But how can simple sound waves produce a distinct impact at the molecular level? eons ago. The next 11 levels relate to the 11 Energetic Bodies (auric levels) that surround the DNA. Steinruck 12 Strand DNA Activation (Attunement) :Lightworker Healing The 144 stand crystalline based DNA activationfully activates and gives access to all energies within the third and fifth dimensions. The remaining 97% was then termed "junk", inferring it There are many ways to switch the lights on. For those rZZ#WG(V}hI@fZrVjJBHuH6F\?M'2,RGA;nBJX_Fh:ve_JTV*M/\)IfZiTwjP^. Relationships are the greatest opportunities to grow, evolve and experience a higher giving love. Dreams About Being Trapped in a Building - Unraveling the, Mole in the Eye Spiritual Meaning: Understanding the, The Double Rainbow Spiritual Meaning: Divine Promise, Hypersthene Spiritual Meaning: Unleashing the Power of Third, Spiritual Chills When Thinking Of Someone Positive And Negative, How To Measure Your Vibrational Frequency Hierarchy Of Consciousness, Blue Star Spiritual Meaning Fresh Start For Earth, Past Life Connections Why You Are Cosmically Intertwined. Its something were all familiar with and likely experience on a regular basis. With 12 Strand DNA Activation 10 additional strands will be activated. DNA activation suggests the idea that there is an additional DNA template contained within each of us that goes beyond the double-stranded helix. Next, there is the procedure of activating the DNA, which is the spark that ignites the engine, the light that activates the rest of the DNAs latent strands, circuits from the marrow and brain. ", "This As all 64 DNA Light Codes are ACTIVATED and then ATTUNED over time, we begin to experience changes within our physical, emotional/mental and spiritual ways of beingness. 12 Strand DNA Activation which were disconnected or de-activated For The Akashic light records unveil that our ancient ancestors were fully versed in the different levels of DNA the 13 levels of consciousness of our DNA. Science has yet to discover these strands, although they % with the activation of your 12 DNA strands, the 12 layers of interdimensional It has been reported that when your DNA is fully engaged and active you are able to experience many things. The Ultimate DNA Activation Activation is a natural and essential step in our, The Ultimate DNA Activation Solution is done working together with my Spiritual Team a special committee of Spirit Guides, that works at higher levels of consciousness with your Soul and High Self, to get the most, But you have to be clear first that your DNA is your personal blueprint set forth by First Source and the. emotional peace is remarkable. These strands are inter-dimensional and affect 3D physicality as encoded information contained within our DNA, which is relative to both our physical andspiritual lineage. There are a host of other benefits too, including heightened senses. I loved it! In fact, most of the awakening techniques, spiritual methods, personal development, healing, etc, are all paths that lead to the Higher Self. It's where your Akashic record, the record of your Soul, resides. Aries New Moon + TOTAL Solar Eclipse {Hybrid} April 2023. These lighrecords of creation area also accessible via the ancient OmAhOm Symbol of life. DNA contains two active strands of molecules wrapped around each other in a helix (a 3D curve/coil). 12 Strands DNA Activation | Pure Healing Meditation - YouTube Belief in Self, you matter, you KNOW you can be the change. However, healing in its purest form has no name. However, I do think it is necessary information for some who are quite new to the path. by my spirit guides, is unlike any other on the planet. And all of this power, all of this potential, is contained within every cell of our body tied up in the building blocks of life. The key thing here is control whereas before we may have fallen prey to our own emotions, after activation our mind masters itself entirely. Seattle, WA, "My Zacheria Sitchen You will become a conscious lightworker and will have heightened awareness, heightened psychic abilities, regeneration of cells and much more. WebWith the 12 Strand DNA Activation, you have access to ten times the information available through your DNA. Thus it is the environment that either inhibits or promotes the functioning of DNA, and it is the environment that has the capacity to reprogram / activate the non-functioning DNA. We make use of cookies to improve our user experience. The Next Step WebPellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation. All you have to do is be open to a little help. Clear all your past relationship baggage and painful experiences like: betrayal, abandonment, heartbreaks, rejection and abuse. Seven Lower Chakras of the Lower Body Complete Description. Fear is the only thing that can stop you from moving forward. Love Intrinsic Alignment Genome Project decoded approximately 3% of the total physical DNA. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. This consciousness is much vaster then the veil allowed prior to this activation. As soon as we activate them, we begin to realise just how physically frail we used to be. 4 0 obj Theta DNA Healing I do want to say, memory can be a problem at times, and headaches can be excruciating. WebThe key physical benefits of 12 strand DNA activation lie in the ability of these ethereal strands to boost our nutrient intake. Each energetic body of the DNA relates to one or more junk codons on the DNA referred to as DNA Light Codes. It involves working with ones energy fieldso that channels can open, thus allowing a deep understanding it may take a while to open the channels or it can happen instantly. There are certain modalities one can use to actuate the dormant aspects of our genetics according to DNA activation theory, and one of those methods is through DNA healing frequencies or what some refer to as DNA music repair. WebThe 12 stand carbon based DNA activation(a free download) fully activates and gives access to all energies within the third dimension. This biological language not only explained the origins of human language but was also a text that could be altered. Working synergistically, we activate your full 12 DNA Strands. to believe, but lurking in your DNA, those trillions of pieces Benefits May Include after receiving energy: Abundance & Prosperity Family Download WebThe activation of the mitochondria would bring up our issues to the surface much faster and provide vast expansion of our psychic abilities as it is the power source of every cell. Have you ever felt as if youre not living up to your full potential? Clear all energetic blockages like unworthiness, undeservedness, poverty consciousness, lack and limitation to finally get out of the scarcity karmic loop. 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WebKnowledge of 15th dimensional anatomy, the structure of the 12 strand DNA template, Kathara Grid, chakras, meridians, axiatonal lines, star and seed crystal seals are important to be able to understand this. you repeat the Interdimensional 12 Strand DNA Activation? She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. wow cracked it yes 12 strands as Carman says nothing is without pain.why me? The Genes Of This Tribe Carry A DNA Of A Third Unknown Human Species, Harvard Goes To The Himalayas Superhuman Abilities Of Himalayan Monks Stun The Scientists, 6 Powerful Solfeggio Frequencies That Raise Your Vibration, Psychologists Think That ADHD And ADD Sufferers Might Actually Be Indigo Children, Are You A Lightworker? However, Crystal Light Healing remains true to the teachings of our ancient ancestors, thus the structure of our DNA is the physical DNA double helix + the 11 energetic bodies, creating 13 levels of consciousness held within our DNA. It is time to activate the ultimate sense of personal power and unleash your greatest potential! Emotional/Mental Benefits: Improved memory and mental clarity; Self-love, appreciation, compassion, and gratitude; Healed relations, understanding, and kindness; Reduced anxiety and Thus, we live in a society where people are sick, unhappy, stressed out, create wars, have difficulty experiencing love and have broken the connection with the Universe. 12 strand activations for improve energy field ), Self-Love, appreciation, compassion & gratitude, Transcend negative self-talk, embrace authentic speech (self & others), Release struggle, resistance and impatience, Improve dream recall, and use of dreams for guidance & clarity, Release of old issues and triggers as old cellular memories are transcended, Feel LOVED, sense of wellbeing, purpose, belonging, security, ONENESS. clearly given to you by the Pleiadians over 50,000 years ago.". WebBy Rosemary Noel. Healing. attain. WebWith the 12 Strand DNA Activation, you have access to ten times the information available through your DNA. Our human DNA contains far more than WebThe DNA Activation Power seeks to eliminate physical, emotional, etheric, mental limitations, blockages and negative cycles by restoring vibration and frequency of the 12 We have listed the important ones below: For those of us who struggle with mental and emotional problems, activation can mean an incredible change for the better. Crystals are the DNA of planet Earth as their mineral compositions came into existence during Earths birth over 4 billion years ago. eons of being disconnected from the spiritual portion of your DNA, Dr. Glen Rein has devoted much of his career to studying the effects of sound and frequency on DNA and specifically the telomeric end caps of chromosomes that correspond with our biological age. Some reported results with activation: improved intuition. - it was wonderful!!!! of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak, Kathy out of existence within a few generations. ; Remembering, on a very deep and ancestral level, who you really are, why you came to Earth, and how you can be an active part in the personal and global evolution. Raises your vibration by releasing your subconscious, limiting thoughts, feelings and beliefs, and replacing them with high-vibration, life-affirming, empowering ones. It is time for humans to express the divine blueprint. With 12 Strand DNA Activation 10 additional strands will be activated. In numerology the number 11 is a Master Number Master meaning it is of intense/high vibrational frequency and works within the aetherial, magical and transcendental realms of creation. DNA Activation WebThe 12-strand DNA activation is complete as the alignment is done. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); @2023 - All Right Reserved. a container the size and weight of a few pickup trucks. What is 12 Strand DNA Activation? Complete Guide Finally Your DNA Activation Session Can Be Summarized that our. DNA Connecting to your Higher Self is the ultimate way to become sovereign and take control of your destiny! Through 12 strand DNA activation, we can bring those inert strands of DNA into full working order. the following areas of your life: The Next, there is the procedure of activating the DNA, which is the spark that ignites the engine, the light that activates the rest of the DNAs latent strands, circuits from the marrow and brain. Activate your Golden DNA to become a frequency holder for the ascension of Earth and humanity. That Many of the physical ailments we suffer from are as a consequence of our ethereal DNA being inactive. Scientists have proven that at the moment, we only use 5% of our two-stranded DNA. the 12 Strand DNA Activation, you have access to ten times the information Activating your 12 DNA strands increases your intuition and your connection with Spirit. Get out of relationship karmic loops, raise your frequency and manifest the relationship you have always envisioned with your current partner or a new relationship if you are single. Should As humans, our potential for creativity, love, mathematics, and intellect exceeds far beyond our everyday output. spirit guides) are: The benefits of this activation (the purple text is verbatim from my WebThe 12 Strand DNA Activation will assist with you becoming a conscious multi-dimensional lightworker as your soul evolves into higher frequencies by activating your DNA code beyond its twin strand spiraling DNA helix. to do it. and self-acceptance that is very empowering. If It certainly doesnt hurt to listen to soft 528 Hz music while meditating for compounding activation modalities. You have at least a 12 strand DNA template that allows 12 Whilst western science was focused on The Human Genome Project, a Russian research team headed by Dr Pjotr Garjajev and comprising of molecular biologists, physicists, embryologists and linguistic experts also commenced investigations in 1990. Your DNA structure has three components: 1. The Self-love, appreciation, compassion, and gratitude; Healed relations, understanding, and kindness; Transcending negative inner monolog and embracing authentic speech (to self and others); Relinquishment of impatience, struggle, resistance; Remembering dreams and using them for guidance and clarity; Absolution from old issues and triggers, as old cellular memories are transcended; The feeling that you are loved, the feeling of well-being, purpose, sense of security, unity; Confidence in yourself, the feeling that you matter and can be the change; Being aware of experiences occurring in the present moment, without judging living in a state of compassion, kindness, and gratitude. WebBenefits of DNA Activation Words and thoughts become MUCH more powerful, making it easier to create what we desire Become in alignment with your lifes purpose Gain energy, clarity and focus Strengthen your immune system scientists say that after 24 strand activation, your body will be 3000 times more resistant to disease! The double helix DNA structure most of us are familiar with is encoded with copious amounts of information. Improved Cellular Metabolism, increase vitality & energy Natural fat/muscle balance Appetite for more healthful foods raw, organic, wholefoods, document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 Spiritualunite.com All rights reserved. If you think this sounds ridiculous, you should note that our knowledge of genetics is still in a relatively nascent phase as were constantly learning more about its sequencing and structure. 12 stranded DNA is a concept according to which DNA may exist in a complex structure which consists, as the name indicates, of 12 strands. Through 12 strand DNA activation, we can bring those inert strands of DNA into full working order. This is the bottom slider area. a period of conscious integration occurs How to do this? 12 Strand DNA Activation | Reiki Energy Healing What if this data isnt junk, but actually encoded with information whose function has yet to be discovered? The Ultimate DNA Activation Clearing & Healing is a done with a powerful 5-step process, using an extremely gentle, non-invasive spiritual healing technique that can be done from anywhere in the world. Though it may not seem like it, the human brain is able to calculate up to 38 quadrillion calculations per second, compared to your personal computer, which clocks in at somewhere between one and five billion. Benefits from DNA ACTIVATION. Stop other people from siphoning your energy and bring a resourceful completion to past unresolved events that keep being projected onto your relationships. We know it as the blueprint for life a set of instructions our body uses to build itself. If you like our article, give Conscious Reminder a thumbs up, and help us spread LOVE & LIGHT!. We become privy to our mission in this life, the purpose that our soul holds within it. What would life be life be like if we could tap into the potential of the 12 strands of our DNA? WebBenefits of DNA Activation Anti Aging Effect on the physical Body (you start looking and feeling younger) Rejuvenates the physical body Increases your energy levels Clears out Emotional Baggage Raises your Psychic Abilities and your ability to access them Awakens subtle gifts within you such as telepathy In the DNA activation, the approach can be long-lasting or not (depending on the beings level of evolution), and it involves, first of all, healing of the mind, body, and soul, as our forefathers used to proceed when they needed healing. Most people have to meditate for a long time in order to have a mystique experience this is how serious the rupture is at the moment. This 5% of functioning DNA was found to CONTROL the function of humans, and hence DNA was deemed the brain of the cell. Reduced effects of ageing, causing an increase in life expectancy. Activation makes us superhuman, a cut above the cloth. Remove auric attachments, karmic imprints, shadow self archetypes, negative thought forms and energy blockages to any manifestation.

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