Ahh, the power of creation. Not clearing your cache is responsible for more bugs, derps, burps, blerps and hiccups than anything else.. Consumes Temporal Rift stacks. Notes: Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. This can guarantee you for a totem of Nulgath, but the previous quest also drops misc items we needs lots of. 2019 Calendar Class: Corrupted Chronomancer - AdventureQuest Worlds Total HP: 1,128 1,230 Get Ephemeral and you'll be dishing out huge damage while being nearly invincible- but your stay will be quite temporary. While Stable, it instead applies Ebb for 8s. Copyright () 2008 - 2020 Artix Entertainment, LLC. If you enjoyed the video please subscribe and like the video so I can keep going If you have any feedback or an idea for the next AQW video please let me know in the comments section below and I will do my best for you guys. Next year, the Class will return plus a new item that (like the Hourglasses of Power, Paradise, and Transience) will affect the class's gameplay. Consumes Temporal Rift stacks., Type: MagicalManaCost: 35Cooldown: 20 secondsAOE: 1Melee range, Rank 10 Passive: TimesmithStarting from Rank 1, you can equip Hourglasses and Corruption as a consumable to enhance your other skills., Hourglass of Power[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 2hrs your Hourglass Inversion skill now also increases most of your secondary stats a further 10% for 30 seconds. All drops from both FutureWar maps - Seasonal. Using this hourglass while Foresee is active will consume it and apply Seer for 20s. AC is 300ACs, Legend 10,000 Gold and exactly the same as the AC version, the free player ver is dropped by the . If you use Sepulchres DoomKnight Armor as a catalyst, you should have the power to magnify shadow essences enough to fuse them into a Void Aura. Using a different Hourglass will remove all other Hourglass auras. Blinding Axes!!! Would you like a glimpse of what could be? Level: 17 You can prepare before a fight by, and using an Hourglass. //Design Class: Corrupted Chronomancer - AdventureQuest Worlds Obtain a Glacial Pinion from the Icewing Warlord, three eyeballs from the strongest Hydra in Mobius Lake, and the viscera of a creature in the Void. Difficulty: 3 stars Quests Begun From: Braeus 138. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Attacks: Location: Queen's Battle Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Old Chad of Gigachads, Wielder of Phoenix Plate and Blade, Big Boi THOK. Necrotic Sword of Doom Ultimate Guide ~ AQW World Note: This is the slow burn of Corruption in its slowest of slow forms. It doesnt complicate things or add strategy. Notes: Get this item in our free web game at www.AQ.com! We will definitely be able to create more Void Auras with them. var sc_partition=56; Finally, it gives up to 6 enemies Focus, forcing them to attack you for 3 seconds. var sc_click_stat=1; This year, the base Corrupted Chronomancer Class is releasing. Join. Using a different Hourglass will remove all other Hourglass auras. Notes: When battling Chaos Lord Iadoa (Level 52) or Ultra Iadoa, this item, while in your inventory, will prevent him from doing his Astral Shift attack. 40s cooldown., Note: This is the slow burn of Corruption in its slowest of slow forms. AQW | Corrupted / Timeless Chronomancer Overview | Hourglass of Paradise Morshed Mk AQW 542 subscribers Subscribe 278 views 1 year ago Corrupted/Timeless Chronomancer is heavly count on its. See Also. AdventureQuest Worlds - Wikipedia Low drop. Do you feel your power increasing? This year, the base Corrupted Chronomancer Class is releasing. 11. r/AQW. Temporal Rift stacks 4 times and is used by your other abilities., Type: Physical/MagicalManaCost: 15Cooldown: 4 secondsAOE: 1Melee rangeDam: 10% APSP2, Rank 2: Hourglass InversionReverses time to heal you. Click here to edit contents of this page. Jump to: Braeus' Quests, Necrotic Blade Badge. Heal is increased by stacks of Temporal Rift and consumes those stacks., Type: Physical/MagicalManaCost: 30Cooldown: 16 secondsAOE: 1 Full range, Rank 3: Corruption Through TimeApplies Corruption Through Time. Dragonoid of Hours - AQW - Wikidot Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Attacks: Location: Frozen Northlands Note: This quest can only be completed once. AQW Corrupted Chronomancer Overview (Hourglass of Power) Shiminuki 28.5K subscribers Subscribe 1.2K 116K views 4 years ago Disclaimer - 0:00 Actual Overview - 0:40 Enhancements - 0:56 Show more. Something does not work as expected? Synopsis The player character, known simply as 'Hero' arrives in the midst of a war between two factions, the Evil and the Good. The darkness compelled you to join with it. These auras last 2hrs and toggle on and off each time you use Hourglass Inversion. Keep going and Good Luck. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. They either flat out buff you in specific ways or provide complicated interactions. Corrupted Chronomancers rely on Hourglasses and Corruption they create using their Hourglass Pet (equip-able items found in the Book of Lore) to manipulate and distort time itself., Stats: Corrupted Chronomancers favor Strength, Dexterity and Intellect., ManaRegen: Corrupted Chronomancers gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. All games and characters are trademarks of Artix Entertainment, LLC. Code: Kill * Item has dropped: Chaorrupted Hourglass //gets stuck here because it doesn't recognize the name Get Drop: Chaorrupted Hourglass //If I remove "item has dropped" if statement - it gets stuck here. Or just your battle wounds opening? Sellback: 0 AC (Dropped during the ', Chaos Defeated in Darkovia (Dropped during the ', Chaos Defeated in Doomwood (Dropped during the ', Chaos Defeated in the Lair (Dropped during the ', Chaos Defeated in Willowcreek (Dropped during the ', Book of Chaos and Flames (Dropped during the ', Chaos Magic Nullified (Dropped during the ', Tempus Chaos Amulet (Dropped during the ', Chaos Power Increased (Dropped during the '. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Temporal Rift stacks 4 times and is used by your other abilities. Chaos - AQWorlds Wiki Using this hourglass while Foresee is active will consume it and apply Seer for 20s. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. You can prepare before a fight by equipping and using an Hourglass. Click here to edit contents of this page. The next thing we need to do is get the blade! Attacks: Thanks to Nancyg, Whitekopi, Zero IX and .Shadow//. Requirements: Must be Level 75. It also increases damage done by 100% for 4 seconds, and increases damage taken by 150% for 10 seconds. Attacks: Location: Mount Doomskull (Location) List of Axes the next 10s your Corruption Through Time skill now also applies Foresee for 150s. 3 of them are Hourglasses. See pages that link to and include this page. You will receive one of the following items: Throughout Lore, you may encounter rare, unnatural creatures whose existence itself should not be. Quest Location: Shadowfall You must be able to stand up to true power if you wish to possess true power. var sc_invisible=0; Only one hourglass and one corruption can be activated at the same time, and going though all the hourglasses in one video will make it too long. var sc_text=2; General Wikidot.com documentation and help section. Please revert it back please i'll give you money please. Wikidot.com Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. (Dropped during the ', Chaos Defeated in Willowcreek (Dropped during the ', Battle this monster in our free web game at, Excluded "Item of Digital Awesomeness" Items, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License, Chaos Defeated in Darkovia (Dropped during the ', Chaos Defeated in Doomwood (Dropped during the ', Chaos Defeated in the Lair (Dropped during the ', Chaorruption Destroyed (Dropped during the ', Chaorruption Defeated (Dropped during the ', Weak Chaotic Energy (Dropped during the ', Chaorruption Cleansed (Dropped during the ', Chaos Power Increased (Dropped during the '. These characters were not actually Chaorrupted by Chaos, but they allied themselves with it, sometimes with the promise of being rewarded Chaos powers if they could succeed with their jobs. Difficulty: 3 stars Heal is increased by stacks of Temporal Rift and consumes those stacks. Applies a growing DoT to you. You continue to impress me. Previously Legend only. This one is an 'ultra' boss. Level: 17 Head over to Heromart to get your first glimpse of the 2019 Calendar! If an item has a drop rate of 0.5%, it does not mean that once you killed the monster it drops from 200 times, that you are guaranteed to get the drop. Hourglasses and corruption can be obtained from the Hourglass pet in the Book of Lore. