We read of the increased portion of our children who are being reared by a single parent and wonder again about what will come when the law of the harvest operates. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. By President Spencer W. Kimball From an address delivered to the Young Presidents organization, Sun Valley, Idaho, 15 January 1977 Spencer W. Kimball, "Jesus: The Perfect Leader," Ensign, Aug. 1979, 5 There are far more things to be said about the Lord Jesus Christ's remarkable leadership than Unfortunately for me, I am in the hospital here in Salt Lake City and will not be present with you in person, but I will be with you in spirit. . Some of you have not yet had the great privilege of marriage. It was unlike any other talk Ive ever listened to. Paul wrote: For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. . This talk is AMAZING. 5 likes. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. Hundreds of thousands of us today are in this position. At his first address as prophet of the Church, in April Conference of 1974, President Kimball's talk became the watch cry of his presidency". . It was consecrated as a land of promise to the people of the Americas, to whom God gave these great promises: It will be a land of liberty to its people 2 Ne. Primary helps little boys and girls prepare for their future great responsibilities as mothers and fathers and citizens of Zion. We note the increasing coarseness of language and understand how Lot must have felt when he was, according to Peter, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked. (2Pet. From that humble beginning has grown a worldwide organization that has touched the lives of millions of people. Honest toil in subduing sagebrush, taming deserts, channeling rivers, helps to take the wildness out of mans environment but also out of him. I have heard many amazing sermons, calls to repentance, prophetic warning, and string testimonies. If, in the short term, we are sometimes dealt with insensitively and thoughtlessly by others, by imperfect men and women, it may still cause us pain, but such pain and disappointment are not the whole of life. True, there are some temporary differences and some constraining circumstances. For those who heed the warning and make their preparations, for those found at midnight with the oil of righteousness in their lamps, for those with patience, long-suffering, and full dedication, the promise is that they shall sit down at the banquet with their Lord. 19:34 when the powerful, invincible Assyrian army camped at the gates. They had four children who recall that their home was one of support, encouragement, and appreciation between family members. Other biographies written by the sons of Church Presidents preceded . Death seems in the future, for at the moment calamity is absent and hunger is not knocking at the door. Teach Me All That I Must Knowor Do? - Latter-day Saint Insights Throughout my experience in leaving Disney, I pondered and searched this quote from President Spencer W. Kimball: "Security is not born of inexhaustible wealth but of unquenchable faith."1Our true security and peace is born of faith in Jesus Christ. Spencer W. Kimball | BYU Speeches In his October 1954 general conference address, Elder Spencer W. Kimball, then a member of the Council of the Twelve, spoke of the kind of faith needed to heed the Lord's commandments: "It was not blind faith when the patriarch Noah built an ark some 42 centuries ago or when the prophet Nephi built a boat about 25 centuries ago. Yet even when the hardening is swift, it can also be subtle. I recall my first trip to Hawaii. We wonder how often hearers first rejected the prophets because they despised them, and finally despised the prophets even more because they had rejected them. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. The holy prophets have not only refused to follow erroneous human trends, but have pointed out these errors. 218 University Press Building (See Jacob 1:19). But both husband and wife are to be parents! Who, for instance, a scant twenty years ago would have foreseen the massive use of abortion in society today, like all the diseased doctrines of the devil. May the Lord continue to bless and prosper the Primary organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, together with all the other organizations who are doing comparable work. Of course, a one-sided disarmament could be madness if worldliness and materialism continued, but a serious turn of the masses could forestall all military conquests, all tragedies of conflict. Remember, too, as we focus on the glories and importance of family life here, that all of us belong to the eternal family of our Father in Heaven. 5:1-31 When the protectors sleep and the leaders are incapacitated with banqueting and drunkenness and immorality, an invading enemy can turn a river from its course and enter through a river bed Isa. While enemies filter into our nation to subvert us and intimidate us and soften us, we continue with our destructive thinking: It cant happen here.. We need men and women who think of things that have never been thought of and who dream of things that have never been dreamed of, and who ask, "Why not?" The trouble with rejection because of personal familiarity with the prophets is that the prophets are always somebodys son or somebodys neighbor. He gave us another parable to try to make clear the importance of being always prepared. I know he is Gods recognized prophet. (Matthew 24:29-31, 36. ) LDS doctrinal teachings about the atonement, repentance, and the plan of salvation. 