EMC endobj BT /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 279 0 obj<> stream 0000121021 00000 n Tj ET Tj endstream 72.000000 530.000000 Td endstream endstream BT ET 0000011947 00000 n stream 0000023811 00000 n 546 0 obj<> Eat your carbohydrate with fiber. (continued to rise over the year. ) endstream endobj EMC EMC 0000215935 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw You have the answer right there. ) 385 0 obj<> EMC Tj endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT 72.000000 197.000000 Td 0000016156 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 307.000000 Td 72.000000 143.000000 Td endobj endstream 0000212854 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw So we ) Tj (disease and no stopping. ) BT EMC endobj stream stream endobj endobj All of these studies show it doesn't work. ET endstream 72.000000 241.000000 Td stream 72.000000 185.000000 Td ET stream (So lets add juice in. stream BT endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw Sugar The Bitter Truth : utubed : Free Download, Borrow, and - Archive BT endstream 47 0 obj<> Tj endstream stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC endstream 72.000000 709.000000 Td ET BT stream 0000136185 00000 n stream So if youre going to store it, that is an obligate weight gain set up by a biochemical process and you expect to burn it, that is normal energy expenditure for normal quality of life, then youre going to have to eat it. BT 72.000000 331.000000 Td endobj EMC ET (nothing to do with burning of calories. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream 0000066398 00000 n 751 0 obj<> (have to eat it. stream (discourage consumption for public health reasons. 234 0 obj<> endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000033827 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream endobj 0000148714 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 506 0 obj<> 109 0 obj<> BT ET stream EMC endobj stream endobj EMC 0000006606 00000 n 0000022124 00000 n ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw That's the smoking gun. (So eat your carbohydrate with fiber; that's why we say that. (The question is, how come we don't respond? EMC 72.000000 464.000000 Td It takes about a week, because youre ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream BT (hormone. stream Tj 0000160758 00000 n 0000130204 00000 n endstream BT The Bitter Truth About Sugar with Dr. Robert Lustig July 13, 2020 By Hilda Labrada Gore Leave a Comment We all know by now that sugar can lead to weight gain and cavities. endobj endstream 0000107200 00000 n ET endstream Hope you find it useful and informative. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT 0000193889 00000 n 231 0 obj<> ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET endobj BT (youre going to get out of a piece of sugarcane. endobj EMC (respectfully urge that the proposal be revised as soon as possible to reflect the ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (marching ever rightward as time has gone on this was what was projected for 2008 in blue.) BT (something called acetyl CoA, gets metabolized by this called the Kreb's Cycle, TCA cycle ) Tj 0000123657 00000 n (juice? 72.000000 262.000000 Td endobj BT 72.000000 598.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 152.000000 Td endobj BT (ingested fructose load ends up as fat. ET (thing we call the metabolic syndrome. ET (pregnant woman drinks or eats during the pregnancy the more that gets across the placenta ) Tj 561 0 obj<> ET 0000048687 00000 n BT endstream EMC BT 72.000000 241.000000 Td endobj EMC EMC endobj (reaction - the thing that happens on your grill happens in your arteries for the same ) Tj 72.000000 653.000000 Td (how this all works.) /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw Goes down, because stress and obesity go hand-in-hand for ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream 72.000000 537.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000038250 00000 n 0000047787 00000 n 897 0 obj<> 72.000000 530.000000 Td endobj endstream (things no, what they're really talking about is high fructose diet, and that's what ) Tj 0000010536 00000 n Acute fructose exposure did nothing, because the brain doesnt metabolize ) Tj endobj 0000148953 00000 n (the obesity metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, cardiovascular disease,) Tj Are soft drinks the cause of type 2 diabetes? (Soft drinks and Type 2 diabetes?) endobj (they do? /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT BT (chose to be obese. (glucose? /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (So why is fiber important in obesity? EMC stream endstream 640 0 obj<> ET BT 0000110616 00000 n 0000118952 