Scope: Works Description: The project comprises of developing a nature reserve, the following are the main deliverables: a). . C252/1819/BR/463 - Betterment & Re- gravelling of L2578. The appointment of Professional Construction Project Manager Consultant to provide program and Project Management service for a period of 24 months within the North Coast Region, ZNTD05236W - KZN: Department of Public Works: eThekwini Region: Regional Office: Mayville Building Complex Procurement of Hygiene Services for a period of 36 months, ZNTD 05237W KZN Department of Public Works: Procurement of hygiene services for Ethekwini Region: Mayville (Conference Centre) for a period of 36 months, ZNQ 141/21/22: The appointment of service provider for the supply and delivery of domestic appliance for department of public works, 191 Prince Alfred Street, 0R Tambo House, ZNQ 166/21/22: Procurement of frames and stationery for the long service award certificates, ZNQ 154/21/22: Suitable and capable service providers are invited to quote to conduct problem solving and decision-making training for the Department of Public Works KZN, ZNQ 155/21/22: Suitable and capable service providers are invited to quote to conduct stress and conflict management training for the Department of Public Works KZN, ZNQ 156/21/22: The appointment of a suitable service provider to conduct training on Effective Management Principle for Junior Managers, ZNQ 157/21/22: The appointment of a suitable service provider to conduct training on Mentoring for growth, ZNQ 179/21/22: The appointment of a service provider for supply & delivery of protective equipment for Youth, Women & People with Disabilities, Wims 072619: Addington Hospital: The appointment of a multi-disciplinary Consultant Professional Team (Architect, Civil/Structural Engineer, Electrical, Mechanical, Fire Engineer and Pr. var addy_text63ca7e191152d2e6afb8ad82e9da2044 = 'info' + '@' + 'kznworks' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'za';document.getElementById('cloak63ca7e191152d2e6afb8ad82e9da2044').innerHTML += ''+addy_text63ca7e191152d2e6afb8ad82e9da2044+'<\/a>'; This email address is being protected from spambots. Tender For Maintenance of Lawn, hedge, trees, shrubs and flower Beds etc in DRM office compound, DRM bungalow, officers colony bungalows, Divisional Railway Hospital and station area. Shangase Property Development & Valuation, ZNQ 173/21/22: Suitable and capable service providers are invited to quote for the supply and delivery of a power laptop with basic accesories, ZNQ 181/21/22: Appointment of service provider to supply and delivery of a basic laptop with basic accessories, ZNQ 176/21/22: Appointment of service provider to purchase and delivery of refreshments for property development valuation at 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, ZNQ 180/21/22: Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver one laptop for Ms N R Shangase Property Development & Valuations, ZNQ 142/21/22: Appointment of service provider to supply and deliver of projector with HDMI cable the departments reserves the right to not award the lowest bidder, ZNQ 160/21/22: Appointment of a service provider to conduct training (Writing Skills) for the departmental officials, ZNQ 153/21/22: Appointment of a service provider to conduct training (Assessor) for the departmental officials, ZNQ 152/21/22: Appointment of a service provider to conduct training (Roots Analysis) for the departmental officials, ZNQ 161/21/22 - Appointment of a service provider to conduct training for Departmental officials (Supervisory Skills), ZNQ159/21/22 Appointment of a service provider to conduct training for Departmental officials (Minutes Taking), ZNTU 076492 KZN Department of Public Works. Bid Description: Rendering of grass cutting and garden maintenance services for Durban Coastal & KZN Inland areas on an as and when required basis for a period of twenty-four (24) months. Publication of Awards made by Department Government Tender Bulletin Date: 25/09/2020. Tender For Miscellaneous works in connection with track maintenance in the section. Bid Description:GRASS CUTTING, CLEARING OF BUSH AND REMOVAL AROUND DUFF ROAD STATION Name of Institution: PRASA Place where goods, works or services are required: PRASA DUFF ROAD STATION Date Published: 20/11/2019 Closing Date / Time: 05/12/2019 Enquiries: SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Contact Person: F MSELEKU Email: FMSELEKU@PRASA.COM Justice: Verulam Magistrate Court: Removal