Canoeing, fishing and hiking are popular activities. If you have any questions about this paddling location or have other relevant information that would be helpful to other paddlers, please add them as comments below for the entire community! Then the plains themselves were violently uplifted and broken. Rapids..Landslide was a fun rapid, even had some brand-new boaters that made it through just fine. The Forest Service and The Nature Conservancy are coordinating to find ways to stop the spread of both stiltgrass and the adelgid. The take-out is at a public river access site in Petersburg on the north side of the 220 bridge. [38] Lemley travels no fewer than eight times into the Canyon in search of the swag, estimated to be worth about $10 million. It lies in the Allegheny Mountains and was created by the flow of the South Branch Potomac River. The river was a few inches higher and that made it a lot easier to pick lines and some sticky holes and surfable waves started to appear. Under the 2006 Monongahela National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan,[26] over 3,000 acres (1,200ha) in the Smoke Hole area were set aside for non-motorized, primitive recreation and remote wildlife habitat. Parking may be limited at many of our preserves. Don't forget your Bilge pump on this trip, we only had one in the group and spent time passingit around after most of the significant rapids. This landscape contains some of the most stunning beauty found in our state, from the 11-mile long Smoke Hole gorge along the South Branch of the Potomac, to the dramatic, 4000+-ft. peaks on North Fork Mountain. First of all, WOW that has to be the most amazing float trip that you can take in WV. Even if the level is getting low, things improve greatly at the confluence with North Fork. [31], A number of small shelter caves in the Canyon are developed in the Oriskany Sandstone. The coyote has returned in recent years. The earliest settler families the Steeles, Fulls, Eagles, Coxes, Boars, Shreves, and Van Meters were sustained by smallholder farming, supplemented by hunting and fishing. Turn left onto the Smoke Hole Road, County Route 2. Smoke Hole Canyon West Virginia - YouTube Smoke Hole is a rugged canyon formed by the , , , . (Other locations rumored to contain the booty include Mercer, Wisconsin[39] and a farm in northeastern Ohio.[40]). Spring beauties, bluets and dandelions are not far behind. We will camp Friday night near the put in at Jess Judy Group Campground and then Saturday night on the river. The biological richness of Smoke Hole's plant communities was demonstrated by a botanist in 1933 who documented 283 species of flora on the 4-acre Hermit Island alone. The canyon offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, with opportunities for panoramic vistas from various overlooks. Paddling through the Barron Canyon is one of those canoe trips that is on everyone's bucket list due to the sheer natural wonder that it is. Smoke Hole Canyon. We didn't have to get out any but did scrape on one little riffle not too far after Bluerock where we camped. Updated Mar 11, 2023. Kids who enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and camping may also find Smoke Hole Canyon to be an exciting destination. U.S. Pensioners, 18181872 Record for William Eagle - PRIVATE, Eagle enlisted in the Continental Line at age 15 on 24 December 1776. It provides good practice of eddy hopping and boat scouting. White-tail deer were also exterminated from the area, as they were from the entire state, by about 1900. Sep 2020. A remote canyon lined with cliffs and caves, mountain lore, and pioneer haunts, join us as we explore the Smoke Hole Canyon to learn of its history and of it. We started off at Big Bend campground in the Smokehole Canyon of the Potomac River. smoke hole canyon by tonylehr61 A self-supported trip created by tonylehr61 Trip Overview Got a nice weather window and the river flow was excellent for a run through smoke canyon. At places the Canyon is over 1,000 feet (300m) deep with nearly vertical walls. [5] Almost directly across the river, and high on the hillside, is the Canyon's namesake, Smoke Hole Cave. (The riverbed is at about 1,100 feet (340m) above sea level and the summit of Cave Mountain is 2,470 feet (750m).) There was one tight place between a couple tall rocks that would have been tight for a raft but I bet it has changed a lot since then. The run on Saturday was low, but not intolerably scrapey considering we were paddling mostly unloaded canoes, and we had to pick our lines carefully to avoid the shallowest of the gravel bars. A 2010 documentary film The Search for Dillinger's Gold, directed by Cam Lemley alleged that infamous gangster John Dillinger (19031934) buried three boxes of gold bullion in a cave somewhere in the Canyon. Keep in mind that because this is one of the more popular places to embark on a paddling trip . A variety of tiger beetle lives in the sandy, cobblestone habitats along the banks of the South Branch. This historic building was purchased by the, Calhoun, H.M. Sr. (19 November 1931), column in. I have always wanted to canoe it, good whitewater when the river is up. He served in the 3rd, 4th, 8th and 12th Virginia Regiments and was present at, Calhoun, H.M. Sr. (13 November 1930), "Tales of Historic Smoke Hole