The EYFS in schools - GOV.UK This publication is available at Much like everything else, Ofsted inspections and deep dives have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The autumn term projects in each sequence provide plenty of activities to develop childrens skills in the Prime areas and lay solid foundations for their learning. Evidence of striving towards inclusive practice within the curriculum intent. Before anything else, preparation is the key to success. The revised EYFS emphasises the importance of developing childrens How do you assess and monitor it? 3) How do you ensure your staff has quality subject knowledge to deliver activities? These questions are not designed to be exhaustive or to allow for prescriptive answers. From this article, you and your team will gain access to potential question topics and styles for inspections, which we hope will remove the panic when answering and give you the confidence to show how you shine. Running regular interventions throughout the year that are timetabled into the day ensures that these go ahead, but you need to ensure that these sessions are well planned, and not done on a strictly ad hoc basis. Read Full Article, IMT Traded Service 2023-24 Read Full Article, FFT Subscription 2023-24 Read Full Article, Music & Arts Service Annual Data Return 2022-23 Read Full Article, Peer Mentoring Programme for Secondary Schools in Bradford - Space Now Read Full Article, Latest News and Updates from School Funding Team Read Full Article, School Funding Team Protocols Read Full Article, Bank Reconciliation returns Read Full Article. This can help identify which pupils will benefit most from thespecialist one-to-one maths interventions from Third Space Learnings maths tutors. Aims and rationale are apparent throughout practice and are individual to meet the needs of your children and families. Deep dives are no longer new! These non-exhaustive questions have been sectioned into Curriculum (Quality of Education); Behaviour and Attitudes; Personal Development; Leadership and Management; and Safeguarding. ), Linda PotterLauren BakerMarcus ODonohoeLouise BettsWendy Cook. St Pauls Place, Norfolk Street, Sheffield, S1 2JE. This is perhaps best summarised by one teacher who said: Overall it was quite an intense experience, but in my opinion it was a lot fairer than inspections under the old framework due to the additional time spent listening to subject leaders, teachers and pupils.. Ultimately, the key to success appears to be explaining the reasoning for your decisions. Manage your staffing requirements from a centralized system. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Get Blossoms Nursery Management Solution. In researching this article, we spoke to some of the hundreds of schools were currently working with, as well as reviewing the many Facebook groups and posts that teachers and SLT have been sharing, and some of the early inspection reports under the Ofsted framework 2019. What is in place for the children who are stuck? It helps inspectors to get a feel for your music curriculum to satisfy an Ofsted deep dive With advice valuable for staff, children and parents. They will want to look at the curriculum through the eyes of a child from the moment children join the school to the time that they leave. Theyre used by Ofsted to gather evidence of the Intent, Implementation and Impact of your curriculum. The more words children can use, the easier they will find making sense of what they read. This particularly applies to pupil premium and SEN pupils. 2) How do you make sure your curriculum meets the needs of all children? Schools may find it helpful to use Development Matters, but we do not inspect against this guidance. WebOfsted intends to use the Deep Dive to form a quality of education judgement overall across a school. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Prepare for OFSTEDs New Framework Deep Dive in It encourages them to communicate more confidently without the anxiety that might be present in a full classroom. Read the latest EYFS topics. Heres a brief look at some frequently asked questions and myths. Phone +1 801-825-8961. Whatever system schools have in place for assessing young children should not take adults away from those important interactions. Famous for her fine muscle exercise Dough Disco, Shonette works Internationally with over 28 countries with Spread the Happiness Ofsted has said it will not judge schools negatively on how they might have stripped back theirEYFSprovision during the pandemic. CurriculumPRO supports you to view and explain how foundational knowledge and understanding in the early years develops in Year 1 and beyond. There is no specific format for curriculum models, but they should be progressive and well-sequenced to build childrens skills and knowledge as they journey through school. Ofsted said that curriculum planning does not need to be in any specific format but that leaders needto justify these plans based on what they want children to encounter, explore and learn in school. 