Download a template Standard development agreement (pdf). PDF COMMISSIONING BRIEF - Variables affecting the stages might include fee level, production schedule, multiple delivery stages and availability of insurance cover. Here We Go is produced by BBC Studios Comedy Productions for BBC One and BBC iPlayer and is distributed internationally by BBC Studios. In accordance with paragraph 6 of the Code, the BBC has publishedherea list of indicative tariff ranges applicable for different genres of programming. Day after either (i) 1st exercise of the BBC Public Service Rights of the relevant programme / episode commissioned for BBC Three, or (ii) 1st BBC tx or 7 days following first BBC Public Service use of the relevant programme / episode commissioned other than for BBC Three, or (iii) 6 months from acceptance of Full Delivery, whichever is the earlier but without prejudice to any pre-existing series exploitation). PDF BBC Commissioning Process Framework The rights approach and share of success will depend on the objectives of the collaboration, each partys contributions, the funding model, etc. If and when permission is given for BBC Studios by Government as part of the Charter Review process (i.e. Danielle Scott-Haughton and Nick Lambon join as Commissioning Editors for BBC Drama, while Sami El-Hadi will be BBC Dramas new Head of Development. ii. C5 rethinks tariffs and adds training fund - Televisual The grant of SER Rights to the BBC on a royalty free basis under clause 12.1 of the General Terms means that no separate payment (other than payment of the Licence Fee) will be made to the producer by the BBC in respect of the exercise of those rights by the BBC. Commissioning via the nations and then broadcasting on BBC Three could lead to back door commissioning which means the BBC could use a lower tariff range to pay for programming. the independent producer should discuss its proposals and ideas to produce Additional Material with the BBC at the earliest opportunity and before investing its own resource in Additional Material propositions; it is in both parties' interests for the BBC to communicate its intention to commission and/or license the Additional Material as early as possible in the Programme commissioning/production process and the BBC encourages independent producers to include any proposals for Additional Material as part of the proposal for the overall Programme commission; should the BBC decide not to exercise its option under paragraph 3.2(b) above, the BBC will grant written consent under paragraph 3.2(a) above, provided that in the BBC's sole discretion, the BBC's public service offering in connection with the Programme and/or Additional Material is not thereby compromised, confused or undermined with regards to the audience. The BBCs current programme release policy clause 4.5 will continue to apply and will be exercised in a fair and transparent way. b) include or license the Programme (or part thereof) for inclusion in a video-on-demand service or near-video-on-demand service; Excluding BBC Three repeat packages set out under paragraph 6(a)(i), a 30 day period of on-demand use may be exercised with any BBC repeat broadcast, except for the Preview. Independent production companies should email the form to the relevant, BBC Studios productions are not required to complete a schedule of residuals form. following a commissioning decision, contract negotiation and completion will be undertaken as swiftly as possible. The BBC has publishedhereits standard form of agreement to be used for commissioning individual independent producers in accordance with the Code of Practice and this Framework. In delivering to its audiences content which has been funded in whole or in part by the licence fee, the BBC will deliver the public purposes as set out in its Charter and Agreement; in the relevant service licences as approved byOfcom; and in its published strategies. Other parts of the BBC commission and procure content, goods and services using different processes. Mid point of filming and viewing of rushes by BBC Editorial rep, Acceptance of Physical Delivery (subject always to a cap of 100,000). To give clarity to the market and to align with the BBCs Service Licence framework, the BBC intends to focus its audio-visual permanent collection around the BBC Four service which places Knowledge and Culture at the heart of its offer to audiences. 4 years unlimited use across public service platforms, 1% per year whilst still commissioning (retains BBC exclusivity), 1% per year for 3 more years (2% per year to keep the BBCs use exclusive). To help achieve our ambitions we have made two commitments which came into effect on 1 April 2021: The two commitments are independent of each other, but both focus on underrepresented groups. Where the BBC proposes to pay the Licence Fee on delivery, the BBC will ensure that contract documentation has been established with a minimum of 2 reputable banks. Business framework (Terms of Trade), PPA, commissioning specification, schedule of residuals, key agreements, contributors and third party agreements, programme prices and tariff ranges and digital rights models. The Code has been approved by Ofcom and is publishedhere. Selected new programming is included for permanent publication alongside complementary archive content (which could include content originally broadcast on other channels, radio, or digitised physical artefacts, as editorially relevant). Produced by BBC Studios for BBC