and Seneca Rocks Interestingly Told", from a column in. Ive done it in kayak, pontoon, and raft. Shreve, D. Bardon, with Estyl C. Shreve (1997), The first trustees were Alfred Kimble, Jacob L. Kimble, J.H. Save to Bookmarks. Hopefully someone local decides to cut it outwhen the water levels drop this summer. it would really be nice to run that rapid versus portaging gear.there were a couple other rapids that had some nice wave trains that were fun in the canoes but took on a lot of water. The fire grew through the first night, despite rapid response efforts by the Franklin, Seneca Rocks, and Upper Tract Volunteer Fire Departments, as well as crews from the USFS. The scenery is spectacular with steep canyon walls and tall rock spires and cliffs. The Cave Mountain anticline is further structurally bounded to the northeast and southwest by major cross-strike structural discontinuities: the nearly east-west trending Petersburg lineament and an extension of the northwest-southeast trending Parsons lineament, respectively. Special regulations apply to the area between Eagle Rock and Kimble Cabins (designated with signs and cables across the river). wefully swamped 2 canoes, that still refrained from fully sinking. A variety of frogs include the wood, bronze, leopard, and green frog, along with spring peepers. Smoke Hole Caverns and wonderful gift shop, Seneca Rocks and Seneca Caverns, Explore Nelson Rock's rock . [6] Another young Steele daughter, Susie, out alone searching for a family cow, fell victim to a wandering band of Native Americans. Union-supporting Home Guards known locally as "Swamp Dragons" destroyed the works. Others say it was the moonshiner's stills that gave the gorge its name. See Alerts and Notices Section for more information. A man named Steele (given name now lost) was the first Smoke Holer, arriving sometime in the 1750s. The best time to go camping in this area is during the summer months, from June to August, when the weather is warm and sunny. 21 miles. virginica) is another rare plant known from the Smoke Hole. Its caves are therefore protected during critical months. Eons ago through a process known as "river piracy" or stream capture the flow of the river was diverted cataclysmically from its old bed westward into what would eventually become the present Smoke Hole gorge through massive excavation and erosion. A few caves in the lower gorge are developed in the Tonoloway Limestone (Silurian), as is Smoke Hole Caverns, just outside the Canyon's lower end. Access point #6 Difficulty: Easy Average duration: 1 to 2 nights. [citation needed] The prairie flax (Linum lewisii) is a widespread western species quite rare in the east. Home Forums Trip Reports Smoke Hole Canyon, West Virginia, May 11 and 12, 2019. The caverns are very pretty, you gotta see them for yourself. Maybe McFishin will chime in. This work was undertaken by the 46th Regiment Militia,[17] a Virginia State Unit based in Pendleton County, but Smoke Holers too old or too young to be drafted were coerced into doing the hard labor. Keep an eye out for eagles here. This stretches along the crest of North Fork Mountain from U.S. 33 (in the south) to where the Smoke Hole Road (28/11) nears State Route 28 just west of Petersburg (in the north). On Saturday at noon the Franklin gauge was reading 2.64 ft and 68 cfs. Wood thrushes, scarlet tanagers and various warblers have all been in decline recently because of habitat loss on both continents, but can find sanctuary within the secluded Canyon. Last updated on September 24, 2021. The whole setting is timelessness itself, an impression heightened by the fact that these geological features have been here for millions of years. We did fully swamp one canoe but was still fine.Royal Glen Rapid.This one definitely has some nasty rebar scattered across the river but has a nice line on the river left. South Fork of the Potomac River near Petersburg, WV. Phasellus cursus rutrum est nec suscipit. This is an extremely fun class III section that flows through the first five miles of the spectacular Smoke Hole Canyon. This relatively low precipitation permits a small haven for these unusual species. Water should be fine until after Memorial Day. Explore our work in 2023 West Virginia University. Petersburg ; Hotels ; Things to do ; Restaurants ; Flights ; . this region. Take time to enjoy it. The gauge at Franklin was 264 cfs and 3.00 feet on Sunday at noon. Was with a large group and some of the canoes portaged or had trouble on both Landslide and Royal Glen dam rapids. Smoke Hole Canyon is also home to a variety of plant life, including rare species such as the Virginia spiraea and the Allegheny monkeyflower. Particularly noticeable are the numerous plunging anticlinal noses at the northeastern end of the Smoke Holes. No photos yet. The summits also support virgin red pine and spruce forests, dramatic tundra-like communities of boreal plants, and a wonderful wealth of rare Appalachian and boreal species. The excess fabric at the top of the structure is the smoke hole and smoke flaps. Anthony Creek (Neola to Greenbrier River), Bluestone River (Spanishburg to Eads Mill), Bluestone River (Eads Mill to Bluestone SP), Dry Fork of the Cheat(CR 26 to Hendricks), Gauley River (Curtin Bridge to Persinger Creek), Meadow River (East Rainelle to