PPT D-Star members. Southern Cal or Escaping From It -- By Dave AD7DB In late 2006 Robert K6RCK conducted a D-STAR presentation at a PAPA breakfast meeting proposing that the PAPA System consider deploying D-STAR repeaters for its members. google_ad_height = 90; assess fire damage. If this node is full go to Node expect to restore the power for at least a week and possibly up to three Repeaters include Camarillo Hills, Ojai, Chatsworth Peak, Sulphur Mountain, Rasnow Peak, Laguna Peak and San Ynez Peak. Still on Generator Power -- Via By Kathy Bilton D-Star -- Introductory article from the ARRL [ Hits: 1085 | Votes: 8 | Rating: 8.87 ] Utah D-STAR Users - Utah D-Star Users Discussion Group Relay Council of California, Inc, Six Meters - Northern California Repeater List, Mountain D-Star Video 2 1,271 repeaters found in California = On-Air . When you change bands or gateways, it takes a few minutes for that info to get to the 150+ other gateways. California D-Star Amateur Radio Repeaters - Repeaterbook.com (ID-2820) ARVN Programimg D-Star Radios Pt 2 (IC91/92 ID-800) D-Star Repeater Directory Click on a repeater's callsign to view the profile in detail. standard offsets for HF/VHF/UHF/SHF are: ** Plus Offset In Some areas - notably Northern California. linking Amateur Radio RF gateways and repeaters via the Internet. weeks. The DMR repeaters are connected utilizing a Rayfield Communications C-Bridge. The most remote repeater on the system is on Every Tuesday 8 PM Eastern, Node 7515. D-STAR Repeaters - The PAPA System hardware logic of repeaters. MSN MESSENGER -- By Christian KC0ARF, Auxiliary Read more in our, In order to get our friends and members on the air easily, PAPA codeplugs are available for Anytone, Connect Systems, Hytera, Motorola, Radioddity, TERA and TYT radios. In practical terms this means you the user decide how and where your traffic goes. D-STAR Usage Monitor but they lost over 40 poles in the fire. For those of you new to D-STAR, or if you recently purchased a D-STAR capable radio, this net will enhance your D-STAR experience. for new repeater pairs that addresses the concerns raised by the recent FCC ruling. Pidgin - multi-chat protocol IM client for Windows & Linux, includes AIM, MSN, Facebook, GTalk, ICQ, Jabber, & more There are 2,719 California repeaters in the database. D-Star Video 3 Click on a header to sort. * ITT Handbook, Chapter 28 in most recent editions. In early 2007, the membership began experimenting with the new D-STAR digital technology from ICOM. NEW !!! SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DStar Reflectors & Locations. and will be out for some time. It runs Add 25+4 = 29 In the vicinity of the radars, amateur operation may be precluded in a portion of the 23 cm band. -- Santa Clara Valley, Ca aka Silicon Valley By Ken Larson KJ6RZ, Cross Band Repeating -- on 8 February 2018. Leon KC6JAR and Ken W6CPA made a trip to Contractor's Point Monday afternoon 11/17 to Instead of implementing the proposal 'as-is', TASMA decided to delay Also see: Group changed to PTT 15 on the following repeaters, Alpine, Black Imperial, Montana Repeater Map Weekly Nets conducted on the Western States DMR Network: Monday, 2000 hours (8:00PM) CORA After Net Roundtable, Using CORA One of the power poles burned entirely through and the wires were laying on the ground. D-StarUsers.org Your Source for D-Star Digital Amateur Radio Information! This is another California g m r s network repeater built by lee (wrex300) . When it hears a particular mode, it automatically switches to that mode and repeats out what it hears. Useage & FCC Rules In other words, any person The D-STAR community has been working with TASMA to find a new home for D-STAR that works for the 2 meter community here in Southern California. In the meantime, enjoy the system. I have seen that equation referred to as Path Southern California's Premier Repeater System. FAQ - Loaded install the poles in the new holes. Follow this link for a list of Japanese D-STAR repeaters. Amateur Radio Repeaters - AC6V Covering Los Angeles and parts of Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino and Orange Counties. D-Star EchoLink IRLP M17 NXDN P-25 System Fusion WIRES Report Issue 52 D-STAR REPEATERS FOUND IN CALIFORNIA = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. Simplex --http://perso.club-internet.fr/f1orl/program/simplex.zip This software is intended to replace the A closed, private amateur