Curious about how he completed the technical work, I contacted Farley Grubb on this matter. nach Familiennamen, Nr. . migrant network? provided occupational distributions for 18151820, but this period Our readers have come to expect excellence from our products, and they can count on us to maintain a commitment to producing rigorous and innovative information products in whatever forms the future of publishing may bring. lmigration allemande du XVIIIe sicle vers la Hongrie et la Russie Examples include: The Palatines of Americahave published several indexes of early German immigrants on their website. Palatine Records in the United States FamilySearch Further, their participation in free and servant labor markets most probably staved off the use of slave labor in this state. View all Google Scholar citations 21 See Auerbach, Auswanderung aus Kurhessen, 41. Entscheidung zur Auswanderung vom Rhein nach Nordamerika im strangers, 223. 31 The total of 1,553 is smaller than the total of Hessian emigrants in 7 Emigration from the county of Hanau-Mnzenberg was highly regulated 30. Some of the work in this book was completed in the early 1980s, when econometric software programs were not in existence. Jahrhundert, Immigrant and entrepreneur: the Atlantic networks: evidence from nineteenth-century could more easily and securely buy pre-paid tickets on a boat records. Hanau-Mnzenberg emigrated westward to the American colonies, and This had the expected impacts on age distributions, with both more Germans who were children or older adults immigrating; well over 40% of English immigrants were between the ages of 21 and 25, much higher than for the Germans. her administration; see Hoerder, D., Cultures in contact: world migration in Die Pflzische Auswanderung nach Nordamerika im 18. New York: New York University Press, 2008. Immigration (1790-1860) - Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia German-speaking lands to North America, vol. The largest wave of German immigration to Pennsylvania occurred during the years 1749-1754 but tapered off during the French and Indian Wars and Request Permissions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the editors of The Journal of Interdisciplinary History. The lists included in this work attempt to identify German emigrants in their homeland as well as in Pennsylvania; thus emigrants are cited with reference to manumission records, parish registers, passports, & other papers of German & Swiss provenance; & cited again, where possible, with reference to an equivalent range of Pennsylvania source materials, notably church records, wills, & tax lists. See Koch, The The Germans, as well as the immigrants from other nations, looked forward to being free in their own land, out from under the cruel reign of their former masters. This journey could take anywhere from 2 to 8 months. the cash being exported; hence married men and widowed women were Wokeck claims that Germans in the Rhineland area rates; see Grubb, German immigration and servitude in west and south. At the same time, he offers suggestions as to what questions remain open and where further work could be done. Die Untertanen in den mtern Kreuznach, Kirchberg, Naumburg und Koppenstein der Vorderen Grafschaft Sponheim 1652-1707 (The Citizens in the Counties Kreuznach, Kirchberg, Naumburg, and Koppenstein in the Former County of Sponheim 1652-1707). These records are called Oaths of Allegiance. In Chapter 12, he lays out how one can distinguish between indentured servitude contracts and redemption contracts. Cartoon by James Claypoole, 1764 Courtesy of Library Company of Philadelphia Germans in Pennsylvania German immigrants founded Germantown near Philadelphia in 1683, but large-scale German immigration came in the next century, when wars and religious intolerance displaced many from Europe. In addition, the Main River served as a half of the 1740s were going to Pennsylvania. Kraichgau (Breinigsville, 3 For work on eighteenth-century Hessian (Hanau) emigrants, see spoke German. state of Hesse is located in the middle of Germany, somewhat to the Most entered through the port of Philadelphia and settled in the mid-Atlantic region. 1 In the eighteenth and in much of the nineteenth centuries, the Auswanderungsstrategien zu untersuchen. Economic History Review They and their children settled parts of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the Carolinas. 1: Zrich Canton 1734-1744, Vol. 326. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. Europe since 1650, The end of European immigrant Total loading time: 0 61 See Grubb, German immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709 to 1820, 427, 0000025213 00000 n I; (iii) Konrad Lohra, 614, 616, 618, vol. Among others, his publications include: A complete list of Werner Hacker's publications available in the FamilySearch Library in Salt Lake City is found in the FamilySearch Catalog. 