So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. Babe, Im breaking up with you. WHAT?!? Follow the dog and youll get a free purse or wallet. Refresh and try again. Ill shit fury all over ye and yell drown in the depths o it. Hello future pros, heres another tip for yall out there. Crying Wojak, also called Frustrated Wojak or, more rarely, Angry Wojak or It's Not Fair Wojak, is a variation on the Wojak face, driven to tears and clenching his teeth. You need to vent. I will shit Dragon's Breath all over you and you will burn in it. Also, my Paypal username and password are Ilikesmartazzes4 and 968386329. Everything in here has a story and a price. When the person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others, especially for fraudulent gain is giving the impression that something is questionable or dishonest, causing one to have the idea or impression that they are of questionable, dishonest, or dangerous character or condition. TSM aka Truly Somewhat Mediocre is a North American team that consistently underperforms in all international tournaments. You are a spineless little worm deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. Legal Information: Know Your Meme is a trademark of Literally Media Ltd. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. On an intelligence scale of 1 to 10 (10 corresponding to the highest attainable IQ) you're rating is so far into negative numbers that one would need to travel into another quantum reality in order to even catch a distant glimpse of it. , I hope you could forgive me one day. You are a tooth so rotten it infects the whole body. Scan this QR code to download the app now. The attacks were livestreamed by the shooter on Facebook, which showed the shooter entering a mosque while shooting a shotgun, before switching to an assault rifle and murdering people inside. , The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Pink Wojak is a 2017 /biz/ variation of Frustrated Wojak which is colored in pink, with a probably yelling opened mouth, widened eyes, and bloody tears. This set-up lately led to another similar meme, Money Printer Go Brrr, which typically displays a Frustrated Zoomer Wojak and a Boomer Wojak. You will forever live in shame. On Twitch, it is most often spam or something to do with a popular meme, but it will sometimes relate to inside jokes within a specific Twitch community. Although a copypasta looks like its generated by AI, its actually written by a human and spread across the internet. Yes Chad. For use when mad: : r/copypasta - Reddit I like you, because of your personality. No, You're NOT A Gamer (CopyPasta) - YouTube I wish you the best of luck in the emotional, and social struggles that seem to be placing such a demand on you. | Please dont just copy my messages and be original! I won. True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. While writing this, Ninja worked up a tremendous amount of rage, and the text manages to transmit that emotion to the readers by making them feel the same way. You are of less worth than a burnt-out light bulb. For example typing [loveface] inserts a custom emoticon which looks similar to the Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes emoji. Copypasta is a block of text that you can copy and paste into any chat or messaging platform. Ill fucking show up at your house when you arent home. Get a real job . Sorry! Please DO NOT buy the BTS meal if you dont stan them. Its me, Im omegalul. I just punched a hole in my wall. My female friend was crying about how fat she was and I was trying to comfort her by telling her that she didnt look that fat but she kept accusing me of lying to make her feel bad so I thought that saying maybe your just a heckin chonker would cheer her up and lighten the mood but she just looked at me and left. Popular examples of copypastas include things like 'I sexually identify as a helicopter', 'navy seal copypasta', or the entirety of the Bee Movie . After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. On your mark, get ready, start. This is money snek. On the internet, in communities such as Twitter and Reddit, there are a lot of CP angry rants that are copied and pasted from other places. True, these are rudimentary skills that many of us "normal" people take for granted that everyone has an easy time of mastering. I feel debased just for knowing you exist. ASCII Art Copypasta | TwitchQuotes *pounces on you* you're so warm o3o *notices you have a bulge* someone's happy! Would that a hawk pick you up, drive its beak into your brain, and upon finding it rancid set you loose to fly briefly before spattering the ocean rocks with the frothy pink shame of your ignoble blood. Noobmaster, hey its Thor again. , You swine. