7.025-7.125 MHz :CW, RTTY/Data This allocation is only for fixed digital message forwarding systems operated by all licensees except Novices. The National Weather Service, on the other hand, has a dedicated network of Amateur radio operators under their SKYWARN program. 3.600-4.000 MHz: CW, Phone, Image. 28.300-29.700 MHz: CW, Phone, Image, 50.0-50.1 MHz: CW Only From contests to educational classes to supporting area fund raising events, BVARC has always been active in displaying the art of amateur radio. to take an FCC license exam to get your ham radio license or upgrade to General or Extra. The NOAA uses dedicated radio frequencies for disseminating weather-related information. Frequency - PL - Location 444.875 + 103.5 - Anahuac,TX 442.450 + 141.3 - Austin, TX 444.700 +107.2 - Beaumont, TX 147.340 + 103.5 - Brazoria, TX 443.250 + 103.5 - Brenham, TX 444.425 + 103.5 - Clute, TX 443.600+ 100.0 Crockett,Tx 442.750 +141.3-Columbus, TX 442.275 + 103.5 - El Campo, TX 443.825+ 141.3 - Flatonia, TX This one is of significant historical significance in that we will operate on-board 2 WW-II Naval vessels in Galveston: The Submarine USN Cavalla, Commissioned on Leap Day 1944, which sank the Japanese aircraft carrier Shokahu on her Maiden Patrol and the Destroyer Escort USS Stewart that supported many supply convoys across the Atlantic Ocean and safely escorted FDR part of the way in 1943 to attend a conference in Casablanca and Tehran. Note: . Lets talk about what frequencies you should listen to, based on your interests. This is a big undertaking, and if you want to be a part of the BVARC Spec-Ops team, you will need to attend. Voted #1 Best Radio Website (2009 Users Choice Award) . 0000031866 00000 n In comparison, theres a morning Ohio rag chew net that operates on 28.337 MHz, Monday-Friday at 8:30 am. Amateur radio, often called Ham Radio, is both a hobby and a service in which participants, called hams, use various types of radio communication equipment to communicate with other radio amateurs for public service, recreation, and self-training. The TDEM Chief tasked the State Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Radio Officer (SRO), to be responsible for organizing and managing the SAROS program and for providing guidance to state agencies that have employees who wish to participate in the SAROS program. All data, including non-copyrightable data, is protected from theft under Oregon law (ORS 164.377). ARRL. In this first session we will be covering the basics of ham radio, essential knowledge, and everything I can put out in two hours to prepare those who attend for next training lab (which will be in person) where we will get your hands on radios and have you run through setup, logging and so on. The FCC has granted hams secondary access on USB only to five discrete 2.8-kHz-wide channels. You can visit www.arrl.org/arrl-net-directory-search and search for your required net easily. Amateurs from the ISS partner countries, in the USA, Russia, Japan, Europe and Canada, have set up the ARISS program to foster amateur radio communications between the astronauts and cosmonauts who reside on the station and stations on the ground. 76.0-81.0 GHz* Mark Janzer (K5MGJ) will be making the trip to the GalvestonNaval Museum with volunteers to make preparations for Museum Ships Weekend. 122.25 -123.00 GHz All Rights Reserved.Created and owned by KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006. 0000003265 00000 n Listen Live-Stay Informed 24/7/365 This Scanner Feed is dedicated to the loyal listeners of Eaton County. You need only register once for each band. Join us for our Sunday Evening TEAC Club Net, 8:00 PM on the TEAC VHF 1 repeater (145.430) for the latest TEAC information and the weekly ARRL audio news. Houston Scanner Frequencies (Harris County TX) - InterceptRadio.com From there, you can find out and program whatever Ham radio frequencies you want to listen to. 0000013763 00000 n The amateur radio club at Goddard (WA-3NAN) also retransmits the air-to-ground com- Fee is tax deductible. If thats you, I would recommend listening to the NOAA and National Weather Service frequencies. At all times, transmitter power must be the minimum necessary to carry out the desired communications. Texas DMR Amateur Radio Repeaters - Repeaterbook.com We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. The Repeaterbook administrator(s) for Texas: N5AMS, KB0VLR. If