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under, Mediterranean Digital & Public Humanities, #1 source of fan provided tips, strategies, FAQs, and information about Dark Souls II. As revealed on the Chaos Shaper class description, as well as the Supreme Commander armor descritpion in HeroSmash, Chaos is actually neither good nor evil; it is a neutral commanding force that can be harnessed by heroes and villains and neutral characters alike. "Hero", do you wish for power? Increases enemy damage taken by 15% for 5s, stacks to 3. Click here to edit contents of this page. In order to begin, you will need to learn the creation of Void Aura. Also, your. var sc_text=2; Level: 25 in order to get the rewards from this risky Corruption. gain mana from all hits landed in combat, and especially on critical hits. And now, the world should know your true nature. Your accomplishment will now be visible to all of the heroes of Lore. I have SDKA and 150 void aura, can someone guide me? Difficulty: 3 stars Same goes for Corruption. It also checks your bank first and puts it to your inventory. You have done well. Corrupted/Timeless Chronomancer is heavly count on its consumables, the class has 6 consumables with two types, Hourglasses and Corruptions. 20 second cooldown., Note: This Corruption grants massive power boosts, but severely increases the amount of damage you take. This includes Damage Done, Haste, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Hit Chance, Dodge Chance and Damage Reduction. Chaorrupter Unlocked - AQWorlds Wiki The Unenhanced Aura has been created, now you can continue on this path. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. See pages that link to and include this page. This blade will change form in the future. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. var sc_project=4618149; Description: *No description* He will OHKO you, so definitely bring a party. Total HP: 12,971 12,671 12,670 Also, as revealed by the Void Larva NPC in the Void, as well as the Great Void Dragon itself, the closest magic related to Chaos magic is Void magic - which is exactly why the Void Dragon entrusted the Lords of Chaos with four different colored Void Spheres needed to unlock the door to its lair. Level: 25 Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). View and manage file attachments for this page. Attacks: Location: Willow Creek - Defend Total HP: 2,834 2,830 You can also pick up a shop pet in the Book of Lore which will make it easy to top off your stacks of Hourglasses and Corruption. Find out what you can do. Corruptions are a secondary buff on top of the hourglasses, each one offers a different advantage. Price: N/A (Dropped by Dragonoid) Sellback: 250 Gold. Requirements: Must have Necrotic Sword of Doom (Sword) in your inventory. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Total HP: 1,643 1,640 When you complete a quest or fight a monster, often there's a chance for an item to drop as a reward. Your Hourglass Inversion now applies a Heal over Time that lasts for 20 seconds and doesnt stack., Note: Throwback to Infinity Knight/Chrono DragonKnight where DoT/HoTs were the highlight of Chrono classes. //]]>. As a tribute to Chaos characters being released in Oversoul, the rare. Find out what you can do. var sc_security="fa126e88"; var sc_partition=56; Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Something does not work as expected? You can only have one Hourglass and one Corruption on at a time. Killing Ultra Sepulchure in /join sepulchurebattle. Begin this quest in our free web game at www.AQ.com! This is not something that can be created in one step, however, so you must first gather all that is needed to create the Unenhanced Aura. Attacks: Location: Shadow Gates Braeus' Quests - AQW - Wikidot Note: This quest can only be completed once. Dreadrock Legion Tokens. Collect enough of these and I'm sure you will find a use for them. All Rights Reserved. Hourglasses provide a base to your class. In addition, Sand Rift starts applying Focus to monsters, forcing them to target you and making parties less of a safety net. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. Download Working Trainer AQW Updated As of 6/19/2020 (Use at your own risk!) The Corrupted Chronomancer Class will return every year. AQW | Corrupted / Timeless Chronomancer Overview | Hourglass of Since we're talking about old design styles, why aren't anybody bringing up how they have shredded my man Thok? Price: N/A (Dropped by Dragonoid) //[Solved] Chaorrupted Hourglass won't pick up. - MPGH Total HP: 3,700 If that number meets certain criteria, you get the prize. If things are going wrong, the best first step you can take is to clear your cache first to see if that resolves it. Here is a handy-dandy Cache Guide if you need help with how to clear cache for your browser. Difficulty: 2 stars Note: Mix this with an offensive Corruption to mitigate some of the Corruptions defensive weakness. Doesnt stack. AQW=How to get Chaorrupted hourglass - YouTube 0:00 / 1:59 AQW=How to get Chaorrupted hourglass Ledri Selimaj 24 subscribers Subscribe 8 Share 3.5K views 8 years ago Hey guys so today. Buffs dodge & damage by 50%. And now, the world should know your true nature. Travel to the hidden /shadowrealmpast and gather 50 Empowered Essences from the monsters there. Wikidot.com Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. We use cookies on this site to enhance your experience, provide services and products, and display content from third parties. Find and face several strong foes, and return to me your proof of victory. Necrotic Sword of Doom Ultimate Guide - First of all, this weapon is themed from a game called as Dragonfable " also one of Artix Entertainment game ". // [CDATA[ Level: 14 See pages that link to and include this page. Necrotic Sword of Doom Ultimate Guide ~ AQW World This blade was created from pure chaos.It may do damage against anything at anytime including Chaos itself. //]]>. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. Your Hourglass Inversion now applies a Heal over Time that lasts for 20 seconds and doesnt stack. Necrotic Sword of Doom Badge. up to its namesake- your life is quite temporary and chaotic. The design team -- after weeks of brainstorming, design, testing, and tweaking -- has outdone itself with the skill set for this new Chronomancer Class. List of Blinding Axes!!! non-mem and non AC! ~ AQW World Hourglasses provide a base to your class. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). Rarity: Legendary Item Rarity You can only have one Hourglass and one Corruption on at a time. Each of your skills gets an additional benefit from hourglasses and corruption you equip in your consumables slot. The following is the trainer that is working On AQW this weapon gives the holder 51% more damage to. Note: Previously Legend only. You now know how to create the Void Aura, so we need to move on in the crafting process. The engine works in mysterious ways, but this isn't one of them. Location: Time Space 1 / 2. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Wikidot.com Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. Excluded "Item of Digital Awesomeness" Items, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Temporal Rift stacks 4 times and is used by your other abilities. It is a recurring theme of AQ Worlds and is controlled by Drakath and his 13 Lords of Chaos. Depends on luck, even i also didn't get some certain items for farming days. Suggestion to mess with the room. Turn Paradise off right before your nuke for great sustain AND damage!, Infinite Corruption[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 30 seconds your Corrupted Sand Strike applies a DoT that stacks 15 times and lasts 40 seconds. Gives a growing DoT. Killing the Colossal Primarch at /join bosschallenge. Cookie Policy. The darkness compelled you to join with it. Level: 25 Since we're talking about old design styles, why aren't anybody bringing up how they have shredded my man Thok? var sc_security="fa126e88"; Then, switch to a Corruption to use during fights. Excluded "Item of Digital Awesomeness" Items, Necrotic Sword of Doom Character Page Badge, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Chaorruption - AQW - Wikidot Copyright () 2008 - 2020 Artix Entertainment, LLC. This includes Damage Done, Haste, Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Hit Chance, Dodge Chance and Damage Reduction., Note: This one is as straight forward as you can get. var sc_click_stat=1; var sc_partition=56; var sc_invisible=0; Recommended Enhancements: Lucky, Hybrid. We are trying something new again and have built a class around several unique class-only consumables*. Patience is power here.. General Wikidot.com documentation and help section. Necro scrolls of dark arts was a very annoying farm and it took me hours to get all 4 to drop even though there were quite a bunch of people farming him Note: Throwback to Infinity