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little clever comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking fingers. The oldest recorded occurrence of a Frustrated Wojak comes from an unsourced Wojak comic dated from late 2014, and which displays the evolution of the Wojak face through the years. Think again fucker. You are hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, meretricious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, barratrous, contemptible, criminal, fascistic, bigoted, racist, sexist, avaricious, tasteless, idiotic, brain-damaged, imbecilic, insane, arrogant, deceitful, demented, lame, self-righteous, byzantine, conspiratorial, satanic, fraudulent, libellous, bilious, splenetic, spastic, ignorant, clueless, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, revisionist, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, fundamentalist, dogmatic, idolatrous, unethical, cultic, diseased, suppressive, controlling, restrictive, malignant, deceptive, dim, crazy, weird, dystrophic, stifling, uncaring, plantigrade, grim, unsympathetic, jargon-spouting, censorious, secretive, aggressive, mind-numbing, abrasive, poisonous, flagrant, self-destructive, abusive, and socially-retarded. I despise everything about you, and I wish you would go away. Good luck and have fun! I mean, really, stringing together a bunch of insults among a load of babbling was hardly effective. I dont give a fuck how many reps you have or how tough you are IRL, how well you can fight, or how many fucking guns you own to protect yourself. 48 art copypastas. You are nothing to me but just another No swag. You are nothing to me but just another virus host. Its too late to save yourself, but dont bother committing suicide either Ill fucking resuscitate you and kill you again myself you bitch-faced phaggot. Hi PGL, its me, your only viewer. AYAYA CUTE CHAT AYAYA AYAYA CUTE CHAT AYAYA AYAYA CUTE CHAT AYAYA AYAYA CUTE CHAT AYAYA AYAYA . I trained myself to be the best in a battle of wits and Im the god of this new world. A sore that won't go away. Im smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmons genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. 100 yeas passed and me bruv and i found the new avatah. The Forklift he used to bring it was still running idle at the back. Whats that buddy? Anyhow, the purpose of a copypasta is for it to spread like wildfire. DON'T FUCK ME ABOUT AND I'LL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND I WILL FUCK YOU UP IN YOUR OWN HOUSE. It complained about Ea-Nasir delivering the wrong grade of copper. On January 10th, 2013, Redditor LiterallyKesha submitted the message to the /r/copypasta[3] subreddit and provided links to several notable variations. I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [deleted] 2 yr. ago. This comment is the first one that has been saved. Ill have you know I am a lvl 90 Undead Arcane Mage, and Ive won so many PVP matches, and I have done raids on every 10 man heroic dungeon. Its known to be originated on 4chan, an image-based bulletin board. This is the very first post that was saved, thus it has a special significance. Installation is simple and free. You get all Lenny faces on this platform that you copy and paste to . I am so damn angwy wight now. then evryfing changed when the IRA attacked. The evidence that you are a nincompoop will still be available to readers, but they will be able to access it more rapidly. When you reach the point when you are no longer angry after missing, you have two losses in a row. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the internet? I wager you couldn't empty a boot of excrement were the instructions on the heel. You are vile, worthless, less than nothing. In the following hours, Phelps' status update spread virally across the social networking site, with many Facebook users mocking the boy with photoshopped images for making boastful claims like having "extensive military training" background and "an arsenal of weapons" at his disposal, while unaware of the fact that it was a copied message. , west bAd grrrgghhhg japenis culture better than amrican!!! These 'secret' TikTok emoji codes work on both iOS and Android versions of the TikTok app, appearing as a shortname wrapped in square brackets. You are degenerate, noxious and depraved. *jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair* Ahem, you look very lovely. Navy Seal Copypasta (also known as the Marine Copypasta, "Internet Tough Guy Copypasta and Gorilla Warfare Copypasta) is a facetious message containing a series of ridiculous claims and grandiose threats that portray the poster as an Internet tough guy stereotype. A CopyPasta is a block of text which is copied and pasted widely across the internet. As we