Verify permissible movement range value and time interval. Incorrect sequence of steps for scaling (fieldbus). Excessively high ambient temperature due to, for example, dust. Set the operating state to Ready To Switch On and restart commutation offset identification. Get access to all resources, tools, and support with a single login to save time and operate your business efficiently. Welcome to the Schneider Electric corporate Website, Access mySchneider, your personalized digital experience. System error detected: Position initialization not possible. The cycle time tolerance may not exceed one quarter of the set cycle time. For more details, please read our Activation of a function which is not available in the active operating mode. Machine encoder not connected or not supplied correctly. In the case of SSI or EnDat2.2, the reason may also be a detected encoder communication error. See also parameters _MSM_error_num and _MSM_error_entry for additional information. Use an encoder that supports direct setting of the absolute position via ENC2_setpabs. Verify device type including type of power stage. Operating mode Electronic Gear with processing method 'Position synchronization with compensation movement' has been activated which resulted in a position change greater than 0.25 revolutions. Adjustment value of the encoder of the third party motor has not yet been determined. o 8005 Program automatic start active. Search for a solution on your own, or connect with one of our experts. System inertia changes during operation. For additional info, verify the detailed error code in the error memory. PDF Altivar 212 Drive - Schneider Electric Two cycles have passed without a synchronization signal having been received. Encoder power supply is not within permissible range of 8 V to 12 V. Error detected at connection to motor encoder, Error detected in motor encoder communication, Error detected in connection motor encoder. Cyclic Communication: Drive is not synchronous with master cycle. Operating mode Electronic Gear inactive or no gear method selected. Reconfigure safety module eSM. If you use the internal braking resistor, contact your Schneider Electric service representative. Internal communication with fieldbus module not correct. In the case of overtemperature, use a motor with a higher winding voltage or use a drive with a lower nominal supply voltage. eSM module: System error detected: Position evaluation error detected (values not identical). Insufficient velocity resolution due to velocity scaling. Wait until the motor has come to a standstill (x_end = 1). Contact your Schneider Electric service representative or replace the motor. eSM module: Output states channel A and channel B are not identical. However, the power stage does not support this PWM frequency. Use a differently rated drive, if necessary. Live data and 24/7 monitoring for your critical assets, Product Safety Notice: QO Plug-On-Neutral Load Center. Change the value of the parameter ENC_abs_source. Below are some of the most common fault codes for the Schneider Altivar VFD/VSD Drives: Common cause is loss of power, power cycle the unit. eSM module: Output /INTERLOCK_OUT (cross fault to another output detected), eSM module: Output RELAY_OUT_A (cross fault to another output detected), eSM module: Output CCM24V_OUT_A (cross fault to another output detected), eSM module: Output AUXOUT1 (cross fault to 24 V detected). Reference switch not found between positive limit switch and negative limit switch. No zero point defined by means of operating mode Homing. The manufacturer data has been stored with a physical layer different from the physical layer normally used by the module. Reconfigure the eSM. Power the drive off/on and retry to download the configuration or restore the factory settings. Verify that the flow of air is sufficient (pollution, objects). Verify the settings of the parameter for reduced mains voltage. Contact your Schneider Electric service representative. Positive limit switch triggered with negative direction of movement. Direction-dependent SLS is active, but no speed limit greater than 0RPM has been specified in the parameter eSM_v_maxSetup or in parameter eSM_SLSnegDirS. A previous file transfer has been aborted. Request to a module is blocked because the module is currently processing another request. Drive Profile Lexium: On activation of the profile, no dmControl, refA or refB has been mapped. Get monthly updates from Schneider Electric delivered right to your inbox. Speed limit for multiple SLS in positive direction has a value of zero. Change of 'RAMPscaleDenom' and 'RAMPscaleNum' in such a way as to increase the resulting