Local enterprise partnerships are partnerships between local authorities and businesses.They decide what the priorities should be for investment in roads, buildings and facilities in the area. Contact business@northtyneside.gov.uk | 0191 643 6409 Wallsend Shop Front Improvement Scheme This grant is aimed at supporting businesses in Wallsend Town Centre to invest in the external. Hybrid remote in North Tyneside. The North East Fund has been established with funding from the North East of England European Regional Development Fund programme, the European Investment Bank and from returns on previous North East based, publicly supported investment funds, with the support of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and the British Business Bank. 1 0 obj . Care and Connect - North Tyneside It includes a team building day in an outdoors environment, teaching budgeting and wellbeing skills, provides a first aid qualification, volunteering opportunities. We accept referrals from both professionals and residents. That means, successful applicants will need to evidence they have paid for the work before your grant will be paid. Read the full business eligibility criteria, See the full project eligibility criteria, Register to download the application pack. This includes employing a mental health and wellbeing practitioner to work with the young people and providing them with tablets and SIM cards. North of Tyne Working Homes is the first large scale employment support programme we have launched. The North of Tyne Citizens Assembly on climate change will take place online. PDF North Tyneside Council endobj More about our five venture capital and loan funds. It is jointly owned by the seven North East local authorities: 5th floor You can find details of you local councils by using this Govenment search tool. Monday to Friday. in Full-time +1. Local welfare assistance and grants | North Tyneside Council Funding for detached and outreach street engagement work, as well as the one-to-one support and to link the young people to the Silx Employability Project which offers advice and support to young people aged 16-25 who are not in employment, education or training. On the 30th June 2020 the North of Tyne Combined Authority were awarded 24m of Government funding to allow local authorities to target additional investment towards brownfield sites requiring intervention. andy@syob.net. <>>> The funding is only available to people that live in the North East, Teesside and East side Yorkshire who have a household income of less than 20K. Grants are available between 100,000 up to a maximum of 1million for foreign or UK owned businesses making a first investment in the area. Partial grants available in addition to 100% or fully funded Installations. One of the most regular questions that we are asked is "what grants are available for new business start-ups?" Home - North East Fund This FREE start-up pack contains everything that you need to get you started. The NTCA are working in partnership with representatives from the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector to assist in the regions recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic. Home | South Tyneside Community Funding Funding. Request our FREE report which explains all of these 'new' funding choices in simple English. It is designed to enable a green and sustainable recovery by funding projects that have potential to safeguard and create new jobs, build a more inclusive economy, and contribute towards the net zero agenda. Please click here to find out about our current opportunities and the relevant calls for proposals. new. % Governance, North Tyneside Council, Quadrant The Silver Link North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY Date: 10/02/2023 Page 1 of 3 . The report was taken to the July Cabinet meeting by the Mayor. We will make sure that you have access to the necessary expertise required to make your ideas a reality before assisting you to bring your product or service to the market. PDF North Tyneside Council North Tyneside Council Participants will receive employment support which includes CV development, Individual learning Plan and support to register on job sites and apply for jobs. PDF North Tyneside Council Visit the Working Homes project for more information. North of Tyne Combined Authority (NTCA) has control of a 25 million Adult Education Budget (AEB) from government. Do you have a broken or inefficient boiler? Permanent +1. The UK has left the European Union and there will be new rules for businesses and residents in operation from the 1st January 2021. Visit Roundtable on Wellbeing for more information. We will be taking a phased approach to respond to the Citizens Assembly report and recommendations. or grants made by the council to pursue this work (for example, to a local anti-racism group tasked with identifying contested history) Covid-19: Business grants and financial support - Newcastle City Council GRANTfinder is a grants and policy database and includes details in excess of 8,000 funding opportunities. An interim evaluation of the programme is available, here and a final evaluation is in progress. Eligibility information: Is your household income less than 20,000 including benefits, pensions and other income? Apprenticeships are for anyone aged over 16, and are a valuable way to get the skills you need to improve your chances of getting a better quality job. 3 0 obj {msn`,[]n>y\ V@y>G7kjzq*(/_:"LsEOhu%VY a3)(;l^3[`P^o=-z. Potential applicants must first express an interest in the scheme by contacting PublicHealthAdmin@newcastle.gov.uk with details of their proposed investment and the rough cost. For specific project contact details please visit the project page. This was one of Mayor Jamie Driscolls priorities as detailed in his, The places we live are constantly changing, but the importance of, community remains. The Innovation Recovery Grant covers 50% of eligible business spend towards Innovation Projects and can be used in a variety of ways including: Grants of between 2,500 and 10,000 are available for more information on the type of projects we could support, click here. North Tyneside Council is the local authority of North Tyneside in Tyne and Wear, England.It is a metropolitan district council, one of five in Tyne and Wear and one of 36 in the metropolitan counties of England, and provides the majority of local government services in North Tyneside.. History. Business support | North Tyneside Council Your business should be eligible for funding if its a trading SME based in the North of Tyne area. It is an innovative partnership between housing providers housing associations, learning providers and local authorities. You could be eligible for a grant of up to 30% of expenditure, if you are a: Small or Medium sized business ; planning capital investment of at least 67,000. Or by using GrantNav. Successful in bidding for HLF grant to digitise local studies photographic collections and in grants for events . To register for the Digital Pathfinders programmecomplete the online form, or contact us to learn more about the Digital Tech Resilience Grant. View Project Support for SMEs is available for business growth and fostering innovative processes to drive productivity, resulting in increased profitability, wage growth and employment growth. The borough was formed in 1974 as part of the provisions of the Local Government . The Return to Work Carers Project is a two year pilot project established in 