lflavianimusic@gmail.com, Resource Specialist K-8 I love to teach MS Math. Her professional experience includes; Career Counselor (Bladen County Schools & the Department of the Army; Heidelberg, Germany) and Educational Counselor (Cumberland County Schools). PTO. Academic Competitions. Let's go! This position will start on September 1st, 2023. Sign in to save Art Teacher at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School. Rodney Campbell She is a North Carolina certified early childhood education teacher and is an alumna of UNC-Greensboro. St Anne Pastor It has been a wonderful week here at St. Ann filled with beautiful weather! campbell@stanne.com, Music Specialist K-8 B.S. She has taught First grade and Pre-K 4. Raffle. It has 94 students in grades PK, K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 8 to 1. I am a mother of four children. . Fun Fact: We bought a travel trailer this summer, and we are looking forward to seeing what adventures await us now. St. Ann School in Decatur, AL - Niche Alyssa 17 & Luca 20. Ms. Catherine Vollert St. Ann Catholic School 4th Grade Girls Box. Ms. Lauren LeTourneau He and his family moved to Naples over six years ago to enjoy the beaches and climate. Her son graduated from St. Ann in 2014 and is now a senior at Norwich University in Vermont. See the latest about Saint Ann Catholic School. Box is for: First Name. She graduated from the University of Florida in 1991 with a Bachelor's of Science in Exercise and Sport Sciences. This is a 40% position and will be 2 full days per week, job-sharing with a partner teacher. to the dignity of the person and the building of community, by nurturing a commitment Saint Ann Catholic School is a parochial elementary and middle school in Fayetteville, North Carolina. While at Reid Ross, he played football and baseball. BS, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Joined St. Ann Catholic School in Fall, 2017. Faculty & Staff - ST. ANNE SCHOOL Mrs. Katherine Sniezek BS, in Child Development, Colorado State University Cooperhttps://sascoltskc.blogspot.com, First Grade/Mrs. My love for working with the children of St. Ann started as a teenager, in the PRE program. I was an adjunct professor at the U of M for a semester, teaching a class on Saturdays to students working on their teaching licensure. finnegan@stanne.com, Records Secretary Let us tell you more. in Elementary Education Born and raised in Memphis, TN! sniezek@stanne.com, Fourth Grade Currently in Rolling Admissions for the 2022-23 school year. She is a graduate from Southeastern University in 2002 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Spanish and Religious studies. Laura Flaviani She is dedicated to the highest quality education and is determined to go the extra mile for her students. This school gave them a wonderful foundation. Faculty & Staff - St. Anne Catholic School - stanneschool.com Barbara Creedon She has a BS degree in Music Education from UNC Pembroke. https://didieraur.blogspot.com/ Keara Segarra - Virtual counseling room . Teachers email addresses are also listed in the Parent Handbook. St. Anne's School Teachers & Staff - Updated 8/2/2018. Our son, Jake, graduated from St. Ann in 2009. degree in Education from the University of Barcelona and VPK certification in the State of Florida. Catholic education is an expression of the mission entrusted by Jesus to the church He founded. BA in Business Management, Marshall University - Go Herd!! Mrs. Leone is a supporter of youth athletics and scouting programs. In addition to the general music classes, students are given the opportunity to participate in chorus and band. Nine of her teaching years were as the PE teacher at St Ann Catholic School while her two sons were students. She is a mother of five children, three of whom are graduates of St. Ann. Home | St. Ann Catholic School Staff Directory | St. Ann's School We have 2 children and a Yorkie named Paxton (shes 2). FIESTA! Apple Teacher This is accomplished by the faculty and staff being responsive to the needs of the students, empowering them with skills and factual knowledge that stimulates creative thinking and by uniting the Christian community in prayer, work and love. She graduated from Fayetteville State University with a BS degree in Sociology. Required for September 2023 until April 2024 in the first instance with the possibility to extend. I retired in 2013 and then worked for 7 years in the Title 1 Program. Have performed throughout United States, Latin America and Europe. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration-HR Management from Baker College in Flint, Michigan, and a Masters Degree in Education from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. In my spare time, I love directing the handbell choir (when we have enough ringers!) Email Debbie Newhouse . Two children graduated from St Ann; Dominica class of 2011 and Tre class of 2016. BS in Education; Siena CollegeMS in School Counseling; Long Island University, Licensed Professional School Counselor, TN, Joined St. Ann Catholic School in January 2021. I was born and raised in Memphis. MISSION STATEMENT AND PHILOSOPHY | stannschool Been an educator for over 33 years with 30 of those years in Catholic Education. Throughout St. Ann Catholic School, students have been reflecting on what a special time this is.I pray everyone enjoys a blessed Holy Week with their loved ones. Before joining the SACS family, I worked as the Administrative Assistant to the principal of Resurrection Jubilee School from 2010 to 2017. Joined St. Ann Catholic School in 2003. St. Ann Catholic School is accredited through the Florida Catholic Conference (FCC) and part of the Catholic School System of the Diocese of Venice under the direction of Bishop Frank Dewane. Teacher Blogs - St Ann Elementary School Parents. They will be on Google Classrooms and/or on the board in class. RT @TrueNorthCentre: "Paolo De Buono teaches at St. Antoine Daniel School in the Jane and Wilson Ave. area of Toronto. After School Care; Tuition Assistance; Spirit of Giving Pledge Form. F.A.Q. | stannschool of service. She and her husband have three beautiful children, Zachary, Sofia, and Nickolas. All five of my children graduated from St. Ann; Christopher Metaxas '00, Amanda Rauwolf '02, Sarah Burrow '04, Katie Clower '05 and Melissa Roe '09. Catholic Independent Schools of Vancouver Archdiocese .40 Primary Theresa P Williams is a graduate of Fayetteville State University. Wallhttps://sas2ndgradefriends.blogspot.com/, Third Grade/Ms. The school provides a superior standard of academic excellence preparing students to succeed in a rigorous secondary education and to be faithful, lifelong Catholics. Mrs. Kathryn Wilson For more information, see Accreditation. I'm a mom to four boys, ages 23, 20, 17, and 15. St Anne's Catholic Primary School is a fabulous place to learn and a wonderful place to work. I have six grandchildren, three in Memphis and three in Texas. I love to travel and spend time with family and friends. My favorite pastimes are reading and enjoying my grandchildren. Joined St. Ann team in 2019 and have loved every moment! I have been married to my wife Alida for 15 years and have 5 year old boy/girl twins. Contact St. Anne School1320 14th AvenueSan Francisco, CA 94122Telephone (415) 664-7977, Copyright 2023 ST. ANNE SCHOOL Signifyby, 2022 2023 Summer Activities and Supply Lists. Belief Statement Listening and observing behaviors a unique skill that she utilizes to meet individual needs. St. Anne-Pacelli Catholic School - Home Here at St. Ann, we are invested in each child's personal growth - mind, body and spirit. All Rights Reserved. Literacy Development Teacher, ST. ANNE SCHOOL, Laguna Niguel at Diocese CONTACT. She also enjoys cooking and spending time with family and friends. A National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, 8th grade homeroom, MS literature, Teaching & Learning Center Director, Saint Ann Catholic School980 North Frederick Street Arlington, Virginia 22205(703) 525-7599, Copyright 2023 Saint Ann Catholic School. My husband, Chase and I have an Australian Shepherd named Bogey and are expecting a baby boy in January. The St. Anne Annual Fund. Veronique is looking forward to joining our team and interacting with her students at Saint Ann School. He earned his BA in Sociology from Thiel College and his Master of Education from Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. She graduated from Naples High School and continued her education at Florida Atlantic University where she earned a BA in Education. School HoursKindergarten - Eighth Grade Schedule8:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.Minimum Day Schedule8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.Extended Care HoursMorning: 7:00 a.m. - 7:55 a.m.Afternoon: School Dismissal - 6:00 p.m. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School hiring Art Teacher in Keller Mrs. Sevilla Frias joined the Saint Ann Community in 2015 as anearly childhood instructional aide. The faith community is strengthened and nourished by active participation in liturgy and prayer. Fun Fact: Fall is my favorite time of year, school starting, colorful leaves, cool weather, and school supplies! 