The organization challenging Paez is known as Los Chapitos because it is headed by three sons of drug lord Joaquin El Chapo Guzman, now serving a life sentence in the US. 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Adems de Rodrigo Pez Quintero, en las investigaciones destaca el nombre de Jos Gil Caro Quintero, alias El Pelo Chino, presunto jefe del Crtel de EFE ds/dr, Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved | Mendelson and Associates, LLC, Sonora becomes a battleground for Mexicos cartels, Four still missing after dive boat sinks in Philippines, At least 40 flights canceled at Manila airport due to power outage, South Korea presidents approval rating rises following US visit, Atletico smacks Valladolid 5-2, Jackson hits 2 for Villarreal over Celta, Thailand election favorite gives birth two weeks out from polls, SpaceX launches Falcon Heavy rocket with worlds highest capacity satellite, Paraguay elects Pea as president, keeping conservatives in power, IS leader killed in Syria by Turkish spy agency: Erdogan, Paraguayans vote in general elections for president, legislators, governors, Liverpools Diogo Jota denies Spurs in 4-3 road heartbreaker, Hong Kong police arrest 225 people in triad crackdown, Man kills 5 neighbors, including minor, in Texas execution-style shooting, Itaewon limps to recovery six months after Halloween crowd crush, China probes high-profile minister for alleged corruption. El Departamento de Estado aconseja a los ciudadanos estadounidenses que eviten todos los viajes internacionales debido al impacto global del COVID-19. Its hot summers and cool winters average 72 degrees. On the night of Feb. 15, gunmen with the Los Chapitos gang traveling in dozens of armor-plated SUVs rolled into the city of Caborca and remained for more than six hours, killing two people and abducting five others who were later released unharmed. Responding to the violence, Durazo announced plans to build barracks in Caborca for 500 army troops and 100 National Guard members. They increased their attacks in July 2022 following Caro Quintero's arrest, with clashes leading to 28 deaths in the state between July 15 and July 19. Two journalists in the region who cover drug trafficking and asked to remain anonymous for security reasons told InSight Crime that Quinteros relatives have historically been involved in diverse criminal economies in Sonora and that Quintero is not necessarily involved in day-to-day operations. The network now known as the Caborca Cartel has controlled one of the main drug trafficking routes to the United States for decades,Jose Montero, a professor at the Tecnologico de Monterrey and a public security specialist, told InSight Crime. The fight had originally begun in the municipality of Rio Asuncion before quickly spreading to "the nearby neighborhoods of Pueblo Viejo, Infonavit, Misiones de Kino, a delegate of the Sonora Attorney Generals Office stated. Adjacent to the US states of Arizona and New Mexico, the region is an important corridor for the movement of drugs, guns and people. The conflicts between various groups have seen the state experience extremely high levels of violence and Caborca, roughly 65 miles south of Arizona, has been one of the worst hit. El personal del consulado americano tiene prohibido viajar por la Carretera federal 2 de Santa Ana a Sonoyta hasta nuevo aviso. | Fronteras What the architects of Mazatln say about growth and mobility, Routes from Sinaloa to AIFA can reduce flight rates: Velarde Crdenas. Ella y los cuatro hijos que procre con el capo (Hctor Rafael, Roxana Elizabeth, Henoch Emilio y Mario Yibrn) fueron sealados por haber tejido una red de prestanombres para lavar el dinero de Caro Quintero mediante empresas presuntamente ilegtimas y proyectos inmobiliarios en Guadalajara. Human trafficking appears on the rise in Mexico, with the government struggling to find a strategy forward. At noon, armed men clashed with soldiers on the Nogales border where at least two hitmen and four civilians were wounded. Monitor the local news for updates, follow directions from local officials, and in case of emergency call 911. WebSegn la consultora Lantia Intelligence, el Cartel de Caborca es uno de los grupos criminales que se consolidaron durante los primeros aos del gobierno del presidente Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador. (Source, Source) POSITION: Second in Command - Former ALIAS: El Ser NAME: Unknown OTHER La Mesa de Seguridad en Sonora confirm a travs de sus redes sociales oficiales la detencin del presunto criminal, quien estaba considerado entre los objetivos prioritarios de captura para el Ejrcito Mexicano, la Secretara de Marina, la Guardia Nacional y la Fiscala General de la Repblica, por ser generador de violenciaen Sonora y Quintana Roo. Forced disappearances have also plagued the US-Mexico border state. In a video posted online that showed a lifeless man lying on the ground, a clearly distressed woman said she witnessed a shootout at close quarters and was physically assaulted. Another grainy security video shows a parade of trucks, jeeps, and what appears to be a homemade tank moving as a convoy through the city. "It has not directly antagonized other