west seattle blog crime - fulbrightsrilanka.com Im willing to bet she wasnt. 4:50 PM: Another major Seattle Fire response this time a water-rescue response for Alki Point. 1 PM: Listening back to dispatch audio now that were back at HQ, the initial report was that the man and woman knew each other and that he claimed he shot her because she came at him with a knife. Dispatch also was told that neighbors retrieved the gun and were turning it over to police. Beggars can be choosers after all. Police are questioning a man. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. A text message string between the phones of Brett Gitchel and Leticia Martinez-Cosman was recovered during the search warrant of Bretts phone. When I yelled for my boyfriend and ran out of the room, I went into the living room where I could see him army-crawling away into our neighbors side yard. I think the Fauntleroy business was MOD Pizza, I used to work for mod and I heard about it from people I know. 11:58 PM: Police and fire are arriving at a reported flipped-car crash at California/Fauntleroy. 2:48 PM: Seattle Fire is sending a water-rescue response by land and sea to Seacrest, to look into a report of people who are possibly in distress about 300 yards out. The folks who are cleaning up encampments and treating these abusers are saints, and shouldnt have to do it for people when the abusers are getting a slap on the wrist. ==============, How to contact SWP Crime Prevention coordinator Jennifer Danner, Does a registered sex offender live near you? GUNS are everywhere. The terminology is defined by the FBI. ADDED 11:12 AM: Regarding cause/damage, SFD tells WSB, Fire investigators ruled this fire as undetermined. I didnt see or hear anything, but I probably only missed trouble by a few minutes. ADDED MIDDAY SUNDAY: As noted in comments, two damaged cars remained parked at the crash scene this morning. Another caller said the same man had broken into their apartment and tried to pistol-whip someone who fought back and suffered only minor injuries. Crime is going up all over the place. This street was selected because historical cellphone data indicated that Brett was near the far west end of S 192nd St for about 20 minutes on 04/01/2023 at approximately 2230 hours, or about 3 12 hours before Brett made contact with (Leticias son) Patrick. Crime Dashboard - Police | seattle.gov Violent Crime Property Crime Grand Total Homicide Rape Robbery Aggravated Assault Total Arson Burglary Larceny-Theft Motor Vehicle Theft Total 2023 A note on terminology: This dashboard uses National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) terminology which is the standard for law enforcement agencies. CLICK FOR SEATTLE POLICES ONLINE-REPORTING SYSTEM (but call 911 if its happening now! Generated by Wordfence at Mon, 1 May 2023 12:43:45 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Particularly during these early sunsets and long nights, shades and blinds are a must, lest your living space look like a lighted fishbowl. WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Police investigate reported home-invasion robbery . Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Realty h King County Councilmember wants to make public dru Mothers Day is May 14! Please enter your username or e-mail address. This is VIDEO: City Council Candidate Chat, with Jean Iannelli Craciun, SPORTS: High-school postseason play starts this week, Date set for next community meeting with police at Southwest Precinct, UPDATE: 1 shot, 1 arrested at Junction apartment building, ALMOST BID TIME: Sign up today to start bidding tomorrow for unique local experiences and more to help Southwest Seattle Historical Society, Memorial service May 10 for Leon C. Ferrari, 1927-2022, CONTINUING SUNDAY: West Seattle Rock and Gem Show, WEST SEATTLE WEEKEND SCENE: Evening boat ride. Northbound vehicles are getting by. 8:52 PM: SFD and SPD are on the way to 35th/Barton, dispatched to a crash reported to involve a rollover. Updates to come. Continuing Crime Watch links: 12/31/2019: Stolen black Altima. False alarm, theyve proclaimed, and the response is being canceled. A 60-year-old woman had minor injuries. }).render().setUser('getyourcarback').start(); SOUTHWEST PRECINCT UPDATES FROM SPDBLOTTER.SEATTLE.GOV, // <! Weve spoken again with SFD and SPD on scene. From Jim Clark Marina, that Coast Guard vessel in our photo is the only sign of anything out of the ordinary. 