you cannot make the meeting, most of them will also be held on ZOOM. 18.110-18.168 MHz: CW, Phone, Image, 21.025-21.200 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data Freq PL/M Ty Input InpPL City Call Notes; 147.080 : 103.5: R . Unless otherwise noted, the maximum power output is 1500 watts PEP. 1: Have Fun2: Give Members What they Want3: Fellowship (Avoid forming Cliques)4: Recruit New Members5: Find the Talent in the Club6: Cultivate the Volunteers(ask them personally)7: Good Newsletter8: Social Media9: Radio Activity!! General, Advanced, Amateur Extra licensees: 135.7-137.8 kHz:CW, Phone, Image, RTTY/Data. 7.200 to 7.300 MHz is not available outside ITU Region 2. When you jump into the Ham radio world, its usually with a purpose. Remember it is truly a hobby that has only one barrier = C. 73,Mike Hardwick, N5VCXPresident713-826-6917. The State of Texas is susceptible to the effects of both natural and man-made disasters. The GMRS spectrum is broken up into 22 channels, which are shared with FRS, with 8 additional repeater channels (15R-22R) that are exclusive to GMRS and may only be used by licensed GMRS operators. H\@~9VvO"YH,d%QHeLbf rYQo>s3fq~y7/Y]gw{ZwCxS~8qaV,|mo96Lp 0000027038 00000 n Members who attend all lectures and labs and demonstrate their abilities in the field will receive a special item they can wear with pride. Copyright 2006-2023 RepeaterBook.com. For example, the Creek County ARES Oklahoma net is active on Saturdays at 7 pm at 145.430 MHz. Live Repeater Database. Please do not dump a list of repeaters obtained elsewhere on the internet. Museum Ships Weekend (MSWE June 2, 7PM CDT to mid-day Sunday, June 4). Entity. . 7.125-7.300 MHz::CW, Phone, Image, 7.000-7.125 MHz :CW, RTTY/Data 21.225-21.450 MHz: CW, Phone, Image, 21.000-21.200 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data endstream endobj 84 0 obj<>/ViewerPreferences<>/Metadata 80 0 R/Pages 79 0 R/StructTreeRoot 5 0 R/Type/Catalog/OutputIntents[<>]>> endobj 85 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>>>/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 86 0 obj<> endobj 87 0 obj<> endobj 88 0 obj<> endobj 89 0 obj<> endobj 90 0 obj<> endobj 91 0 obj<>stream With over 330 members, you will have plenty of assistance to help you along your path into the hobby. websdr.org Galveston County Trunked Systems (17) Trunked. Wings over Houston - The RadioReference Wiki Before we proceed, let me reiterate that if you dont have a Ham radio license, please only listen. How to Call Space Station Astronauts on the Radio | Live Science Ask our Treasurer for a receipt.DONTATE TO BVARC, Donate to the 146.94 Repeater Fund:$10 $25 $50. I will be giving the same lecture on Sunday and again on Monday so those with schedule conflicts can make them. ?W EZ Learn More, DXCC Program, W100AW & W1AW QSLs via Bureau, Amateur Code, Centennial QSO Party, NPOTA, Operating Specialties, International Grid Chase 2018, Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday Celebration, Awards, QSL Service, Cycle 25, Logbook of the World, Transatlantic, Contests, Special Event Stations, Operating Resources, W1AW, Volunteers On the Air, Amateur Radio Direction Finding, Courses & Training, Volunteer Instructors/Mentors, Amateur Radio in the Classroom, Get on the Air, Getting Licensed, What is Ham Radio, Youth Licensing Grant Program , FCC License Info and Forms, License Certificates, Volunteer Examiners, Learning Programs, Member Directory, myARRL, Blind Membership, Join ARRL/Renew Membership, member feedback, Dues Increase FAQ, Techquestion, Please Confirm Your Information, Member Discounts, Member Bulletin, QST Reissue, Membership Certificate, Member Benefits, 3-Year Special Offer, Member Support, ARRL Groups, Connecticut Member Social, Membership Levels, Gift Membership, Login Instructions, Silent Key Submission Guidelines, Dues Survey, State and Local, Volunteer Consulting Engineer Program, Volunteer Counsel Program, Antenna Regulation and Zoning, CCR Study Information, International, Technical Relations Office, Federal, Volunteer Monitor Resources, Federal RFI Preemption, Volunteer Monitor Program, NTS Manual, Public Service Resources, NTS, Volunteer Form for Deployment Consideration, Puerto Rico - Caribbean Recovery 2017, 2018 Hurricanes, Hurricane Maria - 2017, Hurricane Irma - 2017, Hurricane Harvey Response, 2019 Hurricanes, Ham Aid, 2020 Hurricanes, 2021 Hurricanes, Public