scaling factor. Not possible to set the absolute position for encoder 1. Incorrect setting for parameter WakeAndShakeGain. Module has been removed or module is inoperative. Assign the function Relative Movement After Capture to a digital input. Wait until the command in the operating mode has finished (x_end=1). eSM module: System error detected: States of eSM state machines not identical, eSM module: Output AUXOUT1 (cross fault to another output detected). Increase the movement range value or disable movement range monitoring by setting AT_DIS = 0. [[^k.Feh h"OD0xdVxd{w8:s{sZ``# Fm8N):Qmk ub?F93 Rm,Nqy}-T/ ]0j6(lT~7)hj%a|@]Wv0@|5.e ve i$%XH}Y #pwU]]\RF)$1>~3S{1phDs61dLhQ$ ejL$fD5 )b&h@g6fIwPevlL 8Aur]F\>] 'Q`4`/w!{ R(catnGqJNo;-,@DG#uPf7e: ciMv?,(q;P',]PB1;. Speed limit for machine operating mode Setup Mode must not be greater than speed limit for machine operating mode Automatic Mode. Increase the distance between the index pulse and the switching point. Amplitude of encoder analog signals too low. Please enter a valid email address Negative limit switch triggered with positive direction of movement. Pulse duration must be less than 4 seconds. eSM module: Two types of multiple SLS selected at the same time. Power the drive off and on again. Maximum position deviation between motor encoder and machine encoder exceeded. The position deviation has become excessively high due to a velocity limitation or the release of direction. External braking resistor activated (Parameter RESint_ext), but no external resistor is detected. The velocity has been set to a value greater than the maximum possible velocity (the maximum velocity is 13200RPM). +*hec Encoder signals subject to EMC interference (shield connection, wiring, etc.). More than one signal positive limit switch/negative limit switch/reference switch active. Code W S1040 e 7005 The velocity scaling of 'VELscaleDenom' and 'VELscaleNum' results in a scaling factor that is too small. Target position overtraveled with function Relative Movement After Capture. Perform a Fault Reset. Keep motor from moving while Safe Operating Stop is active (external forces, loads). If the value of parameter M_n_max is greater than the value of parameter CTRL_v_max, increase the value of parameter CTRL_v_max or reduce the velocity value. 2019 Schneider Electric. Reach out to our customer care team to receive more information, technical support, assistance with complaints and more. Access occupied by another channel (for example: Commissioning software is active and fieldbus access was tried at the same time). Modify the parameter AT_n_ref or AT_n_tolerance to meet the required condition. Verify the ambient conditions. Published for: Schneider Electric . Verify encoder cable: wiring and shield connection.. Verify encoder parameter settings. Cyclic communication: The selected cycle time tolerance is too high. The parameter ENC_ModeOfMaEnc is set to "Velocity And Position". Capture input 2 has not been set to both edges (IDN169). Schneider Electric - CCC Expert VSD - A.Dufoss - 16/10/2014 1. A quasi absolute position has been detected that is not within the permissible motor shaft deviation range. Use correct password. D6: Sine/cosine inputs below LOS threshold. In this video we are going to see Schneider ALTIVAR ATV 310 VFD Drive fault code, Possible causes, and remedy part 1,(#schneider , #vfd )Welcome to controls. System error detected. Try a different scaling factor. Privacy Policy. If the detected error persists, contact your Schneider Electric service representative. Incorrect wiring or inoperative cable for Hall signals of encoder 2. Fault detection codes that cannot be cleared automatically, ATV12 Drive Short Circuit Current Ratings1. The temperature parameters (in electronic nameplate of motor, non-volatile memory of encoder) are unavailable or invalid; parameter A12 is equal to 0. The data set with the selected number is not available. Verify correct wiring of the inputs of the safety function STO. The operating mode Motion Sequence was stopped in response to a detected error. Show only results that contain ALL words Find whole words only No encoder connected or encoder does not support setting of absolute positions. Reference movements require limit switches. Search for a solution on your own, or connect with one of our experts. Reduce the gear ratio or reference velocity. Function cannot be executed with this position scaling factor. Reference switch inoperative or not correctly connected. DC bus undervoltage (Quick Stop threshold), Undervoltage DC bus, missing mains supply, undervoltage mains supply or overvoltage mains supply. Contact your Schneider Electric service representative. Amplitude plus offset for tuning exceed internal velocity or current limitation. Verify that the system can easily be moved. Incorrect motor data entered by user (especially motor resistance, motor inertia (in case of rotary motors) or motor mass (in case of linear motors)). o 8007 Controller login. Discrepancy between absolute and analog encoder phases. Code 8503 / W P1040 e 7007 or W P 1040 e 7006 Diag. Holding brake (if available) not properly wired. }/@]J?V-.