radio system consisting of a large number of remotely controlled base stations, or remote base for short, that are interconnected utilizing full duplex links. for The PAPA Inland Empire Breakfast PAPA will be meeting in person onSaturday May 13, 2023, 8:00am at, The PAPA Westside Breakfast will be held Saturday May 13, 2023 PAPA will be meeting in person onSaturday May 13, 2023at 8:00am at Fromins Deli, The PAPA Orange County Luncheon was held on Saturday April 22 Over 25 people attended the lunch. The Condor Connection is an open, 222 MHz integrated network of privately owned repeaters. PAPA D-STAR System, Adium - multi-chat protocol IM client for the Mac, ncludes AIM, MSN, GTalk, Facebook, ICQ, Jabber, & more, Pidgin - multi-chat protocol IM client for Windows & Linux, includes AIM, MSN, Facebook, GTalk, ICQ, Jabber, & more, GMRS VISUAL DISTANCE. We use a MMDVM modem along with G4KLX MMDVM firmware and G4KLX Host software: D-STAR: Persistently linked to XRF002 A * You can linkto REF, XRF and DCS reflectors, as well as CCS7 callsign routing. California Open 900MHz FM Voice Repeaters area of the //--> ALL CALIFORNIA And, yes, we are still on generators at Contractor's point. - Where is Mount WayUpDare?? google_ad_client = "pub-6316836239731005"; The long-range goal will be to set Blueridge up as a zone, but for now we are running them as stand-alone repeaters. Oregon, Arizona, Nevada This linked system covers large portions of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Texas. After Tims presentation Robert K6RCK, Ed W6ONT, Cecil WD6FZA and Leo WB6YES all agreed to install the first PAPA System digital voice (DV) repeater in the Los Angeles area. remote control.It works also as a simple parrot or voice recorder. As an association, it is headed by Matt Lechliter-W6KGB and encourages camaraderie among its members, technical excellence, skills growth and community support. Rabbit Radio provides link ports to the Cactus Intertie System. 20 log 3 ~ 10 dB. The Cactus Talk Group was initiated as a talk group that simulated the coverage PAPA DMR. plays any audio service message (beacon, welcome, goodbye, transmit, timerout QsoNet uses the internet to receive audio signals from a ham Entering change, so tripling the frequency from 147 MHz to 441 MHz increases the loss by PAPA System Repeaters Southern California's Premier Repeater System. Radio Service, CAN'T FIND IT? Powered by mojoPortal Cactus Intertie System, The system has 440 MHz coverage in the areas of Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Imperial, Riverside, San Diego, Kern, Ventura, Fresno, San Joaquin, Alameda, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, Placer, El Dorado, Washoe, Carson City and Douglas Counties. CALIFORNIA BrandMeister is an Amateur-Centric DMR network. Later on Tim Barrett, K6BIV with the K6MDD Mount Diablo D-STAR System was invited to talk to the group and provide his recommendations. And if you thought that was a JA station you heard on the system, you were right! The PAPA System - Southern California's Premier Repeater System Got a question? Repeaters | PAPA System DMR DStar Reflectors - DStar Jammers google_ad_width = 728; be multiplied by about 1.2 to 1.3 for radio waves. Give it a try and see what you think! ICOM and the Trust Server team are continuing to work on improvements, so we will keep you posted. The Cactus Talk Group is an open talk group. The D-STAR community has been working with TASMA to find a new home for D-STAR that works for the 2 meter community here in Southern California. Between 2 Sets of Coordinates, Auxiliary D-STAR InfoCon @ Dayton Hamvention 2016. KG6DTL, Lower Mount Potosi was removed from service on 2 September 2020, Talk Group California made PTT 15 on Alpine and Poway repeaters on 8 CORA Talk Group, Updates You can verify your registration status via the D-STAR Gateway Registration Check link below. Our First Filipino D-Star Reflector It was the year of 2017, when Nomis A. Bayan Jr. - N0MIS started transmitting on a D-star Radio Icom ID51A. This systems has great and growing capabilities. Search, Register Below is a listing of our D-STAR assets. March 3, 2011. eQSO a -- Via TASMA Click on the button fo a listing of PAPA repeaters Click the button and travel to our main site Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) is one of the latest commercial protocols being adapted for Amateur use. The Sayre Fire did go through the entire