11:58 AM: SPD says she was arrested for investigation of DUI. SPD and SFD converged on the north entrance of West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) a short time ago because of what was reported as a car into a building. Turns out the driver didnt hit the building but did go up over the curb very close to the north doors. You will receive a new password via e-mail. 9:40 PM: More crews are arriving and the tree is brightly illuminated. . 7:11 PM: Police are reopening the street; the black car is being towed to SPDs evidence-processing facility. 12:17 PM: The woman is reported to have an abdominal wound and is being taken to Harborview. WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: 4 business burglaries West Seattle Blog (WSB photo) 12:04 PM: Initial dispatch was for a woman with a (Photo courtesy SWSHS) A music tour of West Seattle in that classic car is just one of many unique local experiences thats being auctioned Family and friends will gather May 10th in memory of Leon Ferrari. Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. Of course the getaway driver was just giving the thief a ride and didnt know him at all. All contents copyright 2022, A Drink of Water and a Story Interactive. They were still talking to the driver at last report about whether this was a case of driver error, medical trouble, or mechanical problem. As we turned around , looking south, we saw a white car turn right on to North bound 39th Ave SW , it sped past us very fast, maybe 35 or 40 MPH, It then turned East onto Admiral Way.I called 911 and reported what we heard and saw. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Powered byWPtouch Mobile Suite for WordPress. West Seattle Blog | CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Leticia Martinez - Reddit He strangled Patrick too? From what I was told by neighbors after I finished teaching, police did canvas the street for witnesses. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 12/9/2021: Mace-attack suspect charged; theft victim hit again], 12/8/2021: Burglary arrests; business-incidents suspect followup, 12/6/2021: Maced by car prowler; another vehicle break-in; two West Marginal business burglaries, 12/3/2021: Another window broken at Floors Plus NW; inflatable decorations stolen, 12/2/2021: Charges filed in business incidents, 12/2/2021: Robberies, mail theft, warrant arrest, 11/30/2021: Threat suspect arrested again, 11/25/2021: White-nationalist group vandalizes mural, 11/24/2021: Stolen blue Chevy Silverado pickup; tent theft, 11/23/2021: Burglar steals customized three-wheel hand-operated bike, 11/22/2021: Highland Park Way crash car-theft/kidnapping suspect charged, and has high-profile West Seattle history, 11/22/2021: Another business window broken, 11/21/2021: From the dumped and possibly stolen file: Shoulder bag, with PlayStation, 11/20/2021: Suspect in post-car-theft burglary arrested, two states away, 11/19/2021: West Seattle doctor convicted of pandemic-loan fraud Nope. Two dumped-likely-stolen reader reports: DOG DOOR: If you were expecting a package with a dog door Susan may have, Love this Taco Time hope whoever crawled through that window was cut to shreds ugh. Apparently not a large fire. (Sunday) night at about 10:15 pm my boyfriend and I were lying in bed at our apartment, which is on the bottom floor of a complex on Bonair Pl SW, right off Alki. 12/18/2021: Burglary, arson, vandalism at church, 12/17/2021: Quarter-million-dollar burglary, 12/15/2021: From the dumped/likely stolen file: Nishiki bicycle, 12/14/2021: Car prowler; building burglar; big police response, 12/12/2021: Man attacked in North Delridge. } WSB COVERAGE NOTE: The newest crime stories weve covered are always atop this archive. No major injuries, firefighters told dispatch. Note this is NOT a real-time page if were covering a crime story right now, find it here. This is at the AJ Apartments. West Seattle Blog editor. West Seattle Blog | CRIME WATCH: Alki shooting followup; apartment Crime is up everywhere, even law and order conservative cities and states. Public safety was the top topic at last night's