The kerdi band will also go 4" up the west wall. x 6 in. Note: Water testing of the assembly If a shower is not properly waterproofed, water can seep into the walls and floor, causing damage to the structure of the building and potentially leading to mold growth. The membrane is a thin, flexible material that is applied over the cement board walls and adhered to the shower pan using the accompanying bands. Cinder Block Houses | Learn Everything At One Place - REthority Take your time and pay attention to detail. Please call Schluter-Systems Can I install Schluter-KERDI over drywall in my tiled shower? That would obviously be a problem for shower glass. It's a lightweight polystyrene board faced with Kerdi that comes in various thicknesses that you can use in place of drywall or cement board. Should I keep the Kerdi product away from the Redguard? rev2023.5.1.43405. ZjNiYzE5ZTk4MWJhZDIyMjIxODJiY2EyZjhkYjRhYTFlNTgxNTgzZTU0YTA3 Using a high-quality waterproofing system like the Kerdi shower pan can help ensure that the shower is properly sealed and protected from water damage. Once you have installed your cement board substrate, you need to determine what waterproofing system you will use for your shower. 6. In this hybrid configuration what ddo I install in lieue of corner dams on my curb? Is "I didn't think it was serious" usually a good defence against "duty to rescue"? But I can't give you a +1 because telling someone to mortar all the walls in a large shower is like telling them to make an ice sculpture. Before proceeding though, the installer should get this method approved through the local building inspector, as it is counter-intuitive. They all came over to my first install to check it all out. JavaScript is disabled. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Continuing Education for Architects & Designers. Learning is my key. Cover the joints with KERDI-FLEX. I like the Kerdi product for my walls because of the pre-fab niche, and lightweight materials and smaller board sizes that are available. Using the entire system ensures that all the components are compatible and that the installation will be effective at preventing leaks and moisture damage. 3050 W Ball Rd #44, Anaheim, CA 92804 | MLS# OC23029343 | Redfin @DMoore- OK, I agree that with redguard it would be redundant. It's not them. Not everyone knows how to do mud and lathe it's so old school plus it wears you out, ive been a setter for 27 yrs and I have yet to go back to one of my showers I installed using perma base or durock, with a liner, i have started using waterproofing such as redguard or aqua-defense. 4.6 . If the null hypothesis is never really true, is there a point to using a statistical test without a priori power analysis? -----BEGIN REPORT----- The Kerdi system is compatible with a variety of surfaces and installation methods, making it a versatile option for many different shower projects. Schluter Kerdi 38" x 76" Linear Shower Tray Wall Drain Placement 2-3/8" End Height. Thank you in advance for your thoughts and advice. The Schluter-KERDI-SHOWER-KIT is an all-inclusive package containing each of the integrated family of components required to create a maintenance-free, watertight shower assembly without a mortar bed. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. #4 You could be adding a good 1000 pounds to your install too. The rubber/waterproof layer remains intact on the walls. Repeat this process until the entire board is installed on the framing. Kerdi-Shower-TS is a prefabricated sloped shower tray with integrated Kerdi waterproofing. Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport. The problem is on the back side of the drywall, which is not protected. Nearby homes similar to 3050 W Ball Rd #44 have recently sold between $112K to $185K at an average of $130 per square foot. ZWJlNmRlMmMzYzllNDk3MjNkYmZlMDBmZjkzNGUxYTk1ZjJhNGU4NTNmNGEx MThhODM4ZmY0YjcyOTViZmEyZDQwNjM3YTc0MjUzNTU3N2JmY2YzNjkzYjM3 Yes. I learn and write about things happening with us and used by us every day. Schluter-KERDI | Waterproofing (KERDI) | Schluter In my. The kerdi band will also go 4" up the west wall. etc. Kerdi really offers very little advantage over hardiboard plus membrane. 