This means that a device must exist. On Windows, use a dir command if the OCR location is a file and run GuiOracleObjectManager.exe to verify that the part of the cluster with the name exists. OCR and Voting Disk Repairing an OCR involves either adding, deleting, or replacing an OCR location. To migrate OCR from Oracle ASM to another storage type: Create a file in a shared or cluster file system with the following permissions: root, oinstall, 640. 3. List the Candidate Disk present for creating DISKGROUP. Attempt to resolve the cause of the CLSD-1009 and CLSD-1011 messages. You can just replace with new voting file on disk group DATA. In 10g, Oracle Clusterware can support 32 voting disks but in 11g R 2 supports 15 voting disks. If you cannot mount the disk group locally, then run the following SQL*Plus command: Optionally, if you want to restore OCR to a raw device, then you must run the ocrconfig -repair -replace command as root, assuming that you have all the necessary permissions on all nodes to do so and that OCR was not previously on Oracle ASM. a) We must have an odd number of disks.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'techgoeasy_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_13',194,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-techgoeasy_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); b)Oracle recommends a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5. Oracle Optical Mark Reader (OMR) is the technology of electronically extracting data from marked fields such as checkboxes or bubbles from pre-printed forms. Static data: Info about nodes in the cluster. For example: The default backup location for the OLR is in the path Grid_home/cdata/host_name. --add the new diskgroup with root user. Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) which records cluster configuration information. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Depending on where you store your voting files, do one of the following: If the voting disks are stored in Oracle ASM, then run the following command to migrate the voting disks to the Oracle ASM disk group you specify: The Oracle ASM disk group to which you migrate the voting files must exist in Oracle ASM. to Backup OCR and Voting Disk The first method uses automatically generated OCR copies and the second method enables you to issue a backup command manually: Automatic backups: Oracle Clusterware automatically creates OCR backups every four hours. Ocr Your biggest Honkai: Star Rail questions, answered Oracle Universal Installer for Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 (11.2), does not support the use of raw or block devices. To add one or more voting disks, run the following command, replacing the path_to_voting_disk variable with one or more space-delimited, complete paths to the voting disks you want to add: To replace voting disk A with voting disk B, you must add voting disk B, and then delete voting disk A. If you configure a mirrored OCR and if Oracle Clusterware cannot access the mirrored OCR locations and also cannot verify that the available OCR location contains the most recent configuration, then Oracle Clusterware prevents further modification to the available OCR location. OCR is what registry is for Windows. What are Consumer Forums and what is their importance? If you did not store voting disks in Oracle ASM, then run the following command using the File Universal Identifier (FUID) obtained in the previous step: Stop the Oracle Clusterware stack as root: Restart the Oracle Clusterware stack in normal mode as root: You can add, remove, and migrate voting disks after you install Oracle Clusterware. A high redundancy disk group must contain at least three failure groups. -- Mount diskgroup Both heartbeats failed. Rely on OCR Backups Since 11g (11.2), the voting disk data is automatically backed up in OCR as part of any configuration change and is automatically restored to any voting disk added. The voting disk data is automatically backed up in OCR as part of any configuration change and is automatically restored to any voting disk added. While marking their own presence, all the nodes also register the information about their communicability with other nodes in the voting disk. such as Oracle RAC databases, listeners, virtual IP addresses (VIPs), and services and any applications. Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR) which records cluster configuration information. Oracle strongly recommends that you mirror OCR if the underlying storage is not RAID. b. [grid@NODE01 ~]$ crsctl query css votedisk. If an OCR location suddenly becomes unavailable, then it might take a short period for Oracle Clusterware to show the change in status. This section includes the following topics for managing voting disks in your cluster: Adding, Deleting, or Migrating Voting Disks. You cannot directly influence the number of voting disks in one disk group. Your email address will not be published. Perform the following procedure to overwrite OCR if a node cannot start and if the alert log contains CLSD-1009 and CLSD-1011 messages. Run the following command to verify the current running version: Use the Oracle ASM Configuration Assistant (ASMCA) to configure and start Oracle ASM on all nodes in the cluster. Healthy nodes will have continuous network & disk heartbeats exchanged between the nodes. For example, if you ran the ocrconfig -restore command on node 1 of a four-node cluster, then you must run the ocrconfig -repair -replace command on nodes 2, 3, and 4. You can run this command more than once if there is more than one OCR location configured. Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide for information about creating OCRs, Oracle Automatic Storage Management Administrator's Guide for more information about Oracle ASM disk group management. Like, on my test box, ocrdump shows 676( in the OCR (could be different on your system). When you repair OCR on a stopped node using ocrconfig -repair, you must provide the same OCR file name (which should be case-sensitive) as the OCR file names on other nodes. It stands for Optical Character Reader or Optical Character Recognition. You can use this command whether the voting disks were stored in Oracle ASM or some other storage device. 