and Ancient sacred books were translated or paraphrased into Greeke.g., the 4th3rd-century-bc Babylonian priest Berosus version of Babylonian materials, the 4th3rd-century-bc Egyptian priest Manethos Egyptian accounts, the Jewish Septuagint (Greek version of the Old Testament), or the 1st-century-ad Jewish historian Josephus Antiquities of the Jews, and the ethnic histories of the 1st-century-bc Greek writer Alexander Polyhistor. Beginning in February 303, under the co-emperors Diocletian and Galerius the church faced the worst of all persecutions. 25 All these verses (as well as Lev 17:14, Rom 7:23 and Gal 5:19) are listed and discussed at Princ. This led to a change from concern for a religion of national prosperity to one for individual salvation, from focus on a particular ethnic group to concern for every human. endstream endobj startxref Broadly speaking, Hellenism is a polytheistic religion that understands the Gods are unchanging, unbegotten, eternal, and not in space. Christianity and Ancient Greek philosophy - Wikipedia 2.9.2 where Origen claims that the goodness of these prelapsarian souls was the result of their Creator's beneficence (GK 404, 165.21). & C. Black, 1977] 345). 5 See Harnack's distinction between Jewish and Hellenistic views of pre-existence and Origen's illustration of the latter variety (History of Dogma, 1:318-31).Note as well the perspective by one of Origen's most important modern biographers, Eugne de Faye, in his Origen and His Work (trans. 79 For Origen, this comes close to the imitation of Christ's soul contemplating its Maker (see esp. Early persecutions were sporadic, caused by local conditions and dependent on the attitude of the governor. These definitions are in keeping with definitions in the wider philosophical literature: for example, Aristotle, De an. It was a time of spiritual revolution in the Greek and Roman empires, when old cults died or were fundamentally transformed and when new religious movements came into being. Christologische Forschungen und Perspektiven, Tendenzen und Brennpunkte der neueren Problematik um die Hellenisierung des Christentums, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Die Hellenisierung des Christentums im Urteil Adolf von Harnacks, The Influence of Greek Ideas on Christianity, The Suffering of the Impassible God: the Dialectics of Patristic Thought, Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy, Origen and Scripture: The Contours of the Exegetical Life, La notion d'hrsie dans la littrature grecque, IIeIIIe sicles, Iamblichus and the Theory of the Vehicle of the Soul, Become Like the Angels: Origen's Doctrine of the Soul, L'apport d'Origne pour la connaissance de la philosophie grecque, Origen, Patristic Philosophy, and Christian Platonism: Re-Thinking the Christianisation of Hellenism, When Souls Had Wings: Pre-Mortal Existence in Western Thought, Perception, Sensibility, and Moral Motivation in Augustine: A Stoic-Platonic Synthesis, Der ursprngliche Sinn der Dogmatik des Origenes, Philosophy and Theology in the Middle Ages, The Preexistence of the Soul in Medieval Thought, El problema del mal en Orgenes: importancia y significado teolgico del tiempo en la argumentacin sobre el mal del, L'origine du mal selon Origne et dans ses sources, Journey Back to God: Origen on the Problem of Evil, Rethinking Gnosticism: An Argument for Dismantling a Dubious Category, Des Origenes Lehre vom Urstand des Menschen, Thologie de l'image de dieu chez Origne, Alcune osservazioni sull interpretazione Origeniana di Genesi 2,7 e 3,21, Origen, Greek Philosophy, and the Birth of the Trinitarian Meaning of, On the Confusion of Tongues and Origen's Allegory of the Dispersion of Nations, Origen's Platonism. To regain divine protection, the emperors introduced the systematic persecution of Christians throughout the empire. 4973. For an orientation to the debates on this issue among later Platonists, see Iamblichus, De Anima 2634 and Finamore, J. F., Iamblichus and the Theory of the Vehicle of the Soul (American Classical Studies 14; Chico: Scholars Press, 1985)Google Scholar. 2.8.2; 2.8.5; 2.11.1; 3.4.1; 3.4.4. It was visible in several other cities around Galilee. 1.pref.2 (GK 84, 8.1927/Origen: On First Principles [trans. Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Christians are intimately associated with the German Lutheran Mission and Swedish Mission. The Hellenization of Christianity is a long-standing and notoriously contentious historiographical construct in early Christian studies. Note that this lower soul, should it be derived according to traducianist principles, exists alongside a higher soul that emerges according to the theory of pre-existence. E n^N GEbzSA5"Z>C=rJabDaK%LfOLYp#bod?9C7. 