He led the Senate investigation into the CIA's use of torture after Sept. 11. Giants' Daniel Jones exits Week Daniel has extensive experience advising senior business executives and U.S. government officials. While the actual full-length report is still classified, heres everything the film outlined. Jones is the founder and president of Advance Democracy, Inc. (ADI), a nonpartisan, non-profit organization that conducts public interest investigations around the world that promote "accountability, transparency, and good governance", according to its description. Jones spent two years investigating the destruction of videotapes depicting interrogations and then an additional five years compiling a seven thousand page report on the torture tactics used by the CIA on detainees suspected of links to Al-Qaeda. He left the Senate in 2015, founded a non-profit, and now works as an investigation consultant. N.Y. Giants Pre-Draft Press Conference, April 20, 2023. Before we can identify [whether] a story is true or not, we have to identify what the facts of the story are., Burns stresses that the report is about facts. Burns parents are both psychologists, and he says he was interested in the idea that a field of science that had largely existed to explain human behavior and heal people could somehow be used by this.. Seven detainees provided no intelligence at all, and many detainees made up information, creating faulty intelligence. If you ask the lead investigator on that report, Daniel J. Jones, it really isnt funny at all. Former Silverchair frontman Daniel Johns has revealed why he hasnt released any new music. The running back tag is just $10.1 million, so Jones long-term deal allowed the Giants to retain the quarterback and Barkley at a combined $31.1 million cap hit this year. Fact-checking 'The Report': The truth about Adam Driver's CIA Im bemused that the Senate could devote so many resources to studying the interrogation program and yet never once speak to any of the key people involved in it, including the guy who ran it (that would be me)., Burns says that these conflicting narratives, between the CIAs account of what happened and Jones discoveries, inform the conflict of the film. That the whole claims of effectiveness related to the [origins of the program] were simply not true. 6 pick in the 2019 NFL draft. And he would have had to perform well enough this season to warrant another tag, so he only would have been guaranteed $32.4 million. [2], Jones previously worked as an investigator for the Senate and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Its important to recognize that average annual value (AAV) is the most specious aspect of any contract. Daniel Jones 54 No. Jones was wobbly and needed help to stay on his feet before being carted off the field in the second quarter. The devil is always in the details with NFL contracts. After that investigation, the Senate voted again in favor of a further investigation into the Detention and Interrogation Program, using over 6 million pages of documents and correspondence provided by the CIA. Nine Tips on How to Uncover Even Terrible Truths One quarter after they lost running back Saquon Barkley to a serious ankle injury, the New York Giants also saw the exit of quarterback Daniel Jones. 2829, In January 2018, Jones also launched Advance Democracy, a 501(c)(3) charity. They brushed her off. 7th District AME Church: God First Holy Conference 2023 document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. The legislative branch bears some responsibility for this, too, Jones says, pointing out that the same Senate committee that produced the report also confirmed Haspel. Jones spent seven years in the basement of CIA headquarters at Langley with a continually shrinking staff of Senate aides, reviewing 6.3 million documentsemails and cables between agents and decision-makers, descriptions of the torture procedures and what they did to detainees, admissions in real time that the program didnt work and the CIA was lying about it to the Bush administration and the Department of Justice. New York Giants quarterback Daniel Jones has been placed in the league's concussion protocols. His Theres no way Jones will play on a $56.5 million cap hit in 2026. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. He wasnt going to confuse the public about what had happened. If Golladay is designated as a June 1 release, the Giants would create $13.5 million in cap savings this year with a $7.9 million dead money charge. Starring Adam Driver as Daniel J. Jones, the Senate staffer who led the investigations, Scott Z. Burns new political drama delves into the details gleaned by Jones and his team from over 6 million pages of CIA correspondence and documents, and what it means for the U.S. today. Daniel J. Jones is an American former United States Senate investigator who served as the senior staff lead in the investigation into the CIA's use of torture in the wake of the September 11 attacks. Nothing involving music but The Report also depicts