As always, contractors must follow all of the requirements in their contracts or agreements which may provide more detailed guidance. Once policy is established, agencies can begin to train the workforce, adapt physical safeguards, and system configurations to align to these standards. The controls for any CUI Basic categories and subcategories are the same. Answer: Contractors are bound by the terms of their contracts or agreements with the government. CUI must be decontrolled when the information no longer needs safeguarding. Please see: TRUE. Once an agency has implemented the CUI Program, legacy markings such as FOUO must not be carried forward and new documents containing the information must be marked in accordance with the requirements of the Program. IS IT MANDATORY? CMMC certification levels are not dissemination controls. Examples of stand-alone PII include Social Security Numbers (SSN), driver's license or state identification number . Question: What is the banner configuration when you have classified and CUI in the same document. What level of system and network configuration is required for CUI? CUI portion markings are placed at the beginning of the paragraph to which they apply and must be used throughout the entire document. Questions regarding the status of CUI and marking requirements should be directed to the contracting activity. Who is responsible for protecting CUI? Designators of CUI must mark all CUI with a CUI banner marking, which may include up to three elements: (1) The CUI control marking (mandatory). Answer: Yes. Some agencies are planning to post their policies to a public facing website. It is optional, but a best practice, to apply the marking to the bottom of the document as well. CUI documents and materials will be formally reviewed in accordance with Paragraphs a. and b. below before approved disposition authorities are applied, including destruction. Most agencies have already issued policies and most are projected to have policies issued by December of 2020. Answer: The CUI policy does not mention Need-to-Know, but it does have a very similar concept Lawful Government Purpose. This section describes how CUI Markings should appear when commingled with CNSI markings. The CUI Registry contains information on what the banner markings should be based on the authorities. In the second example below you see that portion markings have been included. Answer: Currently, there is not a list of agencies that have adopted the CUI Program. What level of confidentiality is required for CUI? ( i) The CUI control marking may consist of either the word "CONTROLLED" or the acronym "CUI," at the designator's discretion. (i) The CUI control marking may consist of either the word "CONTROLLED" or the acronym "CUI," at the designator's discretion. When using a footer (optional), it must be identical to the banner marking. It is mandatory to include a banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI is present. I don't have a . Include a statement indicating the form is CUI when filled in. The site identifies all approved categories and subcategories. As a best practice, the subject line may also state the email contains CUI. Legacy waivers are issued by agencies. To alert viewers that the presentation contains CUI: When a spreadsheet contains CUI, it should provide warnings to potential viewers. Include "CUI" in the filename. Separate these markings in the same way as discussed in the banner. Question:: How does CUI marking enable compliance with 5 U.S.C. Forms containing CUI when filled in must be marked accordingly. What is controlled unclassified information (CUI)? For slides not containing CUI, it is optional to mark them as unclassified. As a best practice, use in-transit automated tracking to record the progress of your shipment from departure to arrival. Answer: In documents, most elements that contain CUI would be easily identifiable (for example, Privacy information). Upon the implementation of the CUI Program within an agency, the use of legacy markings must cease. 10. including [Contains CUI] in the file name. Printed CUI documents must be kept under direct control of an authorized holder and protected by a cover sheet during transport from the printer or copier. Agencies are not required to review and re-mark legacy information until and unless the information is re-used, restated, or paraphrased. When destroying CUI, including in electronic form, agencies must do so in a manner making it unreadable, indecipherable, and irrecoverable. Please refer to the CUI blog post on NSA Article: Working from Home? Question: You just said use of CUI is only mandatory for the government. In some instances, its more convenient to use a cover sheet, which can replace CUI banner headings. Question: The legacy waiver is sought by the agency, right? A CUI Specified category may include subcategories that are Basic and vice versa. Generally, the sharing of CUI should be limited to only the degree necessary to support current operations. Question: If it is not marked CUI from the Agency and we assume it is CUI, as a contractor, can I mark it or do I need to go back to the originator for guidance. Agencies may place additional limits on disseminating CUI only through the use of the limited dissemination controls approved by the CUI Executive Agent and published in the CUI Registry. Question: Is CDI (what we use ) the same as CUI? A government-side online repository for Federal-level guidance regarding CUI policy and practice - Correct Answer B. Parent agencies can authorize component elements to waive markings while it remains within their control. It is mandatory to include banner marking at the top of the page to