2020 as part of North of Tyne Combined Authoritys programme to assist in the regions recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic. The Employability and Skills Programme will be delivered in phases to align with different ESF Calls. One of thirty-eight LEPs in the country, the LEP is responsible for promoting and developing economic growth in the local authority areas of Newcastle, North Tyneside, Northumberland (North of Tyne), as well as County Durham, Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland. A number of posts were created to develop and expand provision within each Local Authority area. North of Tyne Combined Authority is working on several projects committed to providing education, employment and housing to our people. Working closely with Northumberland County Council, North Tyneside Council, and Newcastle City Council, the Combined Authority pledged 680k to help residents in the North of Tyne stay connected with key services during Covid-19. Funded by Newcastle City Council, the Ventilation Grant scheme will cover up to 100% of the eligible costs (up to a maximum of 10,000) associated with alterations, maintenance and/or refurbishment works that contribute to the improvement of indoor air quality within your business premises. Accelerate Ashington is a brand-new package of support services available to local businesses currently trading and operating within Ashington. North Tyneside Council has successfully bid for 3.2m from the Government's Green Homes Grant scheme, which offers homeowners up to 10,000 to improve the energy efficiency of their homes.. Grants are available for an average project value of 6,000 at a 50% intervention rate. %PDF-1.5 North Tyneside Council. Paula Harvey - Holistic Therapist - Self-employed | LinkedIn Some of the initial projects funded include: Your project needs to be innovative. The North of Tyne Innovation Recovery Grant is funded by the North of Tyne Combined Authoritys Recovery Innovation Fund. Community hubs based in designated multi-purpose buildingsshould be at the centre of communities, providing safe spaces for people of all ages, so everyone, toddler, teenager to the retired can participate in education, economic and cultural life.. Young people around the Wansbeck area will be supported by a mentor and develop an individually tailored action plan and package of support. For further information, see the business rates Coronavirus information page. The Innovation Recovery Grant covers 50% of eligible business spend towards Innovation Projects and can be used in a variety of ways including: External Expertise - Innovation projects can now start at 8,000 (ex VAT) Grants of between 2,500 and 10,000 are available - for more information on the type of projects we could support, click . Well need to know some details about your business, the project youd like to fund with a North of Tyne Innovation Recovery Grant and how it will help. The project will bring employers closer to those who can support learning and employment (e.g. The North of Tyne Combined Authority continues to align with national government guidance and work with our partner organisations to ensure a multi-agency approach to coronavirus as it evolves. Oldham Council is a metropolitan borough of Greater Manchester, England. 28,371 - 32,020 a year. We are delighted to promote suitable businesses and organisations completely FREE of charge. Retail, hospitality and leisure businesses who pay business rates will also be able to benefit from a 75% reduction in 2021/22 and a 50% reduction in 2022/23. North of Tyne Combined Authority has set aside up to 3m of the Inclusive Economy Innovation Fund (IEIF), to provide a much-needed source of match funding to unlock remaining ESF funds available to the region. It is anticipated that the grants will support around 582 unemployed young people towards work. 1 0 obj North of Tyne Combined Authority 2023 All rights reserved. UK Business Funding Centre have a Funding Finder engine to explore funding schemes for your UK small business. The contact details of the YEP team are below: Alice.Rippon@newcastle.gov.uk Partnership Coordinator, david.ord@ngi.org.uk Employer Engagement, Michael.kennedy@northtyneside.gov.uk Employer Engagement, graeme.blyth@advancenorthumberland.co.uk Employer Engagement, Kay.Vout01@northumberland.gov.uk Partnership Coordinator, North of Tyne Combined Authority 2023 All rights reserved. South Tyneside Council & Inspire South Tyneside - working together to support our local voluntary, charitable and social enterprise organisations. We sent out emails in June 2021 from the email outbox. The 2019 polls saw a collapse of the Labour Red Wall, locally and nationally. The Return to Work Carers pilot will help our residents who have caring commitments, but want to find work, access a range of route-ways to local jobs. The funding will go towards 1200 hours of qualified support worker time and 300 hours for liaison with employers, education providers and other agencies. You can also contact us at: Safe and Healthy Homes. Companies at all stages of development and in most sectors are eligible. The first, was around supporting social and community enterprises with their project ideas. Additional funding is available to employers for each Placement to ensure the young person is fully supported and leaves the Programme prepared to enter work. We have learned a great deal about the challenges facing our local rural communities and as we continue to work alongside both community leaders and local businesses, we are helping to find solutions to alleviate these issues. We know that innovation means something different to everyone, but we also know that most businesses are being innovative without even knowing it. It is delivered on behalf of the North of Tyne Combined Authority by NBSL and the Innovation SuperNetwork, who together bring combined experience in managing both grant funding projects and delivering innovation support. Cost of living support | North Tyneside Council North of Tyne Combined Authority 2023 All rights reserved. Visit the Apprenticeship landing page for more information. The activity will add value to the existing system of employment support for young people aged 16-24 improving availability and access to employability and mental health services and indirectly positive outcomes associated with these for young people. <> Business stage: Not yet trading, Start-ups (1-2 years trading) Industry: Agriculture and food, Business and finance, Construction, Education . The NTCA community hubs pilot scheme will support our community organisations to provide services. They also created the Spirit of North Tyneside in Wallsend, which is home to local infrastructure organisation VODA and is a hub for the voluntary and community sectors. 28,371 - 32,020 a year. It helps you locate government-backed support and finance for business, including: grants, finance and loans, business support eg mentoring, consultancy, funding for small and medium-sized businesses and start-ups. Funding for companies which address a clear market need and have the potential to achieve significant growth. Key to this vision is investing in local assets to strengthen communities. endobj Start Up Donut website contains a comprehensive briefing which will give you a good idea of whether your start-up business is likely to be eligible for a grant - and whether such a grant is worth the effort involved in applying.

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