Speaking about his appointment Councillor Dawlings said: I would like to thank Members for electing me to lead the Council. He argued that the cross-party collaborative agreement on plans to rent out the surplus space in the Town Hall for co-working showed that the different groups were able to work effectively together. Martin: Voters in Tunbridge Wells [], Read More from West Kent Radio Interview with Tunbridge Wells Green Party, Trevor Bisdee writes Im really pleased that for the first time the Green Party is standing a candidate in every one of the sixteen Wards across the Borough, giving people [], Read More from Making Paddock Wood Fairer and Greener, Tunbridge Wells Green Party is proud to announce our candidates for the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council elections on May 4th. As is customary the Mayor chooses a charity to support during their term of office and Councillor Woodward will be supporting Mental Health Resource, a local mental health charity. The new deputy mayor is Godfrey Bland (Con), ward member for Hawkhurst and Sandhurst. 1984-2002: Fourteen years experience in IBM mainframes with blue chip companies and a further 5 years client/server database experience in the private education sector. Cllr McDermott said: "We thought they had it all arranged but they decided they didn't want to do it. Alliance - Labour coalition's first term running Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. New leader of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council and new mayor elected Tunbridge Wells Green Party is standing 16 candidates on 4th May - a full slate! [7], On 16 May 2022, the Liberal Democrats, the Tunbridge Wells Alliance, the Labour Party, and one independent councillor, Rodney Atkins, agreed to form a coalition to run the council. "Following elections earlier this month, there is currently no overall control in the council with Conservatives and opposition parties holding 24 seats each.". After last week being appointed the new Tory leader, Cllr Dawlings, who represents Benenden and Cranbook, said he contacted the leaders of the Tunbridge Wells Alliance, Labour and the Liberal Democrats on Thursday morning. PDF Job Description and Person Specification As Leader he has played a full role in the measures the Council has taken so successfully in supporting residents and businesses during the pandemic - it has been a very difficult time but our Conservative-run Council has performed with great distinction. Cllr Dawlings said he was unsure quite what might now happen if the Conservatives were outvoted in full council, noting that Tunbridge Wells had no recent experience in coping with a political group having no overall majority. After last Thursdays by-election defeat, the Conservative leader of Tunbridge Wells Council has called for all political parties to work together in collaboration in the interests of the Borough. 2,541 followers. Brilliant! Great article by Cllr Victoria White assessing the outcome of the Lib Dem - Alliance - Labour coalition's first term running Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Cllr Chapelard is the ward member for St James' and. The Full Council elects the. Celebrating Tunbridge Wells Women in Business to recognise International Womens Day. A new plan for Tunbridge Wells borough was approved by Full Council on 1 March 2023 Book a bulky or electrical item collection, Homeless, vulnerable or at risk of homelessness, Setting up your business in Tunbridge Wells, Genuinely affordable housing and social rental housing, Digital access, transparency and local democracy. They remain the biggest party on the council, with exactly half the seats, but secured only 37% of the overall vote, meaning no party holds overall majority. Nick Pope, deputy group leader of the TWA, said that there were 'some minor details to hammer out', but that everything was 'pretty much in place'. Penny is passionate about protecting our planet for future generations. Hub plans win over Tunbridge Wells Planning Committee, Multiple Errors of Fact in Planning Officers Report supporting Hub, say critics, Southborough Society Pledges Full Support for Council Hub Scheme, Key Planning Decision Next Week as Hub Project Team Ignore Petition, Petition Against Current Hub Plans Reaches 1,000 signatures: Local Priest says pay attention, Heritage Asset Status awarded to Royal Victoria Hall But Only Just, Soccer Club on Ridgewaye says Trust in Hub Project Team Has Evaporated, Backstage Pictures Reveal Secrets of Condemned Royal Victoria Hall amid New Delay to Planning Verdict, 84% of Planning Comments Still Oppose Hub Plans, Tunbridge Wells Theatre Boss Calls For Old Southborough Theatre to be Demolished, Hub Project on Track says Southborough Council, Six Reasons to Save the Superb Royal Victoria Hall, Sport England says No to Hub building plans. "The amount of hours I was putting in last year was unbelievable. Cllr Dawlings also noted that the Borough Councils Local Plan covered more than housing. Read more: All the latest news from Tunbridge Wells. . Earlier plans for an active travel route along the A26 which Borough Council officers had worked on for some time and for which Government funding had been secured had had to be abandoned when these failed to get the support of Kent Highways officials due to safety concerns. Tunbridge Wells Borough Council Plan Cllr McDermott says Tom Dawlings, the new head of the Tory party, has attempted to arrange to meet the other three party