Although the .25-caliber bullets belong to a lighter category, they typically have high ballistic coefficients resulting in a perfect wind bucking ability as well as retaining kinetic energy down-range. Mag. Now virtually every new centerfire rifle offered in chambered for the round, and it single-handedly accomplished something that many firearms experts believed couldnt be accomplished: it made 6.5s mainstream. Join F&S+ to read exclusive stories by your favorite writers. We look at the cartridg. The reason why 6.5mm cartridges are exploding in popularity is because they are ultra-efficient. With a recoil of 16.3 ft/lbs, the .270 Winchester 46'' impact range at a 500-yard drop. Not a lot of difference in drops between the cartridges though; you need accurate yardage readings to get your drop correct. Fantastic information. But, as an extreme range competition shooter recently told me, the number of cold barrel, first round hits he sees at 1,000 yards in competition is well below 50%. At 500 yards the 6.5 PRC drops about three feet when zeroed at 200 yards, eight inches less than the Creedmoor. So what if we shoot further than 300? EuroOptic has the best prices and ultra-fast shipping! Wind drift is less pronounced than the .308, and the Creedmoor generates less recoil. Notice that it is only 3 grains lighter than the 150-grain .264 atop that Weatherby. Coyote Cartridges: .223 Rem. Vs. .22-250 Rem. Vs. .243 Win. - Outdoor Life Hello there, I think your web site may be having browser compatibility problems. Todays top seven long-range cartridges get the job done on big game and targets at great distances. Yep, me too. First, some boundaries. Ballistically, the cartridge is very similar to the 6.5 PRC, but unlike the PRC it uses a standard 0.473 rim diameter like the .308 Winchester. Yet it has proven again and again that it will deliver at distance. Nosler Trophy Grade with a 130-grain Nosler AccuBond at 2900 fps. What about the guy who wants to go long with his AR-15? Pick a bullet for each. Pronghorn hunters have driven the search for flatter shooting cartridges for a long time. Love it or hate it, the 6.5 Creedmoor was a game-changer. With the ability to handle more aerodynamic bullets than the .270 Winchester or the .270 WSM, the 6.8 Western and its 1-in-8 twist rate allows this cartridge to outperform both at distance. Drops just 11.6 inches. Cartridge and chamber specifications helped improve accuracy, and recoil was manageable. It will push a 55-grain E-Tip bullet to 3,300 fps, which is more than sufficient for deer hunting. There are 6.5 optimized long range scopes available, which you can browse here. bullets at faster speeds allows the projectile to get to the target sooner, minimizing the amount of time all three forces have to affect the bullets trajectory. However, some people believe that the flattest shooting rifle caliber is the .308 Winchester. Another caliber with the best accuracy at 1,000 yards belongs to the newer generation of the large family of 6.5mm cartridges and bears the Nosler name, highly respected US ammo manufacturer. The wise longer range shooter errs on the side of a higher B.C. Ive posted your article on my wildlife and hunting group on FB. Its a top choice of military snipers and can launch heavy bullets with high speed and exceptional precision. Recoil is stiff and some find it hard to master. Both cartridges have been designed as the long-range busters. In the shortest terms, you can conceive 7mm Remington Magnum as flat- shooting .270 and hard-hitting .30-06 round. With those thoughts in mind, it is easy to see why the 26 Nosler, 28 Nosler and the 6.5300 Weatherby Magnums are the best flat-shooting cartridges offered to rifle shooters today. Barnes Vortex | .300 Winchester Magnum. While there are not a lot of ammunition choices for the 6.8 Western, there are some good ones. This caliber is a favorite of hunters on the big game, but also it is preferred by military snipers. So, if you want to go long, there are some clear choices here. But if you can shoot this cartridge well, with its supersonic speed out beyond 1,650 yards, youre just about unstoppable at distance, and there are lots of factory loads and riflesaffordable and expensiveto choose from. Appropriate hunting bullets may not reach these levels of B.C. I was surprised at the distance, so I asked my PH Thats just 155 yards? He got a stunned look on his face and said, No, TWO hundred fifty-five yards! Our miscommunication during the shot sequence didnt matter a bit, because I was shooting a .28 Nosler, which put the shot only 2.8 low at that distance. It will push a 90-grain Fusion bullet to 500 yardswhich is probably the limit for big game with this cartridgewhile still retaining enough velocity to initiate expansion. But truth be told, every Weatherby cartridge is a long-range cartridge. Thank you for the time it took to work all this data up in an easy to absorb article, where are you getting your information for the bullet drop? The Creedmoor was. Emulated by all others, the VLD Target Rifle Bullet incoporates a secant ogive design which allows the Rifle Bullet to experience less drag as it travels to the target. The .308 Winchester will win no ballistic awards; its simply a shorter version of the time-tested and beloved .30/06. These cartridges all drop less than 255 at 1,000 yards. 