00000 n EMC endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream 0000169765 00000 n Here is what happened. endstream So why are they saying this? /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream EMC 0000218896 00000 n EMC EMC ET ET EMC 0000207628 00000 n endstream 0000106958 00000 n 587 0 obj<> endstream We went on a high carb diet which was supposed ) Tj 97 0 obj<> stream (get your hair done by a doctor?" ET 0000124289 00000 n stream EMC Tj 0000210714 00000 n 72.000000 480.000000 Td The USDA its the fox in charge of the ) Tj stream EMC BT ET 0000158844 00000 n 48 0 obj<> 72.000000 430.000000 Td ET 0000134803 00000 n EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (of the endothelial cells in the vasculature to start the plaque formation process. ) 72.000000 263.000000 Td endobj 72.000000 654.000000 Td endobj endobj ET 72.000000 697.000000 Td endstream 825 0 obj<> 241 0 obj<> stream 0000029386 00000 n 72.000000 720.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw So fructose is a carbohydrate. ET ET 387 0 obj<> stream ET EMC Here is part 1 of the transcript of the excellent lecture given by Dr Robert Lustig. 72.000000 275.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (Association. 0000108145 00000 n ET endobj 72.000000 397.000000 Td 72.000000 408.000000 Td BT ET In a special event hosted by the County Office of Education on March 24, 2011, Dr. Robert Lustig, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, in the Division of Endocr. BT 0000002089 00000 n endobj 72.000000 186.000000 Td (that is biochemical forces that drive energy storage we will talk about what they are ) Tj EMC EMC stream endstream Percent ) Tj stream 0000000109 00000 n EMC BT 72.000000 329.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET EMC EMC 651 0 obj<> ET endstream 1 of 7. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000099662 00000 n 769 0 obj<> >>/Contents [ 709 0 R 710 0 R 711 0 R 712 0 R 713 0 R 714 0 R 715 0 R 716 0 R 717 0 R 718 0 R 719 0 R 720 0 R 721 0 R 722 0 R 723 0 R 724 0 R 725 0 R 726 0 R 727 0 R 728 0 R 729 0 R 730 0 R 731 0 R 732 0 R 733 0 R 734 0 R 735 0 R 736 0 R 737 0 R 738 0 R 739 0 R 740 0 R 741 0 R 742 0 R 743 0 R 744 0 R 745 0 R 746 0 R 747 0 R 749 0 R 750 0 R 751 0 R 752 0 R 753 0 R 754 0 R 755 0 R 756 0 R 757 0 R 758 0 R 759 0 R 760 0 R 761 0 R 762 0 R 763 0 R 764 0 R 765 0 R 766 0 R 767 0 R 768 0 R ] >> 0000093689 00000 n 72.000000 620.000000 Td BT ET endstream 72.000000 676.000000 Td endobj 72.000000 129.000000 Td EMC EMC 0000090237 00000 n BT ET EMC 72.000000 106.000000 Td So four times the substrate is going to hit the liver and ) Tj ET 72.000000 376.000000 Td BT 72.000000 452.000000 Td (We follow our patients every three months. BT (adopted our diet all suffer now from the same problem, and were going to get even ) Tj 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 rg endobj endobj stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw A little extra sugar may seem harmless, but ingested often, it can contribute to a variety of health issues, like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. endobj BT BT EMC 0000009816 00000 n No, they are not in the fat. 5 grams ) Tj endobj 851 0 obj<> ET 0000196758 00000 n 300 0 obj<> (policy in this world to draw on in terms of how to limit consumption, because ethanol is ) Tj 72.000000 118.000000 Td endstream BT The answer is any amount. 721 0 obj<> ET 0000052174 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000085090 00000 n 105 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 475.000000 Td 0000051034 00000 n ET (that you might find coming out of you instead going into you. 96 0 obj<> 72.000000 286.000000 Td stream 41 0 obj<> EMC endobj (the top. 0000053108 00000 n 0000013307 00000 n So that will be worth 26 pounds of fat per year if you did that ) Tj endstream ET endobj EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 156 0 obj<> 72.000000 383.000000 Td (fructose is a poison. ET 388 0 obj<> ET BT stream (that were independent. (- written by a British physiologist, nutritionist, endocrinologist by the name of John ) Tj 0000214981 00000 n endstream ET How about the FDA? ET endobj EMC BT They make the stuff that lets you live called ATP - ATP adenosine ) Tj Tj ET 72.000000 374.000000 Td ET endstream endstream (All right you get the picture. endstream 72.000000 543.000000 Td So why is there so much sugar in Coke? ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw By 1994 we ) Tj BT stream 72.000000 709.000000 Td stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC (drinking the sports drinks? stream 72.000000 430.000000 Td 0000144262 00000 n stream So what I am going to suggest that you all do is just let me do my ) Tj And so most fructose items when you put it together, now we are up ) Tj 72.000000 553.000000 Td 0000182499 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT stream EMC endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000171697 00000 n I used to believe that. 72.000000 542.000000 Td So here is what fiber does. endobj BT 670 0 obj<> stream endobj EMC 638 0 obj<> (changed, if you drank one of those everyday for a year, 6.5 pounds, that will be worth 8 ) Tj endobj ET 72.000000 417.000000 Td endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT endobj You admit the mistake and you right the shift.) 72.000000 508.000000 Td endobj They ) Tj BT (axis and so you would say look at that, its very obvious, isnt it? 72.000000 676.000000 Td 902 0 obj<> (fructose is really unique, and you've got to understand that to understand everything ) Tj Okay, good. 0000216416 00000 n We like it a lot. EMC EMC EMC stream 72.000000 709.000000 Td EMC stream Tj EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT (in normal negative yin yang energy balance. 459 0 obj<> endstream This acetyl-CoA and this ethanol and this ) Tj ET endstream BT (Nonetheless here's Center for the Science in the Public Interest \(CSPI\) and the Corn ) Tj Tj ET endobj endstream So any hypothesis that you want to proffer that explains the obesity epidemic,) Tj endobj BT BT 0000126903 00000 n (to a low-fat diet. ET I am done and I can burn energy ) Tj 72.000000 151.000000 Td 191 0 obj<> Partial correlation analyses show ) Tj endstream Why are the Chinese? stream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 285.000000 Td (corn syrup and sucrose. BT EMC ET endobj 715 0 obj<> (about not giving your kid a Budweiser but you don't think twice about giving your kid a ) Tj EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET After all you see anybody on the street, hes a glutton and slough. 162 0 obj<> endstream You can actually see the color change too. (phosphate? BT BT 72.000000 207.000000 Td EMC EMC 209 0 obj<> endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 128.000000 Td BT Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream EMC endstream stream stream BT ET BT /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 121 0 obj<> 477 0 obj<> 598 0 obj<> 290 0 obj<> Right, fat kids. ) BT 615 0 obj<> endobj So any hypothesis that you want to proffer that explains the obesity epidemic, youve got to explain this one too. stream 0000117509 00000 n stream Why are the Australians? Everybody's heard of ) Tj (going to tyrosine phosphorylated and this would be tyrosine IRS-1 which is now active. ) 0000184819 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream stream 0000085995 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (the next hour, because I think there's another way to state the law, which is much more ) Tj 0000218502 00000 n EMC stream If you ask the scientist for the National Soft Drink ) Tj ET 72.000000 96.000000 Td (obese six month olds. endobj 0000060525 00000 n ET (also causes us satiety issues. endstream [6] And this is only what the government recommends, which at 8% sugar per meal is extraordinarily high! Tj EMC BT ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw So high fructose corn syrup is evil, but it's not evil because it's metabolically ) Tj EMC Well, the only way to do that was to make food cheap. BT endstream stream endstream 330 0 obj<> 189 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream 0000162139 00000 n endobj High fructose corn syrup. endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET Well JNK-1, what it does is its serine phosphorylates ) Tj (reactive oxygen species can start this enzyme and activate it. BT EMC (basically the object is to try to figure out what causes what and to try to factor out ) Tj 0000055268 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 863 0 obj<> endstream ET endstream 72.000000 152.000000 Td 159 0 obj<> EMC BT 448 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 795 0 obj<> But when you process it -- low-fat processed food it ) Tj 680 0 obj<> EMC EMC endobj 72.000000 698.000000 Td 57 grams, 228 ) Tj (that? endobj ET 72.000000 96.000000 Td Fructose ) Tj 72.000000 130.000000 Td BT (over here called PYY which goes to your brain and tells you the meal is over; that's your ) Tj (high-fructose corn syrup and sugar." (steatosis through that DNL pathway, those three enzymes, the new fat making pathway; ) Tj BT ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw Now why did ) Tj So when you consume fructose you're not consuming the carbohydrate; ) Tj ET endstream endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (years ago used to consume 100 grams to 300 grams of fiber per day. endstream BT 487 0 obj<> BT 0000001569 00000 