how President Barack Obamas administration specifically John O. Brennans CIA worked to undermine the Committees efforts to make their findings public. The 51 Best Horror Movies To Scare Yourself Silly, The Ultimate Valentines Day Film Guide, Whatever Your Situation, Cosy Films To Watch By The Fire At Christmas, September conversation with the National Board of Review, alerting law enforcement to suspicious websites. Meet the man behind the investigation into the CIA's use of torture Two Daniel J. Dan Jones Basically the members [of the Committee] found out that they had been lied to by the CIA, the real Daniel Jones tells TIME. A three-year deal would have left no room for the team to add any padding to get the AAV to $40 million. In doing so, the Senate rejected a request from Obama administration Secretary of State John Kerry to delay the release out of concerns it would harm diplomatic efforts to build an international coalition against the ISIS Islamist terrorist network. He later told a lawyer that this was because documents kept mysteriously disappearing from the CIA server. Jones became so frustrated that Feinstein told him to stop meeting with the CIA. Undrafted rookie free agents: Team signings after 2023 NFL Draft 8, The report was published in December 2014 by the Senates Democratic leadership as one of their last actions before a Republican majority took control in 2015. Who Is Daniel Jones from 'The Report' - Inside the Sen. Feinstein sent the report for comment and review by the CIA, other intelligence agencies and the White House. In fact, no one was held accountable. 7th District AME Church: God First Holy Conference 2023 Jones left his Senate job after the torture reports release in 2014 and now does investigations for two DC companies he founded: the private Penn Quarter Copyright 2023 InfluenceWatch. 7 Many of the reports findings were disputed by the CIA and other intelligence agencies, and its release was controversial because of the value the information it contained could potentially provide to terrorist organizations and other enemies of the United States. .css-umdwtv{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:.0625rem;text-decoration-color:#FF3A30;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:background 0.4s;transition:background 0.4s;background:linear-gradient(#ffffff, #ffffff 50%, #d5dbe3 50%, #d5dbe3);-webkit-background-size:100% 200%;background-size:100% 200%;}.css-umdwtv:hover{color:#000000;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-position:100% 100%;background-position:100% 100%;}Jones was a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staffer assigned by Dianne Feinstein, played by Annette Benning in The Report, to lead the investigation into the CIAs Detention and Interrogation Program, primarily focusing on the use of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques post-9/11. NFL Draft 2023: Aggressive Joe Schoen landed Daniel Jones is now the president of the Penn Quarter Group, an investigative firm that provides consulting, research, and global investigative services to businesses, law The popular 90s rocker whose band delivered chart-topping hits Tomorrow, Freak and Straight Lines has shied away from We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. Scarcely anyone, even inside the agency, was abreast of it during the planning phase. Lawrence has earned a deal worth more than $20 million per year, so hell inevitably have big cap hits down the road. Some were made to stay awake for as long as a week, and others were told their families were in danger or they were going to be killed. That's a very tall order, says Daniel J. Jones, the Senate staffer and lead investigator whose arduous work is at the heart of The Report (now streaming on Amazon). Only a five hundred page, heavily censored summary has been declassified. The real star of the movie is the Senate report itself, he says. Crucially, Jones team also found that the interrogations werent effective. We tortured some folks, said the President of the United States in August of 2014, in what was meant to be the kind of Frank Admission a politician will sometimes offer on the weighty issues of the day. 2023 TIME USA, LLC. News never stops. An extension with Lawrence also seems like a priority, with Schoen revealing that those negotiations are underway. Of course, the film notes that the CIA admitted in the end that one quarter of the 119 people we tortured should never have been detained at all. The executive summary then moved to the White House to determine what should be declassified. Review: Adam Driver's 'Marriage Story' emotionally devastates its characters (and you), 'The Laundromat': Meryl Streep takes on rich scammers and 'collusion of wealth', This is a story about accountability and about how our branches of government interact with each other, writer/director Scott Z. Burns says. The use of EIT not only didnt gather any unique intelligence, but actually hindered the U.S. goal to prosecute architects of the 9/11 attacks. Jones describes the period as the summer of hell. We knew what the facts were and we would basically say, you know, The ocean water is blue. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. In June 2013, the Committee heard back that the CIA had major problems with the report and claimed it contained inaccuracies. 30 This organization has not yet publicly filed any financial reports, but is also active in alleging continued Russian election interference: The New York Times reported that it had flagged a number of suspicious websites and social media accounts to authorities as promoting Russian interference in the 2019 European Parliament elections. 10 11 She said the information regarding CIA practices was gold for al-Baluchis defense. In movies, there are three classic storylines that will always hook us from the outset: an evil future mother-in-law, hilarious high school politics, and o, My expectations for this years Oscar Awards were low. These people are real patriots. None of them are patriots. Keep up with the undrafted rookie free-agent signings with a team-by-team list of player acquisitions following the 2023 NFL Draft. While hes portrayed as the hero ofThe Report,hes not letting it go to his head. If Jones plays well enough over the next three seasons to reach that point, the sides surely will negotiate another extension to reduce the 2026 cap hit. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Some dialogue is even pulled from the summary itself. Another said: "Jonny boy you a big boy now." Those are the kind of American political calculations that prove inevitable, and inevitably destructive. Web4.1K views, 50 likes, 28 loves, 154 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 7th District AME Church: Thursday Morning Opening Session Jones failed to live up to expectations after being selected with the No. Beer distributors are largely sticking by Bud Light and its parent company, Anheuser-Busch, as controversy continues to embroil the brand. Find out exactly what they have and read every word of it.. An added bonus of extending Jones is that the Giants were able to use the franchise tag on running back Saquon Barkley. As a staff member of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, he led several prominent investigations, including the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture, also known as The Torture Report. Jones also can earn an additional $35 million in incentives and escalators throughout the deal. Getting all $82 million guaranteed in the first two years of the deal is a strong outcome for Jones. Web1929 wheat penny. It was a lot of Scott or Annette or Adam saying, Hey, if we change this word, it would be easier to saycan we do that without messing up the meaning? Jones remembers. Jones can earn up to $1 million for finishing in the top 15 among quarterbacks in those four categories, according to Pro Football Talk. lost Saquon Barkley (ankle) in the first quarter. S, We all remember our first traumatising horror movie experience. He can earn another $1.5 million for finishing in the top 10 among quarterbacks in those four categories and another $1.5 million for finishing in the top five among quarterbacks in those four categories. First comes Denis McDonough, then Dianne Feinstein, Sheldon Whitehouse, George W. Bush, Barack Obamaand its easy to realize The Report isnt a historical artifact so much as a frank look in the mirror at very real government officials and the very real events that made up the CIAs Detention and Interrogation Program and now-outlawed use of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques. https://t.co/s3AWZpYYVQ pic.twitter.com/u7AZaaFECV, He spent over half a decade writing a nearly 7,000-page report, and even, It is really gratifying and wonderful to have a film depict some of the events in your life, but there are a lot of people in the world who do amazing things, and films arent made about their work, he said alongside Adam Driver, Steven Soderbergh, and Scott Z. Burns in a. Jones was a staff member for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and he led the investigation into the CIAs interrogation methods, which culminated in a report called the Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agencys Detention and Interrogation Program. You have such blinders on when you're in an investigation like that., Feinstein has Jones back throughout the entire film, though just as important a champion in real life was Sen. John McCain, who doesnt appear until the end of The Report. He was always there to offer advice, to push through walls that came up, Jones recalls. Here it is. And they would say, No, we think its yellow. And Id be like, But heres the picture, right? After the review goes public during a congressional hearing and the CIA enters Jones workspace to investigate a big no-no the agency files a criminal referral against him. During the Ice Age (??? [11], Jones' investigative work on the Senate Intelligence Committee was detailed in a three-part series in The Guardian in