4. Its not all hype. spitting a 100-gr. The .30/378 Weatherby. While few authors claimed that the .300 Norma Mag is capable of 20-round groups as small as four inches at 1,100 yards, some ballistics testing showed that the .300NM equaled the .338 Lapua Magnum out to 2,000 yards. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Faster velocities mean flatter trajectories. And here they are: Flattest at 300 yards 240 Wby. Heck, I cant even find agreement on maximum muzzle velocities in handloading manuals from Speer, Hornady, Nosler, Berger, Swift, Hodgdon, Norma, Sierra, Barnes Furthermore, just because the manual lists those speeds does not mean your rifle will deliver them. Hornady offers it with 190-grain CX bullets, 212-grain ELD-X bullets, and 225-grain ELD Match bullets. I suspect Weatherby got wind of Noslers work on its superb 26 Nosler, so they released Roys old wildcat to steel some of Noslers thunder. at the same distance. Learn more . Been there done that, so Im not playing holier-than-thou. Recoil is negligible, making it a great option for hunter with sensitive shoulders. The Creedmoors detractors will say that it wont do anything that existing cartridges wouldnt do as well or better, but thats not exactly true. The Nosler's family of new generation rounds includes 26 Nosler, 27 Nosler, 28 Nosler, 30 Nosler, and 33 Nosler. Since this article originally went live, several excellent long-range big-game cartridges have it the market. A flat shooting cartridge matters. It shoots as flat as a Kansas prairie and holds its velocity way out there. It has flipped positions with the 6.5, losing by a mere 1.4-inches. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. The ideal coyote hunting cartridge is flat shooting, highly accurate, and won't ruin pelts. Flattest Shooting Rifle Cartridges by Caliber - Ron Spomer Outdoors Many people found it informative, but some of the hunters wanted to know if you have any statistics available on the calibers as listed above. It functions well in bolt guns and AR-10 rifles, so if youre looking for a long-range 6mm the Creedmoor is an obvious choice. HOLOSUN HS510C 2 MOA Dot Or A 65 MOA Ring Open Sig Sauer SOR52001 Romeo5 1x20mm Compact 2 Moa Red HOLOSUN HS507C X2 Circle Dot Solar Failsafe. But lets have a round of applause for our antiquated 220 Swift, just 0.2-inch off the record! The cartridge . Ive seen the cartridge flatten whitetails and caribou, and tight tolerances make it capable of excellent accuracy. What are the best long-range cartridges:.22-250 Remington.308 Winchester.300 Winchester Magnum.338 Lapua Magnum.300 Weatherby Magnum; 6.5 Creedmoor; 6.5-284 Norma; 26 Nosler But the 220 Swift is not a legal big game cartridge in many states and the 40 . 243 and 25-06 had to be left out because it didnt have enough at 600 for even deer. What Is The Flattest Shooting Rifle Caliber | How about our drops on the cartridges that made it? BADASSOPTIC Copyright 2023 Depending on the caliber you are using, a long-range shooting may be at 1,000 and more yards, but if you are committed to rimfires than 200-300 yards is very long-distance shooting. Mag. Based on the old .404 Jeffery case, its the same length as the .30/06, which means it works in standard-length actions. Ive updated the chart description so its more clear that it isnt in inches. On the same African trip we set up a shooting mat and were punching stumps on a cutover hillside over 1,400 yards away. If you think that's the product of the latest technology, know that Winchester introduced this cartridge in 1935! is a participant in the Services LLC Associates, AvantLink, Impact Radius & ShareASale Affiliate Programs, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees. Thats comparing apples to apples with the others up above, using a 6 vitals zone. Loaded with a 130-grain bullet, it will carry more than 1000 foot-pounds of energy out past 600 yards. Though it's primarily a hunting round, the 6.5-300 Weatherby Magnum will also work for shooting long-range targets. So what can we learn from these numbers? Compared to .223 Remington, at the 1,000-yard target, it duplicates the amount of energy of the standard .223 bullet. As a numeric designation, the ballistic coefficient (BC) is usually described as a number between one and zero. Ditto the 6.5 Creedmoor and 6.5-300 Wby. 25-06. Great work here. The .45 Colt possesses almost the same ballistics as the .45 ACP. Clear enough? Flattest at 1,000 yards Heres where things start to change. The .300 Norma Mag emerged by narrowing the .338 Norma Magnum case neck down to accommodate .308 caliber bullet. Created from the ground up for competition and very little hunting, the 6.5 Creedmoor has several advantages over the .308 and the other .30-caliber cartridges. Those features are granted to the high velocity of 3,000 fps and 230gr Berger Hybrid bullet with an incredible 0.743 Ballistic Coefficient (BC). The cartridge headspaces off its 30-degree shoulder, and since Hornady has designed