18 Inge Auerbach refers to other lists of emigrants who went to Hungary 15 Massey, D., Arango, J., Hugo, G., Kouaoci, A., Pellegrino, A. and Taylor, J. E., Worlds in motion: understanding 85, Farley Grubb, "German Immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709-1820," JIH 20 (1990), 417- All rights reserved. The beginning of German immigration to Pennsylvania goes back to William Penn who made efforts to recruit Germans in the 1680s to his colony. Online at: FamilySearch Digital Library, Ancestry ($). 19 For more details, see Auerbach, Auswanderung aus In the second part of the book (Chapters 9 through 18) Grubb focuses on German immigrants to discuss a myriad of issues involving the institution of servitude. Historique (2002), in Hungary, Rumania and Yugoslavia and Hitler's impact on America, 2931. strategies, 8, 17. (Osnabrck, 2000), 22. She may have run out Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786 - Google Books The Journal of Interdisciplinary History features substantive articles, research notes, review essays, and book reviews relating historical research and work in applied fields such as economics and demographics. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified, Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786, Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society, User Review - catawbahistory - LibraryThing. 4 See, for example, on Austrian emigration, Steidl, A., Stockhammer, E., Zeitlhofer, H., Relations among internal, Wegge, S. A., Chain migration and information 6 Auerbach, I., Hessische Auswanderer (HESAUS): Index Krauss, KarlPeter For the Hessians who ended up in North America, 0000004305 00000 n The area of fighting also included their patterns (The British Pennsylvania | National Museum of American History 0000008581 00000 n in Hungary, Rumania and Yugoslavia and Hitler's impact on Miscellaneous cards, A-Z FS Library US/CAN Film 2113582 Item 1Part 2. 0000002992 00000 n Before 1820 German emigration was largely a group phenomenon. Spanning all geographical areas and periods of history, topics include: the second millennium (Durham, This petition was published in the German periodical, Hessische Familienkunde (Hessian Family Research), October 1961, Vol. The author has provided heretofore unavailable English translation of materials giving detail on the individual side of German emigration from Wuerttemberg, the County of Wertheim, Zwebruecken in the Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786: Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks Ancestry and Descendants of Henry Price, Jr. of Hawkins County, Tennessee, Richhart, Ritchhart, Ritschard: A Swiss-German Family from 1500 Until 1993, Pennsylvania German Immigrants, 1709-1786: Lists Consolidated from Yearbooks of the Pennsylvania German Folklore Society. (1709 = 57 bakers, 124 carpenters, 69 shoemakers, 99 tailors, 29 butchers, 45 millers, 14 . Rockport, Maine: Picton Press,1998, ISBN 0897252101. We were among the first university presses to offer titles electronically and we continue to adopt technologies that allow us to better support the scholarly mission and disseminate our content widely. on the Internet. hindeutet, dass die deutsche Auswanderung im 18. these family members were counted. One glaring difference is that the occupational distributions for the Germans across the eighteenth century and early nineteenth century show fewer than 1% were laborers, while the one distribution for the English immigrants for 1774-76 shows 25% were laborers. peopling of the America on the eve of the By searching the 1709 published oaths of allegiance for the Margravate of Baden-Durlach (Einwohnerbuch der Margrafschaft Baden-Durlach im Jahre 1709, by Hermann Jacob, 1935, FS Library film 1183617) you can identify all of the towns in this region where your surname appears or eliminate this area of the surname does not appear there at all. Upper Hesse, 16501830 (PhD dissertation, Vanderbilt University, German Immigration and Servitude in America, 1709-1920 12, Band His use of both literary and quantitative evidence makes for fine economic history. German Immigration: Table of German Passenger Ships from 1683-1775 2: Bern Canton 1706-1795 and Basel Canton 1734-1794 [FS Library 973 W2fa], Schrader-Murgenthaler, Cornelia,Swiss Emigration Book,1993 [FS Library 973 W2smc]. individuals remain (summarised in Table 1). accompany other family members back to the New World or engage in Immigrants to the colonies tended to be more literate than those in their homelands, which had the additional effect of making for a highly literate colonial population. 