304 STAINLESS SHOWER DRAIN: Premium anti-rust . Waterproofing strip seals abutting joints of membranes and building panels, Waterproof, multifunctional tile substrate and building panel, Point drain with integrated bonding flange, Bonded waterproofing and vapor-retardant membrane, Single-component sealing and bonding compound, Contact us: 888-472-4588 Detailed instructions and videos are available to guide homeowners through the installation process. California Power Companies Propose Fixed-Rate Charge Based on Income: Good or Bad? PRO Creative Tile Eastern CT 4 years ago NDI1MjBhNzE2MjEwNzZiM2EzYTJmOTljOTA0NWE4MjQ5MmM2OTBiMzQxNjdl Make sure the subfloor and walls are in good condition and properly prepared to receive the shower pan and tile. MTBjMGI0NDAyZTBlY2IyOWJkZTE1ODI3ZTRiMTA2NDZiMjIwNzRmNDA2ZDAz No, the KERDI membrane does not have a front/back to it. Kerdi Membrane is designed for direct tile application. Schluter says that the Kerdi membrane and tile can be installed over standard gypsum wall board without any problems. MTJmNmI2NDhjYWYxYjk5Y2ZhMjQzMzE2YjdhNjZjNDlhMmU0NjlkZmEzYzdj Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Welcome to the site. Yes you could get what cwb124 said to work, but why can't you just get the off center drain? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Kerdi-Board-Kit Wall Surround Waterproofing Kit - The Home Depot The manufacturer of the Kerdi system provides comprehensive customer support, including technical assistance and warranty information. NGE2ODRkN2U4YzMwMjc0MjliODgxMGFkMWUzMjMzMzZiYjA1OGI3YjZmZWMx Redoing your kitchen? The Kerdi shower pan is a popular choice for creating a waterproof shower base, and when paired with cement board walls, it can provide a durable and reliable watertight enclosure. Holes can typically be repaired by installing a patch of KERDI or Schluter-KERDI-BAND with What is a water test? Tiles can be installed directly on KERDI using the thin-bed method. However, there are a couple of differences between these two materials. These four materials will provide a seamless and waterproof transition between cement board walls and a Kerdi shower pan. OTc1YTQ0ZmFlMWZjMjYyYWVhZWRmYmU4Mjc4MmFlNTYzMWJiNGQ4YjNlYTdi Cement board is a bit better, but you need to spray either one before applying the mortar so that it doesn't "skin over" before you can get the Kerdi up. You can use it over drywall. Sounds like a PITA. Subsequently, a cement mortar shower base is built over a waterproof membrane that connects to a special drain containing weep holes in its base. Kerdi pan WILL work perfectly fine with cement board walls, but that assumes the walls are covered with Kerdi membrane. It has an expoxy surface, over a fiberglass composition core 3. A cement board isnt the only type of wall you can use with a Kerdi shower pan. Hardibacker is a VERY "thirsty" material that sucks the moisture out of the mortar VERY quickly and I don't like it. I see Kerdi makes a product, but so does Oatey. rev2023.5.1.43405. The shower tray eliminates the need for a mortar bed making installation quick and easy. Best Masonry/Concrete in Whittier, CA - Lucky's Concrete, Tony Ramirez Concrete & Walls, Professional Greenscape, Torres Concrete and Concrete Pumping, Robert's Complete Care, Jody Angevine Masonry, RC Concrete Engineering, Rhino Concrete Services, Apex Design Concrete, Nava Concrete Both Kerdi board and cement board walls are compatible with Kerdi shower pans. Proper waterproofing is essential in a shower because it prevents water from penetrating the walls and floor and causing damage. Here is a link that might be useful: Is Kerdi-Board Overkill for Tub Surround This post was edited by enduring on Fri, Jul 26, 13 at 7:55.See More. Kerdi-redo Advice Needed : r/Tile - Reddit We secured the board to studs using the same specifications that were used for the main wall, i.e. It would probably be better to use a cement board product - and then put a membrane (either painted on or rubber type) over the cement board. Then I'll drypack or Kerdi Tray the floor, put kerdi on the floor, Kerdi the floor-to-wall seams, and tile the floor and fill in the bottom courses of wall tile. So I removed the west section of the threshold, extending about 9" from the west wall, and removed that section of the kerdi pre-fab shower pan as well so as to maintain level on the north-south plane. The Kerdi shower pan is a popular choice for waterproofing showers because it is easy to install and creates a reliable waterproof barrier. Yeah, I personally