11gR2 can have upto five mirrored copies of OCR. You cannot customize the backup frequencies or the number of files that Oracle Database retains. To downgrade, follow the downgrade instructions for each component and also downgrade OCR using the ocrconfig -downgrade command. When the clusterware stack is down on all nodes in the cluster, the backups that are listed by the ocrconfig -showbackup command may differ from node to node. Database data files, temp files, redo logs and undo, SYSTEM, SYSAUX, DATA, INDEX, USERS, TEMP, UNDO, Shared or database-specific ASM diskgroups, ScaleIO volumes, ASM diskgroup, and database datafile relationship, ASM stripesize, coarse, and fine grained striping, ASM intelligent data placement and physical disk placement, ASM compaction and rebalance (ASM and later), A DATA diskgroup to hold all data, index, undo and temp files, An FRA diskgroup that holds archivelogs and backups, Since Oracle Database 11gR2 it is recommended to store the OCR and Voting Files in a standalone ASM diskgroup, as shown in, Using VMDKs and ASM with Virtualized Databases. Oracle ASM on ScaleIO Best Practices - Dell Technologies You can check the status of OLR on the local node using the OCRCHECK utility, as follows: You can display the content of OLR on the local node to the text terminal that initiated the program using the OCRDUMP utility, as follows: You can perform administrative tasks on OLR on the local node using the OCRCONFIG utility. It is widely used as a form of data entry from printed paper data records into electronic editable text which can be easily searched, stored etc. This step is necessary only if OCR is also corrupted or otherwise unavailable, such as if OCR is on Oracle ASM and the disk group is no longer available. Please sign in to comment The visually impaired people find it useful. In a nutshell, OCR is used by CRSd and OLR by the OHASd. If you choose to put the voting disks into an Oracle ASM disk group, then Oracle ASM ensures the configuration of multiple voting disks if you use a normal or high redundancy disk group. srvctl status diskgroup -g OCR_NEWDG Cluster management is now affected on this particular node. [root@NODE01 ~]# /u01/app/ -delete +OCRVD_DG, 11. You can manually mirror OCR, as described in the "Adding an Oracle Cluster Registry Location" section, if you: Upgraded to Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 (11.2) but did not choose to mirror OCR during the upgrade, Created only one OCR location during the Oracle Clusterware installation. In addition to using the automatically created OCR backup files, you should also export OCR contents before and after making significant configuration changes, such as adding or deleting nodes from your environment, modifying Oracle Clusterware resources, and upgrading, downgrading or creating a database. You cannot restore your configuration from an OCR backup file using the -import option, which is explained in "Administering Oracle Cluster Registry with Oracle Cluster Registry Export and Import Commands". The Oracle Clusterware installation process creates the voting disk and the OCR on shared storage. For OCRs not stored on Oracle ASM, Oracle recommends that you mirror OCR on different devices. OLR is located on local storage on each node in a cluster. Voting Disk Each voting disk must be accessible by all nodes in the cluster for nodes to be members of the cluster. WebOracle Clusterware includes two important components that manage configuration and node membership: Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR), which also includes the local component Oracle Local Registry (OLR), and voting files. OCR stores configuration information in a series of key-value pairs in a tree structure. Oracle recommends that you use either automatic or manual backups, and the ocrconfig -restore command instead of the ocrconfig -export and ocrconfig -import commands to restore OCR for the following reasons: A backup is a consistent snapshot of OCR, whereas an export is not. Use the following procedure to restore OCR in an Oracle Restart environment: Stop Oracle High Availability Services by running the following command on all of the nodes: Run the ocrcheck -config command to determine the OCR location and then create an empty (0 byte) OCR location with appropriate permissions in that location. +OCRVD_DG/RAC-cluster/asmparameterfile/registry.183.284573136. You must create an empty (0 byte) OCR location, or the Oracle ASM disk group must exist and be mounted. If you are storing OCR on an Oracle ASM disk group, and that disk group is corrupt, then you must restore the Oracle ASM disk group using Oracle ASM utilities, and then mount the disk group again before recovering OCR. OCR --With Spmove command we will move the spfile To display the voting disk FUID and file path of each current voting disk, run the crsctl query css votedisk command to display output similar to the following: This command returns a disk sequence number, the status of the disk, the FUID, the path of the disk, and the name of the Oracle ASM disk group on which the disk is stored. As the root user, run the following command to add an OCR location to either Oracle ASM or other storage device: To remove an OCR location or a failed OCR location, at least one other OCR must be online. Successfully replaced voting disk group with +OCR_NEWDG. The text to speech can be used by them. Learn how your comment data is processed. It contains manageability information about Oracle Clusterware, including dependencies between various services. Check the Voting Disk Location Note that the commands you use to do this are different, depending on whether your voting disks are located in Oracle ASM, or are located in another storage option. OMR technology scans a printed form and reads from predefined positions. If you configure a single voting disk, then you should use external mirroring to provide redundancy. Oracle recommends just two diskgroups by default: By default, redo logs and control files are mirrored to both the DATA and FRA diskgroups. With the Oracle Clusterware storage residing in an Oracle ASM disk group, you can manage both database and clusterware storage using Oracle Enterprise Manager. uses technology that works best in other browsers. Compare the node's OCR configuration (ocr.loc on Linux and UNIX systems and the Registry on Windows systems) with other nodes on which Oracle Clusterware is running.
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