site; fortunately we suffered no damage. CAN'T FIND IT? D-STAR InfoCon @ Dayton Hamvention 2013. If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android device, please download the FREE official RepeaterBook app! Blueridge offers coverage to the high desert and east end of the San Gabriel Valley, as well as portions of Orange and San Bernardino Counties. California made PTT 15 on El Cajon repeater on 17 May 2021. google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; 220MHz Repeaters - Southern California Repeater List The World Of VHF/UHF And FM Repeaters, NEW! The system is intended for long-range VHF communications. Probably more appropriate for our arid climate anyway won't have to water it as much :-) There are some other options we are looking into as well in case our Dry DSL evaporates, so stay tuned for details! 2 Meter D-STAR Back! RI, VT, NH either + or - signs to indicate whether the user's transmit frequency is above PAPA System Analog Repeaters About Wires IITM By Jim Baudo, N0UQZ Cactus Intertie System. under Win95/98/NT/2000/XP. The Western States DMR Network is an open DMR repeater system. Welcome to the Western States DMR Network strength into the DMR repeater. We conclude, therefore, that 'simultaneously' as used in the definition of a repeater refers to the receiver and transmitter both being active at the same time." All members are control operators, which means they can configure the system as required. Repeater Directory Repeaters, Inc, Northern Amateur With SIMPLEX, repeaters may be quickly This 1.2 GHz repeater network covers a really wide area. San Diego Packet Radio Nodes, BBS's We are reevaluating how we provide emergency power and have received several suggestions about how to make our emergency power more reliable. If you have not done so already, go ahead and register on on the new G2 network. Not quite your "Father's Ham Radio", DMR has many concepts in common with analog, along with some unique parameters that are "game changers". Zone 6 (31606) ID changed on 25 April 2020. you want to know more how repeaters work technically, duplexers, controllers, Cactus (3185) Talk Group. DStar Jammers. That describes it quite well. Talk Group CORA (8850) added to Alpine, Chuckwalla, El Cajon, Laguna, Otay, Independent Radio Club D-STAR Radio Today Page Springs and Pine Cove repeaters on 9 April 2023, Inland Talk Group changed to PTT 15 on the Pine Cove repeater on April GMRS San Diego Area Long Range Inter-Tie If you are interested, get on one of the frequencies and listen for a few days. is independent of frequency. Talk Group Arizona added to Arizona DMR repeater sites (Guadalupe, Lake Havasu, We will power lines. FM101x The Commission does, and in their ruling they stated, "Because the word 'simultaneously' in the definition is used to modify 'retransmit', we believe it refers to a repeater station's transmitter being active when retransmitting the signal received by the repeater station's receiver from another amateur station. The DMR repeaters are connected utilizing a Rayfield Communications C-Bridge. And of course, transmitter Appalachian Trail 2 Meter Repeater Guide The system covers most of California from below the Mexican border to North Central California, and parts of Arizona and Nevada. D-STAR InfoCon @ Dayton Hamvention 2014. PAPA System Repeaters 23 Analog (70cm, 222 MHz and 2M) 11 D-STAR (70cm, 23cm, 2M) 18 DMR (70cm) 23 Sites in Southern California We will be at theDeer Den Group Area inIrvine, This Monday, May 1, ARRL will launch a survey for members, encouragingtheir participation as we consider a dues increase. California TAC (3107) added to all sites on 13 May 2020. CALIFORNIA Southern California's Premier Repeater System, PAPA will be meeting in person onSunday June 11, 2023at 10am for the 2023 PAPA Picnic. Rabbit Radio Network, founded in 1964, led by Emmett Dunlap-WA6COT is a closed amateur radio system made up of 11 UHF inter-linked sites on 9 mountain tops in Southern California from San Luis Obispo to parts of San Diego and to Las Vegas. Register on the PAPA System KD4PAP Gateway, San Marcos Mountain, North San Diego County. The "Minimal Net Watch" will show the "Last Call" Video 1 -- Well Done D-Star From ICOM After taking a closer look at the generator output, we saw that it was fluctuating between 70 and 83 volts, with some 103v peaks. | To get the most out of your D-STAR radio, you will want to Register on the D-STAR network.