Three and iPlayer, the new factual drama is based on the true story of Chloe Ayling, a British model abducted in Italy in 2017. Business and contractual information - Production and Delivery - BBC PDF BBC Studios Proposal BBC & Pact Joint Statement In line with Clause 10 of the BBC Code of Practice, this Framework will be reviewed on a three-yearly basis,or sooner if mutually agreed. in the White Paper in spring 2016 or subsequently), the BBC would ensure that a minimum. See the Archives, rights and clearances pagefor more information about clearances. COMEDY TARIFFS Network 160k to 700k per hourNations & English Regions 50k to 500k per hour The indicative tariff range covers a wide variety of programming, from shorts to animation and. a) In accounting to the BBC for its share of Net Revenue, the Producer shall ensure that the recoupment of any Agreed Recoupments shall occur in the order in which the revenue was received by the Producer (or its Distributor if the Distributor is reporting directly to the BBC) to ensure that the BBCs20%entitlement to Net Revenue(as referred to in paragraph 7 below)is applied to a fair and appropriate apportionment of the receipts, where the receipts relate to a combination of distribution rights attracting differing BBC back end shares as set out above. Our commissioning process framework (pdf) sets out our commitments and how we achieve them and our commissioning code of practice (pdf) ensures relations between the BBC and independent producers are fair and transparent. BBC Press Office's Post - LinkedIn If the producer feels the concern about the commissioning process has not been fully addressed, and involves a breach of our published commitments, they have the opportunity to make a complaint. Individuals not connected to a production company should visit the skills and training section to find other ways to work with us. However, as reflected in the BBC Code of Practice, these standard arrangements do not preclude the BBC and an individual independent producer from concluding an agreement covering a different range of provisions from those outlined above, should they both wish to do so in order to deliver a specific and demonstrable strategic project(s). We decide what programmes to commission based on the strength of the idea, its fit with our strategy and the production companys ability to deliver the show to screen. PACT have agreed to consult the BBC in connection with any discussion that it may have to vary the provisions of any such collective agreement in any manner which may impact on the rights granted to the BBC in programmes it commissions (or has commissioned) from independent producers. Created by Tom Basden and Executive Produced for BBC Studios by Tom Jordan and Josh Cole. (a) New further programmes commissioning right exclusive to BBC in UK during the BBCs recommissioning option, BBC consent over foreign version into UK during BBC licence unless BBC recommissioning option has expired and another UK broadcaster has commissioned further programmes, 5. However, as reflected in paragraph 6 below, these may need to be varied to reflect any changes to the standard provisions which both parties wish to make. To support the supply of distinctive, British ideas to the BBC from across the UK, To strengthen production ecologies, talent and the creative pipeline outside London, To maintain a range of supply in the UK enabling smaller producers to survive and grow, To strengthen progress on diversity and representation both on and off screen, To strengthen progress towards environmentally sustainable production in the UK, It is a mandatory requirement for all our productions to complete and submit the. Instead residuals should be captured via the online system, For BBC England, please email the form to the BBC programme delivery contact and additionally to the BBC business affairs contact and, BBC Studios productions capture residuals via the, The value of the programme to the schedule, The level of up-front third party investment, if any, that the programme could reasonably expect to attract in the marketplace, The price will include a production fee paid to the independent producer in line with the Terms of trade, The price will be inclusive of any development funding paid by the BBC on a programme. When purchasing an additional BBC Two package, the payment described above shall be for one transmission on BBC Two. Dawn will develop and lead plans which drive the strategy for commissioning roles at the BBC, working closely with the senior creative team, along with Indie Relations, Resourcing and Creative Diversity to support a holistic approach to off-screen talent across the BBC Content group. The Code states that the BBC will agree its Terms of Trade with PACT prior to publication. All ideas are handled according to industry best practice (pdf) and treated as confidential. In the case of returning series, the BBC will have the opportunity to renew the exclusive licence for all previous series while the programme is still being commissioned (save that for any renewals beyond the first licence renewal (ie 7 years), the holdback relating to television sales by the independent producer in the UK shall be limited to public service broadcasters). Day after either (i) 1st exercise of the BBC Public Service Rights of the relevant programme / episode commissioned for BBC Three, or 1st BBC TX or 7 days following first BBC Public Service use of the relevant programme / episode commissioned other