Depending on how the retaining wall affects the (future) building, it may not be a building codes factor. /XObject Fire Protection of Horizontal Venting, 24. /Type /Page Residential Solar Systems - COMING SOON. Nathan Torgelson, Director Talk to a land use planner to confirm your zone and associated setbacks or use the public mapping tools available. /Group Residential Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Alarms 05. /CS /DeviceRGB Retaining walls can serve various purposes for a backyard. 21A12; Ordinance 0 i 10870, Section 382 and K. C. C. 21 A14, as amended; and II/adding new section~ to K.c.c. << stream /Contents 52 0 R /T1_1 42 0 R IRC and International Mechanical Code (Commercial & All Residential) Permits shall not be required for the following: 1. /I false endobj These easements are often shown on the recorded plat or the title report. /T1_0 14 0 R Portable ventilation appliances and equipment. Seattle, WA 98104, Find certified small business contractors and suppliers, Title 4A Revenue and Financial Regulation, Title 6 Business Licenses and Regulations, Title 16 Building and Construction Standards, Title 18 Environmental Sustainability Program, Title 24 Housing and Community Development, Title 26 Agricultural and Open Space Lands, /S /Transparency << stream Unlike rights of way and tracts, access easements do not always coincide with property lines. 1063, Sec. /CropBox [0 0 612 792] Show existing and proposed clearing limits. endobj >> Before embarking on any home improvement project, its wise to familiarize yourself with your countys codes. >> << Churches, institutions, clubs, community recreation buildings, and elementary and secondary schools in a residential district must provide side- and rear-yard setbacks of 50 feeteach. finished floor elevation. The eCityGov Alliance has prepared a tipsheet for single family properties with frequent questions about whether a permit is required or not. Finally, the upper level setback requirement for the Downtown Core Design District described above can also be waived through design review if: (a) the setback is not feasible due to site constrains, such as a small or irregularly shaped lot, or (b) the modification is necessary to achieve design elements encouraged by the Land Use Code, and the modification does not interfere with preserving view corridors. << Rockery designs must be prepared by a geotechnical engineer or comply with the prescriptive rockery installation design standards. >> %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> /Rotate 0 Finally, retaining walls can also provide extra seating in an outdoor space. In most cases, buildings may not be built over utility easements (e.g., power, water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, telecommunications) without written approval from the associated utility. Phone Alt: Violation Complaint Line: (206) 615-0808 The city has many different land use districts, so it's important that you know your district when investigating setback requirements. If your rockery or retaining wall does not require a professional stamp, you can prepare the drawings yourself or hire a professional. Similarly, each building faade in the Downtown Core Design District facing NE 4th, NE 8thand 104th NE must provide an upper level set back of 20 feetor more at a height between 25 feet and 40 feetabove average finished grade. If your property is in the Office district, the required setbacks are: Front 30 feet; Rear 25 feet; Side 20 feeteach side. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of a single family home and Group U Occupancies when not projecting more than 54 inches. A building permit is required when making any modifications to a deck that is more than 30 inches above grade (measured to the lowest point within six feet of the deck). %PDF-1.3 Many states and localities require permits and you may be asked to submit building plans before you can begin constructing your retaining wall. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A retaining wall is a structure designed to support soil at a steeper angle than the soil could stand on its own; it may or may not be attached to a building. Commercial and multifamily buildings receiving in kind replacement of roofing. :E6=A :F /I false King County Codes. /Info (sRGB IEC 61966-2.1) Guidelines and Tip Sheets | MBP - MyBuildingPermit If code section is not displaying below, you may access the text at:, 516 Third Ave, Room 1200 If the minor building elementis 30 inchesor greater above grade, it can extend into the setback a maximum of 20 percentof the required setback or 18 inches, whichever is greater. >> 2011-01-28T08:42:59-08:00 -V5.oQ%@]"vy\ zz\jw? _|>|S/K?Z2n7+`Lk|/g@p z o[E5N7x /T1_2 35 0 R 3 0 obj % PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDictionary Building Setbacks | City of Bellevue The dotted lines on the map indicate the city limits. Most improvements on a residential or commercial lot require a permit. 