Knight/Chrono. Append content without editing the whole page source. and our The damage boost is one of the highest in the game, the defense fits the cap and thats not even half of what you. It is a recurring theme of AQ Worlds and is controlled by Drakath and his 13 Lords of Chaos. Something does not work as expected? Rarity: Legendary Item Rarity. Attacks: Location: Into Chaos (Location) Battle On! RECOMMENDED TO GET "SEPULCHURE'S DOOMKNIGHT ARMOR FIRST", (How to Get) Enchanted Nulgath Nation House Guide, (How to Get) Juggernaut Items of Nulgath Guide. Requirements: Must have Rank 10 Necromancer (AC) in your inventory. Quest Location: Shadowfall You have taken the first step along this path towards the creation of the Necrotic Sword of Doom. If you truly believe that you have the power to continue along this path, do not let me dissuade you. This time i will show you some of Blinding Axes that can be obtained by non-mem and doing it without spending any ACs!. All Rights Reserved. SAFE TO USE -except reported by players and banned by the authority- Before i explain about Le Bot, we should know what is the advanta Necrotic Sword of Doom Updated As of 6/26/2020 (NSoD) Necrotic Sword of Doom Ultimate Guide - First of all, this weapon is themed SHOP ID AQW (LATEST AND UPDATED) As of 4/10/2021 How to use Shop Loader on Grimoire 3.8 or Grimoire 3.8+ : How AQW Best Farming Classes Updated As of 6/26/2020 Best Farming Classes on AQW - If you are an AQW player you must be thinking which on Blinding Light of Destiny Updated As of 6/13/2020 (BLoD) Blinding Light of Destiny Guide - If you are a veteran of Artix E Grimoire 3.8+ Horc Reputation Bot (400 Reputation Per Turn In) Download Link Horc Reputation Bot: horcrepbotv1.gbot 1. Then, switch to a Corruption to use during fights. There are 6 consumable items that act as a pseudo sixth skill you can use to customize the class to your needs. We need atleast 3x "Totems of Nulgath" (30 max) to continue. Shattered Legendary Sword of Dragon Control, The Eleventh Lord of Chaos, Maximillian Lionfang, http://www.aqworldswiki.com/index.php?title=Chaos&oldid=418886, The Hero (turned into the 13th Lord of Chaos by Drakath), AntiTitan Corps (chaorrupted by Drakath and his titans in an alternate universe), Zahart (controlled Tibicenas until the ring was destroyed), Chaorruption gives the infected demonic features like demonic wings and horns, The Chaorrution can also give the infected eyes on other location of the body and can give the infected glowing eyes as well as tentacles on other parts of the body. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. In addition, Sand Rift starts applying Focus to monsters, forcing them to target you and making parties less of a safety net. Sometimes, you just have to be lucky. [CDATA[ Corruption Through Time increases all damage you do by 20% for 10 seconds. So let's just get to the list: Chaorrupted Light of Destiny ( Not AC) Get it by killing Chaos Artix at /join chaoslab, confirmed to be 2% chance drop rate. I require a few things from powerful beings and beasts. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Copyright () 2008 - 2020 Artix Entertainment, LLC. were the highlight of Chrono classes. the next 2hrs your Hourglass Inversion skill now also increases most of your secondary stats a further 10% for 30 seconds. Corrupted, rely on Hourglasses and Corruption they create using their Hourglass Pet (. All games and characters are trademarks of Artix Entertainment, LLC. Also, did I mention this is all free and included with the class? All drops from FutureLegion - Seasonal. These Essences are much more powerful than the others. Same goes for Corruption. Continue if you dare. Excluded "Item of Digital Awesomeness" Items, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Wikidot.com Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. All Rights Reserved. Difficulty: 3 stars Pink Reaper Of Doom ( Not AC) Get it by purchase it . Stabilize yourself out and you'll act faster and gain health- but you'll lose your Temporal Rift stacks. Doesnt stack. Also, your crit chance and damage are reduced by 30%. Its a broad buff on everything you want. Its a broad buff on everything you want. Using Corruption Through Time while Seer is active removes it and applies Change the Future which applies Focus, reduces damage taken by 80%, increases Dodge Chance, Haste, Hit Chance, Critical Strike Damage, and Outgoing Damage by 100% for 5s. As a non-member, is there a better way to farm it? Append content without editing the whole page source. Base Damage: 27-33 25-35. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. While Transient, Sand Rift applies Flow. How do you feel now? Also, did I mention this is all free and included with the class? Welcome to the Corrupted Chronomancer Design Notes! Level: 30 All Rights Reserved. The Chaorrupted Light of Destiny is a weapon used by Chaos Artix and the weapon's drop rate is 2% . What do i do first? Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Then, there are 3 Corruptions. You may have to combine this with a defensive Corruption or something like Archpaladin in order to get the rewards from this risky Corruption., Foresee Corruption[Corrupted Chronomancer Class]For the next 10s your Corruption Through Time skill now also applies Foresee for 150s. Read on to learn about drop rates, how they work, and a bit ofmath! AQW AQWorlds Wiki. All games and characters are trademarks of Artix Entertainment, LLC. There are 3 versions of this weapon, AC, Free, and Legend. Note: This quest can only be completed once per day. 40s cooldown. So it becomes a 1 in 6 chance, and so on as you hit the stack limit for each metal., For quests where the rewards are You may receive, at random, were back to the 200 sided die. Each turn in has X% drop rate., There are many rumors about items or actions that can affect drop rates but it just doesnt happen., None of the common myths you have heard will affect drop rates. The drop rates are what they are., There is one thing which may interfere with items dropping (not drop RATES, just item dropping period): a stuffed cache! the next 30 seconds your Corruption Through Time skill now also reduces mana costs by 50% and increases Haste by 30% for 7 second. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. [CDATA[ Consider yourself lucky, hero. Append content without editing the whole page source. These corrupt your skills with different gameplay elements. //]]>. The Hourglass aura will remain, meaning you can mix and match any one Hourglass with any one Corruption. Total HP: 11,621 12,671 12,670 Chaorrupted Hourglass - AQW - Wikidot View wiki source for this page without editing. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. The amount depends on damage relative to *their own* HP total., Corrupted Sand StrikeDeals damage based on your weapon damage. Type: Item Copyright () 2008 - 2020 Artix Entertainment, LLC. Provides great synergy if an Arachnomancer is being used to further increase their DoTs which Temporal Rift records for an even more powerful nuke. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. var sc_click_stat=1; Doomlord for non-member - AdventureQuest Bring me 20 essences from each of the following monsters: The Essences have combined, and the Aura has been created. This page was last edited on 16 March 2023, at 18:15. Attacks: Level: 25 [CDATA[ As always, the opposite of Chaos is, in fact, Order, especially as shown in the Mirror Realm involving Mirror Drakath and his friends, the Lords of Order. . It also increases damage done by 100% for 4 seconds, and increases damage taken by 150% for 10 seconds. These corrupt your skills with different gameplay elements. Their power will help bring you closer to understanding the darkness. Hourglasses alter the class's play style and last for 2 hours, when you change the class or when you die, and when you die you have to equip the hourglass and re-activate it. AQW=How to get Chaorrupted hourglass - YouTube We are trying something new again and have built a class around several unique class-only consumables*. Using Hourglass Inversion while Transient gives you Incorporeal for 10s. In order to create the base of the hilt, a massive amount of energy is needed, among other things. The Eye of Chaos Chaos is a powerful and unpredictable energy that can Chaorrupt (short for "chaos corrupt") objects and beings into Chaos versions of themselves. var sc_security="fa126e88"; Chaorrupted Hourglass has an estimated drop rate of approximately 20% from Chaos Lord Iadoa in /timespace, for which 31 are required. Level: 32 Chaorrupted Hourglass - Joins timespace and kills Iodoa. It doesnt complicate things or add strategy. Deals damage to your target and applies Temporal Rift to you. chaorrupted hourglass : r/AQW - Reddit
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