2.9.5 (GK 408, 168.12410, 168.28/Butterworth, 133). Was monotheism a big issue in Justin's debate as well with his pagan audience? See esp. 246de; 248c), which Origen also uses in Cels. For many Jews, it seemed not to be a problem at all. His successor at Alexandria, Origen, showed less interest in literary and aesthetic matters but was a greater scholar and thinker; he first applied the methods of Alexandrian philology to the text of the Bible. Justin Martyr was a key figure during this period who helped reconcile Hellenism with Christian teachings. Jo. But by this point in Greek philosophy, according to Harold W. Attridge of Yale Divinity School, there was a "growing appreciationfor the notion that there may be a single simple divine principle underlying all things." Yet, there were also long periods of peace, and the stability provided by the empire and its network of roads and communications may have facilitated Christianitys growth. The Christians were not respectful toward ancestral pagan customs, and their preaching of a new king sounded like revolution. We now come to the heart of the issue. *zYH!Q]{M{XX The ambivalence of official policy is perhaps best revealed in the exchange between Pliny the Younger, governor of Bithynia, and the emperor Trajan in 111. However, it is important to mention that among Platonists in antiquity, and indeed, even within Plato's writings, there was substantial debate, and differing views, about how souls became embodied. Neil Buchanan; 7 vols. 1.8.2. 77 The theory of recollection is used in Phaed. 49 Princ. Justin Martyr was a key figure during this period who helped reconcile Hellenism with Christian teachings. Cartwright, Sophie 6.6; 6.14.810). ; 3rd German edition; London: Williams and Norgate, 1897) esp. All forms of paganismthe Oriental mystery (salvational) religions of Isis, Attis, Adonis, and Mithra as well as the traditional Greco-Roman polytheisms and the cult of the emperorwere regarded as the worship of evil spirits. Pauls success at Ephesus provoked a riot to defend the cult of the goddess Artemis. Rom. 1.1.3; Lib. 3:1011 (=Pamphilus, Apol. in n. 61 above). ; Translated Texts for Historians 51; Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2009) 2:28384 (Georgius Monachus, Chronicon [ed. 1.32. My field is New Testament studies-in essence the continuation of his interest. 3.1.1 and esp. From Palestine to Persia one may trace the rise of Wisdom literature (the teachings of a sage concerning the hidden purposes of the deity) and apocalyptic traditions (referring to a belief in the dramatic intervention of a god in human and natural events) that represent these central concernsi.e., national destiny, the importance of traditional lore, the saving power of kingship, and the revival of mythic images. With few exceptions, each of these religions, originally tied to a specific geographic area and people, had traditions extending back centuries before the Hellenistic period. 68 Princ. 5.1.35; 5.4.3; Cels. I know of no one who reads these passages as pointing to a pre-existent fallthey read far more obviously (with Edwards) as falls that transpire either in this life or in the eschatological life. For example, Isis (Egypt), Baal (Syria), the Great Mother (Phrygia), Yahweh (Palestine), and Mithra (Kurdistan) were worshiped in their native lands as well as in Rome and other cosmopolitan centres. How Hellenized was the Jewish religious culture of the time? Thus, the Christians could very well be unpopular, and they often were. Luc. Some of them having to do with issues of ethics and morality. 12.41. 10 facts about religion and government in the United States X.617e618d; Tim. Although some of their coreligionists were offended by the use of Greek philosophical ideas, the Apologists made important advances in the development of Christian thought and were the first of the Christian theologians. 2.1; 2.3 (736a316); 2.4.25 (738b). It's Me, Margaret.". 29 Cels. 160). storytellers. 1.32 for the pre-existence of Jesus's soul. Consider for instanceand I mean this as an examplewhether one should be considered a heretic who investigates the question of the human soul, since concerning it the Church's rule has handed down neither that it is derived from the propagation of the seed, nor that it is more honorable and more ancient than the structure of bodies. 1.7.4 (see also Princ. The Stoics (for whom the soul of the embryo derived from the souls of both parents) also accepted the theory of simultaneous origins, and apparently so too did some Platonists. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. For pre-existence in other Jewish texts from this same era, see Bostock, The Sources, 260361; Givens, When Souls Had Wings, 4651. Jo. . 