alert the user that CUI present. If the information type you are needing to protect is not reflected on the CUI Registry and you believe there is a gap, please contact your agencys CUI Program Manager so they can initiate a formal review and if needed start the process to establish a provisional category of CUI. You must report all known or suspected CUI incidents to your supervisor and/or security manager as soon as you become aware of a possible CUI incident. Analysis and conclusions from the self-inspection program, documented on an annual basis and as requested by the CUI EA. Only use this method if permitted by law or government policy, Mark the storage media with the appropriate CUI marking, Include in the opening section a statement that reads This Recording Contains Controlled Unclassified Information.; and, Include a reading of the appropriate marking, Mark the storage media with the appropriate marking. TRUE. Does this mean as an example when it CUI leaves DoD ? The controls for CUI Specified categories and subcategories can differ from Basic ones and from each other. Markers on Bedrock Maps would be very helpful to our kids and their friends playing on Windows 10 Minecraft. Here are our key takeaways for the September Town Hall. Record and non-record CUI documents may be destroyed by means approved for destroying classified information or by any other means making it unreadable, indecipherable, and unrecoverable the original information such as those identified in NIST SP 800-88 and in accordance with Section 2002.14 of Title 32, CFR. Every agency of the executive branch is required to implement the CUI Program ( The CUI DI Block must be aligned with the classification authority block (on the lower left side of the document) on the lower right hand side. Note that a top banner is mandatory, but it is best practice to include an identical Overall Marking Banner at the bottom of the viewport as well. NSA has posted some potentially helpful information that we point to in this blog post: Question: Does the Agency determine if CUI is Specified vs Basic? region: "", It then stays there until the document no longer needs its protection. The content of the CUI banner marking will be inclusive of all CUI within the document and will be the same on each page. LDCs also help with identifying those who should have an authorization to use CUI. Authorized holder of the information at the time of creation. Limited Dissemination Control (LDC) Markings place limits on sharing CUI. The FAR is expected to be released for public comment in the summer of 2020. For some CUI Specified, there may be required indicators prescribed by law, Federal regulation, or Government-wide policy. Here are 5 key takeaways from it. Question: When contractors generate and mark CUI, what designator should be used? When marking a document with more than one page, the banner marking will be the same for the entire document. Answer: Some agencies and vendors have been working to develop an automated tool to assist employees with marking CUI. Our office has developed a number of resources that can assist users in understanding the relationship between FOIA and CUI. the moderate confidentiality baseline). By phases I mean that agencies must first issue a policy that adapts existing practices to those of the CUI Program. Sian works for a large game design company and is currently integrating the Havok physics component into a game engine, Unity. However, these words can appear as part of the CUI banner either above or below the CUI banner/footer markings. Its important to point out that in this instance, additional markings wont exist in the header or footer of the document. The distinction is that the authority spells out specific controls for CUI Specified information. True. Follow all agency policy regarding approved systems or applications for CUI. Question: When does the CUI Program go into effect? If the email is forwarded, the banner marking must be carried forward. portalId: 20973928, of the CUI Program? The authorized holder or originator (or their designated representative) determines the CUI must be decontrolled. Federal Employees and Contractors Only (FED CON) authorizes individuals or employees who enter into a contract with the U.S. to perform a specific job, supply labor and materials, or for the sale of products and services, so long as dissemination is in furtherance of the contractual purpose. Where should CUI markings be placed located on unclassified documents? You can also indicate the categories within the paragraph and any LDCs that apply. You must not mark CUI unless your Agency has a CUI Program Policy in place and if your contract states you should be marking CUI. or can it be left on a desktop overnight in a locked office? Address the methods for properly decontrolling CUI as described in the DODI 5200.48. They should be separate from the CUI marking. formId: "8f24ae28-caba-4443-a039-498adf70e347", What marker (banner and footer) acronym (at a minimum) is required on an unclassified DOD document containing controlled unclassified information? Agencies may specify in their CUI . Banners must appear in bold, capitalized and centered (when possible). Include an example. As organizations prepare for CMMC, taking inventory of the CUI they possess or create is the first step towards scoping your environment that handles this sensitive information. Please see the CUI Marking Handbook for specific guidance on portion marking. Printed CUI documents must be protected by at least one physical barrier, such as a cover sheet or a locked bin/cabinet. Question: Can CUI information be shared on WebEx?
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