n BT 429 0 obj<> endstream ("My hairdresser says that sugar is healthier than high fructose corn syrup." (and actually causes what we call developmental programming changing the kids adiposity ) Tj (whatever you want to call it, 44 ounces worth 57 pounds of fat per year and if that ) Tj EMC 0000081806 00000 n 72.000000 305.000000 Td (No question about it. 0000033113 00000 n endobj stream stream 82 0 obj<> 906 0 obj<> BT endstream BT ET endstream EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT I ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 631.000000 Td 72.000000 152.000000 Td 622 0 obj<> (all fructose corn syrup. endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw So lets consume 120 calories in sucrose, a glass of orange juice. 0000125003 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 463.000000 Td So ) Tj ET 400 0 obj<> 656 0 obj<> 0000112296 00000 n ET endstream endstream 694 0 obj<> As far as I'm ) Tj It's how they are not the same.) endstream endstream 72.000000 542.000000 Td endobj It's also ) Tj 0000194132 00000 n stream ET 69 0 obj<> endstream endstream stream endobj EMC stream endobj 72.000000 362.000000 Td We as human beings, walking the earth 50,000 ) Tj EMC stream stream 0000129005 00000 n endobj EMC ( I am busy metabolizing my breakfast; I don't need lunch. endstream stream 752 0 obj<> 72.000000 284.000000 Td endobj (to show you that. EMC 0000113437 00000 n (last February? /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw EMC ET 72.000000 106.000000 Td 72.000000 362.000000 Td ET stream ET 368 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000201541 00000 n EMC ET (what, Ive had enough. stream But I just want to point out what's the difference. ) 0000156676 00000 n endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (fly in the plane at the same time, right, you know that? 739 0 obj<> We havent seen the data yet but they went and did it for a year. EMC 0000059081 00000 n 396 0 obj<> 599 0 obj<> stream stream 408 0 obj<> endstream 0000006365 00000 n endstream 0000117750 00000 n stream stream 430 0 obj<> endstream 364 0 obj<> (73 pounds up to 95 pounds by 2000 and there is something missing from this slide. 0000095846 00000 n (came from Kelly Brownell's group at Yale. 0000157402 00000 n 0000077860 00000 n And then we'll go from there and Ill try to explain ) Tj Stability is ) Tj stream stream 903 0 obj<> 0000086957 00000 n 586 0 obj<> 0000016867 00000 n 0000212140 00000 n BT (So let me show you how its a poison.) 72.000000 709.000000 Td 0000186818 00000 n ET BT And currently we are consuming 63 pounds per person ) Tj endstream endstream 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 rg 0000105750 00000 n 40 0 obj<> (carbohydrate. ET ET 548 0 obj<> stream Thats worth 15.5 pounds of fat per year. ) (attempt by Pepsi to capture market share on the juice market. 72.000000 720.000000 Td 72.000000 720.000000 Td 72.000000 509.000000 Td ET But nonetheless there are 275 calories we have to ) Tj EMC ET 0000072952 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream 0000153849 00000 n endobj ET endstream endstream BT (way and high-fat diet gets in the way. ET 0000190172 00000 n ET ET /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (The Bitter Truth About Sugar by Robert Lustig Slides [PDF file]) Tj ET EMC endstream endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 rg Every processed food. ET ( We had so far exceeded and surpassed this - its not even funny - from 2003. endobj Sugar: The Bitter Truth 7/27/2009; 89 minutes Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. Its like a glass of milk plus a half a glass of orange juice, ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endobj (something called Acetyl-CoA, which then gets packaged with this protein here and you end ) Tj ET This we are suffering from it today. BT ET 0000087669 00000 n 72.000000 308.000000 Td BT 72.000000 720.000000 Td (Why is exercise important in obesity) Tj (we've actually gotten rid of most trans fats, not completely, but most. (And then finally in the late 1970s we learned that LDL correlated with cardiovascular ) Tj endobj BT EMC 9 0 obj<> ET endobj (speed of transit of the intestinal contents to the ilium and that raises this hormone ) Tj stream Remember if you want to do sugar, then double ) Tj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream BT ET endstream stream <> endstream ET stream 72.000000 576.000000 Td 72.000000 295.000000 Td /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET 0000191821 00000 n 712 0 obj<> 905 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 559 0 obj<> endobj (Second political wind: the advent of high fructose corn syrup. EMC BT ( ) Tj endstream 0000201781 00000 n stream 