-LRGP)hL[jq(M)Z]N8j,'pJHW,K8C 0+GtZ? Activation of a new operating mode is not possible while another operating mode is still active. Schneider Electric 175K subscribers 19K views 4 years ago Tutorial for understanding the PRA status on the Altivar ATV61 & ATV71 variable frequency drives (VFD) which indicates the power. The movement exceeded the adjusted movement range during Autotuning. What is an SCF1 fault on the ATV12 drives? | Schneider Electric Global It looks like you are located in the United States, would you like to change your location? However, there is a 0 level the signal input. Value in additional error information shows the Modbus register address of the parameter where the initialization error was detected. The hardware revision does not support the function. Terminate the active operating mode or disable the power stage. Confirm the new fieldbus module via the HMI dialog. Activation of a motion blend without movement. Confirm or cancel HMI dialog box for fieldbus module replacement. There is no encoder available at the input specified via the parameter ENC_abs_source. Capture input 1 has not been set to both edges (IDN169). Special login is required for Manufacturing Test Firmware, Position capturing has not yet been activated. Motor subjected to vibration or shock when stopped after activation of the switch signal. An external tool has tried to transfer the configuration without locking the drive. Velocity of drive greater than speed limit configured for eSM Safely Limited Speed (SLS). The frequency of the external reference value signals (A/B signals, P/D signals or CW/CCW signals) is higher than the permissible value. There must be a 1 level at the signal input. Start reference movement with negative direction (for example, reference movement to negative limit switch) and activate the positive limit switch (switch in opposite direction of movement). Frequency of the external reference value signal too high. Verify the configuration of the I/O data. eSM module: System error detected: ESM5VDC undervoltage, eSM module: System error detected: 5V overvoltage, eSM module: System error detected: 5V undervoltage, eSM module: ESMSTART: Maximum permissible pulse duration exceeded. PDF VFD ERROR CODES - Big Ass Fans Indeterminable type of fieldbus module detected in fieldbus slot. Change the parameters as required. Command not permissible while Halt is requested. Autotuning: HALT request has stopped the autotuning process, System error detected: FIFO memory overflow, Motor has been changed (different type of motor). File cannot be uploaded: Incorrect file ID, Data stored after a power outage is invalid, System error detected: No bootloader available, Configuration error detected (additional info=Modbus register address). Find answers now. Timeout reading the absolute position from the encoder. Table of Error Messages Not possible to determine the commutation angle at the end of the wake and shake procedure. The motor requires a PWM frequency (16kHz) which the power stage does not support. Increase delay for eSM control of Safely Limited Speed (SLS) or decrease eSM deceleration ramp for reaching Safely Limited Speed (SLS). Now power cycle the drive. Manual tuning/Autotuning: Movement out of range. Title: Toshiba E3 ASD Landis and Staefa FLN Interface Manual.pdf Author: Tanya Keywords: TRIAL MODE / Expert features: Print encrypted PDF documents Verify speed limit and delay time for eSM Safely Limited Speed (SLS). The last saving procedure may not have been successful; the memory card may be inoperative. Wait for complete stop before removing HALT signal. Verify the gear ratio in the operating mode Electronic Gear. Verify connection of STO_A and STO_B. tU>ApnjEe E?5uE+$4o{Q1v]}G! The address of the parameter and the number of the data set that caused this condition can be read via the parameter _PAR_ScalingError. Autotuning can only be performed if no operating mode is active. Change 'VELscaleDenom' and 'VELscaleNum' in such a way as to increase the resulting scaling factor. Maximum velocity of the encoder is exceeded. Autotuning: Not possible to perform Autotuning. Reference switch error detected (switch signal briefly enabled or switch