parley I be contacting my secret network o pirates across the sea and yer port is being tracked right now so ye better prepare for the typhoon, weevil. Do you like Rick and Morty? I would rather kiss a lawyer than be seen with you. The first time you send a 10 page text is all it takes. Its annoying and incredibly irritating to me when I say something in chat because I would enjoy actual responses and I instead get my own words thrown back at me. I wager you couldn't empty a boot of excrement were the instructions on the heel. You can hide Twitch chat for an instant increase in IQ and for a better viewing experience! Zach. If only you could have known what unholy desu your little desu comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking desu. What you have done has made me so mad that I literally want to grab you and punch you so hard that you will lose conscious with just one punch, and even when you're unconscious I will still beat the utter crap out of you so that blood will poor out of every blood vessel in your pathetic body. Ok. Bob Whitaker, an American white supremacist, is the one responsible for writing the statement. You are ridiculous and obnoxious. Monkeys look down on you. Copypastas are text memes! As we speak I am contacting my secret network of desu across the USA and your desu is being traced right now so you better prepare for the spam, maggot. ,, i can be anywhere at any time and i can kill you in over seven hundred ways and thats just with me boring you to death while i talk about privilege not only am i extensively trained in hotline management but i have access to an entire arsenal of sociological articles to prove my point and i will use them to wipe your fucking face off the earth you little shit if only you had known what oppressed retribution your cultural appropriation would unleash then maybe you would have held your fucking tongue but you couldnt youre fucking dead kiddo, I dont give a fuck who you are or where you live. I can swag anywhere, anytime, and I can swag in over seven hundred ways, and thats just with my baggy skinny jeans. It often originates from meme culture or a lengthy forum post. Ill have you know my name is John, and I woke up this morning 5:30 sharp to the smell of wet pussy. He could have given $5 billion to each individual and still had money left over. START THE EMERGENCY HELICOPTERS. Pushed my shit to about 4 hundo (mph, mind you) and I was at base camp in no time. Thank you for your work. If you had an original thought it would die of loneliness before the hour was out. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that theyre not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. You have no rhythm. Darryl save life. He told me his name was Jame and he was saving. Can someone tell me what this means? , You clouted boggish foot-licking twit. I am trained in online trolling and Im the top hacker in the entire world. I hate gaming laptops. Go have fun. Yes Chad, also known as Nordic Gamer, is a 2019 character, displayed as a charismatic person who stands for his personal traits or interests.Although most often facing a Brainlet, a strawman character mocking the other side's stupidity and weakness, he is instead facing a Frustrated Wojak in numerous other occasions, to cash on the stand-alone position of the Chad in spite of the . Share here. Think again, fucker. The past few weeks some homeless person has been coming into my house and sitting on my couch. I am going to graduate at the top of my class in the Navy Seals tomorrow and I want to look pretty much perfect for it. Hello, Twitch chatter. Popular examples of copypastas include things like My name is Yoshikage Kira, Navy Seal copypasta, or the entirety of the Bee Movie script. Youll recover fully from your heart surgery. You're the VIRGIN wojack and im the CHAD wojack. You gob-kissing gleeking flap-mouthed coxcomb. You are, at varying times, tedious, boring, and even occasionally earth shatteringly hilarious in your idiocy, routinely childish, moronic, pathetic, wretched, disgusting and pitiful. You are nothing to me but just another name. Meanwhile, you were jacking off to pictures on Facebook and naked drawn Japanese people. Lyrics. Copypasta is a block of text that you can copy and paste into any chat or messaging platform. Angry Emoticons Copy and Paste (_) - I2Symbol Is there a way we can sue Naughty Dog for false advertising and maybe even vandalism of a work of art? Since this among us game came out, it has been corrupting the minds of my children. I was getting a blowjob from two bitches (Shit was SO Cash), one was trying to fit my humongous 3 pound balls in her mouth while the other was choking halfway on my 18 and 3\8 inch dick. woah, earf, birmingam, fish n chips long ago, the