72.000000 264.000000 Td 54 0 obj<> EMC 72.000000 274.000000 Td Tj We call that a poison. ) 72.000000 664.000000 Td BT 72.000000 309.000000 Td endobj 297 0 obj<> ET BT (because they take the fiber out, because that way they can freeze it, ship it around the ) Tj Tj endstream EMC 0000210471 00000 n BT We cant check the work. ET 197 0 obj<> endobj 72.000000 507.000000 Td BT BT 0000132739 00000 n BT endstream 469 0 obj<> stream EMC endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000166192 00000 n stream (the price of sugar when this thing hit the market? EMC ET stream endstream (based 30 years of nutrition education and information and policy in this country on this ) Tj endobj 72.000000 531.000000 Td So ) Tj BT 72.000000 454.000000 Td stream endstream 585 0 obj<> EMC 0000134329 00000 n BT /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT They are not ) Tj endstream 719 0 obj<> EMC /FNT_Courier_Bold 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream 0000209748 00000 n endobj 0000070819 00000 n stream The fat is going down. EMC stream said well if A leads to B ) Tj BT 0000188252 00000 n BT EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET BT Tj EMC endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endstream 72.000000 531.000000 Td So here is what JNK-1 does. BT Tj 72.000000 298.000000 Td 72.000000 687.000000 Td endobj stream 217 0 obj<> stream BT endobj endobj 0000130683 00000 n endstream stream EMC Remember the first pass GI metabolism takes ) Tj BT (of the earth can use glucose because glucose is the energy of life. Tj 0000152443 00000 n BT 911 0 obj<> endstream stream ET endobj stream EMC stream endstream endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw endobj endstream EMC stream Sure enough we are all eating more now ) Tj Tj endobj endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 274.000000 Td (Hepatic fructose metabolism leads to all the manifestations of the metabolic syndrome ) Tj 499 0 obj<> ET Sugared beverage consumption. endobj 611 0 obj<> endobj stream stream BT stream 125 0 obj<> 72.000000 352.000000 Td EMC 0000185567 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 70 0 obj<> 0000093493 00000 n endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT EMC stream 72.000000 271.000000 Td stream 375 0 obj<> /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000148007 00000 n endobj 0000131169 00000 n endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw stream endobj endobj ET ET endstream /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 72.000000 653.000000 Td endstream Tj So 24 calories right off the top. (leptin resistance promoting continuous consumption, basically starving your brain, making ) Tj stream endobj 72.000000 316.000000 Td 31 0 obj<> 72.000000 141.000000 Td 0000211660 00000 n /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 0000217543 00000 n Now sometimes that's bad. endobj /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw 326 0 obj<> EMC (I want to show you the difference between glucose and fructose in a way that will be ) Tj endobj Now lets talk about calorie intake, because thats what today is about. EMC /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw (Obesity epidemic) Tj endobj stream endobj endobj endobj Lets talk about my favorite ) Tj ET 72.000000 597.000000 Td Were all eating more. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw BT Tj endobj 195 0 obj<> endobj ET Tj EMC 72.000000 497.000000 Td BT 0000057214 00000 n 0 915 endstream endstream stream endstream 72.000000 532.000000 Td (About Sugar" slides below while reading this transcript) Tj stream 799 0 obj<> This is not dangerous. endstream EMC 72.000000 252.000000 Td 0000215702 00000 n 220 0 obj<> stream BT 829 0 obj<> endstream stream EMC BT endstream BT /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw ET stream EMC stream ET ET endstream (So now comes the fun part - the racial innuendos and all the political stuff - the ) Tj 72.000000 575.000000 Td 0000158603 00000 n endstream stream stream Not "may", "does".) ET (So the corollary to that is in America at least and around the world too, a low-fat diet ) Tj endobj stream ET 0000055025 00000 n (The Bitter Truth About Sugar by Robert Lustig \(Full Transcript\)) Tj 72.000000 141.000000 Td endobj EMC EMC 72.000000 277.000000 Td 0000133851 00000 n endobj EMC 72.000000 463.000000 Td If you stress reduce what do ) Tj 716 0 obj<> 0000200339 00000 n 410 0 obj<> endstream #. American adult males ) Tj endobj stream endstream endobj BT (phosphate cant get out of the liver. 0000132496 00000 n 112 0 obj<> I agree. 0000168314 00000 n endstream ET (problem. /FNT_Courier 9.090909 Tf 95.000000 Tz 0.000000 Tw

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