Let's Be Heroes: T.K.O.' The name of this continuity, however is not official; it was adopted by the fans after Hasbro referred to it as an "Aligned Continuity". [99] Titans Return debuted on November 14, 2017, on the Go90 platform, consisting of ten episodes at roughly 11 minutes each. Hasbro bought the Micro Change and Diaclone toys, and partnered with Takara. [9][10], "Shoji Kawamori, The Creator Hollywood Copies But Never Credits", "He created Macross and designed Transformers toys: Japanese anime legend Shoji Kawamori", "Film about Transformers carries on successful creation", "The Allspark: Transformers News Movie Comics Animated - HASBRO "ROLLS OUT" TRANSFORMERS HALL OF FAME", - Takara-Tomy's Official Transformers Web Site, Transformers.com - Official Transformers Web Site, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transformers_(toy_line)&oldid=1143615717, This page was last edited on 8 March 2023, at 21:05. That's why most Transformer tales begin in the modern era when the Cybertronians bring their war to Earth, thereby making it our problem. The story focused on a small group of Maximals (the new Autobots), led by Optimus Primal, and Predacons, led by Megatron, 300 years after the "Great War". easy your wrong tranformers rise of the galvatron it might come. Theres a lot more that followed so here are some of the other Transformers series: Transformers felt like one of those untouchable franchises that just would never be able to crossover into a real movie. "Prisoner of War! Not only that they kill him off like 23 minutes into the damn movie. The power of the matrix then destroys Unicron. Transformers Toys Studio Series 49 Deluxe Class Movie 1 Bumblebee Director: Nicole Holofcener. I remember looking under the Christmas tree one year and thinking I saw the distinctive box shape of what I hoped was Soundwave. It begins in nearly every reality, across every Cybertron, somewhere between nine and four million years ago when Megatron and his Decepticons declare war on the Autobots. Micheal Bay proved that wrong in 2007 releasing the live action Transformers movie. At this point, the Cybertronians plan to harvest our sun for Energon until they discover humans and decide not to wipe us out. The once-simple tales of Autobots and Decepticons battling on Earth have expanded into a multiverse that stretches back to the beginning of time and forward beyond the end of Optimus Prime and Megatron. Young Megatron often counts Optimus as a friend, and the two initially share ideals of Cybertronian freedom and self-determination. Amazon.com: Transformers Toys Studio Series Core Class The The Movie [95] Eight five-minute episodes of the series Combiner Wars were released weekly beginning on August 2. Hasbro was planning ahead big time knowing they were going to bombard unsuspecting kids like me with all the Transformers we could handle. Of course, some stories refer to the AllSpark as the source of all Transformers' life, a concept first introduced in 2007's "Transformers" movie. They bring Megatron back as a prisoner, but something goes terribly, terribly wrong during the time jump. Sometimes the humans even bond with Transformers, becomingHeadmasters. -And last but not least on Amazon heres an awesome 6.5-inch Grimlock figure. Not long after the movie, a few new lines were brought out such as the Headmasters and Targetmasters. In the most recent Netflix cartoon, "War for Cybertron: Kingdom," the Maximals and Predacons are again brought through time into the Transformers' world, but these future bots hail from a much darker tomorrow. This story doesn't take place in our present, though, but our future - the 22nd century to be exact, as we learn in the sixth episode, "Blast from the Past.". Cybertron is now ruled by Maximal Elders and the Maximal High Council, while the Predacons have their own ruling body in the Tripredacus Council. It was five issues[45] of the G.I. [66], In January 2006, the Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club comic wrote a story based on the Transformers Classics toy line, set in the Marvel Comics universe, but excluding the Generation 2 comic. 28. The show was eventually banned from cable TV networks in the U.S.