3 . << /I false /rIM P&. In other situations, the notes may require a greater setback than the chart indicates. >> Residential Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Alarms, 10. Do I Need a Permit? | Issaquah, WA - Official Website >> While aesthetics is always a factor, its not the primary driving force for adding one to a homes exterior in every case. No part of the intrusion is higher than 30 inchesabove existing or finished grade, whichever is greater, measured at any point. << /Rotate 0 The City of Issaquah administers permits for properties that reside in its limits. King County, Certain street or sidewalk improvements, such as rockeries and retaining walls required to accommodate the improvement, can be placed in a required setback if no feasible alternative exists. Residential Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings 11. See LUC 20.25C. DPS - Residential Retaining Wall Permit Process The front property line is the one which abuts a street right-of-way(s), access easement, or private road from which the lot is addressed or gains primary access. Rear-yard setback dimension for accessory structure, Front-yard setback dimension (applies to all structures), Structure setback dimension from an access easement, 10 feetrequired, Garden shed 15 feetor less in height above existing grade. Emergency Management - Landslides & Earthquakes, Small Business & Cultural Space Permit Facilitation, 2021 Seattle Code Adoption - Get Involved, 2021 Seattle Code Adoption - Project Documents, Affordable Housing Design Review Amendments - What & Why, Affordable Housing Design Review Amendments - Get Involved, Affordable Housing Design Review Amendments - Project Documents, Floodplain Development Regulations Update - What & Why, Floodplain Development Regulations Update - Get Involved, Floodplain Development Regulations Update - Project Documents, Floodplain Development Regulations Update - Background, Floodplain Development Regulations Update - Timeline, Home Occupations Regulations - What & Why, Home Occupation Regulations - Get Involved, Leaf Blower Best Practices - Project Documents, Rooftop Coverage Regulations - What & Why, Rooftop Coverage Regulations - Get Involved, Rooftop Coverage Regulations - Project Documents, Unreinforced Masonry Buildings - What & Why, Unreinforced Masonry Buildings - Get Involved, Unreinforced Masonry Buildings - Project Documents, Unreinforced Masonry Buildings - Background, Unreinforced Masonry Buildings - Timeline, Urban Center College Housing - What & Why, Urban Center College Housing - Project Documents, Urban Center College Housing - Get Involved, Environmentally Critical Areas Update - What & Why, Environmentally Critical Areas Update - Get Involved, Environmentally Critical Areas Update - Project Documents, Environmentally Critical Areas Update - Background, Environmentally Critical Areas Update - Timeline, Updating Stormwater Regulations - What & Why, Updating Stormwater Regulations - Get Involved, Updating Stormwater Regulations - Project Documents, Updating Stormwater Regulations - Background, Updating Stormwater Regulations - Timeline, Rental Registration & Inspection Ordinance - About RRIO, Rental Registration & Inspection Ordinance - Owners & Managers, Rental Registration & Inspection Ordinance - Renters, Rental Registration & Inspection Ordinance - Inspectors, Steam Engineer & Boiler Operator Licensing, Environmentally Critical Areas (ECA) Code, Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA) Program, State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Code, Street, Alley and Pedestrian Improvements, Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Extensions, Parking - Location, Size & Number of Spots, Environmentally Critical Areas Exemptions, Street, Alley, and Pedestrian Improvement Exceptions, Innovation Advisory Committee - Applications, Innovation Advisory Committee - Resources, Construction Permit - Addition or Alteration, Construction Permit - New Building, Multifamily, Commercial, Mixed Use,or Industrial, Construction Permit- New Building, Single-Family Residentialor Duplex, Construction Permit - Subject-to-Field-Inspection, ConstructionPermit -Temporary Structures &Uses, Land Use /Master Use Permit - Overview of MUP, Land Use / Master UsePermit - Conditional Use, Land Use / Master Use Permit - Environmentally Critical Areas (ECA), Land Use / Master Use Permit - State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Land Use / Master Use Permit - Land Use Variance, 35th Avenue Business Districts - Accomplishments, 35th Avenue Business Districts - Documents, Construction & Demolition Waste - Accomplishments, Construction & Demolition Waste - Documents, Design Review Program Improvements - Accomplishments, Design Review Program Improvements- Documents, Developing Small Single-Family Lots - Accomplishments, Developing Small Single-Family Lots - Documents, Living Building Project Update - Accomplishments, Living Building Project Update - Documents, Lowrise Multifamily Code Corrections - Accomplishments, Lowrise Multifamily Code Corrections - Documents, Marijuana Zoning Restrictions - Accomplishments, Marijuana Zoning Restrictions - Documents, Seattle Center Sign Code Overlay - Accomplishments, Seattle Center Sign Code Overlay - Documents, Shoreline Master Program Code Update - Accomplishments, Shoreline Master Program Code Update - Documents, Stormwater Codes and Rules Update - Accomplishments, Stormwater Codes and Rules Update - Documents, Transitional Encampments - Accomplishments, Yesler Terrace Redevelopment - Accomplishments, Seattle Department of Construction & Inspections, Requirements for Design & Construction of Side Sewers (Drainage & Wastewater Discharges), Rockeries: Prescriptive Design and Installation Standards, Environmentally Critical Areas Exemptions, Relief from Prohibition on Steep Slope Development, and Modifications to Submittal Requirements, Grading and Retaining Wall Construction Near or Adjacent to Property Lines, 700 5th Ave, Suite 2000, Seattle, WA, 98104, The rockery or retaining wall will be 4 feet or lower in height as measured from the bottom of the footing (even if under grade) and the top of the wall, You will not damage adjoining properties or structures during or after construction of the wall. x][F}_1UWUy0hF;ZH{t[CHz>}of^=~{Mqo~zEXRcv3}c /T1_0 41 0 R 2 0 obj % PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPages Theme Keywords: Transportation, /S /Transparency uuid:5ab0aa5d-d9a7-e640-bfe3-ecaaac8aa0da }O=&Av(A"]u .Q\3F#2)[ %^?hgmi9ymQ:),% s? r{y]_`MKMa;)1.h~HRyL( 4. RNIS, Rear-yard setback dimension for primary structure. 