For pre-registration trainee pharmacy technician programme, work experiences, apprenticeships and any other training for pharmacy, please email, Back to top of page This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We nationally recruit to our pre-registration pharmacist programme through Oriel. All staff are expected to be compliant with their statutory and mandatory training the trust compliance target is 90% for most topics and 95% for Information governance. Conservative group sues Biden administration for Prince Harry's This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Orthopaedics. As such we have a strong focus on clinical and managerial leadership, offering support, coaching and development to those on a leadership journey. We strongly believe in our values of caring together, learning together, continuously improving and excelling together. Start-up companies; Spotlight on an innovator; Intellectual property code; Container (column 2) For our business partners. eLearning at work | Login %PDF-1.7 % It is also a regional cancer centre and provides many world class services, aspiring to deliver more for patients in the future. You can look at the GP National Recruitment Office (GPNRO) website for timelines and applicant guidance, or we have a number of GPs and trainees who can help with local or general enquiries. Patient Transport Services Email this page For information on cookies and how you can disable them, please read our cookies policy. Description. *Please note you will need to bring certification evidence to interview. Everybody at Royal Surrey has an important role. If you are struggling to find us, please speak to one of our colleagues at the Library and Learning Hive. NB: Map points may not be 100% accurate and are for general reference only. Simply press the button to complete the digital form to start your pregnancy journey with us. 01483 571122 x4730, Back to top of page MySurrey is everything related to student life at Surrey. It provides students with up-to-date information and support to guideyou through your academic and social life at Surrey. All the information you need about working for us, recruitment, job opportunities and careers within mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services in Surrey and Hampshire. Find out more about our goals and objectives here. 8"d {Pw}d]a}` x;s.r j\lR 0 6> Remote Access Login Screen NHS Electronic Staff Record Log in with your credentials Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields. Pre-registration trainee Pharmacy Technician: We recruit to our pre-registration trainee Pharmacy Technician through NHS jobs. Email to be put in touch. 01483 571 122 ext. Education and Training | Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust We have a strong quality assurance remit, continually reviewing and updating existing modules with SMEs and the aid of embedding short videos/policy guidelines/important links and images. Search by username. Royal Surrey County Hospital Print this page The Press Centre is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. For urgent and out of hours queries please call the main hospital switchboard on 01483 571 122 and ask to speak with the directoron call. Obstetrics And Gynaecology. Mature candidates will need a minimum of four GCSEs at Grade A*-C including mathematics, english language and two science subjects or equivalent. The offerings include in-house development interventions together with opportunities to enrol on leadership apprenticeships and attend NHS Academy and Surrey Heartlands leadership programmes. We cannot interview you without these. DIRECTIONS NIHR Royal Surrey Clinical Research Facility, Guildford and Waverley Alliance workforce group, Hospital Passport (This is me: My Care Passport), Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) Haslemere Hospital, Pleaseshare any feedback on ourNHS Choices page by clicking here, You can read more about the 'Because We All Care' campaign here, You can also share your feedback on theCare Opinion website here, Read more about Woking Community Hospital here, Read more about the Department of Health here, Read more about the Care Quality Commission here, Read more about the General Medical Council here, Read more about Frimley Park HospitaL here, Read more about Ashford and St Peters Hospitals here, Read more about the Surrey and Borders Partnership here, Read more about Surrey and Sussex Healthcare here, Read more about the East Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group here, Read more about the Guildford and Waverley Clinical Commissioning Group here, Read more about the Surrey Heath Clinical Commissioning Group here, Read more about the North East Hampshire and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group here, Read more about the North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group here, Click here for information on getting here. If you have forgotten your password you can request an automated email reminder by submitting the email address you registered with. "e;n Our core purpose is to work with people and lead communities in improving their mental and physical health and wellbeing for a better life; through delivering excellent and responsive prevention, diagnosis, early intervention, treatment and care. . Collaboration opportunities; Spotlight on a partner; Consultancy; Training and education; Hire our equipment and facilities; Container (column 3) For . A main reading area houses the library print collections, themed table displays and Health & Wellbeing Area. Email this page MyLearning Site map. Surrey GU2 7XX, If you are eligible for and need to arrange patient transport, please contact SCAS (South Central Ambulance Service) on telephone number 0300 123 9840. 