Russellville), New River (Glen Lyn, VA to Bull Falls, WV), North Branch of the Potomac (Styer to Shalamar), North Branch of the Potomac (Barnum to Bloomington), North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac (Judy Gap to Seneca Rocks), North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac (Seneca to Hopeville), North Fork of the South Branch of the Potomac (Hopeville Canyon), Shavers Fork (Stuart Rec. The Smoke Hole settlers were not generally slaveholders and became overwhelmingly Unionist during the War. I looked at my notes and we did a three day float back in 2015. [30], The Cave Mountain anticline consists of subparallel northeast-trending folds and southeast-dipping thrust faults with a maximum stratigraphic displacement of approximately 1900 feet, throwing Lower Silurian rocks against Lower Devonian rocks. Please enter a valid email address (formatted as A smoke hole ( smokehole, smoke-hole) is a hole in a roof for the smoke from a fire to vent. Chelsey and I went first down the river while Ray fished and followed us along the road. If you put on at 7-8am and dont paddle but dont stop (just go with the water), youll pop out at Petersburg around 5-7pm depending on how many Eddys you stopped in (I cant not stop on at least a few good looking holes lol). Building on the success of the Campaign to Save North Fork Mountain (concluded in 1998), The Conservancy has completed a detailed conservation plan for this area. United States. Adjacent to this northwest limb is a highly folded and faulted zone that is representative of the designated Blue Rock synclinal "shear zone" complex of macroscale structures between the Cave Mountain and the Wills Mountain anticlines. [citation needed], Mammals We put the Silverbirch Broadland 15 and 16 to work on our two day canoe trip down Smoke Hole Canyon. This is one of the most recommended routes for beginners. Elkins, WV 26241 200 Sycamore Street Report inappropriate content . The only maintained trail strictly within the Smoke Hole gorge is the 3.5-mile South Branch Trail, a loop trail starting at river level from the FS picnic area (now abandoned). This area was the center of the "town of Smoke Hole" proper, site of an official post office for a time. After seeing the tree I decided to portage with the rest of my group. Obviously anything higher than 250 youd be fine longer. An Asian grass known as Japanese stiltgrass was accidentally introduced into the U.S. during the last half of the 20th century and has become a major conservation nuisance nationwide. We had rain most of Saturday afternoon and during the night, but it did not bring the river up very much. Class I-II+, Camping (Big Bend), Camping (Jess Judy), Fishing,Whitewater,, Book A Canoeing and Kayaking Guide to West Virginia. The only gauge on the South Branch of the Potomac River above Smoke Hole Canyon is at Franklin, WV, which is about 19 river miles above where we put in so, the readings from there are not a very good indicator of what is running down in the canyon. Settlement has already eliminated over 95% of the limestone forests of eastern North America and now aggressive non-native weeds are invading the remaining patches, including one of the largest remaining blocks, found in the Smoke Hole. The Cave Mountain anticline is asymmetric to the northwest with a slightly overturned northwest limb. Smoke Hole is a biologically diverse area classified as an upland limestone-based ecosystem. The area is rather isolated and remote with parts accessible only by boat or on foot. This species is so uncommon that the few small patches found among the rocks of the Canyon walls are thought to be the largest population in the world. An official website of the The Civilian Conservation Corps stationed a battalion in Smoke Hole between 1934 and 1936 and constructed a popular recreation area there. Due to the protective effect of surrounding mountains, rainfall in Smoke Hole is unusually light only about 30-32inches per year. Over 120 rare animals, plants and natural communities have been identified in this area, making it one of the richest concentrations of biological diversity in the East. You will have to carry all your camping gear, etc., in your boat. The misty fog that often lies along the river as it runs through the "hole" makes the name appropriate. [16] Confederates again mined there during the American Civil War. Longtime residents of the gorge have insisted that the Indian "smoke house" cave story is the only genuine one and the only explanation that pre-dates the ones on the local state historical highway markers. The 1996 flood in the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia spread the seed throughout Smoke Hole, and now it is the most abundantly growing plant in the area. Published on April 11th, 2017 | It was made for local consumption as well as distributed (on the black market) for hundreds of miles around. The oldest explanation appears to be the story that Native Americans used a well-known cave in the gorge (Smoke Hole Cave) for smoking meat; this cave has a room shaped like an inverted funnel with a hole at the apex through which smoke could escape and be seen from some distance. The area is rather isolated and remote with parts accessible only by boat or on foot.

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