of Trees. See the Send Us Your Tenders page for more details, .provinceheader { See below for a list of Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders. Tambo House 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, ZNT 181/22/23: Appointment of a service provider to supply and delivery 300 Buyelakhaya food hampers and other services for MECS engagement with the senior citizens of uMzinyathi District under Nquthu Local Municipality, ward 19, Nkade Area on the 10th of December 2022, ZNQ 184/22/23- Suitable and capable service providers are invited to quote for the supply and delivery of toner cartridges, ZNQ 186/22/23- Suitable and capable service providers are invited to quote for the supply and delivery of toner cartridges, ZNTM01188W-Department of Transport: Southern Region: Tyre Stores Building at PMB Cost Centre: Converting of existing tyre stores to Offices for the District Technical Team, ZNQP 01/11/2022- KZN: Department of Health: eThekwini Region: Procurement of cleaning Material for the conference centre, ZNQ 188/22/23: Suitable and capable service providers are invited to quote for the supply and delivery of microwave and bar refrigerator for the Department of Public Works Head Office, O.R. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak52091415ee4dfa90f473ba75127d807d').innerHTML = ''; Then contact the relevant persons listed in the document to submit your Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services tender. If you want the documents, buy them from the tender issuer. INR 4912855. Departments, Municipalities and State Owned Companies, Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders in Eastern Cape, Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders in Free State, Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders in Gauteng, Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders in KwaZulu-Natal, Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders in Limpopo, Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders in Mpumalanga, Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders in North West, Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders in Northern Cape, Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders in Western Cape. Provision of Grasscutting Lady Frere Magistrate Office for a Period of 24 Months. document.getElementById('cloak63ca7e191152d2e6afb8ad82e9da2044').innerHTML = ''; Request for 24 Months Grass Cutting and Removal of Weeds for Centane Magistrate Court. Name of Institution: Transnet Freight Rail Place where Goods, Works or Services are required: Durban Coastal and KZN Inland Areas GARDENING SERVICES NEW Tender no: SCMU3-P23/24-0178-FRH Province where services required: Eastern Cape Closing date & time: 2023-05-03 11:00 Briefing date & time: n/a Category Gardening, landscaping and horticulture SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PESTICIDES- JBG NEW Tender no: JCPZ/JBG/SCM102/2022 Province where services required: Gauteng Months, Management and Maintenance of Windsor Tel: 0324568200 Fax: 0324562504 source: We'll update you to ensure a fast and timely delivery of information. Also, health safety, recycling services and hygiene consultants are further examples of popular notices on our site. These tenders can consist of Request for Information (RFI), Request for Quotation (RFQ), Request for Proposal (RFP), Expression of Interest (EOI) or Request for Tender (RFT) listings. See below for a list of Kwazulu Natal - Public Works Tenders that may form part of the official Kwazulu Natal - Public Works Tender Bulletin. Since do not issue these tenders, we cannot supply subscribers or website visitors with these documents. }, Click on the city names below to find more Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services tenders in that city. Justice: Ulundi Magistrate Court: Gardening Services. 12 Caroline road. 40 Shepstone road. Rejections - 2023; Rejections - 2022; Rejections - 2021; Rejections - 2020; Rejections - 2019; Withdrawals; Proposals; Addendums ; Tender . 02-12-2022. Replace missing ridge capping. 