01428 605805. If you cant find the number you are looking for, please contact ourswitchboard on 01483 571 122. Home - ICS - Surrey Heartlands 01483 571 122 ext. Our research and development aims are to embed a vibrant research culture within our Trust, increase the opportunities for people to participate in research and ensure that our research benefits people who use services, carers, families and our communities. Hospital and Milford Hospital. Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust is a friendly, supportive, busy but welcoming acute and community Trust that is ambitious about developing our services and your career. 575 0 obj <> endobj HS]O0}_qdAy@D$44nY; d$*O.K{j%\*M@BN"\"s`n,C: 7hyS3? Orthotics and Prosthetics. hb```f`0tAX,3:ow{,A}gV9*iW=:zj%mHUn:!a`h``` 3;D#:2:0)XhA7 CwM Learning Disability Liaison Nurses : Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS \^{C2"AVo:NM gbXr*s9"=Dfa^\y#%L`1OO7n NHSBSA Workforce Services Login to ESR Notification of ESR unavailability ESR will be unavailable from 6 pm on Friday 28 April 2023 until 6pm on Sunday 30 April 2023 for essential maintenance. endstream endobj startxref Ensure there are systems and processes in place to develop learning programmes, teaching and assessment for pharmacy trainees. Learning Disability Acute Liaison Nurse: Royal Surrey County Hospital Working together we deliver compassionate, safe care every day. If you have forgotten the email address that you registered with then please use the Support Form for further assistance. The RoyalSurrey psychiatric service was recenly expanded in April 2018. The team will be happy to help. Welcome to Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership Surrey Heartlands is a partnership of organisations working together - with staff, patients, their carers, families and the public - to support people to live healthier lives. Your feedback is very valuable information and we are grateful for you taking the time. Royal Surrey County Hospital and the Surrey Alzheimer's Association. Learning Hub - Home It is free to download and is available for iOS and Android devices. Learning Disability Acute Liaison Nurse: Royal Surrey County Hospital Contact Details Aldershot Centre for Health, Hospital Hill, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1AY, United Kingdom Telephone: 07717 850 308 / 01252 335 555 Opening Times Mon-Fri, 9-5pm Contact Names Service Manager for Acute and Primary Care Liaison: Learning Hub - Home A platform for sharing resources Enabling the health and care workforce to contribute and share a wide variety of learning resources for colleagues to use. You can view details and manage settings at any time on our cookies policy page. Egerton Road Print this page A modern, homely space for rest and relaxation on Stag Hill campus. Egerton Road, Contact Details Royal Surrey County Hospital, Egerton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XX, United Kingdom Telephone: 01483 571 122 ext 4847 for Adults (18+) liaison, ext 4666 for Older Adults liaison Opening Times Monday-Sunday 24 hours 7 days a week Contact Names Team Manager: Jon Jeffries General Manager: Matt Lamport Out of Hours Contact Home | Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust SENIOR SCHOOL & SIXTH FORM Farnham Lane Haslemere Surrey GU27 1HQ. hbbd```b``F'A$s ?&H^x&XDE[H`% 6Y;,X|L_ '{sA -##6| 0 l We know our colleagues are our greatest asset. For more information, please contact us via:rsc-tr.library@nhs.netor visitthe Library, Back to top of page Forgotten password 6632/2570, Radiotherapy Private Patients Careers | Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust We are staffed by a team of five professional librarians, committed to providing all members of the Royal Surrey Family with access to high quality evidence-based resources as and when you need them. SENIOR SCHOOL & SIXTH FORM Farnham Lane Haslemere Surrey GU27 1HQ. We provide adult community health services in the community and homes across Guildford and Waverley. This campaign encourages you to provide any feedback you may have directly to either Healthwatch or the CQC. GU2 7XX*. Pleaseshare any feedback on ourNHS Choices page by clicking hereand we will ensure your views are shared with our staff or your compliments can be sent directly to the appropriate Ward Manager. Copyright, Sign in Sign in with OpenAthens Create an account If you have an eligible elearning for Healthcare Hub account, sign in using those details. University Of Surrey | MySurrey Our offer includes recruiting apprentices, career development, leadership and management development, plus statutory and mandatory training. We provide learning opportunities from induction to leadership and management development programmes for those with line management responsibility. endstream endobj 576 0 obj <>/Metadata 60 0 R/Names 601 0 R/Pages 573 0 R/Perms/Filter<>/PubSec<>>>/Reference[<>/Type/SigRef>>]/SubFilter/adbe.pkcs7.detached/Type/Sig>>>>/StructTreeRoot 86 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 577 0 obj <>stream Guildford and Waverley Alliance workforce group, NIHR Royal Surrey Clinical Research Facility, Hospital Passport (This is me: My Care Passport), Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) Haslemere Hospital. Our research and development aims are to embed a vibrant research culture within our Trust, increase the opportunities for people to participate in research and ensure that our research benefits people who use services, carers, families and our communities. 