cartridge drawing with tight tolerances accuracy is extremely good. Its just physics. But the PRC uses a larger case thats based on the .300 Ruger Compact Magnum instead of the .30 TC case that spawned the 6.5 Creedmoor, and the PRC therefore has a higher powder capacity. The flattest-shooting cartridges usually have Nosler or Weatherby in their name, and the top three flat-shooting cartridges were created by those respected companies. All in all, here are six bonus cartridge, all highly capable of reaching way out there. Most people believe that the flattest shooting rifle caliber is the .22-250. This is the allure and benefit of a flat shooting bullet. But you wouldnt want to hunt with it. Most common calibers are just fine for regular range shots under 300 yards. Its no accident this round became so popular. Not many of us can afford the ammo, let alone the rifles and scopes that chamber it, in such calibers as 375 CheyTac, 408 CheyTac, or 416 Barrett. The newest addition to the Nosler line of proprietary cartridges is the 27 Nosler. For each caliber, Ron picks a flat-shooting "winner" and provides some ballistics comparison tables. ), Remington seems to own the .22-caliber category. But the PRC also competes well against older .30 caliber rounds, too. Assorted 5.56 Rounds (XM193, XM855, Gold Medal 69gr) While this may not be the first cartridge that comes to mind for long-range shooting, with an appropriate bullet, the compact .223 Remington or 5.56 NATO is more than capable of shooting over 500 yards with accuracy. There are a number of a common long-range, dual-purpose rifle chambered in calibers fully capable of making shots at distances up to 1,000 yards and regularly harvest big game with right shot placement. (This is essentially what Hornady did to the .260 Remington to make the 6.5 Creedmoor.) {Top 7} Best .22 LR Rifles in 2023 [April Tested] - TheGunZone After Weatherbys 6.5-300 Magnum did not win as many hearts and minds as theyd hoped, Weatherby rethought the 6.5mm cartridge and developed the 6.5 RPM (Rebated Precision Magnum). Weatherby currently offers six loads for the 6.5-300 ranging from 127 to 156 grains. Kind regards. While the .338-378 round will still be capable of supersonic velocity at 1,500 yards, it will have 831 foot-pounds of retained energy at the same distance. The .277 is an oddball bullet diameter, in that it doesnt fall into the much more common 6.5mm, 7mm, or .30-caliber categories. Wir teilen auch Informationen ber Ihre Nutzung unserer Website mit unseren Social Media-, Werbe- und Analysepartnern. Besides, the aerodynamic bullet and heavyweight bring the energy that is about one-third of a .44 Magnum at point-blank range. What Is the Flattest Shooting Caliber? - MG Arms Inc Your email address will not be published. The Creedmoor carries more velocity and energy downrange with less recoil than any other factory cartridge. I hope this report clears up some trajectory confusion and perhaps settles some old arguments. Twenty years ago, Winchester introduced the .270 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum). By the time the 6.5 Creedmoor started gaining popularity, interest in the .270 WSM was fading. This excellent .25-caliber round was the first wildcat to have been based on the .30-06 Springfield cartridge preceding the development of much more popular the .270 Win round. My take away on all this number crunching? bullet faster than did the larger volume 30-378 Wby. But its so close to the 6.5-300 Wby. As we all know, the long-range accuracy is a combination of the rifle, the ammunition, and the shooter. Like the 6mm, the 6.5 Creedmoor with high ballistic coefficient bullets has less wind drift than other 6.5s that shoot lighter bullets, and its no secret that the 6.5 Creedmoor is very accurate. (For anyone who gets worked up about the fact that the .30/06 isnt on this list, feel free to swap it with this one, as long as you dont mind the extra kick. The .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire, commonly known as the "Twenty-Two Win Mag," was hatched back in 1959. Mag. When it came out in 1925, 300 yards was considered about the max distance for shots on game, and the .270 Winchester was quickly recognized as one of, if not the, best commercial option for that. Remington officially introduced a .260 Remington in 1997, but we can trace its roots in the wildcat 6.5-08, well-known cartridge in competition circles. But the 7mm Remington Magnum will remain supersonic out to 1,400 yards or a bit more, making a good choice for cross-canyon hunting. RELATED: The 10 Best Rifle Bullets for Long-Range Shooting. Does it matter if there are -30 of drop or -40 of drop if the answer is simply to spin the turret a few extra clicks? due to its larger diameter which increases drag. Hornady's Precision Hunter 145-grain ELD-X at 2,950 fps is the flattest-shooting .270 . Perhaps you, dear reader, can provide the formula! 264 Winmag Comparing the two of the same caliber but different shapes projectiles, one heavier and a long-for-caliber bullet with a boat tail at the end will have a better ballistic coefficient.

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