7871 and obtain detailed valuation report, ZNQ0022022 ERRATUM: Supply and install steel wall safe with drop slot and compartment weapons dual gun locker (100MMH x 300MM x 200MM D 6HIGH), ZNQ003/2022 ERRATUM: Installation of additional telephone points on the first floor, ZNQ002/2022 - Department of Public Works: Supply and Install Steel wall safe with Drop Slot and Compartment Weapons Dual Gun Locker ( 100MMH x 300MM x 200MM D 6HIGH), ZNQ211/21/22 Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery of a PA portable sound system for EPWP at 191 Prince Alfred Street Pietermaritzburg, OR Tambo House, ZNQ212/21/22 Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery of 2 FDB 1.8M HDPE white foldable tables, 1 podium portable lectern/table adjustable for EPWP at 191 Prince Alfred Street Pietermaritzburg: OR Tambo House, ZNQ003/2022 - Department of Public Works: 40 Shepstone Road: Installation of additional telephone points for the first floor at the Midlands Regional Office, NQ205/21/22 - Service providers to provide Office Crockery for the Strategic Management, ZNQ206/21/22: Service provider to purchase office refreshments, ZNQ205/21/22: Service providers to provide office crockery for Strategic Management, ZNQ049/2021: Department of Public Works: appointment of the service provider to conduct property valuation (purchase price and monthly rental) of ERF farm wild Duck vlei no. float: left; Appointment of Service Provider to Provide Landscaping Services Next to the Main Entrance (known as Die Grot) at Sita Erasmuskloof (including the Installation of Irrigation System). Closed Tenders - 2019; Closed Tenders - 2018; Closed Tenders - 2017; Closed Tenders - 2016; Closed Tenders - 2015; Closed Tenders - 2014; Closed Tenders - 2013; Closed Tenders - 2011; Contractors; Rejections. Pietermaritzburg and replace with the attached document. 14492 (Ingogo Clinic), ZNQ134/22/23: Suitable and capable service providers are invited to quote for the procurement of costabill rates estimating software for eThekwini Region, ECDP Phase III: The close out of the Eyesizwe Development Database Phase 3 until 2024 focusing on youth, women, people with disabilities and military veterans who are registered contractors and beneficiaries on the database grade 1 & Grade 2 6, ZNQ 176/22/23: Procurement of services for two interpreters to interpret Zulu to English language in the disability app launch on the 29 November 2022 at King Cetshwayo District, WIMS 077233: The Appointment Of A Professional Services Entity To Provide Mechanical & Electrical Services: Installation Of Hvac In Oral And Dental Training Centre, ZNQ 98/22/23: Suitable and Capable Service Providers are invited to supply and delivery of Refreshments, ZNQ 115/22/23: Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver 10 laptops for the Department of Public Works SIDA & Precinct Design Team at 191 Prince Alfred Street Pietermaritzburg, ZNQ 127/22/23 - Appointment of a service provider to provide design, layout and printing of folders for the ministry at the Department of Public Works, OR Tambo House, 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, Head Office, ZNQ 77/22/23 - Appointment of a service provider to renew licenses , maintenance and support for eighty (80) wireless access points and their management appliance for a period of 12 Months, ZNQ 146/22/23 - Suitable and Capable Service Providers are invited for the supply and delivery of Refreshments, ZNQ 164/22/23 - Suitable and Capable Service Providers are invited to quote for the supply and delivery of Executive Pilot Case Bag, ZNQ 153/22/23: Suitable and capable service providers are hereby invited to quote for the catering services for the departmental strategic planning workshop to be held at Archie Gumede Conference Centre eThekwini Region, Mayville on 24 and 25 November 2022, ZNQ 170/22/23: Suitable and capable service providers are invited to quote for the two hundred boxes (200) A4 printing paper for the Department of Public Works Head Office, Oliver Tambo Building 191 Prince Alfred Street, ZNQ 140/22/23: The appointment of a service provider for printing of portrait photos for Premier Nomusa Dube Ncube and MEC Dr Ntuthuko Mahlaba at the Department of Public Works 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, ZNTM3086W: Supply and delivery of office furniture and audio visual for the new wing at Southern Region, Department of Public Works 10 Prince Alfred Street extension, Pietermaritzburg, ZNQ 35/22/23 - Suitable and Capable Service Providers are invited for the supply and delivery of a Tosca Leather Laptop Pilot Case, ZNQ 141/22/23 The appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver, design and printing & delivery of 2023 Departmental Diaries and Calendars at the Department of Public Works, OR Tambo House, 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, Head Office Advert_ZNQ_1412223.pdf, ZNQ 142/22/23 - Suitable