2.5.2223 (GCS 8, 147.18/Lawson, 13435). For others, however, for other people in the Jewish tradition, it probably was more of a problem that Herod, supposedly a Jewish king, would have been so willing to turn himself over, as it were, to Roman religious interests and Roman imperial ideology. And therefore to say that Jesus was in some way God incarnate presents a philosophical conundrum, because it's impossible to conceive of the transcendent as immanent, as embodied in human flesh, the way that Christians were coming to proclaim. Questions and Caveats, ZAC 12 (2008) 2038CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Rather, they worked with the Greek idiom. See the bibliographic essay by Ulrich Berner, Origenes (Ertrge der Forschung 147; Darmstadt, Germany: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1981), for the divisive Bible versus philosophy portrait that has informed so much writing about Origen over the last two hundred years. The "Christian" churches of this world are predominantly antinomian to some extent. 5.62 for Origen's open acknowledgment that he read philosophical texts. I examine three representative Pauline texts1 Cor 8:4-6, Rom 11:36, and Col 1:15-17to see how Paul speaks about the Christian God. 163) where Origen only mentions two views, traducianism and pre-existence. The classic discussion of Origen's theodicy is by Hal Koch, Pronoia und Paideusis: Studien ber Origenes und sein Verhltnis zum Platonismus (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 22; Berlin: De Gruyter, 1932); more recently, see Scott, Journey Back to God, esp. Armstrong, A. H.; London: Cambridge University Press, 1967) 18292Google Scholar. In Porter and Pitts (eds. 53 Princ. Hellenic Humanism & Early Christianity | EWTN Historising Religion between Spiritual Continuity and Friendly Takeover. posit that the soul is always in a body (as Eratosthenes, Ptolemy the Platonist, and others do) and make it pass from subtler bodies into dense bodies (John F. Finamore and John M. Dillon, Iamblichus De Anima: Text, Translation, and Commentary [Philosophia antiqua 92; Boston: Brill, 2002], 55). ; History of Theology; Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1996] 1:170). Things like Platonic philosophy and Stoic philosophy at the level it was appropriated by a person like Philo, probably would not have had a direct impact on Jesus. Many of these certificates have survived. For additional passages on the creation of these rational beings, including their potential existence in God's Wisdom (i.e., Son), see Comm. 8 Jean Danilou, Gospel Message and Hellenistic Culture (trans. Hellenism (, Hellnisms) is a religious movements which revive or reconstruct of ancient Greek religious practices from antiquity. Theosis, vol. 11 Mark Edwards, Origen against Plato (Ashgate Studies in Philosophy & Theology in Late Antiquity; Aldershot: Ashgate, 2002) 159 (and 114). 126.1; Rufinus, Anast. The study of Hellenistic religions is a study of the dynamics of religious persistence and change in this vast and culturally varied area. Thanks to Gretchen Reydams-Schils, as well as the graduate students, fellows, and faculty affiliated with the Center, who provided valuable critique. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. 51 Princ. by the Hebrew doctrine of Wisdom, but it does not follow that this doctrine was of influence with the writers of the New Testament. 36, no. For more on the problem of evil in Origen, see Wrmer, Anneliese Meis, El problema del mal en Orgenes: importancia y significado teolgico del tiempo en la argumentacin sobre el mal del Peri archon III, 124 (Santiago: Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile, 1988)Google Scholar; Roukema, Riemer, L'origine du mal selon Origne et dans ses sources, RHPR 83 (2003) 40520Google Scholar; Scott, Mark S. M., Journey Back to God: Origen on the Problem of Evil (American Academy of Religion Academy Series; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012) 2340, 5052CrossRefGoogle Scholar. The situation of the early church improved further the following year, when the emperor Constantine, prior to a battle against a rival emperor, experienced a vision of the cross in the heavens with the legend In this sign, conquer. Constantines victory led to his eventual conversion to Christianity. Gen. 11.2, Ep. 2. 1:4. This was not a mystery to be guarded but rather a problem that pre-existence could solve. Nav. Master's Thesis, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Theosis: Deification in Christian Tradition (Wipf & Stock), Theosis: Deification in Christian Theology, vol. Jo. Eph. 6; Nemesius, Nat. 2; cf. So for some it probably meant no more than what it would be like to live in a modern city with a very mixed culture. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Robin Waterfield; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002). Hellenism and Christianity - Edwyn Bevan - Google Books They refuted a variety of scandalous rumours, including allegations of cannibalism and promiscuity. These are two poles around which the dialogue develops during the course of the subsequent centuries. Updates? Cant. hom. 2: a specialist in the language or culture of ancient Greece. Bacchylides raises the problem why rationalist culture in its first Hellenic embodiment met with an arrest. Soon thereafter, however, the profession of Christianity was defined as a capital crimethough of a special kind, because one gained pardon by apostasy (rejection of a faith once confessed) demonstrated by offering sacrifice to the pagan gods or to the emperor. Hellenism is the term used to describe the influence of Greek culture on the peoples the Greek and Roman Empires conquered or interacted with. Later at Princ. PDF The Hellenization of Christianity: A Historiographical Study Christianity in the Roman Empire (article) | Khan Academy of Byzantine Hellenism that takes into account its geographical, linguistic, and cultural origins, as well as its influence on education, literature, art, religion, and society in the Empire, it is possible to gain a fuller, more complete understanding of the way in which it shaped not only the The Hellenistic world is that world that was created after the conquests of the near east by Alexander the Great at the end of the fourth century B.C. Jean Danilou says that the source of Origen's doctrine of the descent of souls into the body is undoubtedly Platonist, deriving (to be more precise) from Middle Platonism and especially Albinus (Gospel Message, 423). Certain cult centres remained sites of pilgrimage or objects of sentimental attachment; but the old beliefs in national deities and the inextricable relationship of the deity to certain sacred places was weakened. During the 3rd century, economic collapse, political chaos, military revolt, and barbarian invasion nearly destroyed the empire. Origen makes the very same point in Comm. Violence against them could be precipitated by a bad harvest, a barbarian attack, or a public festival of the emperor cult. 1.pref.2, but esp. 126 0 obj <> endobj On the Hellenic spirit, 1:49. 49(240); Gig. pref.2). For more on this theme, see Scott, D., Recollection and Experience: Plato's Theory of Learning and Its Successors (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1995)CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Both the inner and outer circles fostered esotericism (secrets to be known only by initiates)the former by its use of native language and its oral recollection of traditions from the homeland; the latter by its use of allegory and other similar methods to radically reinterpret the sacred texts. Danilou refers the reader to Albinus/Alkinoos, Didaskalikos 16.2, however it is not this treatise, but Plato's Phaedrus, that Origen mentions several times in Cels. See also Dial. (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003)Google Scholar. The nature of God was another tricky bridge between two schools of thought for Hellenistic Christianity to overcome. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. (2) Edwards notes that the sun, moon, and stars have been subjected to embodiment but that this did not happen as a result of previous sins (see Princ. web site copyright 1995-2014 1623. In the early stages of the development of their faith, Christians did something rare if not unique in the history of religion: they adopted the entire scriptural canon of what they now saw to be another faith, Judaism, and embraced the Hebrew Scriptures, which they called the Old Testament. Hier. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. We see this fellow Justin Martyr active in Rome around the middle of the century trying to explain the nature of Christ and the nature of his relationship to God in terms of certain philosophical theories, the philosophical theory that comes ultimately from stoicism that postulates a dichotomy between speech that is external and thought that's internal. Justin has a theology of the word of God that wrestles with the issue of what kind of status Jesus has as an intermediary between God and humankind. 1, with entire article on 2 Pet 1:4, Controversy, Mythicism, and the Historical Jesus, Origen's Commentary on John Spiritual Interpretation, Polemics, and Transformation, Eusebius' Use of the Jewish Authors' Citations in the Apodeixis, Theosis: Deification in Christian Theology - Edited by Stephen Finlan and Vladimir Kharlamov. Today, much of modern Christianity has become inseparable from Greek philosophy and thought. Hellenism and Its Influences on Judaism in Alexandria 1.4); Princ. Relations between Christianity and the - Britannica Hostname: page-component-75b8448494-m747x "useRatesEcommerce": false 2.9.6 (GK 412, 169.2128/Butterworth, 134). Edwards remarks that Origen's representation of their philosophy [i.e., Platonists] is schematic, seldom conscious of its varieties and often anachronistic (Origen's Platonism, 35). 