criminal groups and has been able to do business with them.". The border state of Sonora, where the attack took place, has been ravaged by violence connected to the fragmentation of cartels in the area over the past decade. Autoridades de Mxico capturaron el domingo (30.04.2023) a Rodrigo Omar alias el "R, presunto lugarteniente del narcotraficante Rafael Caro Quintero, lder del issued in Sonora after escalation En su aprehensin estuvieron involucrados elementos de la Agencia de Investigacin Criminal (AIC), la Secretara de Marina-Armada de Mxico (Semar), la Organizacin International de Polica Criminal (Interpol) y de la Fiscala Especializada en materia de Delincuencia Organizada (Femdo). Caborca cartel battle leaves destruction, 12 The leader of a search group trying to locate missing loved ones even made a recent public appeal to cartel bosses to curb violence aimed at locals. Organized crime causes chaos in Sonora. Others disappear in the The Consulate advises the following actions: Emergency Information for American Citizens, COVID-19 INFORMATION FOR U.S. CITIZENS IN MEXICO, Security Alert Caborca, Sonora Reports of ongoing cartel violence, armed groups and active fighting, Last Updated: Reissued with updates to health information, U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna, Visit for More Information. Den Held discussed gang dynamics in Medelln, Colombia, and approaches used by, Our extensive coverage of criminal activity in the border areas between Venezuela and Colombia has been referenced in areportby the Colombia-Venezuela RADAR project of the Konrad, InSight Crimes continued coverage of cocaine production and trafficking made a significant impact on the newly released UNGlobal Report on Cocaine 2023, with our work cited. El Chapo's sons have disputed Caborca and the surrounding region with Caborca Cartel since at least 2020. A bloody confrontation between the Caborca Cartel and the Chapitos in Sonora, Mexico, has revealed the resilience of Rafael Caro Quintero's successors as they face down a larger foe. PROFILE: La Cara de Cochi leads the armed wing of the Caborca Cartel, which is known as La Barredora 24/7. Milenio alsoreportedthat the Rusos criminal cell, linked to El Mayo, is taking on the Chapitos in Sonora and in the neighboring state of Baja California. During the afternoon of Wednesday, there was a strong mobilization of police and emergency corporations after a complaint to 911 where they alerted the presence of explosive devices inside a bus. gs (efe, El Siglo de Torren, Proceso Digital). (Photo via Twitter @niporwifi) MEXICO CITY More than a dozen vehicles filled with cartel gunmen rolled into the northern city of Caborca early Wednesday Violence has plagued Mexico's northern state of Sonora. Arresto o detencin de un ciudadano de E.U. Organized crime has caused chaos in the Sonoran municipalities of Empalme, Caborca , and The shootouts were reported to be part of the battle between the Chapitos and El Mayo. SEE ALSO:How Mexicos Small Armies Came to Commit a Massacre. We encourage readers to copy and distribute our work for non-commercial purposes, with attribution to InSight Crime in the byline and links to the original at both the top and bottom of the article. This has given the group some additional brawn in facing down its larger rival. I acknowledge that the events in the early hours of the morning exceeded the level of response of police authorities, given that we weren't capable of preventing these regrettable events, Mier said. We encourage readers to copy and distribute our work for non-commercial purposes, with attribution to InSight Crime in the byline and links to the original at both the top and bottom of the article. In addition, the Caborca Cartel has established strategic alliances with other criminal organizations in Sonora. That strategy continues to rely heavily on the National Guard.This week, Mexico released a list of 50 municipalities of the countrys nearly 2,500 where about half of all murders took Caborca, Sonora: asparagus, grapes and cartel warfare Sinaloa es la sede de su imperio y la Ciudad de Mxico es tierra prometida. Its believed that several groups work in the state, including factions of the Sinaloa Cartel, remnants of the Juarez Cartel, and both smaller gangs who work independently or are affiliated with other larger groups. Murders have spiked in Mexico's northern state of Sonora, thanks to the volatile mix of a veteran drug trafficker's alleged return, internal disputes within the Sinaloa Cartel, and an offensive by the powerful Jalisco Cartel New Generation. Otros parientes de Rafael Caro Quintero que presuntamente lo han ayudado en el reclamo por el territorio al norte de Sonora son Juan Pablo Quintero Martnez, alias El Pablito y Ramn Quintero Pez, alias El Tiko. We go into the field to interview, report and investigate. In light of the violence and fearing further attacks, Mier ordered businesses to shut by 10:00 p.m. Wednesday and suspended all sporting events. By morning, authorities announced that they had repelled the cartel caravan, but two died during the violence and several people had been kidnapped. Sin embargo, diversos informes de inteligencia han establecido que los esfuerzos de "los menores hijos de Joaqun Guzmn han sido infructuosos porque la familia Quintero y "el narco de narcos tiene dcadas dominando todas las rutas desrticas entre Sonora y Arizona. Check the Creative Commons website for more details of how to share our work, and please send us an email if you use an article. April 30, 2021. In February 2021, La Cara was accused of attacking the home of the grandmother of El Durango from Los Cazadores. 