and Capable service providers are invited to quote for the supply and delivery of One(1) desktop computer, ZNT 3059W Hire of office accommodation for Provincial Treasury: A lettable area sufficient to accommodate 5377 square meatre assignable space plus 20% - 25% of non-assignable office space, plus secure 30 open parking bays, 250 secure under cover bays, and 7 secure disable parking bays, ZNQ018/2022 - Installation of additional telephone points on the first floor at Midlands Regional Office, ZNQ 35/22/23 - Suitable and Capable Service Providers are invited for the supply and delivery of a Laptop Pilot Case, ZNQ 167/22/23 - Suitable and Capable service providers are invited to quote for the supply and delivery of two ( 2) Laptops with full accessories, two (2) mini docking stations, one (1) monitor and two (2) Desktop computers for the Department of Public Works Head Office O.R Tambo House 191 Prince Alfred Street, ZNQ032/2022 - Department of Public Works: Appointment of Conveyancer to Carry Out the Transfer and Registration of Portion 2 of the Farm Cecil No.8378 situated in the Dannhauser Municipality, in Extent of 3.0638 Hectares (Kadwa Secondary School), ZNQ 122/22/23: Suitable and Capable Service Providers are invited for the supply and delivery of Refreshments for EP: Co, ZNQ 109/22/23 - Suitable and Capable Service Providers are invited to quote and conduct training on Labour intensive construction for twenty five (25) departmental officials, ZNQSRO41/2022-2023 Supply and delivery of photocopy paper for Assets Management Section at Southern Region, Department of Public Works, 10 Prince Alfred Street ext. Consulting Services Tenders in KwaZulu-Natal Contact Centre and Call Centre Solutions, Hotlines and Helplines Tenders in KwaZulu-Natal Contractor and Supplier Development Tenders in KwaZulu-Natal Conveyor systems Tenders in KwaZulu-Natal Copywriting Tenders in KwaZulu-Natal ZNQSRO15/2022-2023 - KZN Public Works Invitation of quotations for grass cutting services on State Owned Property at Francis Staniland Drive ZN51088 (PTN 229 ER Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders See below for a list of Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services Tenders. 08-Apr-2023. Do you have a Gardening, Vegetation Management and Landscaping Services project that you would like quotations for? Provision of Design, Supervision and Implementation Services for the Beautification and Maintenance of the Garden Strip Adjacent to the East London Aquarium and Virgin Active for a Period of 6 Months. var addy_text52091415ee4dfa90f473ba75127d807d = 'ReportFraud' + '@' + 'kznworks' + '.' + 'gov' + '.' + 'za';document.getElementById('cloak52091415ee4dfa90f473ba75127d807d').innerHTML += ''+addy_text52091415ee4dfa90f473ba75127d807d+'<\/a>'; Copyright 2016 KwaZulu-Natal Department of Public WorksContent Disclaimer | Intellectual Property Rights | Privacy | Security | Usage & Copyright | PAIA, Infrastructure Maintenance and Technical Support, Addresses and Directional Maps - Public Works Southern Region, Description of Services Office of the Senior Regional Manager Southern Region KZN Public Works, Youth Environmental Services (YES) Programme, Eyesizwe Contractor Development Programme, Contractor Forums CIDB Outreach Programme, Newsletters, Magazines, other publication, Youth, Women and People With Disabilities, Audio and video clips, multimedia products, Media statements, announcements, media advisories, Non-government organizations, section 21 companies, professional organizations. Provision of Landscaping and Irrigation Maintenance Services for the Nelson Mandela Mandela for a Period of 12 Months at Bhunga Building and Qunu Youth & Heritage Centre. 40 Shepstone road, Ladysmith, ZNQ 22/22/23: Appointment of a service provider to provide grounds and gardening maintenance services for a period of twelve (12) months for two (2) days as and when required with effect from June 2022 May 2023 at the Department of Public Works, Oliver Tambo House 191 Prince Alfred Street, ZNQ 36/22/23: Suitable and capable service providers are invited to bid for supply and delivery of two office laptops for Labour Relations Directorate, ZNQSRO 01/2022-2023: Supply and delivery of stationery items within the Southern Regional Office at the Department of Public Works, 10 Prince Alfred Street ext. The Provision of Landscaping Maintenance Services for 3 Months. 