than for BBC Three, or (ii) 6 months from acceptance of Full Delivery, whichever is the earlier. We expect content makers to come to us with ideas that have diversity, representation and inclusion built into their development, and all producers will be expected to engage in a meaningful dialogue with commissioners about this at the start of the creative process. The BBC will continue to commission the best ideas to inform, educate and entertain. aim to make a final decision to commission an idea within 20 weeks of submission to BBC Pitch* (unless the project is taken into paid development or part of a formal tender process where timelines will be specified). Tendered titles are chosen by BBC commissioners based on a range of considerations, taking into account production and transmission schedules, value for money and the opportunity for editorial review. For information about non-Network commissioning in the Nations and English regions please visit the commissioning websites for Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and the BBC England commissioning page. The BBC needs to make its content continue to appeal and be available where and when audiences want it. See separate table for principles for A/V content commissions. BBC Northern Ireland Commissioning Brief: November 2022. . Commissioning via the nations and then broadcasting on BBC Three could lead to back door commissioning which means the BBC could use a lower tariff range to pay for programming. iii. Budget is dependent on the idea and editorial ambition. c) Under the BBC Code of Practice the BBC has the right to renew its licence for a further period of two years. The Commissioning specification includes: Download a sample Commissioning specification (Word). PDF BBC tariff range of indicative prices for the supply of commissioned The BBC has commissioned six unscripted commissions in the region within two years and has just recommissioned one of those: Robson Green's Weekend Escapes. The BBC licenses the digital experience. a) The BBC will efficiently and effectively deliver public value on behalf of its licence fee payers; and. BBC has sole right to commission further AV/audio content based on the suppliers idea on same terms, subject to agreeing fee (in good faith). Louise Thornton, Head of Multiplatform Commissioning Responsible for: BBC Scotland's TV, Radio and Digital commissioning Louise is Head of Commissioning for BBC Scotland, responsible for. Seeking engaging and high-quality programmes representing the best in global filmmaking, with unique access to subjects and a wide range of perspectives on the world that will resonate with audiences across the UK. This might include payments on signature, on achieving milestones (including full and paper delivery). If there is any doubt over the ability to deliver a programme on time the BBC should be alerted at the earliest opportunity. It is important therefore for the BBC to ensure that there is no waiver of legal advice privilege as a result of this. Additionally, Rachel Ashdown has been appointed Lead Commissioner for the BBCs delivery of the Eurovision Song Contest 2023. See theFinance and invoicing page for information about the DUK framework. It is acknowledged that in most cases the Producer will be required to obtain a loan and or otherwise deficit finance the proposed TTR element of the programme budget funding (the TTR Loan). Before we commission, a formal conversation must take place about how environmental concerns can be considered or reflected in the editorial of every project. 3k -8k per episode Under the provisions of the Communications Act 2003, the BBC is required to publish and comply with a Code of Practice for agreeing the terms for the commissioning of qualifying independent productions. PACT agrees to give good faith consideration to the BBC's views. The relevant material would be commissioned and/or licensed for a separate licence fee to be agreed between the parties, and calculated by reference to the additional and reasonable costs of production. Supplier proposes an idea and the BBC commissions the Supplier to produce it. Commissioned for BBC Two, BBC Northern Ireland, iPlayer and PBS, the series comes from award-winning director James Bluemel and the team behind the BAFTA and Emmy Award-winning series Once Upon a Time in Iraq. We have also committed to ring-fence spend for diverse content. A successful proposal will be given approval by the relevant head of commissioning. Pitch helps us comply with our commitments, manage proposals in one place and track the progress of individual ideas. How we commission - Commissioning - Logo of the BBC Consent will be granted in accordance with the published principles and guidelines that it adopts from time to time when considering requests for consent. as part of any international Programme exploitation (i.e. TV & Film 23.08.21. The following provisions shall apply to new commissions from 1 January 2021 (unless it is mutually agreed between an individual Producer and the BBC to apply them sooner than that): The BBCs arrangements with Equity and WGGB/WDP for iPlayer clearances will apply to independent productions commissioned by the BBC. Not everything is intended to be covered by these guidelines. Diversity and inclusion is a creative imperative for the BBC. The Schedule of residuals lists all the writers, contributors, copyright material and music to be referenced for any repeat fees.
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