01483 571122 x3285, Lia Pitarokoili (provided by South Central Ambulance Service) Our core purpose is to work with people and lead communities in improving their mental and physical health and wellbeing for a better life; through delivering excellent and responsive prevention, diagnosis, early intervention, treatment and care. All staff should be up-to-date with their statutory and mandatory training. Doctors and Nurses. Not the right login page? 01483 571 122 ext. In his controversial memoir 'Spare', the 38-year-old estranged member of the British royal family said his drug use included marijuana, cocaine and magic mushrooms. You can contact our Relatives' Office on 01483 303 361 to discuss any hospital bereavements. DIRECTIONS We continue to create a range of excellent learning opportunities through our learning management system, MyLearning. Adults aged 18 years and above with an identified mental health need. We are ambitious about developing our services and your career. Working together we deliver compassionate, safe care every day. Apart from the statutory and mandatory series, we provide learning on a range of non-clinical/clinical topics and we currently have over 100 e-learning courses available. The MySurrey Nest is a work-free zone, with lockers to charge your phone while you enjoy a digital detox, providing you with an important place for downtime with friends or to enjoy your own hobbies. Head of Corporate Governance North West Surrey Alliance Guildford and Waverley Alliance Further information on the programmes and the application process are available on the HEE Lase website. Huge congratulations to Bjorn Ramirez, Medical Matron, who has been awarded the Rosemary Pope Award from the University of Surrey for his MSc dissertation. Back to top of page We offer the experience of working in a friendly Trust bringing together acute hospital and community care. Our compassionate, caring and friendly colleagues make up our Royal Surrey family and are at the heart of what we do. Friday 8:30 to 15:15(closes early for staff training). Royal Surrey Charitys sponsored walk, Stride for Cancer Care, is back for a second year on Sunday 1st October, raising vital funds to support people living with cancer. Posted on 27 Apr 2023 MyLearning We continue to create a range of excellent learning opportunities through our learning management system, MyLearning. Royal tributes among RHS Chelsea 2023 highlights / RHS Gardening at 11:34 AM Accessibility | Data protection | Cookies | Disclaimer | Freedom of information|Modern Slavery Statement (PDF), University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, United Kingdom. Click here to learn more about PALS. bank holidays) Hospital Passport (This is me: My Care Passport) | Royal Surrey NHS Email this page Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. By joining us at Surrey you'll be able to study 50 per cent theory and 50 per cent practice on nursing courses ranked: 3rd in the UK by the Complete University Guide 2023 6th in the UK by the Times and The Sunday Times Good University Guide 2023 7th in the UK and 51-100th globally by the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023. For example, helping to arrange appointments, and giving people access to easy read resources that allow them to better understand procedures. Medication Safety and Pharmacy Governance, Clinical Pharmacy and Medicines Management Service, The Guildford and Waverley Joint Formulary, NIHR Royal Surrey Clinical Research Facility, Guildford and Waverley Alliance workforce group, Hospital Passport (This is me: My Care Passport), Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) Haslemere Hospital, For pre-registration pharmacist programme and summer placements please visit click here. Print this page Hospital Hill, United Kingdom, Telephone: 01483 571 122 ext 4847 for Adults (18+) liaison, ext 4666 for Older Adults liaison, Team Manager: Jon Jeffries To make a referral please contact our nurse directly by phone or post. Aligned to the Core Skills Training Framework (CTSF), statutory and mandatory training is an integral component of professional practice which provides knowledge and skills for our workforce. Login The average time to complete a course is around sixty minutes. The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) was founded in 1804 and is the UK's largest gardening charity. Children and Young People (Mindworks Surrey), National Association for Children of Alcoholics, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, and Talking Therapies, Vacancies: Psychologists, Psychotherapists, and Talking Therapies, University of Surrey Undergraduate Placements, Initiating & Delivering Clinical Research, Structured Preparation for Alcohol Detoxification (SPADe), Brief Intervention for Alcohol Misuse in Adults with Mild to Moderate Learning Disabilities (EBI-LD), Genetic Links to Anxiety And Depression (GLAD study), Cognitive and Neural Networks in Psychiatry, The causal role of neural activity in neurodegeneration (TIAD), Learning Disability Acute Liaison Nurse: Royal Surrey County Hospital. 0 HR0!M&p:"Kwv~%Q Site map, Physiotherapy:, Occupational Therapy Department: 01483 571122, Speech and Language Therapy:
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