0:04. The sons are known collectively as the Chapitos. Sonora officials confirmed Saturday that they had moved various police units into the area to investigate the incident and protect residents. Aunado a ello, el Gobierno de Estados Unidos acus a Mara Elizabeth Elenes Lerma, primera esposa de Rafael Caro Quintero, de formar parte del entramado criminal. In July 2021, for example, a wave of shootings took place over the course of three days in Magdalena de Kino. A battle between the Chapitos and Sinaloa Cartel historical leader Ismael Zambada, alias El Mayo," has also resulted in bloodshed in Sonora. WebHeroica Caborca is approximately 330 miles from Prescott, about 96 miles south of the U.S.-Mexico border, and is located in a valley floor 940 feet above sea level in the state of Sonora. Alfonso Durazo has been to avoid confrontation to avert massacres. Competing cartels lean on the industry, This week, InSight Crime deputy editor, Juan Diego Posada, was interviewed by theAssociated Pressabout connections between theex-FARC mafiaand Brazilian criminal groups, and, As Ecuadors security crisis worsens, global media outlets have called on InSight Crime to provide expert knowledge on the criminal dynamics fueling the growing criminality.Americas Quarterly cited our work on, InSight Crime senior investigator Douwe den Held was interviewed by Chilean newspaperEl Mercuriothis week. According to Infobae, alleged Sinaloa Cartel gunmen entered Caborca in 19 pickup trucks on Tuesday night and proceeded to break into and shoot up homes. According to Lantia Intelligence, the Caborca Cartel also seems to have formed an alliance with the network of Fausto Isidro Meza Flores, aliasChapo Isidro, a veteran operator for Beltrn Leyva Organization (BLO). Durante la refriega muri la joven feminista Marisol Cuadras, mientrasotra activista result herida y un reportero fue alcanzado por las balas. Experts predict the worst mega-drought in 1,200 years for northern Mexico and the US, Mexico Citys Templo Mayor main Aztec archaeological site suffers structural damage due to hail storm, Veteran druglord Hector Luis El Gero Palma portrayed in the Narcos TV series, could be released in days, Mexican authorities rescued 63 kidnapped migrants in Sonora, Mexico plans to reduce weekly work hours to 40 and grant two days of mandatory rest to employees. The 23-year-old man was reported as a victim of kidnapping after violent events in this city, the FGJE said. But while El Chapos sons wield superior weaponry and economic power, the group cannot claim to have the same total domination their father once presided over, said Montero. Firearms, useful cartridges, and other artifacts were secured, Public Security reported. If you are a U.S. citizen traveling to, or residing in Mexico, enroll in the. Adems de su parentesco con el otrora fundador del Crtel de Guadalajara, El R era un objetivo prioritario para las autoridades federales, ya que se habra posicionado como el mando principal del Crtel de Caborca tras la detencin de su to en julio de 2022. The bill would still shorten the duration of mining concessions granted and be contingent on consults with local communities. With reports from El Universal and Infobae, Mexico News Daily - Property of Tavana LLC. Check the Creative Commons website for more details of how to share our work, and please send us an email if you use an article. The authorities have not confirmed who was behind the attack. Mexicos National Search Commission reports that from December 2018 to June 2021, state searches uncovered 879 clandestine graves and 3,025 bodies. However, the Sonora Attorney Generals Office (FGJE) said on Twitter Thursday morning that only five abductions were reported and two of the victims had been released. (Archivo: 14.03.2022). Authorities believe the 12 bodies recovered Saturday on the CaborcaSonoyta interstate highway, all bearing gunshot wounds, are those of men who either confronted or were targeted by armed civilians. WebConsider looking into aggregate data we have for Crime in Mexico. Declaracin de accesibilidad | This includes the subcontracting of local gangs such as the Barredora and the Plaza as the group's armed wings. A Mexican musical genre often accused of glorifying drug cartels is exploding in popularity, reaching global pop charts and filling arenas. The Caborca Cartel has sought reinforcements in its battle with the Guzmans, aligning with the Lnea, a group formed from the armed wing of the old Jurez Cartel. Eight bodies were discovered dumped near a Cancun resort in Mexico, one of the country's most popular tourism destinations. Get fresh updates on organized crime from across the region delivered to your inbox. Sonora was the country's seventh most violent state for total murders with over 1,900. An armed criminal cell also known as a comando burns down a ranch on the Caborca to Pitiquito road section without any injuries being reported. 