2023 Third Space Learning. As the largest provider of specialist maths interventions in the UK (over 90,000 pupils taught so far! Whatever system schools have in place for assessing young children should not take adults away from those important interactions. Evidence of a broad and balanced curriculum across all 7 Areas of Learning and Development. The inspectorate has said that it is keen to bust the myththat it isexpecting to see curriculum maps for every area of learning in early years. This will be an in-depth look at a particular area of your curriculum (e.g. How do class teachers know what went before in previous years? Ofsted says the curriculum should cover the seven areas of learning in the EYFS framework and thatearly years leadersalso need to ensure that children experience a curriculum that is broad, ambitious and prepares them for their next stage of learning. This is the foundational knowledge that prepares children for learning in that subject from Year 1 onwards.. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. As well as skill progression, curriculum planning and CPD, in recent Ofsted deep dives, there has been a big focus on the impact of COVID-19, and what schools are doing to reduce it. Check out our article on everything you need to know, preparing your staff, parents and children prior to a visit from Ofsted. The 90-minute phone call. This is done in We know that early years practitioners are skilled at getting to know children and finding out what they know and can do. Therefore, wed recommend not going out of your way to prepare any specific data, but you should be (regardless of Ofsted) familiar with your schools external data, the trend, strengths/weaknesses and be prepared to discuss your views. How has the curriculum been affected by lockdown? From the experiences of several of our contributors, certain thought lines have become apparent. We are clear that what children learn in the early years is incredibly important for their future success; it is the foundation of childrens learning. Our evidence will come from subject deep dives and/or research visits to schools. This is the foundational knowledge that prepares children for learning in that subject from Year 1 onwards, and is clearly set out in the EYFS learning and development requirements. As well as this, teaching staff benefit from over 1500+ ready to go resources in the Third Space Learning Maths Hub. Our curriculum is built on strong early years pedagogy to support all children to succeed. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. How is this being evidenced? This can help identify which pupils will benefit most from thespecialist one-to-one maths interventions from Third Space Learnings maths tutors. Heather Fearn and Jonathan Keay, Her Majestys Inspectors from Ofsteds curriculum These comprise three prime areas - communication and language; physical development; Curriculum: keeping it simple - Ofsted: schools and further Get the most from our software. Do not be surprised, if after attending, they feel impatient to be deep dived! Need help with Blossom? What are you seeing? Help your school get ready for the new Ofsted inspections with this framework of the deep dive questions you can expect to be asked. Ofsted 1) What do you intend your children to know because of your EYFS curriculum? Our school inspection handbook outlines how we will gather evidence during an inspection, through talking to leaders, teachers and children about what they are learning. How do you improve pupils cultural capital (and how do you ensure it)? Nursery wide knowledge of the close supervision of any visitor without a full DBS check. Check out our article on everything you need to know when preparing your staff, parents and children prior to a visit from Ofsted. This is also a Inspecting the curriculum - GOV.UK Communication and language are at the heart of the new Cornerstones early years curriculum, with each of the child-friendly projects built around quality stories and rhymes that promote talk. What are you doing about it?. It comes as a new statutory framework for the early years foundation stage is being introduced by the government. An active approach to reducing the workload to avoid staff being away from interaction with the children. More information on what to do before and on the inspection day can be found here. Get ready for SATs with this set of 6 maths SATs practice papers designed to help your Year 6 pupils improve test skills and build confidence. WebOfsted has created a new strategy to gain a deeper understanding of a schools curriculum, which is referred to as a deep dive. WebThe EYFS makes it clear that the development of childrens spoken language underpins all 7 areas of learning. Nurseries across the UK use Blossom to increase efficiency across their finance, learning journeys, operations & occupancy. The report adds: However, we will seek to understand how a school adapted and prioritised what it did to get the best results for children throughout this period. Wed like to thank the following teachers and school leaders for their responses to our questions, and their feedback about what an Ofsted deep dive means and incorporates. The curriculum in a primary school starts when children first join in the early years, be that the nursery or Reception class. Read more about the Ofsted judgements and what this looks like in a nursery setting here. WebA deep dive is an in-depth look by Ofsted inspectors at specific subjects in a school, based on the most recent Ofsted framework. Reddit - Dive into anything 2022 Cornerstones Education Ltd. Company number: 07228912. What links are there between your subject and the rest of the curriculum? Your approach to the national curriculum and the schemes of work you follow whether created in house or from a commercial provider will be a key topic for discussion with inspectors. Early years settings and schools, however, remain responsible