2023 Saint Ann Catholic School. . Ms. Currier taught general music and instrumental music at the Catholic Academy of West Buffalo for one year. Fun Fact: I like to try new things, whether it's a project at home or something fun for my students. University of Memphis, Psychology (Minor- Child Development), Incarnation Catholic School (Class of 2011), Saint Benedict at Auburndale (Class of 2015). "Go Blue! She likes to read, do puzzles and crafts. Thank you for keeping our 2nd graders, their teachers, and their families in your prayers as they prepare for this monumental moment in their sacramental journey! Preschool & Grades K-2 Young Child Center Kindergarten Teachers First Grade Teachers Second Grade Teachers Grades 3-5 Third Grade Teachers Fourth Grade Teachers Fifth Grade Teachers Grades 6-8 Sixth Grade Teachers Seventh Grade Teachers Eighth Grade Teachers Support Staff Learning Lab Instructional Assistants Cafeteria Specials Specialty Subjects She is a native Spanish speaker and is fluent in English as well as French. Home | St. Ann Catholic School 22-23 Applications Currently in Rolling Admissions for the 2022-23 school year. I pray everyone had a blessed Easter with their family and friends. St. Ann Catholic School, Living our Faith, Achieving Academic Excellence. Seeing the eyes of students light up when teaching math/Alg is very important to me. Middle School assignments will be given to your students each day. He worked as a teacher, curriculum specialist, school administrator, and district administrator. St. Anne School is an equal opportunity employer seeking highly professional teachers and administrators dedicated to the 2,000 year mission of Catholic education. (415) 664-7977 She taught concert band, jazz band, music technology, music theory, choir, orchestra, and Pep band over the course of seven years at Saint John Neumann Catholic High School. I have been married for 27 years to my high school sweetheart. Have served as teacher, coach, admissions director, development director, president, and principal. Ms. Grun is a practicing artist who displays her work in various shows and galleries, including her own Gallery 152, and she is a member of FAEA, the Florida Art Association. We would love to introduce you to our Saint Ann family. She's excited to be teaching second grade again this year after spending four years in first grade. Benefits: 401(k) 401(k) matching; Dental insurance; Employee assistance program; Saint Anne Generations of Faith Capital Campaign. I am an outgoing person who loves to sing, dance, and laugh a bunch! With appropriate educational testing, as well as parent input, necessary accommodations or a modified curriculum can be provided. She has four children,one of whom attend St. Ann (and three graduates). She has both her B.S. Millerhttp://sascolts.blogspot.com, Fifth Grade/Mrs. creedon@stanne.com, Office Manager Prior to teaching, Mrs. Logozzo worked in Training/Learning and Development . RELATED ARTS TEACHERS | stannschool St. Anne School in Laguna Niguel has an opening for a full-time, K-5 Literacy Development Teacher. We believe in the Gospel teachings of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer. She worked several years overseas in Buenos Aires, Argentina with youth ministries. Upcoming Events View full calendar Aside from music classes, I help organize the Knowledge Bowl teams and I direct the school musicals. I am the 5th grade teacher at St. Anns. Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my children, dogs, and family, volunteering, and cooking. BA in Architecture Interior Design and Graphic Design, College of Art in Lisbon, Portugal. Saint Ann Catholic School980 North Frederick Street Arlington, Virginia 22205(703) 525-7599, Copyright 2023 Saint Ann Catholic School. My husband Richard and I have 2 children. She started her teaching experience at St. Ann in 2005. Herring studied at FTCC after high school and began working as a Tire Specialist for Kelly Springfield through Goodyear. Slatteryhttps://coltscomputerclass.blogspot.com/, Art/Ms. Master's degree in Early Childhood Education, University of Memphis. Job. perez@stanne.com, Preschool / Pre-K Director St. Anthony of Padua Catholic School 415-753-3105 to serving others. He is excited to be back doing what he loved best in his career, working with children and helping them succeed and grow. Kindergarten Teachers. Thank you to everyone for donating their time, talent, and treasure to make this fundraiser for our school such a huge success! Her background includes 12 years of Spanish and English instruction at Hodges University. I decided that I missed the classroom too much, closed the business and started teaching for the Catholic schools. Cooperhttps://stanncoltschorus.weebly.com, SPARKS/Mrs. My passion for teaching began while working at St. Ann Parents' Day Out in2007 as ateacher'said. St. Ann Catholic School - Home - Facebook They have one daughter, Madison, who attends Cumberland County Schools. 