leaders to strike a deal, a claim denied by Tunbridge Wells Alliance leader David Hayward, with negotiations all set to continue during this week's council meeting. "But in the balanced state the council is now in, working more closely together is all the more important. He has continued to oversee the production of the new Local Plan with the Full Council approving the Pre-Submission Local Plan now out for consultation. The Conservative Party won a majority. See here @BenChapelard's (Leader of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council) response. Tunbridge Wells Social has been created to establish an online sense of community across our borough and to help combat the social isolation and loneliness we can all feel sometimes. TUNBRIDGE WELLS BOROUGH COUNCIL CABINET MINUTES of the meeting held at the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Royal Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1RS, at 6.30 pm on Thursday, 20 April 2023 . The largest party, with 16 councillors, are the Liberal Democrats. In 1994, the council came under no overall control (NOC). Meanwhile, the Conservative leader Cllr Tom Dawlings said he wanted to look at new options for a cycle and pedestrian route linking Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge. 4. There were no local elections held in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. By Geoff Mason | 13 April 2023. This website and its associated newspaper are members of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), the Conservatives failed to secure the 10 seats they needed to retain overall control at the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council elections. Tunbridge Wells ABC cinema site could be used for pop-up markets and [5] Eight wards are within Royal Tunbridge Wells itself: Broadwater, Culverden; Pantiles & St Marks; Park; Rusthall; Sherwood & St John's and St. James. "They want to wait until the full council meeting on Wednesday.". ju1GDcsl}P'JEcJI>M*bSF~}*FQbD*F~Byjze|c@ h{cqeD?lNSe.]71.\=AP.d Tunbridge Wells Borough Council elections, The Borough of Tunbridge Wells (Electoral Arrangements) Order 1976, 1973 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1976 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1979 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1980 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1982 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1983 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1984 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1986 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1987 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1988 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1990 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1991 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1992 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1994 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1995 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1996 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1998 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 1999 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2000 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2002 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2003 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2004 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2006 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2007 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2008 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2010 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2011 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2012 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2015 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2016 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2018 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2019 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2021 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, 2022 Tunbridge Wells Borough Council election, "Council's Tory group selects new leader", The Kent (District Boundaries) Order 1987, The East Sussex, West Sussex and Kent (County Boundaries) Order 1992, The Kent and East Sussex (County Boundaries) Order 1993, The Borough of Tunbridge Wells (Electoral Changes) Order 2001, The Borough of Tunbridge Wells (Electoral Changes) (Amendment) Order 2006, "Tories romp home in Tunbridge Wells by-election", "Declaration of result of poll Sherwood ward", "Election results for Southborough North, 10 September 2015", "Election results for Culverden, 14 November 2019", "Local Elections Archive Project Speldhurst and Bidborough Ward", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tunbridge_Wells_Borough_Council_elections&oldid=1143429079, This page was last edited on 7 March 2023, at 17:32. Nick Pope said: It is up to Tom Dawlings, the Leader of the council, to decide what he should do. Tory Tunbridge Wells leader Bob Atwood loses seat to UKIP The major issue now confronting the council is the budget. We have major matters to address the Local Plan; the Climate Emergency and our net zero target for carbon emissions by 2030; our property assets and completion of the Amelia Scott. 5mo. One third of Tunbridge Wells Borough Council in Kent, England, is elected each year, followed by one year without election. On the Speldhurst and Bidbrough by-election result, Cllr Dawlings said the result was hugely disappointing and the Conseratives had had an admirable candidate in Rowena Stanyer who took 46% of the vote. The council plans to increase its element of Council Tax by 2% (or 5 mimimum per household). Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? He said the cabinet system of running councils meant that after the full council appointed him for a four year term as leader last May, he then appointed the cabinet, which is responsible for most day-to-day decisions in the council. The borough became one of the first to introduce a system of elections by thirds under section 7 (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972, as one of 44 non-metropolitan districts to have passed a resolution requesting the change. He says he feels all opposition parties are united in wanting what is best for the area. A statement from the council says Alan McDermott (Con), councillor for Brenchley and Horsmonden, stepped down on Sunday and a new leader of the council will be appointed this Wednesday. Cllr Pound believes Cllr Dawlings will be a better leader of the council than Cllr McDermott was. from A Green In The Room Will Make The Difference, from Co-Leader Carla Denyer Visits Goudhurst, from A Green in the Room Makes a Difference, West Kent Radio Interview with Tunbridge Wells Green Party. The Conservatives, who were the largest party and leaders of a minority administration prior to the 2022 election, have 13 councillors. <> Alasdair wants to help the borough council make more sustainable decisions especially about local transport [], Penny is a local gardener, small business owner and mum to a primary aged daughter. The Conservative leader of Tunbridge Wells council has been defeated by a new party set up in protest to a multi-million pound development. Beyond the walls of the council chamber he said he was attempting to cut down his hours as a languages teacher at Gravesend grammar school to focus on being leader. The Conservative's 23 council seats are now outnumbered by the 25 seats held by opposition parties. x]o8=@EDIInqe,$B')N"KCpC_U~7U/j:{b*;im~v=}$`>%iOlyzryszr`"`7w'3"p8T7 :fktzy'a?NOFG-X8 H!OYp ZI\ '|!v.\M39K+G,|6bv3 GkS"y0]L1S;CY8cL(yG}BApz+SIxwM[LF$KY8Y/vY tI17S=sxq ce. Wxr/?p{EOx&vVk5},\L3zj08z|)smC)~._:Xcq1sufksCF j)cFA*p ~r&BD()RG)d4u_}9|y. The council stands at Conservatives 24, Liberal Democrats 13, Tunbridge Wells Alliance 5, Labour 5, Independent 1. Nick Pope (pictured below) emphasised the recent slide in Conservative support, pointing out that just 3 years ago, the Conservatives had a massive majority, holding 43 out of 48 seats on the Borough Council. Mike Martin on Twitter: "This is something that I was never expecting David Jukes lost out to Lucy Willis of the Tunbridge . Cllr McDermott admitted it had been a tough two years in charge, dealing with the impact of the coronavirus health crisis. Terry Hughes - Community Safety Manager - Tunbridge Wells Borough Cllr Dawlings pointed out that his partys share of the vote was an improvement on the May election result when the Conservatives had held the seat. PDF Adoption of Policy to Reduce Use of Pesticides "I think that Tom is more capable in terms of engaging with the opposition," he said. yDYQCXy:?eQUJZ[HZI_5&[(vPHpdMb 4 0 obj On [], Read More from Debs Keech Hawkhurst and Sandhurst, Alasdair can usually be found on his bike either coaching, competing or cycling local routes. ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE HYBRID MEETING FINDINGS. "Some of the services provided by our major contractors are presently less than satisfactory. Announcing a new cabinet he revealed that four seats had gone to the Lib Dems, while both Labour and the TWA will have two each. A good team leader able to build confidence in colleagues of all skill . Maidstone Borough Council Stuart Jeffery has been voted in as Maidstone Borough Council's first Green councillor In Tunbridge Wells the Conservatives lost eight seats and are no longer. The seat returned to Labour in 2014, bringing the party back to the council. Kent areas with worst pollution amid controversial ULEZ expansion, Current plans would see the Ultra Low Emissions Zone expanded this summer, Arrest after man has neck cut in 'serious assault', Police are now appealing for witnesses and those with information to come forward. Councillor details - Councillor Ben Chapelard - Borough of Tunbridge Wells Debs has a keen interest in conservation and local wildlife. The chair of Tunbridge Wells Alliance Nick Pope told Southborough News that the seat had been won by his party after relentless campaigning. We will be taking cabinet on a tour to meet residents so we can be accountable to them. This plain is part of the so-called Garden of England, named for its extensive orchards and former hop farms, sheep and cattle. The SER line to Hastings passes through Tunbridge Wells; here there was once a further branch connection south-eastwards to Groombridge, and at Paddock Wood is the southern terminus of the Medway Valley Line to Maidstone. Tunbridge Wells Borough Council - BBC News Tunbridge Wells, Tonbridge and Wealden councils respond after Boris This website and its associated newspaper are members of the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), the Conservatives failed to secure the 10 seats they needed to retain overall control at the Tunbridge Wells Borough Council elections, Cllr McDermott survived a leadership challenge at the Conservative AGM.

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