[citation needed]. The naming of the Transformer ship, the "Ark" (and reference to 1984, the year the Transformers on board were revived) and the character, Ravage being shown as intelligent, and Cybertron having an organic core were elements taken from the comics. Besides coming up with names and backstories he would write some interesting tech-spec biographies that would end up being printed on the packaging that would sell the Transformers toys. While youre here you might like to see my rundown of what I think are the 13 best toys of the 80s. In this continuity, Megatron recreates the Decepticons as a subfaction of the Predacons on Earth, a potential reference to the return to the vehicle-based characters following the previous dominance of the animal-based characters of the Beast eras. More or less. Many other versions of the Quintessons aren't creators, though, but conquerors. [97] The first series was included as a bonus feature on the Transformers: The Last Knight Blu-ray release. Transformers may live for millions of years, but few still surviving were among the first born on Cybertron. That explanation was a bit bleh. In August 2016, Machinima and Hasbro co-produced a computer-animated series named Combiner Wars, simultaneously published on the website Go90 and YouTube. They would combine both of these things together to create the Transformers.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'everything80spodcast_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',104,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-everything80spodcast_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Many of the Autobot version of the Transformers came straight from the car-robot line and a lot of future Transformers would already exist in the Takara toy line including the Dinobots, Insecticons, Decepticon planes, and the Constructicons. Autobots, Assemble! [72] In June 2018 it was announced there would be Star Trek and Transformers Crossover being released in September 2018.[73]. Other toy molds from other companies such as Bandai were used as well. Development[edit] Amazon.com: Transformers Toys Generations Legacy Voyager Armada This would lead them to crashland on earth where they laid dormant for 4-million years. [105] After the shutdown, a number of former Machinima creations returned to the web via Rooster Teeth. . Gobots were also being launched but just didnt catch on and Ive written about that whole story and why they didnt work, check this article Ive written about how we have the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe because of the Skip-It toy, While youre here you might like to see my rundown of what I think are the 13 best toys of the 80s, as its one of the craziest marketing stories of the 80s, 20th anniversary Optimus Prime 12-inch figure from Hasbro, The Best-Selling Toys For Christmas From 1980-1989. This was important to identify the character and subsequent toy. The three-part pilot miniseries first aired in September 1984 and was co-produced between Marvel Productions and Sunbow Productions. It doesn't matter where in the multiverse you land: Unicroniscoming. Other tales like IDW's 2016 "Transformers: Lost Light" comic book series tell the story of godlike Transformers with Primus' essence split between them. The adaptation, on the other hand, was the first departureinto what would come to be many, many official "Transformers" reboots. Eventually, Primus and Unicron's battle ends or at least is put on pause. In Marvel's original "The Transformers" #1, the war is so cataclysmic that it knocks Cybertron out of orbit: The Autobots and Decepticons crash to Earth when Prime leads the Ark on a mission to clear a path for Cybertron through an asteroid field. Although initially a separate and competing franchise started in 1983, Tonka's GoBots became the intellectual property of Hasbro after their buyout of Tonka in 1991. Adam Patyk, Brad Mick(w),Joe Ng, James Raiz, Edwin Garcia, Forest Lee(w),Dan Khanna(p). And across all of time and space, there's always been one Transformer determined to decide his own fate at any cost: Megatron. They were like a robotic Rubix cube but you could learn about each robots specific technical details giving them even more unique personality quirks. Time itself is fairly irrelevant at this point, as this is all still in an age of prehistory. This was followed by two further installments, Titans Return and Power of the Primes. Two "Beast Wars" characters even make an appearance: Blackarachnia serves under Megatron as a spidery Decepticon who turns a mentally unstable bot named "Wasp" into "Waspinator." However, the Transformers Fan Club published a few stories set in the Cybertron era.