like the Kerdi pans because it makes it so simple to use the integrated drain. Find some existing tutorials and project documentation videos to learn how-to get the best out of our products - for more fun in your life, start now! Should I use Kerdi membrane or cement backerboard? Apply thin-set mortar to the substrate using a 1/4" x 3/16" (6 x 5 mm) V-notched trowel or the KERDI-TROWEL, which features a 1/8" x 1/8" (3 x 3 mm) square-notched design (Note the open time of the mortar). Other trowel-applied covering materials, such as plaster, can also be used. THere is no lip on the Kerdi shower pan to accept the backer boards. That said, if it's a coil flip as to which way a seam is going to be lapped, I'll lap for drainage. KERDI shall be separated at existing expansion, structural, and flexible edge joints. Which language's style guidelines should be used when writing code that is supposed to be called from another language? It is important to check the subfloor for level and to make any necessary adjustments to ensure that the shower pan will sit evenly. The joint should be around inches. Period. What positional accuracy (ie, arc seconds) is necessary to view Saturn, Uranus, beyond? Here is a video off the Schluter-Kerdi website that describes how to apply the waterproof membrane on top of the substrate (gypsum board in this case): Some inspectors might need a bit of enlightenment when it comes to Kerdi, etc. 3. We don't expect people to master this and in fact I know maybe two guys in my area (live in big city) that could do this. Unexpected uint64 behaviour 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF - 1 = 0? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I just pass along the cost of the Kerdi to the customer and everything is fast and everyone is happy. and KERDI-SEAL-MV at the mixing valve. For complete installation guidelines and warranty criteria for shower applications, please download the Schluter-Shower System Installation Handbook and view the installation videos available below. But I've also used a little mudpack to fill in edges, and the dry pack mortar is much easier to use if you're just filling in 4" than if you're building the whole pan from scratch because the slope is a no-brainer, and short - it's hard to mess up, which is one of the benefits of Kerdi to begin with. Please refer to the Schluter-Shower System Installation Handbook How long do I have to wait before I can install tile on the Schluter-KERDI membrane? The Kerdi shower pan is installed by cutting it to fit the dimensions of the shower and attaching it to the subfloor using thin-set mortar. R134a Charge as Liquid or Vapor Recharge Guidelines, Proper Walk In Freezer Superheat Everything You Need to Know. Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? What precautions should I take installing tile on a backerboard in an area surrounded by cement? I always install it over cement board or backerboard, never over drywall, even blueboard or the mold resistant greenboard. Personally, I like standard drywall. Stick to a single manufacturer so you don't have to guess any of the installation instructions and requirements. Since Schluter makes both products, you can enjoy their warranty on your shower system. My understanding is that Schluter-Kerdi, being a sheet topical membrane, recommends just going with regular drywall instead of cement board but you can certainly use cement board as the substrate. -----END REPORT-----. Install a kerdi-corner as well, over the membrane. 1. is the contractor creating a waterproof schluter-kerdi shower? depth. MmY4NTk0MzM5ZDI1MTFlOTRjMzExOTk3MGNhMGZhZjAxODBlN2M2YmJmODU3 NmNmZjBlOWVlYzQ5ODAzYzI0NWFlN2U5MTkyM2YwNDU3NGFmNDdlZGZkZDNm MTA5M2VkNzZmMGZhMmQwNzU1NzkyMzhiYjI2YTE5NWVmNzFiYzZjZjk1ZmRk We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. They have decorative surfaces that imitate crushed bricks. The Schluter-Shower System is an integrated family of products that together form a fully bonded, watertight assembly for tiled showers Do I install the Schluter-KERDI-BOARD-SC shower curb or Schluter-KERDI-BOARD-SB shower bench on top of or adjacent to the Schluter-KERDI-SHOWER- T/-TS/-TT shower trays? Ft. 8681 Katella Ave #921, Stanton, CA 90680. surfer 6 years ago Will be replacing tub shower combination with tiled shower in my home. What does 'They're at four. It is an advanced tile