2022/23 EXTERNAL POSTING Teachers On Call St. Ann's Catholic School is located in Quesnel, BC. She taught PE in Florida, Texas, and North Carolina. After working in the corporate world for 12 years, I decided I wanted to be back in a school environment. School Employment Opportunities - Diocese of Las Vegas Located in Columbus, Georgia, St. Anne-Pacelli is a college preparatory, age 1 through 12th grade, private school dedicated to giving children opportunities to learn in a safe, supportive environment where they can develop relationships with others and with God. Job Type: Full-time. and M.Ed. I also serve as the Director of Liturgical Music for St. Ann Church, organizing music for weekend masses. Started playing trombone at the age of ten and started performing with the Kittanning Firemens Band at the age of 15. With Christ as our model and through a personalized learning approach, we encourage students to use their gifts to serve our school, the Pilsen community, and all of society. She enjoys spending free time with her family and her dog and looks forward to joining the Saint Ann Community. I have just completed my 10th year teaching. Our students are rooted in a strong tradition and soaring to new heights each and every day. Faculty & Staff - St Ann Elementary School I have a crazy obsession for collecting things. I started my teaching career at Germantown Elementary. I taught one year in the Memphis City Schools and have been teaching at Saint Ann 27 years. All Rights Reserved. St. Anne Wellness & Counseling. They recommend a Catholic education to everyone. B.S. .40 Primary Classroom Primary Grade Teacher - St. James and St. Ann's She earned a degree in art and fashion design in Frankfurt, Germany, before relocating to the United States and working for eight years in private education in Naples and earning certification in art education. We are part of the Saint Ann Catholic Parish and the Diocese of Raleigh. She graduated in 1993 from the University of Puerto Rico with a bachelors degree in Business Administration/Management. I have been married for 43 years, have 3 grown daughters (Lauren, Mollie, and Emily) and 4 grandchildren. Thomashttps://sites.google.com/view/stanncoltslifestudentspage/home. EARLY CHILDHOOD TEACHERS | stannschool I have been a teacher in the Diocese of Memphis for over 25 years. Education is one of the most important ways by which the Church fulfills its obligation Spirit Spot. BA in Communications, Memphis State University, Married to Remco de Jong and have a daughter, Alyssa and son, Luca. Ms. Currier also taught elementary and middle school band at Saint Elizabeth Seton School to assist for half a school year. The fundamental purpose of Saint Ann School is to promote the teachings of the Catholic Church and to instill in its students a profound and personal spirituality. She is originally from Washington State and loves hiking, exploring outdoors and traveling. She has extensive experience in child care and is bilingual in Spanish and English. Our children are God's most precious gift to us. Candace '94, Thomas '96 and Neeley '05. I lived in different places with my husband who was an officer in the U.S. Army for a couple of years and now we are back and excited to be a part of the Saint Ann family again! I taught within the city school system in Memphis for three years and then took a break to start a family. . Fun Fact: My grandpa took me fishing for the first time when I was four and I loved it! I moved back to Memphis after graduating from college. Ibalio@stanne.com, Second Grade I worked for Shelby County School system and Charter School for about 12 years. I taught for 30 years in the MCS/SCS district, grades 1-5. Bachelors of Music in performance, Memphis State University, Joined St. Ann Catholic School in August 2014. St. Ann's School Contact Us 2000 W. Texas, Midland, TX 79701 Phone: 432-684-4563 Fax: . Administrative Staff - St. Ann Catholic School - Prairie Village, KS Saint Ann Catholic School strives to meet the needs of all learners, including those with exceptionalities and differences. I can not think of a better place than St. Ann to pursue my dream. Dawn Sifuentes is very excited and honored to be teaching at St. Ann this year. Ms. Wenderski is a native to Florida. I was a new teacher mentor for 3 years through a grant with the U of M and MCS. St. James and St. Ann's Catholic School in Abbotsford is seeking an energetic and dynamic educator to teach in one of our Primary grades. My oldest Christopher is in heaven with God, and I have four daughters, Amanda, Sarah, Katie, and Melissa who all attended St. Ann School. We have one son, Zach (SAS '20), and a four-legged daughter named Lucy. It is their responsibility, so parents, please ask your students to show you their work if you would like. We inspire one another to glorify God by embracing his call to love and serve. She has a B.S. Seor Marco Morales I have also gotten to hold and feed a hawk, and exercise a Black Vulture. I have taught PreK 4, kindergarten, first grade, and third grade. Mike and I were married at St. Ann 32 years ago by Father Mike. Rarely, if ever, has it been more pressing a need, more urgent a duty and more ennobling a vocation than in these times when mankind stands poised between unprecedented fulfillment and equally unprecedented calamity. The first place I turned was St. Ann since I grew up attending church and PRE here. Enjoys exercising, reading, bowling, swimming, and playing golf. Fun Fact: I have traveled to 11 countries and have been to so many concerts that I cant keep count. I am in my 5th year of teaching at St. Ann Catholic School. They attend St. Ann and love it! St. Ann Catholic School Tina Pickett Middle School Teacher (7B . Founded in 1951, St. Anne Catholic School is a co-educational college preparatory parish school serving approximately 320 students in prekindergarten through 12th grade. Together in Faith - is where you will find St. Ann. St. Ann's Catholic School Quesnel, B.C. Staff Directory | St. Anne Catholic School Mrs. Jackie Finnegan He has over twenty years in healthcare as a clinician and manager. It is their responsibility, so parents, please ask your students to show you their work if you would like. in Elementary Education (K-6) in addition to her certification in Reading Education (K-12). My boys and I try to go trout fishing on the Red River in Arkansas at least once a year. Mrs. Carter is married and has two children, Stone and Emma. I have taught 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades over the past 20 years. The Saint Ann Catholic School family believes, achieves and inspires. News; St. Anne PTO. I have taught a total of 28 years. Bachelor's of Science in Engineering Technology (BSET), Memphis State, Associate 's Degree in Computer Engineering (CE), State Technical Institute. The Army brought Ms. Tapia and her family to Fayetteville in 2014. We inspire one another to glorify God by embracing his call to love and serve. Our Vision St. Ann Catholic School passionately provides a Christ-inspired education where Catholic Teachings and Academic Excellence prepare the whole child for a life of joyful discipleship. Interests include Pittsburgh Pirates, Pittsburgh Steelers, and American History particularly the Civil War. Founded in 1955, Saint Ann Catholic School was established to provide a quality Catholic education for the children of families in the Decatur, AL area. St. Annis blessed to have a magnificent staff with various backgrounds and a wealth of knowledge to share with our students. Joined St. Ann Catholic School in 1990 Morganhttps://saswildcolts.blogspot.com, Kindergarten/Ms. Our daughter, Carly, graduated from St. Ann in 2012. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School is seeking a full-time Art Teacher for the 2023-2024 academic year. MISS MARA STURZENEGGER PK4 TEACHER Our pursuit for academic excellence is strengthened by our common love for Jesus Christ and the deepening of our childrens faith and trust in God. Ms. Kelly is a certified K-8 teacher who is retired from Ft. Bragg Schools after 36 years. I taught at Immaculate Conception from 1979 until983. Mr. Culbreth is a Fayetteville native who worked and retired from Cumberland County Schools this summer after 35 years with the system. St. Anne School serves grades K-8 and Pre/Pre-K. We are a Catholic school and welcome all faiths.
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