[75]. In two of the most modern continuities - the "War for Cybertron Trilogy" and 2018's "Cyberverse" cartoon the exodus begins when Optimus ejects the AllSpark into space to keep it out of Megatron's hands. [68], However, IDW and the original publisher Marvel Comics announced a crossover storyline with the Avengers to coincide with the film New Avengers/Transformers. Budiansky was a comic book writer, editor, and penciller, and worked for Marvel for 20 years. Like a human soul, the spark is what makes each Transformer a living being. The end of all this is that the Autobots attack Unicron, Hot Rod attacks Galvatron and then obtains the matrix which transforms/re-brands him as Rodimus Prime the way that Optimus said would happen in their darkest hour. The soundtrack dates the hell out of it but its some vintage 80s rock. "Command Performances", Michael Higgins(w),Herb Trimpe(p). A live-action film series was launched in 2007 by director Michael Bay and had 5 movies. Warring city-states, battling factions, expansion into the cosmos - it's a lot, and few corners of the "Transformers" franchise get into ancient history more than in passing. The story is notable for setting up Unicron's godlike powers and ability to mess with time by pulling Galvatron out of the future. Out of these 28 toys, eleven of the Autobots would transform into cars, six into mini cars and one into a semi-tractor trailer. They survive their crashes and meetthe Maximals and Predacons, who have already been on Earth for ages, having traveled back in time again thanks to a message from the original Megatron. The Transformers toys first hit US markets in 1984, and their success was almost immediate. In some cases, there are planet-wide tragedies that lead to Prime and Megatron's departure. A live-action film series was launched in 2007 by director Michael Bay and had 5 movies. The extended Japanese run consisted of The Headmasters, Super-God Masterforce, Victory and Zone, then in illustrated magazine form as Battlestars: Return of Convoy and Operation: Combination. The bat-slash-jet-slash-two-headed-dragon Megatron brings the Predacons to Earth in search of the immensely powerful Fortress Maximus. Seibertron.com: Transformers toys, comics, movies, games, news In one of the Transformers' futures, the Beast Wars end with the Maximals returning to Cybertron in their own time. [2] The term "Generation 1" covers both the animated television series The Transformers and the comic book series of the same name, which are further divided into Japanese, British and Canadian spin-offs, respectively. Transformers Rise of the Beasts Toyline Still Expected to Come out in Well, they exist. I dont remember any other toys leaving me spellbound and in awe. At this point, the Transformer is . Bumblebee: how the Transformers prequel blew up the original timeline The franchise began in 1984 with the Transformers toy line, comprising transforming mecha toys from Takara's Diaclone and Micro Change toylines rebranded for Western markets. Transformers Toys Studio Series Core Class The The Movie Decepticon Rumble (Blue) Action Figure - Ages 8 and Up, 3.5-inch Visit the Transformers Store 4.6 out of 5 stars 147 ratings If your meaning The Transformers, the answer would be 1982. While they waited for the third Canadian season to be completed (thereby making 26 episodes in total when added to season 2), they produced two exclusive cel-animated series of their own, Beast Wars II (also called Beast Wars Second) and Beast Wars Neo, to fill in the gap. In Devil's Due, the terrorist organization Cobra is responsible for finding and reactivating the Transformers. Transformers (film series) - Wikipedia It primarily follows the heroic Autobots and the villainous Decepticons, two alien robot factions at war that can transform into other forms, such as vehicles and animals. In those early days, kids became obsessed with Megatron, the Decepticon leader, who became a Walther P-38 pistol (gun + robot = immediate boy-toy success), but he wasn't produced again after that initial run because of laws governing toy guns. The Mini-Cons end up on Earth, where they are rediscovered millions of years later by the Cybertronians, bringing the Transformers into the modern era and, as usual, dragging humans into their fight. It definitely was part of mine, and probably yours, that the first thing you would do when you got home from school was watch Transformers. [78] Originally scheduled for late after 2007 under the title of Transformers: Heroes,[79] Transformers Animated is set in 2050 Detroit (after crash landing 50 years earlier),[78] when robots and humans live side by side. Just as the TV series was wrapping up, Marvel continued to expand its continuity. New movies summer 2023: The biggest and best movies coming out - Polygon We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Hasbro had the great foresight to know it wasnt always an ideal move to just release a new toy line out of the blue. Transformers 7: Rise of the Beasts trailer, release date, new cast and I was generally psyched for this and still thought it was o.k. ", G1 Transformers toy figures and parts identification archive at