Alki . Please use any of this information to let our community know that this guy is on foot and either lives in the area or visits frequently enough to know the neighborhoods off of Alki. Im no prude to city life I grew up in NY but West Seattle is beginning to feel like less of a place I want my child roaming around on their own. Plenty of rich boring suburbs exist with gated subdivisions (if you can afford them) and if you live far enough in the boonies you can absolutely avoid day to day nuisance crime (nobody is going to sleep off their alcohol in your yard when its a ten mile walk from the store they shoplifted it from). The Praetorians cant get here soon enough. Note theres at least one utility pole caught up in this, and responders have just warned that the railing behind the stop might be electrified. Also, Metro has just sent an advisory that this situation will affect C Line and Routes 21, 50, 55, and 773 (Water Taxi shuttle). 2:07 PM: Hazmat responders have just told dispatch that their evaluation shows no imminent hazard, so theyre coming back out. Updates to come. As someone that has (mostly) made peace with the tradeoffs associated with city living, its pretty disingenuous to claim there is nowhere better on crime. 8:54 AM: Police confirm this morning that casings were found after a report of gunfire Tuesday evening in Admiral. This option will reset the home page of this site. background: '#333333', 12:48 PM: First crews on scene say its two vehicles, one person possibly hurt but nobody trapped, so theyre downsizing the response. Police say cell phone records show more than 2,000 phone contacts between the couple and the accused dealer over an eight-month period before and after the babys death last year. She was in stable condition when transported. . GUNS are the issue. The car was not stolen. Hi, I was the walker who was on 39th north of Lander. BOYS SOCCER: Heres the Metro League bracket. Police were about to leave and told us that it was only a medical response and in the end, they werent needed. <a href="http://app.feed.informer.com/digest3/WQUWTJ6NUY.html">Click for &quot;SPD Blotter for Southwest Precinct&quot;.</a> Powered by <a href="http://feed.informer.com/">RSS Feed Informer</a>// -->]]> WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen silver 4Runner 2:56 PM: The response is being downsized. When 36-year-old Brett M. Gitchel appeared in King County Superior Court this morning for arraignment, he also answered to the newly filed charge of second-degree murder in the strangulation death of Leticia Martinez-Cosman. Brett used premeditated intentional lies and deception to lure Patrick into a situation in a vehicle where Patrick would be susceptible to Bretts strangulation. GUNS are the problem. You will receive a new password via e-mail. 7:51 PM: A texter says the cars been pulled out, so the scene should be entirely clear shortly. 5 minutes later 2 cop cars , sirens and lights flashing went to the shots fired location.At the time of the of the shots there were a least 2 people right at that intersection, one was a runner and the other a walker. Mace-attack suspect charged; theft victim hit again, Burglary arrests; business-incidents suspect followup, Maced by car prowler; another vehicle break-in; two West Marginal business burglaries, Another window broken at Floors Plus NW; inflatable decorations stolen, Stolen blue Chevy Silverado pickup; tent theft, Burglar steals customized three-wheel hand-operated bike, Highland Park Way crash car-theft/kidnapping suspect charged, and has high-profile West Seattle history, From the dumped and possibly stolen file: Shoulder bag, with PlayStation, Suspect in post-car-theft burglary arrested, two states away, West Seattle doctor convicted of pandemic-loan fraud, Crash following theft of car with toddler inside, Child-molesting suspect charged with two felonies, Still seeking suspect in post-car-theft burglary, From the dumped-likely-stolen file: Jewelry and bicycles, Car-theft victim burglarized hours later (Sunday update added). features: { Meantime, our crew also reports that traffic is snarled in the Y vicinity and elsewhere just west of 35th. Theyre downsizing the response. April 25, 2023 2:31 pm . No serious injuries, firefighters tell us no one needed to be taken to a hospital. Yet another nearby resident said he saw the suspect, who hes known for two years, walk down the alley holding a gun before crouching behind a truck, then standing up, stopping a car coming down the alley, and shooting into that car through its windshield. Please enter your username or e-mail address. 