September 2016. Daniel Jones was born on May 27, 1997. Dan was born on Sept. 28, 1954 in Crawford Co. the son of Paul and Estelle (Smith) Jones. Jones says the Review appeared on his computer one day, either by a computer glitch or a whistleblower. The outcry over his initial asking price of more than $45 million per year was always misguided because Jones wouldnt have landed at $40 million if he didnt start so high. Daniel Jones carted off after taking big hit in Giants-Cowboys 19, Even after the Mueller Report found no evidence that the Trump campaign engaged in any criminal conspiracy with Russian interests, Jones continued to promote theories regarding the 2016 election to national media based on information allegedly uncovered by his researchers at Penn Quarter. One of the most intriguing visuals in the political thriller The Report is Adam Driver sitting stoically between massive towers of paper the entire Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture practices after 9/11 heapedon either side of him. The question The Report really raises is how a government run by biased and political people holds itself accountable. But the team likely doesnt want to have an unhappy leader, who could skip the offseason program if he remains on the tag. Nowadays, the actor is 79 years old, and he has not slowed down! But as soon as he was transferred to the CIA, it went from law enforcement to lawlessness. It's almost better to not have any of those distractions., The Report has many flashbacks to the use of enhanced interrogation techniques developed by two Air Force psychologists that were at the core of Jones investigation, including sleep deprivation, waterboarding, mock burials and rectal rehydration. But in July, the CIAs inspector general found that the agency actually had penetrated the Senate Intelligence Committees computer network, and filed the criminal referral against Jones and his team was based on false information. WebHe is the founder of Advance Democracy and The Penn Quarter Group, and was from 2017 to 2019 a Fellow at Harvards Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. He previously covered the Giants for two years for The Star-Ledger. Jones has done his part to show he can be the answer moving forward. A June 1 release would push $6.8 million in dead money onto the 2024 cap. In 2015, the Senate passed the McCain-Feinstein Anti-Torture Amendment, which banned any further use of enhanced interrogation techniques on detainees. $12 million of Jones $30 million salary in the third year becomes fully guaranteed ($23 million is guaranteed for injury at signing) if hes on the roster on the fifth day of the 2025 league year. In 2007, Jones joined the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee staff of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). .css-gk9meg{display:block;font-family:Lausanne,Arial,sans-serif;font-weight:normal;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;padding-top:0.25rem;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-gk9meg:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.15;margin-bottom:0.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.625rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 73.75rem){.css-gk9meg{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}An Unfortunate Reminder About Ronald and Gitmo, 3 Pillars of Our Energy Future: Wind-Solar-Nuclear, MTG on Taxes (??) 14 The film premiered at what the Hollywood Reporter characterized as a politics-heavy 2019 Sundance Film Festival, alongside movies celebrating U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y) and Dreamer immigrants. In early winter, the CIA accused the Senate of illegally accessing an internal review of its detention and interrogation program, known as the Panetta Review, and removing it from CIA facilities without authorization. Find out exactly what they have and read every word of it. So says California Senator Dianne Feinstein, played by Annette Bening, to staffer Daniel J. Jones in Amazons upcoming political drama The Report. Keep up with the undrafted rookie free-agent signings with a team-by-team list of player acquisitions following the 2023 NFL Draft. Thomas is going to warrant a monster extension, so Schoen may elect to wait to stagger his cap hits with Jones, Lawrence and possibly Barkley. Instead of getting an actor to play the late senator, Burns thought itd be more powerful to use a clip of McCains actual speechbecause "he had been such an incredible spokesperson for this issue. But the issues it explores persist in the present day. Finally, after a long back-and-forth with the Obama administration, the Senate released the executive summary on Dec. 9, 2014, shortly before Democrats lost control of the Senate. All Rights Reserved. 