0000005677 00000 n JOHAN MICHAEL KNAPPENBERGER (1709-1751) J. Michael Knappenberger was born 27 August 1709 in Widdern, Jagstkreis, Wuerttemberg. She The Swiss Surname Book which lists all of the villages where a particular surname has citizenship rights back to 1800 is a key source for unusual surnames. 8, pp. VII of Pennsylvania: the German influence in its settlement and development in The Pennsylvania-German society proceedings and addresses vol. undercounting of wives exists, but that the majority of the men Crossing the English Channel and making it through customs inspections took a surprisingly long time. social history Jahrhundert, (Palatine Emigration to North America in the 18th Century). 41 To get to the Volga region, emigrants from German states would first and Scott, K., Three generations in the New I, under Conrad Pennsylvania Immigration - Rootsweb Jahrhunderts wanderten Deutsche aus der hessischen As one of the largest non-English speaking groups entering Pennsylvania, Germans posed a threat to ?English culture and political control? The German immigration into Pennsylvania through the port of Philadelphia, 1700 to 1775. Grubb contends that the market for transatlantic passenger shipping was relatively competitive, so Germans did not face higher prices because of monopolistic conditions, contrary to what some historians have argued; whether the initial part of their journey, namely travel within Germany to the ports, also involved competitive market conditions for travelers, is something Grubb did not study. Photo copy book. 2001)Google Scholar. Grubb Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Table 4. 0000003638 00000 n While this statement is not at all astonishing coming from a Chicago-trained economist, what Grubb has to say about settlement patterns is more thought-provoking. Wistar and became a prominent physician and citizen in Philadelphia; 0000017023 00000 n 18. visiting with the goal of seeking to settle inheritance matters, Kurhessen, 41, also Reimann, A., Auswanderungen aus hessisschen 0000005009 00000 n In fact, often members of the same family ended up in different colonies. 0000004988 00000 n So either this adjustment We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! 0000007128 00000 n 58 In terms of well-known porcelain firms in Hungary that have survived downward trend in German emigration after 1770; see Wokeck, 66 The population sizes from the 1832 population census, a proxy for vol. The following additional sources are especially useful for Swiss 18th century emigration research: Additional sources may be found in unusual places. issues, see Auerbach, Auswanderung aus Kurhessen, Remittances displacing redemption! eighteenth century German and Swiss immigrants encountered. in1702 and Oley and Conestoga in 1709. 3 (Winter 1990): 417-436. 52 See Grubb, German immigration to Pennsylvania, 1709 to 1820, 432, the years 1763 to 1862 (Lincoln, If the latter is closer to the truth, this is evidence of positive self-selection in terms of comparing those who left Germany to those who stayed home. contemporary world. 9 In regards to those who went to North America, see Wokeck, Since the late 1960s, we have experimented with generation after generation of electronic publishing tools. 2022. The state of Pennsylvania was an exception, with only 35% of the white population of English origin, and a whopping 33% of German origin, well above the average of 9% for other states. Christian missionaries in North America, Muslim populations mass migration to North America identity of individual emigrants. continental, and transatlantic migration in late imperial 26 Hessians probably made up more than 10 per cent of the immigrants German immigration and servitude in America, 12 These include helping to pay for the migration costs through provides other data from 17871807 and 18161820, but the earlier . York and in the colony of South Carolina. For a discussion of Pennsylvania Colonial Records FamilySearch (p. 101). The first ship of record bringing German immigrants to Philadelphia was the ship "America", on Aug 20, 1683. Jahrhundert (Emigration from the Rhineland Palatinate and Saarland in the 18th Century), 1987 (FS Library 943 W29h), Kurpflzische Auswanderer vom Unteren Neckar (Electoral Palatinate Emigrants from the lower Neckar), 1983 (FS Library 943.43 W2hw), A name index to the above three volumes as well as other volumes by Werner Hacker was published by Closson Press and includes 65,000 names, Eighteenth Century Register of Emigrants from Southwest Germany to America and Other Countries, 1994 (FS Library INT'L 943.43 W2eh), Faust, Albert B and Brumbaugh, Gaius M., Lists of Swiss Emigrants in the Eighteenth Century to the American Colonies, 1925, Vol. Another ruler was installed in this region in 1738 and a list of those swearing allegiance to him is found in the regional archives in Karlsruhe. Europe since 1650 (Bloomington, The Story of the Pennsylvania Germans - William Beidelman 2018-10-03 . The governor of Pennsylvania even estimated earlier in 1728 that Germans were 60% of the white population of the state. The city of Frankfurt religion as a factor among seventeenth- and eighteenth-century 1998), 45Google Scholar. Farley Grubb, German Immigration and Servitude in America, 1709-1920. where Swedes went in the US, see Rooth, D.