2.9.2 (GK 404, 166.610/Butterworth, 13031). 47 Indeed, for several centuries after Origen's death, there was vigorous debateand open confusionin Christian circles about how to think about the soul's embodiment. The difference between these groups was responsible for many shifts in the character of the religion. While majorities of both Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents (84%) and Republicans and Republican leaners (61%) say religion should be kept separate from . Matt. 0_e_@4!P The attitude of the earliest Christians toward paganism and the imperial government was complicated by their close association with Greco-Roman literary and artistic culture: it was difficult to attack the former without seeming to criticize the latter. 2.18182; Comm. Gen. 13.3; Cels. More than a half-century later, the movie adaptation, due April 28, is putting that . The opposition of the Jews to them led to breaches of the peace. While it has been deployed in surprisingly fluid ways, most scholars associate the thesis with Adolf von Harnack, for whom it acquired a decidedly critical valence. Edwards correctly notes that there is no corresponding Greek or Rufinian Latin translation to this pastiche of texts, and most scholars would follow him in considering it a misleading editorial interpolation. Patriots 2023 NFL Draft takeaways: A stud early, but some odd picks on WGBH educational foundation. Christianity and Hellenistic philosophies experienced complex interactions during the first to the fourth centuries. Religions | Free Full-Text | Christianity and Its Impact on the Lives 14.16; Hom. Old texts in native languages (especially those related to relevant themes such as kingship) were recopied, national temples were restored, and old, mythic traditions were revived. The impact of Christianity following its legitimisation as the official state religion of Rome under Constantine in the 4th century contributed key impacts for the empire and its Hellenistic character. Jo. Origen defines the soul as an existence possessing imagination and desire [ ] (Princ. Note as well that Origen treated many biblical pericopes as symbolic of pre-existence. I incline to the former view: see esp. 2.178; Ep. The history of Hellenistic religions is rarely the history of genuinely new religions. The Christian Apologists of the 2nd century were a group of writers who sought to defend the faith against Jewish and Greco-Roman critics. In each case the material was reinterpreted both in light of common Hellenistic ideals and in accord with the special traditions and needs of the diasporic community. 166; 17172; Jerome, Ep. 970Google Scholar. Also see Hom. There was a noticeable lessening of concern on the part of the members of the dispersed religious group for the destiny and fortunes of the native land and also a relative severing of the traditional ties between religion and the land. Luc. Beliefs of Hellenistic Christianity - The Classroom 166.1617 Augustine openly acknowledges the inability of the creationist view to adequately address the sufferings of infants and the diversity of their talents, precisely the existential problem Origen's view of pre-existence was attempting to address. 7.6; Comm. . The prophet or saviour replaced the priest and king as the chief religious figure. A common criticism of historic orthodox Christianity is the claim that early Christianity was corrupted by the intellectual forces of 'Hellenism.' (Hellenism, of course, refers to the influence of ancient Greek philosophy and culture, which spread throughout the Mediterranean world after the conquests of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BC.) 27.12, on the research-quality of Origen's theology. And also at the same time the immanent rationality of the world, taking over a Stoic idea that reason constitutes the inner working of the world. Hellenistic Christianity is notable for its combination of Greek philosophy, ethics and morality with Christian belief. View all Google Scholar citations The Hellenistic world is that world that was created after the conquests of the near east by Alexander the Great at the end of the fourth century B.C. The most interesting and most important figure in the early development of the idea of the hellenizing of Christianity is Isaac Casaubonus, a reformed divine, described by Leighton Pullan as "one of the most learned men in France,"5 who became, at the end of his life, a close friend of Bishop Andrewes, and a member of the Church of England. In the English-speaking world, this thesis has been put forward most clearly by Hatch, Edwin, The Influence of Greek Ideas on Christianity (Library of Religion and Culture; London: Williams and Norgate, 1891; repr., New York: Harper & Row, 1957)Google Scholar. Pick who will make the biggest immediate impact. Henry Chadwick; Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1953] 21617)allusion to Phaedr. 