4:22 PM: No injuries reported. 12:26 AM: This is on the southbound side of California by Morgan Junction Park. 1:21 AM: A fireboat has located a patient offshore and has them onboard. Reply To: Teaching Positions Open for 2023-24 West Seattle Bike Connections Advocacy Traini UPDATE: 1 shot, 1 arrested at Junction apartment building, FOLLOWUP: Board convened to take social housing from ballot to buildings, Automotive Technician Busy Independent Shop, Medical Receptionist Neighborhood Naturopathic, Plant sale (exterior plants only) 4/29 and 4/30 from 9:30-5pm, Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council, West Seattle Community Recognition Awards, WS Health Club/ex-Athletic Club/ex-Allstar Fitness, CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Leticia Martinez-Cosmans accused killer charged with second-degree murder. Does West Seattle have no, or next to none, Police officers in Police cars, patrolling our business districts and neighborhoods? A traffic camera is pointing southward toward the closed/blocked stretch of 35th: 8:53 PM: The SDOT camera shows activity around the tree, but otherwise the road remains closed to traffic. I, too, am super confused as to how this baby went home with these unfit parents. If something happens and you want to get the word out (AFTER youve reported it to police), please e-mail us (call/text 206-293-6302 if its breaking news). These vehicles were not involved. Brett repeatedly lied to law enforcement in his interview until the point where he could not deny the truth any longer and chose to instead end the interview. 6:26 PM: Via SPD Blotter, police added a few more details, confirming there was a disturbance, involving a knife and a firearm, showing a photo of the gun, and describing the shooting victim as 24 years old and the arrested suspect as 29 years old. Updates to come. My 1998 Toyota 4Runner, silver in color, was stolen overnight, from 8 pm-8:50 am this morning. Its odd that the suspect changed his mask (surgical in upper left photo, but N-95 in upper right photo. I am so disheartened by what has become of our neighborhood and this city. Brett is depicted alone in multiple videos with Leticias vehicle and at her home after her disappearance. They are not commenting on whatever theyve learned about the circumstances so far. West Seattle news, 24/7. 5:41 PM: Thats our crews view from the other side of the tree blockage. Theyll be taking the person to Seacrest. 5:50 PM: SFD tells us the driver, a 22-year-old man, was in stable condition when transported. Both defendants are responsible for the death of their baby. As charging documents noted, police found out about Vasquez while investigating the death of a 3-month-old baby in Southeast Seattle, blamed on fentanyl she apparently ingested through her mothers milk. Were seeing one badly damaged vehicle at the scene but still trying to find out more about what happened; the driver is being taken to a hospital by private ambulance. 9:38 PM: The tow truck has arrived and just turned the car over onto its wheels, so the street should be clear before too long. @westseattleblog. Assuming hes charged, the narrative in those documents will tell more of whatever detectives have learned as their investigation continued. So if you didnt Out walking in the Seacrest/Don Armeni area tonight, we noticed this crowd aboard the Water Taxi for an evening run to downtown. However, just after our crew left the scene, an officer told dispatch that this car matches the description of the one in which the Westwood GameStop robbery suspects are believed to have gotten away in, so theyll be investigating that. West Seattle Blog | Crime Watch You should be held responsible for your actions and stop subjecting others to your choices. More stick. Police tell us the red truck, parked, was hit by the driver of the other vehicle. This is disgusting and outrageous and a complete violation of privacy. I'm not sure why you'd cover such a