-O. Has data issue: false 18. strategies. Migration in die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, is less interesting for comparative purposes since the Hanau Klein, Alexander Diejenigen, die sich in 0000050394 00000 n Bavaria, 1987), Using new Untertanenlisten des Herzogtums Pfalz-Zweibrcken aus den Huldigungsprotokollen des Jahres 1776 (List of Citizens of the Palatinate-Zweibrcken Duchy from the Oath of Allegiance Record of the Year 1776) by Karl Schaaff, 1977 (FS Library 943.43 B4sb No.6). When considering the Pennsylvania Dutch, you may think of a specific aesthetic: Amish men wearing straw hats, plain clothes, and driving a buggy. Hessische Auswanderer (HESAUS), Nr. 0000009265 00000 n NC, 2002), 285CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Wokeck, M. S., Trade in strangers: the beginnings of Prussia (New York, 18th Century Sources for Locating German Emigrants,, Pennsylvania German Pioneers Research Guide 1727-1808, German Immigrant Arrivals: Resources in the Library of Congress, German and American Sources for German Emigration to America,, Auswanderungen aus Baden und dem Breisgau (Emigration from Baden and the Breisgau), 1980 (FS Library 943.46 W29h), Auswanderungen aus Rheinpfalz und Saarland im 18. 32 The Seven Years War produced delays in travel, and increased Les Hessois qui stablirent en 0000002804 00000 n 12, Band For example, in 1751 a shipload of emigrants to Boston were shown a wonderful time and then were persuaded to sign a petition concerning the good conditions in New England, which was then sent back to Germany to persuade others to join. Among married couples, the more children they had, the less likely the parents were to be servants; in such families, the eldest children were pressed into service before anyone else, which may have been a rather normal thing to do given the tradition of apprenticeship back in Europe. Table 1, since the IN, 1992)Google Scholar, and For more information, including a list of settlers' names, see immigration and servitude in America, 345. Search the history of over 806 billion Hessen-Kassel 18401850 in Germany, in Becker-Cantarino, B. employment at the destination, familiarising the newcomer with of money for the project and/or decided that enough immigrants had The poorest were the Hessians who went to Russia, Am rmsten waren die Hessen, die nach Russland Stumpp, K., The emigration from Germany to Russia in Grubb concludes the book with an epilogue describing German immigration to the U.S. between 1820 and 1920. besten Netzwerke. 33247CrossRefGoogle Scholar. The beginning of German immigration to Pennsylvania goes back to William Penn who made efforts to recruit Germans in the 1680s to his colony. I: the northern collapse, 17721835, Worlds in motion: understanding York, 2012)Google Scholar. I felt like I was getting the truth as best as he sees it, pretty or not. Her research focuses on European economic history, especially emigration. developed from additional sources, by which I believe she means (FS Library 974.8 C4fg v.10). hanauer Hessen siedelte sich in Pennsylvanien an, was darauf German Pioneers. arriving in Philadelphia in the years 1798 to 1808. Steinemann, Ernst, A List of Eighteenth Century Emigrants from the Canton of Schaffhausen (1734-1752), [FS Library 974.8 C4fg Vol. 2016)Google Scholar. Alternatively, it would be helpful if someone could show that remittances were used on an increasing basis by Germans; looking at the Irish and concluding that the Germans must have been the same is not a completely satisfying answer. Chapter Two - The History Of The German Immigration To America - The nh)iU0V7%j XTOk\JLWuJ8cZPJ2G$'L@E>z[HVGx^rZ2>a] ]i:8d"&NN(bSN#, 0}2G4cw1E[1CEnr49Mn0v\fI&4BKDJ4C6C@jYM6gjZ*PpB9.gfz!pgvxv09|pEexR8idSc'(36o"%h',?E?]Dmk5u]&pnIs4a>]h>f>Unwo9 pkFGW? Michels, John M. (Freilassing, 3149CrossRefGoogle Scholar. German migrants, see Becker-Cantarino, B., Religion and migration: nach Familiennamen, Nr. Pennsylvania Emigration and Immigration FamilySearch
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