overtraveled). If you are still getting the CFF fault then you will need to replace the drive. Only displayed by the commissioning software. The maximum permissible duty cycle is exceeded. Reduce the duty cycle, for example, reduce acceleration. Verify all connections and cables used for data exchange. The signal input function does not support the selected debounce time. See the chapter Parameters for the parameter that requires a restart of the drive. Position change in reference value for operating mode Electronic Gear too high. Autotuning was not started in the operating state Ready To Switch On. PDF 9. Drive Fault Codes - Wireless Telemetry Download at VW3A8114 Catalog number VW3A21212 Catalog number VW3A31852 SoMoveMobile Software VW3A21212 Altivar 212 Drive Technical Characteristics Environmental Specifications Temperature ratings Altitude ratings Humidity Vibration resistance Shock resistance Pollution degree eSM module: Input ESMSTART high instead of low (manual start). Configuration is blocked by another access channel. Error detected by parameter management: Parameter (subindex) does not exist. Command cannot be used while the operating mode Homing is active. <> Reduce velocity of the drive or verify eSM speed limit for machine operating mode Automatic Mode. Index pulse signal not connected or not working properly. Resolver: Loss of signal, position unreliable. Verify that you have the correct device type or the correct configuration file. The bits are used for diverse types of monitoring such as: - Service life of LED inside encoder exceeded. Parameter cannot be changed because the external braking resistor is active. Please enter a valid email address Close other access channel (for example, other instance of commissioning software). Drive overload (foldback) The foldback current of the drive has dropped below the value specified via the parameter P1-23. Please enter a valid email address Cross fault detection detected a cross fault to another output. Homing movement was stopped in response to a detected error, the detailed reason is indicated by the additional info in the error memory. Enjoy! -Check all the cables connecting the drive and motor. The same signal input function has been assigned to at least two inputs. Encoder without temperature sensor, incorrect encoder connection. List of the Error Messages Sorted by Error Code. Reference switch or limit switch not connected correctly or supply voltage for switches too low. Connect an encoder to the input for encoder 1 before trying to set the absolute position directly via ENC1_abs_pos. Start your sales inquiry online and an expert will connect with you. Verify that the parameter configuration is valid before starting the recalculation procedure. Communication channel to encoder is subject to interference. After having started the synchronization mechanism, wait for 120 cycles before activating the operating mode. Function not available in this type of device. Due to the configured velocity scaling, the velocity resolution in REFA16 is insufficient. If issue persists, the Line Voltage from . Communication channel (Hiperface) to encoder is subject to interference, motor encoder has not been factory-parameterized. Fieldbus: An attempt was made to enable the power stage in the operating state Not Ready To Switch On. Now, you will be the first to know the updates from Schneider Electric. Restart the . Code 8503 / external diag. VFD ERROR CODES Some VFD issues can be resolved before requesting service. Where can I find the list of fault codes for ATV61 drive? | Schneider Communication channel (Hiperface) to encoder is subject to interference or motor encoder is inoperative. Schneider alt fault code | schneider altivar fault code manual | Diagnostics and troubleshooting HABSHI TECH 29.5K subscribers Subscribe 18K views 4 years ago KOLKATA Manual code of. If monitoring functions of the drive detect an error, the drive generates an error message. Schneider Electric Altistart 22 | Frequently Asked Questions Fieldbus module not correctly mounted in the slot. There is no encoder connected to the input for encoder 1. inside the Drive we also have internal fault code for safety but with only access by communication (for version up to V1.5ie08) . Position overflow, zero point is therefore no longer valid (ref_ok=0). Welcome to the Schneider Electric corporate Website, Access mySchneider, your personalized digital experience. Autotuning: Friction torque or load torque too great. Attention: these dimensions concern fixing holes. Verify the velocity of the external reference values and the velocity limitation. Use a different position scaling factor or deactivate the