2. . rockery/retaining walls together, refer to the methods shown in Figures 2 and 3 Retaining walls that are not over four feet in height, measured from the bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge or impounding Class I, II or III-A liquids or requiring more than 30 cubic feet of excavation and fill in order to construct the wall. A setback is a space in which no structures (as defined by Land Use Code (LUC 20.50.046) may be located, except where specifically allowed by the Land Use Code. (How to e-mail a County contact)Secondary: KCGIS Center; >> See the. LOCATIONS BY COUNTY. Other land use districts have their own setback requirements, and plat conditions will sometimes require additional setbacks. << Initial contact with a suspected violator generally occurs within 30 days of receiving a complaint, although environmental hazards and other high priority . Please contact the Permit Center at 425-837-3100 if you are not sure. /C0_0 26 0 R If the surcharge does not act on the retaining wall then a apparently a permit is not required under the IRC and IBC. The permit exemption shall not otherwise exempt the construction or alteration from the substantive standards of the codes enumerated in RCW 19.27. . Street trees, if required to be planted on the property side of the sidewalk due to existing utility locations, will add 4 feetto the required front- yard setback. Retaining walls. Upon receipt of a complaint, Code Enforcement will gather basic property information and assign a case number to the complaint. /Rotate 0 /Type /Page HWn[9}W\eiKmO'4i&HJ"%Y,KrN.X9u"SFk(1N)O;- ?u&f>8C3 gPrmlaV /Group This requirement does not apply to Subdistricts B or C. The PDD also requires an upper level setback which applies to all Subdistricts (A, B, and C) along certain streets. Decks, platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade at any point within five horizontal feet, and not over any basement or story below. Where possible, the MyBuildingPermit jurisdictions have agreed on code requirements and construction guidelines to make it simpler for you, the customer, when applying for permits for your home or across multiple jurisdictions. /MediaBox [0 0 619.68 797.76] /Im0 59 0 R The Department opened a code enforcement case ENFR18-0501. Planning beforehand can help you avoid common mistakes. 748 0 obj <>stream Setbacks are required along front, rear, and side property lines. Also, in the DNTN-OLB district, the director of DSD may approve an intrusion into the 20 feetfront- yard setback from the east side of 112th Ave NE to permit pedestrian-oriented frontage retail uses. Plotting Out Your Backyard with Hardscape Walls, Common Mistakes When Building an Outdoor Fireplace, Things You Should Never Burn in Your Outdoor Fireplace. << All buildings in the Downtown which exceed 75 feetin height must provide an upper-level side and rear setback of at least 20 feet. Section 1807 - FOUNDATION WALLS, RETAINING WALLS AND EMBEDDED POSTS AND POLES Subsection 1807.2 - Retaining walls Subsection 1807.2 - Retaining walls Download PDF Current through Register 1490, March 3, 2023 Subsection 1807.2 - Retaining walls Retaining walls shall be designed in accordance with Sections 1807.2.1 through 1807.2.3. /S /Transparency /K false endstream endobj 712 0 obj <>>>/Filter/Standard/Length 128/O(Vuvvkyaq*z~n)/P -1324/R 4/StmF/StdCF/StrF/StdCF/U(5^m*U`wa )/V 4>> endobj 713 0 obj <>/Metadata 55 0 R/OpenAction 714 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/PageMode/UseThumbs/Pages 709 0 R/StructTreeRoot 102 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences 727 0 R>> endobj 714 0 obj <> endobj 715 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 709 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 716 0 obj <>stream /S /Transparency Portable heating appliances. You are using an out of date browser. Unless otherwise exempted, plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits may be required for the above exempted items. If you choose to use a prefabricated window well, you must submit the manufacturer's specification during the permit application process. A minor building elementmay extend 18 inchesor 20 percentinto a required structure setback in the Critical Area Overlay District (. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The easement may be located partly or entirely on your property. Phone: (206) 684-8600 %PDF-1.4 << Retaining walls can also help manage water runoff by slowing the flow of rainwater. >> Retaining walls shall be designed to resist the lateral action of soil to produce sliding and overturning with a minimum safety factor of 1.5 in each case. Marquees or awnings that comply with the requirements of LUC 20.25A.030.C (FAR Amenity Incentive System) may extend over the public right of way if approved by the director of the Transportation Department and the DSD director, as long as that extension does not conflict with any other city code, such as the Sign Code (Bellevue City Code 22B.10) or the building code (currently chapter 32 of the Uniform Building Code).

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