large area, either. On a wider societal level you are probably right. West Seattle Blog. rpp: 4, The amended charging documents do not include much new information, but did shine light on why investigators searched the area of Renton where they found her body: Bretts historical cellphone data shows that Brett drove outside of the City of Seattle into remote mountainous regions in King County, including locations along I-90 near Snoqualmie Pass and SE Middle Fork Rd in North Bend, before returning to the Seattle area. I was online teaching class at the time and the gunshots scared my cats as well as myself. A nearby resident reports hearing chainsaw activity. Beginning on 04/06/2023, members of Law Enforcement, subsequently assisted by King County Search and Rescue personnel, began to physically search areas of interest for Leticia. Dude got a slap on the wrist. Reply To: Teaching Positions Open for 2023-24 West Seattle Bike Connections Advocacy Traini UPDATE: 1 shot, 1 arrested at Junction apartment building, FOLLOWUP: Board convened to take social housing from ballot to buildings, Automotive Technician Busy Independent Shop, Medical Receptionist Neighborhood Naturopathic, Plant sale (exterior plants only) 4/29 and 4/30 from 9:30-5pm, Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council, West Seattle Community Recognition Awards, WS Health Club/ex-Athletic Club/ex-Allstar Fitness. I called 911 tonight after seeing this post. Tukwila isn't in Seattle, nor is Monroe. . 11/5/2021: Station 36 firefighters ask for security improvements after attacks from above, 11/3/2021: Halloween shooter sought; catalytic-converter thieves car; keepsakes stolen in storage break-in, 11/2/2021: Stolen F-150 pickup truck; catalytic-converter theft on video, 11/2/2021: Bike thief leaves another behind again; catalytic-converter theft, 11/1/2021: 2 store robberies; fire-station damage, 10/28/2021: Armed shoplifter; broken-glass mystery; more, 10/26/2021: Police hope mask description will help solve robbery, 10/25/2021: One bike stolen, one left behind; car prowler; suspected intruder arrested, 10/22/2021: Shed break-in attempt; car prowl; bullet damage, 10/21/2021: Fairmount Park-area gunfire; car prowl; dumped-likely-stolen bicycle, 10/14/2021: Hit-run, catalytic-converter theft, 10/13/2021: 2 stolen vehicles (1 found), car prowl, 10/12/2021: Police standoff at 35th/Avalon, 10/11/2021: Warrant served by SWAT team; window-smashing arrest, 10/9/2021: Stolen bicycles; store robbery, 10/8/2021: Stolen Crown Victoria (update: found), 10/8/2021: More gunfire on SW Charlestown, 10/7/2021: Construction-site burglary arrests, 10/5/2021: Residence hit by gunfire; hit-run, 10/4/2021: Would-be catalytic-converter thief gets the boot, 10/3/2021: Driver of stolen car arrested for ramming police cars, building, 10/3/2021: Dumped-and-likely-stolen vintage water skis. Stickers in front windshield of yacht club. Brett Michael Gitchel exhibited injuries consistent with the assault of Patrick Cosman and denied going to the Mariners game with Leticia and claimed to not recognize her, until he was shown a photograph of them together that he could not deny. It should be mandatory for anyone involved in opioids, or schedule two drugs in general, on any level be responsible for trash clean up around our cities. 9:44 PM: Officers just told dispatch the scene is clear and the street is open all ways. Major damage was to some planters by those doors, our crew reports, and no injuries reported. We can do better. 12:33 PM: Police tell us the man they were questioning is under arrest. 3/23/2022: Water Taxi dock theft; gun seized, 3/22/2022: Two more truck thefts; business burglary, 3/22/2022: Another classic van stolen (found), 3/21/2022: First the catalytic converter, then the entire truck, 3/21/2022: Attacker found guilty; weekend gunfire, 3/18/2022: Stolen business vehicle (found), 3/17/2022: Another distinctive van to watch for; 2 gunfire-on-the-road incidents; window-smashing followup, 3/14/2022: 6 reports, from robberies to catalytic-converter theft to found/dumped items, 3/12/2022: Unsolved murders 10th anniversary, 3/11/2022: Another stolen pickup (found); charge filed in theft of delivery drivers car; business break-in attempt, 3/11/2022: Stolen business pickup (found), 