fou nations live togedah in ahmony. And now, for you to be convinced of this, I will send this message from all my accounts. League of Legends. How Do Hedge Funds Hide Information From The Public? What the fuck did you just fucking type about me, you little bitch? You are walking, talking proof that you don't have to be sentient to survive, and that Barnum was thinking of you when he uttered his immortal phrase regarding the birth of a sucker. , 'v' I keep telling myself Im going to be alright and that theres nothing to worry about. , Got feedback? Something wrong happened behind the scenes. Right so, in this scenario, I would obviously know from personal experience that life in plastic is fantastic. In the fourth box of the comic, set into the future, the foreseen character shows physical signs of sadness and anger: additional lines form a frown, his teeth are visible and clenched, his eyes are colored pink as if they were blood-injected, and blue lines symbolize dripping tears and snot. So, from the bottom of my intellect, family, pride, and dogs, I give you my strongest and hardiest apology. Ill have you know I graduated top of my class in the SwagFags, and Ive been involved in numerous Obey Records , and I have over 300 confirmed Swaggers. Your life is a monument to stupidity. Our brand totally really pinky promise to care about you, and 100% arent a soulless corporation trying to make a profit from your social movement. You think you can get away with not taking pictures in the mirror over the Internet? The Crying Soyjak, particularly, was one of /qa/'s main exploitables. You are unreservedly pathetic, starved for attention, and lost in a land that reality forgot. The internet has since made a meme of him and the complaints directed at him. Hang on guys, I need to sneeze scuse me. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. Have the keys to my house, go watch my kids grow up. The Masked Crying Wojak (or Wojak Mask) is a variation of the Frustrated Wojak, dating back at least to January 2016, where the Wojak's frustrated face is covered by a mask in order to hide his true feelings. Lenny Face ( ) Text Faces ( ) (Copy and Paste) ? Steady hand. There is no animal so disgusting, so vile that it deserves comparison to you, for even the lowest, dirtiest, most parasitic member of the animal kingdom fills an ecological niche. You fill no niche. A sore that won't go away. No English, no food, no money. A copypasta is a chunk of text that has been repeatedly copied and pasted on the web. , ? . In mere seconds my world has gone from vibrant life to a dark, earth-shattering void where my body is getting torn apart by the 150mph gale force winds and the 500-decibel groan of the cooling fans. We all know that women love attractive, dominant men. A few years ago, we would never have supported [minority group], but now that its publicly acceptable and profitable to do so, we love you! Oh, thats right, yea just go cry to your father you little weasel. Spamming chat with nonsense might seem fun . I just want you to know how easily I could fucking destroy your pathetic excuse of a life, but how Id rather go to a great fuckng length to make sure your last remaining days are spent in a living, breathing fucking hell. It is used as an edgier, more extreme expression of frustration, to the point of rage. PROTIP: She started to squirt hard, she was convulsing and having 6 orgasms at the same time. You grotty wanking oik artless base-court apple-john. I hope she realized that I was only being nice and that she is being irrational. Im praying right now that this last year is a dream Ill wake up from. The initial message was taken from a manifesto titled the Mantra, which was written by political activist Bob Whitaker. Dude I own this NFT. My Collection of Copypastas | Wiki | Ascended Memes Amino Im Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that theyre not just funnythey say something deep about LIFE. The copypasta is believed to have originated on the military and weapons enthusiast image board Operator Chan sometime in 2010. Do you go on Reddit? Some people use the Lenny faces copy and paste in the chat section and other places on social media. Lets say, hypothetically, I am a barbie girl. In the process I lost all my plants and I am struggling finanicially please help me rebuild my garden. Darryl give me job. Emote. The Jailbreak Prompt. March 30, 2023, 10:11 pm. Come talk to me when you pick up a PS4 controller then well be friends. I got straight As on the military entrance exams and received more awards. But ye couldnt, ye didnt, and now yell pay the ultimate toll, you buffoon. The Navy Seal copypasta is a lengthy, comically written, aggressive attack paragraph against a "kiddo", written in the