12, The government charged Al-Baluchi (born Abd Al Aziz Ali) with allegedly managing the travel plans and finances that delivered at least 13 of the 9/11 hijackers to the U.S., as well as later acting as a courier for Al Qaeda terrorist organization leader Osama bin Laden. Unfortunately, the answer as of now is that it doesnt. The techniques included walling (slamming a person against a wall), slaps, nudity, stress positions and sleep deprivation. Its just us, he explains. It really takes Senators being courageous., In a 2014 op-ed in the Washington Post, Jose A. Rodriguez Jr., the former director of the CIAs National Clandestine Service whose name appears throughout the report, responded to the Committees findings with cutting words. But Yoo is currently the Emanuel S. Heller Professor of Law at Berkeley and a frequent cable-news guest. The Giants currently have no expensive cap hits on the books in 2024, so they could leave Jones cap hit alone. That is a massive lack of leadership. Obama was headed into a knock-down drag-out reelection fight, and hed just landed a giant right hook. Daniel Jones Jon Hamm plays President Obamas Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, who the film suggests repeatedly sided with the CIA after the 2011 killing of Osama bin Laden improved the Presidents chances for reelection. The commission of the report was only one in a series of events that took place over more than a decade. If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. He maintains he stood up and objected to the program. Giants should shut Daniel Jones down for season Burns says he was first drawn to this topic after reading Katherine Ebans 2007 Vanity Fair article Rorschach and Awe, which examines how Mitchell and Jessen developed the interrogation program. You couldn't take your phone there. They're not unrelated.. Bud Light owner places two execs on leave after Dylan Mulvaney He sat in that basement and looked at the CIAs own paperworkwhen they werent disappearing documents off the Senate serveruntil he built the story of what happened. Early on in the film, an FBI agent asks how theyre going to build a case against a detainee if they torture him. [13], In addition to the film, an audiobook of the Executive Summary of the Senate's Torture Report, read by the cast of the film, was released in 2019. They finished that 6,700 page document in 2012. They can cut ties with Jones to create $21.5 million in cap savings while eating $18 million in dead money. Those arent unattainable incentives. But the primary source for the film was the declassified executive summary itself. It has been common in recent big-money quarterback contracts for a chunk of the Year 3 salary to become guaranteed before the start of Year 2. Bud Light owner places two execs on leave after Dylan Mulvaney The Giants general manager hustled to get to Neyland Stadium on that Saturday afternoon in October, having just flown in from scouting another game. Daniel Jones He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Elizabethtown College in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, a Master of Arts in teaching from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, and a Master of Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School at Harvard University. Daniel J. Jones attends the Washington, DC premiere of "The People remember that, and rightfully they should, because thats a ridiculous line, Jones says. Since its inconceivable that a team would dump a quarterback on a huge contract after one season, the Year 3 guarantees with a Year 2 trigger are virtually guaranteed at signing. Write to Madeleine Carlisle at madeleine.carlisle@time.com. 15, After leaving the Senate, Jones spent a year working for the lobbying firm of former Senate Majority Leader (and board chair of the Center for American Progress think tank) Tom Daschle (D-SD) before founding the Penn Quarter Group. In the film, increasingly haunted by what he learns, a sleep-deprived Adam Driver leans over a computer, slams coffee after coffee, yells at senators, draws frantic diagrams on a whiteboard, and considers leaking documents as he transfers them from safe to briefcase and back again. Giants trainers came out to check on Jones, who was put on a cart and taken to the locker room. 18, In sworn testimony, former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo would later accuse Penn Quarter of feeding false information to Joness former Senate Intelligence Committee colleagues, claiming that the resulting investigations forced Caputo to incur significant legal bills and receive death threats to himself and his family, even though Caputo was never charged with any wrongdoing. KELLY: That is Daniel J. Jones. James Earl Jones:Is fine, says 'Lion King' director Jon Favreau. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. However, as late as April 2012, government officials falsely claimed EIT directly led to the capture of Osama Bin Laden. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. In many ways, Margot Robbie is strikingly similar to her character in Babylon both possess the inherent drive, ambition and unden, As we ring in 2023, we happily welcome a slew of new cinematic treats thanks to the movie gods.

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