1492. 8 Bodies Found Near Popular Tourist Destination in Mexico: WebCaborca is the municipal seat of the Caborca Municipality in the Mexican state of Sonora.The city has a population of 67,604, while the municipal population was 89,122 as However, after the cartel was involved in Sebastin Manrquez Verdugo, son of the announcer and journalist of the same name, was found safe and sound in Caborca. What was lifelike in Sinaloa 100 years ago, according to a map? Encontrar ms informacin en nuestras Polticas de privacidad. The border between Sonora and the US state of Arizona is a popular trafficking point for drugs and humans through the land border, while trafficking by air from Sonora has also become more popular recently. The June violence, killing and destruction followed another Caborca gun battle between organized crime elements one week after Easter Sunday, on April 19. Su presencia en la zona se hizo evidente debido a los frecuentes decomisos de droga encabezados por la Semar, los cuales habran acumulado cerca de tres toneladas entre 2020 y 2022. WebLugar: Municipio de Caborca, Estado de Sonora, pas Mexico Suceso: el Consulado General de los Estados Unidos ha recibido informes de violencia de los carteles en el The bus station was evacuated so as not to put personnel and other transport users at risk, while agents of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) and Firefighters searched the unit, without an official report of these facts having been made so far. ), violent crimes (being mugged or robbed, being attacked or insulted), corruption and other crimes. How much safer do you feel in Mexico City now compared to years ago. It will likely take more than a plea to ease the siege-like conditions. The group is a major smuggler of fentanyl, the deadly synthetic opioid flooding the US-Mexico border. Although it has not always been called the Caborca Cartel, the group has owned the route from Guaymas to Nogales since the 1980s. Reports date the creation of the Caborca Cartel to 2017 when Caro Quintero formalized the efforts of his family to dominate select criminal activities in Sonora, but the Caro Quintero family and its allies have a long and entrenched history in the state. Sigue el recuento de la actividad ssmica ocurrida durante las ltimas horas, Tras la imposicin en Chile de Gabriel Boric; en Colombia de Gustavo Petro y ms recientemente de Luiz Incio Lula da Silva en Brasil, el representante del partido colorado puso un coto a los cambios que se gestaban en la regin, Durante su regreso a la Santa Sede, luego de su viaje a Hungra, el sumo pontfice expres su deseo de lograr el fin de la guerra en Europa. The conflict between drug cartels in Sonora. Las zonas de Cancn y Playa del Carmen, en Quintana Roo,son algunos de los sitios donde el Crtel de la Plaza ha buscado extender sus operaciones, por el rentable negocio del narcomenudeo y el control de los puertos martimos. Aviso legal | Tweet. Tras su salida de prisin en 2013, el llamado Narco de narcos deambul por varias zonas del norte del pas e incluso tuvo una breve alianza con Ismael El Mayo Zambada. In Sonora, this struggle has intensified over the last three years, increasing homicides in the southern part of the state. In the pursuit through the periphery, the alleged criminals lost control of the unit, impacting two families whose members were injured. He's innocent, he's a working person, a construction worker and I work in the hospital, she said, adding that their daughter is sick. They kicked down the doors, they broke into my cousin's car, they shoved us, they broke all the windows of the apartments, she said. The bodies were found in wooded lots Videos of the cartel convoy quickly went viral after the attack in Caborca, Sonora. Motorists reported that the Pitiquito-Caborca highway was closed after the clashes, but state authorities confirmed that traffic flow was restored at around 2:50 p.m. Monday. An Quintero has been in hiding since his 2013 release from a Mexico prison, but narco-banners, media reports and statements by authorities claim he has emerged as the head of a new group, the Caborca Cartel, to regain control of Sonora. No one is safe; hijackings of tourist and truck drivers constant Another video shows them yelling that the Chapiza has arrived, which prominent newspaper El Pais claimed means the gang worked for Los Chapitosa Sinaloa Cartel faction ran by the sons of incarcerated drug lord Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn. According to the news outlet Milenio, the Caborca Cartel took shape in 2017 after Quintero allegedly called a meeting with his relatives and subordinates to organize the retaking of Sonora. The most extensive database on organized crime in the Americas. In a statement posted to the Caborca municipal government website on Wednesday, Mayor Abraham Mier Nogales acknowledged that lives had been lost and young men had been abducted in the early hours of Wednesday morning but didn't reveal the number of victims.

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