selected function. Overflow during calculation of acceleration. System error detected: Motor encoder inoperative, System error detected: Length specification for user data too great, System error detected: Communication with encoder not possible, Motor without electronic motor nameplate (for example, SER motor), No data segment of the electronic motor nameplate, System error detected: Motor configuration cannot be written, Not possible to write motor configuration, Incorrect encoder type selected with parameter MotEnctype, Error detected during the internal conversion of the motor configuration, Parameter of the motor configuration out of permissible range. Error detected during parameter switching. At least two analog inputs are configured with the same type of usage. Drive is in operating state Fault or Fault Reaction Active. Motion blend position was set with a non-linear ramp. The following message is displayed on Alarm overview display when the alarms or warnings are issued by the drive units. Verify that the configuration file is valid and matches the type and version of the drive. Mains voltage and setting of parameter MON_MainsVolt do not match (for example, mains voltage is 230 V and MON_MainsVolt is set to 115 V). The following information is available for each error message: o Error code o Error class o Description of error o Possible causes o Possible remedies Range of Error Messages Change the velocity observer dynamics via the parameter CTRL_SpdObsDyn. Start your sales inquiry online and an expert will connect with you. Product of encoder simulation resolution and the maximum velocity is too high. For more details, please read our PDF 3 Error code list of drive alarm ( 380500 ) - Siemens AG ESMSTART is configured for automatic start and must be high at start. PacDrive Diagnostic Messages . Command needs a valid zero point (ref_ok=1). Choose lower amplitude and offset values. Bridging progress and sustainability for all. Not possible to configure difference value capturing. Invalid write access of bootloader to flash memory range. Excessive regeneration during deceleration. The specific type of device does not support this function or this parameter value. Invalid setting for RS422 position interface, System error detected: Processing error detected during generation of profile, Error detected during homing (additional info = detailed error code). Verify encoder adjustment. Fault detection codes that cannot be cleared automatically (continued), Enhancements made to version V1.2 in comparison to V1.1, Using the drive with motor having a different size, Use with a smaller rated motor or without a motor, Single-phase supply voltage: 100120 V 50/60 Hz, Single-phase supply voltage: 200240 V 50/60 Hz, Three-phase supply voltage: 200240 V 50/60 Hz, EMC mounting plate: size 1 VW3A9523, size 2 VW3A9524 or size 3 VW3A9525 to be ordered separately, ATV12H075F1, ATV12H075M2 AND ATV12H075M3 - GROUND CONTINUITY HAZARD, Access to the terminals if you use stripped wire cables, Access to the line supply terminals to connect ring terminals, HAZARD OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, EXPLOSION OR ARC FLASH, M External reference value -400 to +400 Hz -, M Analog input virtual 0 to 100 % of HSP -, M External reference value -400 Hz to 400 Hz -, M Application Overload threshold 70 to 150% of nCr 90% of of nCr, M Time delay before automatic start for the underload fault, M Motor frequency threshold 0 to 400 Hz 50 or 60 Hz, M Motor current threshold 0 to 1.5 In (1) InV, M Motor thermal state threshold 0 to 118% of tHr 100%, M Automatic DC injection current 0 to 120% of nCr 70%, M Automatic DC injection time 0.1 to 30 s 0.5 s, M Low speed operating time 0.1 to 999.9 s nO, M PI feedback supervision function time delay 0 to 600 s 0 s, M Maximum frequency detection hysteresis 0 to HSP 0 Hz, M Time delay before automatic start for the overload fault, M Application Underload threshold 20 to 100% of nCr 60%, M Starting frequency of the auxiliary pump 0 to tFr HSP, M Time delay before starting the auxiliary pump, M Ramp for reaching the auxiliary pump nominal speed, M Auxiliary pump stopping frequency 0 to tFr 0 Hz, M Ramp for auxiliary pump stopping 0 to 999.9 s 2 s, M Zero flow detection activation threshold 0 to 400 Hz 0 Hz, M Zero flow detection offset 0 to 400 Hz 0 Hz, Single variable mode - 1 single variable speed pump, M Current limitation 0.25 to 1.5 In (1) 1.5 In, RISK OF DAMAGE TO THE MOTOR AND THE DRIVE, M Current limitation 2 0.25 to 1.5 In (1) 1.5 In, M Com scanner write address value 2 LFRD value, Assistance with maintenance, detected fault display.

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