Transformerland.com, The Last Knight Music from the Motion Picture, Before It's Too Late (Sam and Mikaela's Theme), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Transformers&oldid=1151951348, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2013, Articles to be expanded from February 2023, Articles with empty sections from February 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 27 April 2023, at 07:17. To me, its the kind of toy a kid doesnt even know he wants. Rather, he tends to start it because he feels that onlyhe has the vision to lead Cybertronians to victory, prosperity, and (enforced) peace. It introduced the Matrix as the "Autobot Matrix of Leadership", as a fatally wounded Prime gives it to Ultra Magnus; however, as Prime dies he drops the matrix, which is then caught by Hot Rod who subsequently becomes Rodimus Prime later on in the film. It was a line of toys that included transforming vehicles and robots that were piloted by minature figures that came from the microman toy line. This new continuity originally consisted of a comic book series titled The Transformers with a companion series known as The Transformers: Spotlight. Remembering the greatest decade, the 80s. ", Jim Salicrup(w),LeBron James(p). Optimus Prime sends a shuttle to earth for supplies but its hijacked by Megatron leading to the death Sorry, clearing out of Ironhide, Ratchet, Prowl, and Brawn. Action Adventure Sci-Fi An ancient struggle between two Cybertronian races, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, comes to Earth, with a clue to the ultimate power held by a teenager. Transformers: Generations (toyline) - Transformers Wiki For the electrical device, see, Live-action film franchise (2007present), Transformers: Prime Wars Trilogy (20162018), Transformers: War for Cybertron Trilogy (2019), Jim Salicrup(w),Frank Springer(p). So the story of this first three-part series is the basic back story I shared earlier. At #19, it became Transformers Energon. But weave in and out of the different universes that make up the Transformers' incredibly complex multiversal tapestry, and you'll soon realize that most sagas are variations of the Generation 1 narratives:the original stories first told in the Transformers' eponymous 1984 cartoon and Marvel comic book series. Revenge of the Fallen I actually thought was better but they get progressively worse from there. The original TV series has a number of spin-offs and reboots. When Did Transformers Siege Toys Come Out? - Toyseen Devil's Due had Cobra re-engineer the Transformers to turn into familiar Cobra vehicles, and released further mini-series that sent the characters travelling through time, battling Serpentor and being faced with the combined menace of Cobra-La and Unicron. Remember that? Ultimately, the Transformers revolt and explore the cosmos before coming to Earth about 19,000 years before modern times. [35] Female Autobot Arcee also appeared, despite the comic book stating the Transformers had no concept of gender, with her backstory of being built by the Autobots to quell human accusations of sexism. Revenge of the Fallen (or Transformers: The One Where Shia LaBeouf Goes to Robot Heaven) is where the alternate . By 2012 the series had split into three ongoing series; The Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, The Transformers: Robots in Disguise (which later changed in 2015 to "The Transformers") and The Transformers: Till All Are One. Kids needed to know the name of the toy they would be screaming for in the middle of a Walmart. In one reality, the Autobots and the Decepticons never come to Earth to do battle. This comes out of the 1970s and studies that showed that young children could not differentiate between an advertisement and a show. And they give it to us. If it weren't so wildly outside of the main continuities, this next-century future could have been a bridge between the robotic Transformers of the past and present, and the technorganic bots of the future. The series also saw the introduction of a fourth faction, the Quintessons. They did change Megatron from a handgun to a tank due to safety and security concerns so thats something.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'everything80spodcast_com-leader-3','ezslot_15',143,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-everything80spodcast_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'everything80spodcast_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',143,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-everything80spodcast_com-leader-3-0_1');.leader-3-multi-143{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}.
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