3/8/2022: Former doctor sentenced for pandemic-loan fraud, 3/8/2022: Road-rage arrest, business vandalism, 3/1/2022: Assault arrest; apparently abandoned white car, 2/27/2022: Cigarettes-forgetting car-theft suspect charged, 2/27/2022: Alki double shooter pleads guilty, 2/22/2022: ATM theft update; road-rage gunfire, 2/20/2022: Shops hit by grab-and-run thieves, 2/17/2022: Stolen brown 4Runner; dumped bicycle, 2/15/2022: Stolen climbing gear; package-theft aftermath, 2/14/2022: Greenbelt stolen-car suspect charged, 2/13/2022: Stolen white van; items dumped in street, 2/11/2022: Another 7-11 robbery; burglars steal car, 2/9/2022: Helicopter-assisted search in Highland Park, 2/7/2022: Two attempted-burglary investigations, 2/4/2022: Attempted luring; mystery stabbing, 2/3/2022: Unusual dumped-likely-stolen item; mail mystery, 1/31/2022: Car hit by gunfire, store robbed, stolen vehicle found, 1/30/2022: Stolen pickup; catalytic-converter theft, 1/29/2022: Recognize this thief? on UPDATE: Water-rescue response off Alki Point, canceled, on UPDATE: Rescue extrication response near Arrowhead Gardens, downsized, on About the fire alarm at Spruce: Burning rubber suspected. West Seattle Blog on Twitter :>(. Police shortages are a very small part of the problem. 1:14 AM: First units arriving in the area arent seeing anything so far. No reports of injuries. 10:09 PM: Two angles from people who have a view from the west side of 35th, as removal continues: That pic is from a texter who described the tree as monstrous the photo is from after at least a third of it was gone. Your access to this service has been limited. I asked my neighbor, he wondered if the location was correct. He remains in the King County Jail, bail set at $5,050,000, and his next court date is set for May 15th. 9:04 PM: Police have checked and so far it does NOT appear this was a stolen car. SPD Blotter - Seattle Crime News Seattle, Washington, US The SPD Blotter began in 2008 and is maintained by the staff of Seattle Police Department Public Affairs Office. They are out on bond and scheduled for arraignment April 27th. She was out walking her dog at the time it happened. No building damage reported. More stick. scrollbar: false, The three shots can be clearly heard on the class replay. I imagine they were pretty freaked out and feeling lucky they werent struck in the line of fire.A NW Native, grew up in Tacoma, I am beginning to loath living in Seattle, having lived here since 1980. Even if it were actually getting any more rugged people who would rather whine and bail when things get rough rather than step up to make it better will not be missed. Back in January, we reported on charges filed against 41-year-old David Vasquez, accused of drug dealing after a long . "@ranspot2 Yup xhttps://westseattleblog.com/2023/03/west-seattle-crime-watch-gunfire-investigation-19/" 6:26 PM: The juvenile driver of the black car that hit the tree is being taken to the precinct for questioning. Meantime, the man accused of shooting him remains jailed, bail set at half a million dollars. It was a debris fire in a covered patio area next to structure. 11:36 PM: Thanks to the texter who just sent the photo added above. He then, police were told, ran to the beach, where he is reported to have dumped the gun and told someone, Just watch, its going to get crazy. Then, police say, the suspect ran back inland toward Admiral, and was arrested in the 3000 block of 61st SW. If youre headed eastbound on Alaska, you can turn to southbound 35th from there, but not northbound. If something happens and you want to get the word out (AFTER you've reported it to police), please e-mail us (call/text 206-293-6302 if it's. Awaiting word on injuries. westseattleblog. He is medium build, between 510 and 6 feet tall and of hispanic ethnicity. 12/18/2021: Seen this stolen company box truck? } West Seattle Blog on Twitter: "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Charges filed It makes me sad to say but every day Im one step closer to leaving. I agree. The crime against business alone in WS is just horrible. width: 301, If you are a WordPress user with administrative privileges on this site, please enter your email address in the box below and click "Send".

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