Service Honor Roll, SKYWARN Recognition Day, Served Agencies and Partners, ARES, ARRL References, ARRL Lab, Tech Portal, Radio Technology Topics, Clean Signal Initiative, Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), Clubs, Volunteer Opportunities, The ARRL Foundation, Donate to ARRL, Youth, Recruiting & Outreach, Collegiate Amateur Radio, Hamfests and Conventions Calendar, ARRL Publication Dealers, ARRL Store, List all Products, Return Policy, Shipping and Tax, Customer Service/Support, Handbook, Product Notes, Site Index, Centennial, Privacy Policy, ARRL Strategic Plan, Advertising and Other Business Opportunities, ARRL on the Purpose of Amateur Radio, Library, Ideas, Media and Public Relations, Copyright, Organization Structure, Visit Us, General Information, Contact ARRL, ARRL Social Media, Employment Opportunities, ARRL Ham radio serves a variety of purposes. And theres no legal restriction around picking up out of band signals, as long as the information you are receiving is intended for the general public. HU]o0}WG[*0 U{Xx[iIm@Rk_{| e_"g2{fJ:)/3g)0"(/}6FUJKWk5kDQn v6O*_1vxJE.d5f:FWHd#Jk,6xMLC:P#_TcH55$Es "n9iX For State of Texas specific info on Amateur Radio support, contact the State Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Officer (SRO), Kevin Lemon at (512) 424-2451 or (512) 424-2208, Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES). Ham Radio Bands Marine MURS NOAA Railroad (New AAR Plan) Railroad (Old AAR Plan) Railroad (Non AAR) . 0000001076 00000 n All above 300 GHz, * Amateur operation at 76-77 GHz has been suspended till the FCC can determine that interference will not be caused to vehicle radar systems, Regulatory & Advocacy>>Federal>>Federal Regulatory>>Frequency Allocations, Hamfests & Conventions Our membership is not just for amateur radio operators but is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio and we welcome anyone licensed or not. ) This means that amateurs should set their carrier frequency 1.5 kHz lower than the channel center frequency. Facebook Group "Greater Lansing Area Scanner Scoop", Mi5-STATEW1 Talkgroup on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower, W8CMN Mi5-STATEW2 EVENT 2/4 DMR Repeater System, Mi5-STATEW2, Mi5-EVENT2 and Mi5-EVENT4 Talkgroups on the W8CMN Mi5 DMR IPSC Repeater System from the Fenton Tower - moses.bz. Previously, there was not a mechanism to allow state employees who are amateur radio operators to take paid leave in order to assist in disaster response operations, as there is for other needed state employees. If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android device, please download the FREE official RepeaterBook app! Amateur Radio Repeater Map Advertising on this website! All Rights Reserved.Created and owned by KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006. The MSWE operations are around-the-clock and we are allowed to bunk in the Stewart. The general meeting will also be a planning session for the MSWE (June 2nd, 3rd, 4th) and develop a schedule for that weekend. <<733D72760900354389731E2728455EE2>]>> So far, we have discussed all the frequencies or categories of Ham radio frequencies you can listen to. Note: Phone and Image modes are permitted between 7.075 and 7.100 MHz for FCC licensed stations in ITU Regions 1 and 3, and by FCC licensed stations in ITU Region 2 located West of 130 degrees West longitude or South of 20 degrees North latitude. See Sections 97.305(c) and 97.307(f)(11). 0000006470 00000 n Click on a header to sort. 466.0750 - Jamestown, NY Repeater to Falconer. TEAC - Texas Emergency Amateur Communicators Western Rail Switching. ARRL Clubs - HOUSTON COUNTY AMATEUR RADIO CLUB Enter your email address and an email with instructions will be sent to you. By being active and committed, it has brought the recognition and status as a Special Service Club from American Radio Relay League (ARRL) which is a national organization for amateur radio. The radio website where people have a clue. They share the tech specs of their toys with other Hams, and the conversation kicks off from there. US Amateur Radio Bands: Frequency Charts - Ham Radio Prepper System Name: Texas Wide Area Radio Network (TxWARN) Location: Various, TX: County: 37 Counties: System Type: Project 25 Phase II Click on the frequency for additional details. Of course, there will be BVARC food, especially the Saturday evening meal. 251.6 M CSQ Blue Angels 