10. Siyajabula Ngani Trading and Projects Sombelane Trading Manq Industries .citylink { Tambo House 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg. You can bid for tenders to cut grass at schools and other government facilities. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Supply of Garden Services and Maintenance to Air Chefs Soc Ltd, Beatification of Parks, Entrances and Monument, Rfq-grass Cutting of Richards Bay Cemetery by 28 April 2023, Appointment Of A CIDB Graded Contractor For The Construction Of Landscaping, Paving And Building Works In The Eastern Cape (Mvezo) For A Period Of Eighteen (18) Months For Contractor With 6 GB Or Higher, Jcpz/rm/scm135/2022 Removal of Trees at Parktown J Water Reservoir, Appointment Of A CIDB Graded Contractor For The Construction Of Landscaping And Park Facilities In The Eastern Cape (Cofimvaba) For A Period Of Twelve (12) Months For Contractor With 3 GB Or Higher, Scm 156 - Supply and Delivery of Purchase Gardening Tools and Chemicals, 14605: Construction of Braai Stands with Benches as Well as Rubbish Bins and Landscaping in De Doorns. Tired of Searching? About; Appointment of a Competent Service Provider to Design Landscape for National Home Builders Registration Council Head Office Sunninghill, Request for Quotation (rfq) for the Provision of Station Cleaning and Horticultural Services for a Period of 3 Months for Various Stations Within Port Elizabeth Corridor, Request for Quotation (rfq) for the Provision of Station Cleaning and Horticultural Services for a Period of 3 Months for Queenstown Ans Cradock Within Mlps Corridor, Request for Quotation (rfq) for the Provision of Station Cleaning and Horticultural Services for a Period of 2 Months for Various Stations Within East London Corridor. South Africa government tenders for Rendering of Grass Cutting and Garden Maintenance Services for Durban Coastal & Kzn Inland Areas on ., TOT Ref No: 68356025, Tender Ref No: CRAC-DNR-30916-TFR-2022-06-0792-6425-RFP, Deadline: 26th Jul 2022, Register to view latest Online Global Tenders, E-Tender, E-Procurement. Publication of Awards for Contract ZNQ417/434/4944/2019 - Regravelling of Road D555 from 0Km- 3.1Km in the Ixopo Area Office. Tenders/Bids. font-weight: bold; Pietermaritzburg. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; You have not yet selected which categories, locations and keywords you are interested in, so we cannot send you the correct tenders. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; OHS Agent) for Addington Hospital: Maintenance Package 2 Renovations on the Ground Floor, Wims 072688 - The appointment of a Construction Firm with multi-disciplinary Professionals in the built environment on the design and built for the planning, design, Repairs and renovations at King Edward VIII Hospital CIDB Grading: 7GB or Higher, ZNT 3050W Supply and delivery of 14 standard desktops, 4 basic laptops and 1 standard laptop at Department of Public works Southern Region, 10 Prince Alfred Street ext Pietermaritzburg, WIMS076492 The appointment of a professional construction Project Manager (PrCPM) Consultant to provide Program and Project Management Services for a period of 24 months within the North Coast Region, ZNQ 030 2021/2022 HG - Umzimkhulu Area Office: Department Of Transport: Painting Of Area Office: EYESIZWE PROJECT, ZNQ 129/21/22 - Request for service providers to supply and deliver office Stationary for Departmental officials, ZNQ 126/21/22 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver personal protective gear for Professional Services staff, ZNQ 149/21/22: Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver nine (9) laptops for department Professional Team at 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, ZNTD: 05203 W: Procurement of security services at Amawele building complex for a period of thirty-six (36) months: the department of public works: eThekwini region at Umlazi, ZNQUMGDO-236 2021/2022: Department of Transport: 172 Burger Street: Repairs to storm damaged windows, ZNQ 134/21/22: Supply and delivery of listed office equipment: The Department reserves the right to not award the lowest bidder, ZNQ 164/21/22: Appointment of suitable service provider to procure catering services for learners to attend training at Department of Public Works 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg, ZNQ 162/21/22: The appointment of a suitable service provider to procure a premier conference camera and accessories for small conference rooms for the Department of Public Works, Head Office, O.R.
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