19.149150; Comm. 3.33). Hellenistic religion was based on a polytheistic tradition of hundreds of Greek gods, conflicting with Christianity's adherence to belief in one God. So too Bostock: It must be recognized however that the Platonic or Pythagorean doctrine of pre-existence was not antagonistic to Jewish belief and that the difference between them was one of emphasis and viewpoint rather than of fundamental philosophy (The Sources, 260). Philo was an example of the intense Hellenization of Judaism. 1, Divine Impassibility: A Definition and Defense, Martin Hengel, the New Tubingen School, and the Study of Christian Origins, Paul and the Metaphysics of Wisdom: An Exegetical Study of Pauline God-Language, Justin's Life and Logos Christology: Pivotal Lenses for Today, Jesus the Messiah in Messianic Jewish Theology: The Shaping of Messianic Jewish Christology, The Jewish Nature of the Doctrine of the Trinity, A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF JEWISH COMMENTARIES AND PATRISTIC LITERATURE ON THE BOOK OF RUTH, Proto-Trinity: the development of the doctrine of the Trinity in the first and second Christian centuries, The Use of "Hellenistic Judaism" in Pauline Studies, HOW THE PROCESS OF DOCTRINAL STANDARDIZATION DURING THE LATER ROMAN EMPIRE RELATES TO CHRISTIAN TRIUMPHALISM, De Lange_Jewish and Christian Messianic Hopes in pre-Islamic Byzantium_TTClark_2007.pdf, Nicholas de Lange, Jewish and Christian Messianic Hopes in Pre-Islamic Byzantium, in Markus Bockmuehl and James Carleton Paget, eds., Redemption and Resistance: The Messianic Hopes of Jews and Christians in Antiquity (London: T&T Clark, 2007), 274284, Wisdom and Word among the Hellenistic Saviors: The Function of Literacy (JSP forthcoming), What Christ Does, God Does: Surveying Recent Scholarship on Christological Monotheism, Irikefe, Odhe - 2013 - THE HUMANITY OF CHRIST IN JOHN 114 IN THE CONTEXT OF THE DIOCESE OF OLEH, ANGLICAN COMMUNION.pdf, CH 6010 Studies in the History of the Early Church Fall 2019, Evaluating Postmissionary Messianic Judaism: Authority, Christology and the Church of God, Prophet Jesus(pbuh): A Prophet, Not a Son of God, THE IMPACT OF CHRISTIANITY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MESSIANIC JEWISH THOUGHT, DER EINFLUSS DES CHRISTENTUMS AUF DIE ENTWICKLUNG DES MESSIANISCH JDISCHEN DENKEN S- THE IMPACT OF CHRISTIANITY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MESSIANIC JEWISH THOUGHT, East Meets West: An Exploration and Analysis of Eastern and Western Traditions, Gregory E. Lamb, "Literary Survey of the Second Temple Period (Including an Introduction to Greco-Roman Literature)", The Trinity A Hebrew concept presented in a Graeco-Roman context, Gnostic Origins and the Apocryphon of John, An Introduction to Presuppositional Apologetics. Almost every religion in this period occurred in both its homeland and in diasporic centresthe foreign cities in which its adherents lived as minority groups. teachers' guide. 5.29, with commentary by Martens, Peter W., On the Confusion of Tongues and Origen's Allegory of the Dispersion of Nations, SPhilo 24 (2011) 10727Google Scholar. Corrections? The Christians should be left alone as long as they did not stir up trouble. In his De Anima 7, Cassiodorus endorses the creationist view but acknowledges that it is a difficult mystery how God can create souls and assign to them Adam's guilt when they have done no prior wrong. See esp. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. Organized empire-wide persecutions occurred, however, at moments of extreme crisis and as a response to the growth of the faith. The fundamental cause of persecution was the Christians conscientious rejection of the gods whose favour was believed to have brought success to the empire. ; Bibliothque de lcole des hautes tudes, sciences religieuses 37, 43, 44; Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1928) 3:1056. We see bits and pieces of this in passages such as the prologue of the 4th Gospel where this concept of the logos comes to play. 3:1011 (= Pamphilus, Apol. 76 For a partial commentary on this passage, see Robinson, T. M., Plato's Psychology (Phoenix, Supplementary Volume 8; 2nd ed. 88 Hom. Religion from the death of Alexander to the reformation of Augustus: 32327, Religion from the Augustan reformation to the death of Marcus Aurelius: 27,, ReligionFacts - Hellenic Reconstructionism.
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