237.8000 M CSQ Blue Angels Primary 275.3500 M CSQ Blue Angels 284.25000 M CSQ Blue Angels 305.9 M CSQ Blue Angels 384. . %%EOF Organizers reported using MOTOTRBO radios. Texas SKYWARN Amateur Radio Repeaters - Repeaterbook.com Listen Live-Stay Informed 24/7/365 This Scanner Feed is dedicated to the loyal listeners of Eaton County. Western New York & Pennsylvania. Rates for Biz card size; The Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club (BVARC) VE Team has been consistently conducting licensing exam sessions since February 23rd, 1985. Please list Location, Output frequency, offset, and tone. 0000009631 00000 n Now Ill tell you how you can find the right frequencies in your area. WHERE:Fulbrook Ale Works1125 FM 359Richmond, TX 77406, Sean LinkenHeimerJacob Mills KJ5AOCJohn Frost KC5JRTSteven Zilis N8EXUMichael Leatherwood KI5ZZCPeter Hill KJ5ANTSally RussellKristy Fowler KI5RLZTimothy Norwood David Morefield KJ5ACSRobert White K0RCWMarco Gonzales KI5ZYGChris Medlin AC5CM, Michael Mustachia KF5PHASteve Chancellor KF5MMichael Scarcella WA5TWTChris Heustis W5GXHoward Hargrove KF5EYX Ross Lawler W5HFFTom Morton W5TOMDan Gannon WA5ANF, LUNCH BUNCH: LUBYS CAFETERIA11:00am to Noon. Click on a header to sort. in the festivities. 0000037276 00000 n All Ingham County, 24/7/365. 0000012278 00000 n All data, including non-copyrightable data, is protected from theft under Oregon law (ORS 164.377). 0000068643 00000 n The number of amateur radio operators who are eligible for leave under this section may not exceed 350 state employees at any one time during a state fiscal year. To operate on 2200 or 630 meters, amateurs must first register with the Utilities Technology Council online at https://utc.org/plc-database-amateur-notification-process/. Even though these frequencies fall out of the Amateur 2m band, your radio might be able to pick them up because most Amateur radios can receive out-of-band frequencies. Come out if, BVARC Photos Past events and lots of fun. 21.200-21.450 MHz: CW, Phone, Image, 24.890-24.930 MHz: CW, RTTY/Data NOAA Weather Radio Info Location Help Wet and Chilly along the East Coast; Heavy Snow in the Upper Great Lakes A strengthening storm system will produce heavy rain and possible flooding across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic and severe thunderstorms across parts of the Carolinas into the Mid Atlantic and parts of central and south Florida. All Ingham County, 24/7/365. Amateur stations within 398 miles of an AMTS station must notify the station in writing at least 30 days prior to beginning operations. Radioreference.com has one of the largest databases of Amateur radio frequencies and their intended use. For each band, only those license classes with privileges on that band are listed. This page was last edited on 13 May 2017, at 11:59. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has authorized emergency management organizations to officially organize and employ radio amateurs to supplement state and local government communications systems during emergencies or disaster operations. 7.175-7.300 MHz::CW, Phone, Image, 7.025-7.125 MHz :CW, RTTY/Data They may also use modes that comply with emission designator 2K80J2D, which includes any digital mode with a bandwidth of 2.8 kHz or less whose technical characteristics have been documented publicly, per Part 97.309(4) of the FCC Rules. YkU\v8)mbU|Ki84K%5j/Q7^g.KZ=Vj6j&g85:ja W+ GMRS Radio Frequencies and Channels | Right Channel Radios Tuning into one of these nets can help you learn a lot about the hobby and how to get the most out of it. Return to Wiki page: Harris County (TX), https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php?title=Houston_(TX)_Amateur_Repeaters&oldid=227133, Clear Lake Amateur Radio Club - Open AutoPatch. 0000001708 00000 n But do not transmit, as unlicensed transmission can get you in some serious trouble. See the May BEACON for more details and attend the May 11 General Membership Meeting for a presentation of MSWE, BVARCs history in participation and details of this years event. For State of Texas specific info on Amateur Radio support, contact the State Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) Officer (SRO), Kevin Lemon at (512) 424-2451 or (512) 424-2208 or submit an email to soc@tdem.texas.gov. Most people use the Ham radio to stay connected during emergencies. So dont forget Museum Ship Weekend. Low Level 4000' 6000' 7000' 8000' 9000' 10000'. You either want to practice it as a hobby or rely on the communication medium to keep you connected during emergencies. Ham Radio Frequencies To Listen To (Explained!) - Field Radio 0000004733 00000 n (Access to the 3.45 - 3.5 GHz Amateur Radio allocation ceased 4/14/22), Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday Celebration, Volunteer Form for Deployment Consideration, Advertising and Other Business Opportunities. 