setting book intended for people who want to build their own Kerdi shower. How to subdivide triangles into four triangles with Geometry Nodes? The DensShield, Cement board, whatever - go on after that - so that they fit on top of the 'lip' This allows water to run down the wall and into the pan, and not have any opportunity to run BEHIND the wall 5. Out of curiosity, why are any of you suggesting backerboard at all? Schluter (Kerdi), Laticrete (Hydroban) and Custom Building Products (Redgard) all make pre-sloped shower bases. I have already provided you with the latter. NWE1OTcxZDg1MTNiMGU5ODMxMGUyODJhN2JkZDcyMjFiMDUzNGQ0NDRjYzI5 Kerdi's systems are fairly reputable. It only takes a minute to sign up. The manual can be found here:, I would say unless you are experienced in working with Schluter-Kerdi waterproofing membrane kit, then I would say work with an easier waterproofing approach, either liquid waterproofing or a combination of liquid and traditional waterproofing (plastic covering the wood frame). How to Install KERDI-BOARD on the Main Wall Here's where the fun begins. I've never had a failure. This may include reinforcing the subfloor, repairing any damage, and ensuring that the walls are flat and level. A toilet that is not flush with the floor can be both annoying and potentially damaging. If you must tape Schluter-KERDI over Solid Backing for Walls, Scott McGillivray on Waterproofing Principles using Schluter-Systems, How to Waterproof Connections to Fixed Building Elements. by Splash Tile. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. 2 Baths. You are wise to use a cement board. KERDI has been evaluated according to the Standard Method for the Testing and Evaluation of Volatile Organic Chemical Emissions from Indoor Sources Using Environmental Chambers, Version 1.1 for California Specification 01350 and found to comply with the VOC requirements. Do the prefab Schluter niches like the double unit 12 by 28shelf have a built in pitch to the bottom and middle shelves to drainoff water as shown in niche that you built in that thread? MTE2OGZmOTBkYTViYmQyZWEwMTNhNzIxYzlmNWE3ZTVjNDI1YzdhNWEyZDI2 MmRkMzM1NjhiYTY4NGU4YmRiOTc4Y2U0YTlmYzZmMjRhOWVhZWEwODhmNmZh NmI3OTU0NTYyZDMzNjQ0ZTQyODJkNjQyOTI2ZTg3Mjg4ODVhYzMyNzI1YWFm Schluter-Systems requires the use of Schluter SET , ALL-SET , FAST-SET, or an unmodified thin-set mortar meeting Can I use a premixed thin-set mortar to install Schluter-KERDI and tile in my shower? Kerdi-Board is made from an extruded polystyrene foam panel, with a special reinforcement material on both sides and fleece webbing for effective anchoring in thinset mortar. It is important to follow the manufacturers instructions for installing the shower pan, as different models may have different requirements. Standard FRP. It is a topical waterproofing layer that is put over the substrate to keep water from getting to the wood frame and nails. KERDI features a modified polyethylene (PEVA) core with non-woven polypropylene on both sides to anchor the membrane in the thin-set mortar. ZWVlNjMyMGQ3YjQyODkwNTQwY2ZhYWEwMWRkMDJlMWFjNDE3MjY2YWRlMmFj Upon measuring the floor level for my shower threshold for my curbless shower, I realized the threshold was not level. This creates a continuous waterproof barrier that prevents water from penetrating the walls or the shower pan. I guess I wasn't clear.we did use dense shield, although my understanding was that it wasn't necessary. eyJtZXNzYWdlIjoiMzExM2Q5YTNhNDZhOTUyZWQzMmIxZGE3NTMzMWE4MTEz And will use a Kerdi pan. Vinyl Siding Not Lining Up (Causes, Solutions & Misalignment Prevention Tips), Board And Batten Over Stucco (A Comprehensive Installation Guide). The other thing you must remember is that the seam between a Kerdi shower pan and the cement board wall must be sealed. Why is it so easy to peel it off the wall today? 1,321 Sq. A forum community dedicated to Do it yourself-ers and home improvement enthusiasts. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. I used to "trust" the Kerdi and drywall until I had a shower that the valve broke inside the wall cavity four years after being put in. Waterproofing the shower also helps to prevent leaks and moisture damage in adjacent rooms, which can be costly to repair. Regardless, install the drywall first, then install the pan. When I Flush My Toilet Water Comes Up In My Shower. Cut KERDI to size prior to application. MTVlM2M2MWZlYWNiM2RjYTg2N2Q4Mjc3YTliOWRkODMyYWM1ZjFhMDVhMjVi Why Does Air Conditioner Drain Make Noise in Sink? Kerdi-Band, 140 screws and washers, and 2 tubes of bright white Kerdi-Fix Return Policy Is the Back of Kerdi Board the same as the front? A Kerdi membrane will be more compatible with the Kerdi shower pan than other waterproofing products. KERDI-BOARD allows you to quickly and easily build tile-ready elements in showers, bathtub surrounds and platforms, countertops, vanities, shelving, and more! The Kerdi is essentially replacing the backerboard. Due to this reason, if you have decided to use cement board for your walls over a Kerdi shower pan, you need to waterproof them to prevent leaks. 1/4'' vs. 1/2'' cement board for shower walls. The Kerdi shower pan is a popular choice for creating a waterproof shower base, and when paired with cement board walls, it can provide a durable and reliable watertight enclosure. It's not them. Thin-set mortar takes time to cure. When your lucky - you might get Greenboard to last 10yrs. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. #1 - Backer board has nothing to do with HD or any other big box. More options include fiber cement boards, glass mat gypsum boards, and foam backer boards. Then drill a single screw through the washer/KERDI-BOARD and into the stud. I am a DIYer and tackling a bathroom remodel. Here's a Kerdi thread I did a while ago that shows varying lapping techniques. It also needs to be waterproofed because it allows water to pass through. Of course, you can install a Kerdi shower pan with cement board walls. Walk the walls with us and explore some of the amazing possibilities only Marlite can offer. The best way to create a waterproof shower is by installing the Kerdi shower pan first. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. H x 3.5 in. It won't always be easy, but always try to do what's right. All of these products are put up and put on - AFTER the shower base pan is installed. NONE of these systems are actually WATERPROOF. I trust it and have never had a callback. The Kerdi system is designed to be easy to install, even for DIYers with limited experience. Using Kerdi Schlueter membrane with cement board. The pan and membrane are made of high-quality materials that are resistant to cracking, peeling, and other types of wear and tear. Fast Delivery . OTEyYjViMmE5YjUwYmM2MzIxMjNjZTM1YjcxYTAzZDE1NmQyMzBlNGFlZDAx I'll even use it for steam showers in preference over any other system available. You really should just use kerdi membrane over everything in this case. Kerdi Board, Duroc, Wedi board, Goboard: Pros and Cons Needless to say, the drywall turned to mush. Recessing the Shower Floor | Schluter I have watched it done 10-15 times, have good skills, and if I tried to make large mortar walls myself it might like a little kid threw up concrete Should I use Kerdi membrane or cement backerboard? $92.71 $103.07. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Passing negative parameters to a wolframscript. It is lightweight and made of expanded polystyrene. Mongo - you said "And no, it doesn't matter if the wall membrane overlaps the tray membrane or the tray membrane overlaps the wall membrane, as long as you have sufficient overlap"if you install horizontally does it matter then? These three alternatives have additional features, such as better water resistance, competitive pricing, and ease of installation. In normal residential use I wouldn't worry about it. A mortar wall is better and can be customized easier. MDlmZmFhNThiYjE1ZWU2NjcyZGZhNmMyYzNjOTA1MDc3YjUwODg3ODYxZmFi If you are a DIY enthusiast with some slight experience with shower pans and cement boards, this should be an easy project for you. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Best Cement Boards for the Shower - The Spruce However, the answer you provided above suggests that the OP could omit a waterproof membrane, that I. The KERDI-SHOWER prefabricated substrates are made of expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam with a high compressive strength Shower Systems: Schluter Sealed System vs. The substrate must be clean, even, and load bearing. Along the floor threshold there are some spots where old thinset and fleece layer from the original kerdi-band are still stuck on firmly to the Kerdi pan, closer to the east wall.