2:27). But finally the net was in shallow water and the fish began to jump frantically, trying to escape. 19:35-37 Three hundred soldiers and God and Gideon routed the powerful army of the Midianites Judg. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Again, you must be wise in the choices that you make, but we do not desire the women of the Church to be uninformed or ineffective. Ponder upon these great truths, especially in those moments when (in the stillness of such anxiety as you may experience as an individual) you might otherwise wonder and be perplexed. Neither shall the sword go through your land. Even if the tomato you eat is a $2.00 tomato, it will bring satisfaction anyway and remind us all of the law of the harvest, which is relentless in life. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. They are too kind to be so cruel. Regardless of your particular circumstances, as you become more and more familiar with the truths of the scriptures, you will be more and more effective in keeping the second great commandment, to love your neighbor as yourself. Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Then all the virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. ? While we do not now remember the particulars, this does not alter the glorious reality of what we once agreed to. (See Ether 13.) For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. (Matthew 24:27.) "Noah heeded God's command to build an arkthat they might be saved from the flood waters. The gospel, which is the only concern of the Church, was devised by the Lord for men and women alike (Improvement Era, Mar. The initiated who knew fish and were able to judge picked the worthless ones and cast them back into the sea. and our mothers and our fair daughters, and our children . Few live up to the truth they know. They merely procrastinated, not knowing when the bridegroom would come. He has said, I will fight your battles D&C 105:14 But his commitment is on condition of our faithfulness. and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. I have listened to over 4500 general conference talks. Absolute Truth - Spencer W. Kimball - BYU Speeches It seems that while remedies have been applied, staph infection has set in, and the patients suffering intensified. Too late, too late! At midnight! That is sure. Chapter 2: Tragedy or Destiny? - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter And at that day, when I shall come in my glory, shall the parable be fulfilled which I spake concerning the ten virgins. What a bleak prediction! I remember coming to this tabernacle as a boy from Arizona, with my father, to attend general conference. (See Alma 4:19.) They were fools, these five unprepared virgins. 44:27-28 Isa. President Kimball commissioned extensive study of the scriptures in regard to the matter, and after hearing from Elder Bruce R. McConkie that there was nothing in the scriptures to necessitate the restriction, he made it a matter of fervent and exhaustive prayer in the temple. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. O that we had repented before this great and terrible day, and then would our brethren have been spared . Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? (John 1:46.) Enduring in Faith to the End: "Take Heed That No Man Deceive You" Confidence has been dulled and patience worn thin. And he that sat upon the throne said. Each must obtain that kind of oil for himself. This saintly soul realizes there is one thing left undone to make him a totally honest man. I have heard President JosephF. Smith and all who have followed him up to now. Fear would vanish, and enemies would be subdued. Surely, the end is near as we read the signs of the times, but when? (See 1Sam. Early in his childhood, Spencer W. Kimball suffered the pain that comes with the death of loved ones. The Miracle of Forgiveness. You can be a much needed force for love and truth and righteousness on this planet. PDF Jesus The Perfect Leader - Brigham Young University-Idaho I would not wish to talk longer but just say, the Lord bless you, my brethren and sisters, as you return to your homes. Decadence which grew in the soil of tolerance and permissiveness soon seeks to drive out all of these. My beloved sisters: I have been looking forward for months to the pleasure of meeting with you dear sisters once again in a worldwide conference of the women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Can they not see that, pushed by pleasure, they will become more and more distant from joy? Do we lose faith, do we lose patience, do we lose hope, do we get weary in waiting, because the day is long and the event delayed? In multiple scriptures the Lord has indicated that he will perform his work through those whom the world regards as weak and despised. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. In an ancient situation somewhat comparable to our own, there was a great destruction, and when the quiet came, those who were spared were wailing: . It is aging toward senility. The scriptures and the prophets have taught us clearly that God, who is perfect in his attribute of justice, is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). "Heave ho!" He learned from diligent and faithful parents to work hard on the farm and in school and to love the gospel. There were 832 marriages in a single month, and there were 414 divorces. I plead with men everywhere to Come, listen to a prophets voice and hear the word of God from our living prophet who sits with us here today. He served diligently despite various severe health problems.
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