixed Reset Rate Subordinated Tier 2 Notes due 2028, Copyright 2023 Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main, 0