voice of the stereotypical "tough guy", listing absurd accomplishments such as having "over 300 confirmed kills" and being "trained in gorilla [ sic] warfare". UwU what's this ?! You are a poison in need of being vomited. You can count on me to be there to bring your fucking life to a hellish end. Crying Wojak | Know Your Meme While the character has been more commonly known as "Crying Wojak" over the years of its existence, there is another Wojak variation called "Crying Wojak", showing the character with his head buried in his hands, which predates it back to 2012. : Who asked (Feat: No one) 5:12/ 7: . They just thought oh my, this girls weird. About Lenny Face. I don't like anybody who has as little respect for others as you do. You are sperm that should have been captured in a condom and flushed down a toilet. But you desu, you desu, and now youre desu, you goddamn desu. That paste is one letter off from a culinary staple is . I be trained in hit-and-run pillaging and be the deadliest with a pistol of all the captains on the high seas. 46 art copypastas. T-pose! Copypasta are long funny texts which are distributed over the internet by copy and paste. Lenny Face ( ) ( ) Cute Faces On the outside I skrrt skrrt ut on the inside I hurt hurt . This picture displays a Nintendo fanboy, represented by a Crying Wojak, being anally vored by a Sony fanboy, represented by a dabbing Wojak characted with a Big Grin. About. Copypastas are mainly used on Twitch and Discord. As such, the Zoomer Wojak, Soyjak, NPC Wojak and Poljak, to name a few, all have their Frustrated version. Well you cant. I can't go on. ~hmph baka -_- . Are you going to pay for another pizza or will I have to call the cops? After joining the Greek system, partying became a new norm that was ingrained into my life. I also have a fuckton of macros and I have a GS of 10K. Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like? Its not surprising because they can take over an entire Twitch chat. If God ever decides to give the planet an enema you'd better run like the wind because anywhere you stand is a suitable place for The Insertion. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your computer. You're the VIRGIN wojack and im the CHAD wojack : r/copypasta - Reddit You are a canker. , Someone had brought their new gaming laptop to class. Browse a large collection of ASCII art (text art) copypastas. Story time :clock12: :clock12: sisters :information_desk_person: :information_desk_person: so basically I was in class listening to billie eilish :heart: :heart: and my headphones got unplugged :weary: :weary: and it played bad guy out loud :sound: :sound: so anyway it was playing out loud and all the girls :two_women_holding_hands: :two_women_holding_hands: were completely vibing . But he squandered it all on Twitter. I started sweating as I sat down and gazed over at the 700lb beast that was his laptop. Ill have you know I graduated top of Japan and Im responsible for heart attacks of criminals world wide, and I have 124,925 confirmed kills. Creative thoughts take alternate transportation in order to avoid even being in the same state as you. Eating the sauces without understanding their significance is literally cultural appropriation and its not okay. 38 art copypastas. Refresh and try again. WHIIIIIIIRRRRRRRR, sometimes known as Oh no Not again! The lack of magical Asian people and awful mechanics is making it hard to learn. Maybe later in life, after you have learned to read, write, study, spell, and count, you will have more success. Head Bite Wojak is a 2020 Wojak comic first posted on Reddit, in which an incel, depicted as a Frustrated Wojak with sunglasses, accosts a female Wojak, gets rejected, and subsequently bites her head in a grotesque fashion. Type or copy and paste the codes below to display the graphics as displayed below. I see these people saying I put well over 100hrs in this game and its great! Thats nothing, most of us can easily put 300+ in all of our games. Youre fucking pwn'd, n00b. I hate it when people do that, stop trying to talk japanese if you dont even know it. Im smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as 4chans genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. Ye be nothing to me but another source o swag. This explosive copypasta letter makes the argument that persons who self-identify as anti-racists are, in reality, biased and racist against white people. Writings not easy. , By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The colored lights on his RGB Backlit keyboard flare to life like a nuclear flash, and a deep humming fills my ears and shakes my very soul. NSFW. Some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know.

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