144.0-144.1 MHz: CW Only rX3KG=;*.+Y\K8YcVmBkK?K1j2DRX9[TxgfH |5Y"b oEV UddiCo$[0B'M^6J]AIW}#,M NXyRkIp-+i$5f14bvmlm1[Ip.VbW}F6=ekk[KCfQjZ]JyE2i7JykwmSySdSkIY IL#F:5.-:X[R^ IyC6vmi2W D~ Frequencies and Channels Frequency (MHz) Channel Assignment Notes 462.550 1 Repeater Output & Simplex 462.575 2 Repeater Output & Simplex Old White Dot Ch. We are looking for members to step-up and join our new committees! Georgetown, 4mi N KGTU Airport (SUN CITY TEXAS - SCTX). General, Advanced and Amateur Extra classes: Effective March 5, 2012, amateurs are permitted to use CW and phone, as well as digital modes that comply with emission designator 60H0J2B, which includes PSK31 as well as any RTTY signal with a bandwidth of less than 60 Hz. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. The State of Texas, through TDEM, manages the SAROS program as an official resource of the State in support of emergency or disaster operations. 2023 Broadcastify.com. 10.0-10.5 GHz Radioreference.com has one of the largest databases of Amateur radio frequencies and their intended use. You will also need a letter from the agency you assisted indicating when, and for how long, you assisted. There are three license classes: Technician, General and Extra. 0000005880 00000 n Come out ifyou can, be safe, be responsible, and have a great time with your fellow hams. The ISS radio transmits signals at 145.80 MHz and receives signals. CSX Plymouth and Canadian National Flint Subs, Eaton County Area Public Safety, MSP Lansing Posts. This month were meeting at Fullbrook Ale Works in Richmond. US licenses are good for 10 years before renewal. Copyright 2006-2023 RepeaterBook.com. hq@arrl.org, To operate on 2200 or 630 meters, amateurs must first register with the Utilities Technology Council online at. Frequency Allocations - American Radio Relay League Come and say hi, via our contact form. 457.8750 - Olean, NY Repeater to Falconer. Amateurs must avoid interference to the fixed service outside the US. Because of system outages or overcrowding by emergency traffic, normal communications systems may become unusable or inadequate to meet emergency or disaster response needs. Texas Amateur Radio Repeaters 676 repeaters found in Texas = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. The Repeaterbook administrator (s) for Texas: N5AMS, KB0VLR If you are interestedin helping, please contact Mark Janzer, This month were meeting at Fullbrook Ale Works in Richmond. You can donate below with your credit card, or you can donate in person at one of our meetings. Either way, you can always connect to the membership to find out more about the hobby and the many facets it has. Frequency Range: 135.7-137.8 kHz: CW, Phone, Image, RTTY/Data Such modes would include PACTOR I, II or III, 300-baud packet, MFSK16, MT63, Contestia, Olivia, DominoEX and others. H\n0~ Eaton County Sheriff and Fire. TAC 2 and Lein are encrypted and therfore omitted from audio feed. A WebSDR is a Software-Defined Radio receiver connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously.SDR technology makes it possible that all listeners tune independently, and thus listen to differentsignals; this is in contrast to the many classical receivers that are already available via the internet.. More background information is available here. You can find such nets in your own locality and join them when they are active. This especially comes in handy during natural disasters when modern communications are out and knowing live weather updates becomes critical for survival. "H;+`-a\\&]aVuT-]e5}`Fo@2"AfjY *W6RZ=LF{UCW}*`pK6b9%+aC {xV%c%Pd5CVg 3C;ml!_]9mxVlN}i(B ]&l G@,wAp#%V=hbe],sOY^)2 Category. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources. 2016. What you can listen to on a ham radio eventually boils down to what frequency you tune in to, which is why it is so important to know what Ham radio frequencies to listen to.
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