for ensuring the safety and security of children in their care. A robust sign in and out system is in use with all visitors identified clearly with lanyard or badge. Continuous professional development is key to ensuring quality first teaching, so expect to be asked during any subject deep dive what provision you currently have in place for teachers, and just as importantly, how do you support new staff. However, teachers and leaders need to be clear about how the curriculum in the early years gives children foundational knowledge and understanding. d e e p d iv e During this time, the curriculum should cover the 7 areas of learning. Deep Dive This is because the framework: Sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well, Ensures children are kept healthy and safe, Ensures that children have the knowledge and skills they need to start school. As stated above, we set no expectations or requirements for planning or paperwork. In this article, EYFS adviser, Gill Quantrell, explores curriculum requirements in the early years, inspection myths and sets out how the new Cornerstones early years projects can support you. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. 7) What are your expectations of behaviour in your setting? Wed love to occasionally keep in touch to give you guidance, information and free resources that we feel could help you. We provide non-prescriptive schemes to support target areas such as. With Shonettes excitement and enthusiasm for her specialist area of education, it is guaranteed that this CPD will uplift and excite all attendees, they will have their confidence boosted ready to engage with Ofsted Inspectors and proudly show the amazing WebSubject leaders (Deep Dive questions) What is your role in the school? When judging the quality of education, inspectors will want to see that: practitioners ensure that their own speaking, listening and reading of English enable children to hear and develop their own language and vocabulary well, practitioners read to children in a way that excites and engages them, introducing new ideas, concepts and vocabulary, practitioners share information with parents about their childs progress in relation to the EYFS. They focus on how youve worked with teaching staff to plan the syllabus and how you intend for it to be delivered for the best impact. What was your input and involvement in the development of curriculum in your subject? Ofsted Deep Dives: Example Questions And Effective Ways To As a result, an inspector would not judge a provider negatively solely on the occasional use of informal language. Explain strong links through the home-nursery communication portal your nursery uses. Explain how the tasks taught link to your subject overview and what would come next. How do we ensure that We do not recommend conducting mock inspections or deep dives; while they were considered the in thing a few years ago, theyre now recognised as a pointless exercise that just causes staff unnecessary stress and might even make performance during a real inspection worse. 9 Things You Should Know About The NCETM Mathematics Guidance As You Plan Your Curriculum Prioritisation, Teachers' Guide To The Ofsted Maths Research Review 2021, How to prepare for an Ofsted deep dive in maths, Ofsted deep dive checklist: the questions inspectors are asking, free downloadable framework of the most frequently asked Ofsted deep dive maths questions, 6. The summer term projects offer extra challenge for reception children whilst maintaining an early years ethos. In these cases, inspectors will hear children from years 5 to 6 read instead of years 1 to 3. This brain-fog is one of the main areas of concern often mentioned by early years practitioners, when it comes to inspections. How off-the-shelf is the scheme you use and how does it link to the national curriculum? 8) How is self-regulation promoted throughout the nursery? Operational reports to give you the data you need. Last remaining 4 dates - Book now!! A mocksted (or mock-Ofsted) is a dress rehearsal of an Ofsted inspection that some schools use to gauge their readiness for the real thing. Ofsted deep dive: what is it and what should you expect? How are end of term assessments fed back into teaching and learning? Further information is available in the non-association independent schools inspection handbook (paragraphs 210 to 215). So, Ofsted deep dives are a type of method or technique that Ofsted inspectors use to gain a deeper understanding of a school's curriculum. An Ofsted inspection of any establishment, primary or secondary, small school or large, will now include a subject deep dive. This will be an in-depth look at a particular area of your curriculum (e.g. maths or EYFS) which Ofsted will decide on and inform you of prior to the inspection. Continued Professional Development record and projected plan based on developing needs. Curriculum Maestro is a smart online platform that helps you design, teach, assess and lead an outstanding primary curriculum, all from one place. What Makes An Oftsed Outstanding Teacher? How are you prioritising the key content? Find out more about how Third Space Learning could help your school maximise the impact of your pupil premium funding. Here, we share what an Ofsted deep dive entails, the questions you are likely to be asked by the inspection team, what it looks like in practice, and how to prepare for it. This is up to schools to determine.

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