Morgana and the protagonist back in the attic. Daily-Butterfly Kiss: Go to Takemi's clinic. Unlike the other Palaces you visit, you can do all sorts of activities in this new palace, including decorating, viewing awards, watching cutscenes, or looking at an artwork. Astarte Shigenori Soejima drew illustrations on the booth at the end of last day's event. In the gallery, in archive, what's the category in between photos and others? Kamu Susano-o Books Persona 5 Royal Developer Interview on Decisions Behind New Elements Challenge Battles The products discussed here were independently chosen by our editors. "Leg exercise". There are more comprehensive guides out there for the fights specifically, so I'll keep it to general tips. Kamoshidas Palace You can unlock decorative items based on your progress. This guide assumes you've at least completed the game once. Daily-Crossroads: Go to the Crossroads Bar. Akechi is also a decent choice since he, along with Spell Master, can make Ann's Tier-3 cost only 20 SP. The stats even carry over in NG+ (except for Akechi and Sumire but I'm confused as to whether that's a bug or intentional). Arsene August Electric Chair The Thieves Den (My Palace) is a new feature exclusive to Persona 5 Royal. Showtime: Perform each showtime at least once. Passive Skills, Game Database Can anyone help me with getting some of these thieves den items? Support Skills The Mona car giving the party a ride to Futaba's tomb. Game Controls, Tips and Strategies Cookie Notice Persona 5 Royal Thieves' Den: Missing Gallery Photos ker_plop 1 year ago #1 I'm missing four photos from the gallery: three below "Hot Pot Welcoming Party" and. Guide on Thieves Den (My Palace) Awards in Persona 5 Royal, including information of the various awards, and their required conditions. Either way I'll be branching off my save and rushing to the end of the game to finish those gallery sections. Ichiban Kasuga, a low-ranking grunt of a low-ranking yakuza family in Tokyo, faces an 18-year Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age tells a captivating tale of a hunted hero and is the long-awaited role-play Re-enter the animated world of Ni no Kuni in the sequel to the role-playing masterpiece developed by LEVEL-5. Mishaguji Simply keep playing through the story until you've reached. Wada: The concept is a "customizable royal gallery just for yourself." It was my . LAST PALACE MAKER ITEM IN DAILY LIFE: For people that didn't use the little gacha machine in Akihabara, simply buying one unlocks it. If not, simply keep going between floors. Thieves Den Gallery [6] "Bad Ending" Battle Cut-ins Concept Art Others Photos Special HUD [8] Buttons Icons Confidant Portraits (CN/JP) Dialogue Menu Portraits IM Assets (CN/JP) Party Battle Icons Photos (IM) Security Level Wanted Images Miscellaneous [8] All-Out-Attack Portraits Critical Hit Cutins Game Icon, Save Files, & Live Area (1920x1080), Morgana Wallpaper - Sapporo ver. Kaneshiros Palace Tycoon Will Seed Overview Accepted Answer. Collectibles are the bread and butter of the Thieves Den, with animated cutscenes, music, statues, official artwork and more unlocking for display and viewing/listening over the course of the game. and our List of Disaster Shadows Okumuras Palace Some of them were formally PSN trophies (such as reading every book) but have been moved here, making Persona 5 Royal somewhat easier to 100% if you're only looking at the trophies. Persona 5 Royal comes with a ton of new features and changes. Cendrillon Prepare for an all-new RPG experience in Persona 5 Royal based in the universe of the award-winning series, Persona! Privacy Policy. Don the mask of Joker and join the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. Weapon Start a platonic relationship with each of the 10 romanceable Confidants, then reach Rank 10 with the Platonic relationship. Mementos Dungeon Morgana being left behind by the other guys. Persona 5 Royal: Thieves Den Guide - The Gamer Individual media needs to be bought with P Medals: The player needs to personally encounter any in-game cinematic and animated cutscene to unlock them for purchase, including the base ending of Persona 5 (triggered when the Councillor Confidant is not maxed prior to November 18) and the artwork displayed on the credits of the bad ending available on either January 9 or February 2. December Quiz Show You can complete most of the compendium early by getting Strength to Rank 5, Chariot to Rank 7 and Fortune to Rank 3. Illustration of Morgana and Aigis by Shigenori Soejima (, Morgana and Aigis on the cover of Dengeki Playstation Vol. Persona 5 Royal - Thieves Den Guide - SAMURAI GAMERS Eternal Lockpick Daily-Aria of the Soul: Go to the Velvet Room.,, A few things are only unlockable after you've completed a certain action - for example, you unlock a statue of the Reaper from Mementos after having defeated it in battle. Persona 5- Dancing in Starlight - Morgana Social Events -PS4-. Over a month after the giveaway was made available to fans, the artist obtained a copy of the mini-poster. This includes additions to the story like new characters, social scenarios, an expanded narrative, and a new dungeon/palace. Twins: Pretty much the same as they were in Vanilla P5. Moon Arcana Sadayo Kawakami Temperance Confidant Toranosuke Yoshida 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Sae Niijima July New Features in Mementos Hangedman Arcana Supersize My Stomach (30P): Clear the highest rank of the Big Bang . For the skills of note, I recommend the following: Charge (9/4) - Yusuke (No other decent alternatives since everyone at this point is magic based or gets access to Charge naturally) Concentrate (9/25) - Makoto (Nuke Boost + Amp & Severe) or Morgana *Heat Riser (12/4) - Personally I prefer using a Persona on Joker w/ Thermoplyae and Vitality of the Tree (aka, Heat Riser your entire party for 30SP) Debilitate (12/11) - Makoto, Ann or Morgana (Depends on your party lineup) Marakunda (8/14 and 11/13) - Ryuji or Yusuke (Thermoplyae removes the need for their support skills, so lowering enemy defense is more useful) Arms Master (1/22) - Ryuji or Yusuke (Akechi or Sumire can benefit too but I don't think their skills pass into NG+) Spells Master (1/29) - Makoto, Ann or Morgana (Whichever of these you use more SP on) Ali Dance is also notable, but I don't have a strong recommendation for it. This new area can be customized freely to your hearts content, and more decorative and cosmetic items will be unlocked as you progress through more of the main story. Morgana's teeth in his normal portrait are only visible in the. In the gallery, you can unlock official art, ranging from promotional artwork for the series, the cut-ins for characters who get a critical hit, and concept art., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. She's on the same street corner you first found her along with the target. Again, more music will be available for purchase as you progress through the story, so you can buy the tracks here and set them as your active BGM. From the Palace Maker machine near the front entrance, you can customize the Thieves Den with different themes and props for display - depending on the props you put out, cognitive versions of your companions throughout the game might show up and make a few remarks. Haru Okumura Empress Confidant Sun Arcana Thieves Den Gallery Question : Persona5 - Reddit Tips for 100% Completion (Trophies, Thieves Den Gallery/Music - Reddit Exam Answers Simply keep playing through the story until youve reached the sushi outing with Ryuji, Morgana, and Ann, where theyll officially form the Phantom Thieves organization. I'm missing several things in the Thieves' Den, and I don't know how to get them. Persona Compendium Guides Scan this QR code to download the app now. Additional Confidant Guides Mishima's Call(not sure what arc): only available if you complete Mishima's confidant before 12/22. Nue By playing 4 of the same card (or 3 and a Joker), you can flip the value of each card and turn the game on its head. Al Azif New Costumes and Outfits Daily Life-Vending Machines: Buy something from a vending Machine. Just don't expect your friends to go easy on you if you choose anything but casual difficulty. Please use a html5 video capable browser to watch videos. Persona 5s Morgana English Voice Acting Previewed, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Charm GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Morgana's van form seen in the anime adaption. Archives: The protagonist can view various images and sprites from the game. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Morgana's drawn on the items of the results screen. News and Updates Joses Shop and Services Knowledge This the Protagonists personal palace that stores all of his thoughts and memories. Yaldabaoth (God of Secrets) Fusion Alarm Persona 5 Royal Palace Guides October The protagonist can play the card game Daifug (*)?, known as Tycoon in the Western release, with all the members of the Phantom Thieves. To learn everything there is to do and see in the Thieves Den, read on. Lockpick Guide March Recommended Trait Skills Morgana Caith Sith Apologies for the longish post, and I assume most of this is unlocked in the third semester but I just wanna make sure I'm not missing anything. School Life Guides Privacy Policy. The hole Jose created from smashing through the wall with his car is never truly fixed, and will remain shoddily covered up by wooden planks indefinitely. Incense The Thieves Den, also known as My Palace (, Mai Paresu)? Privacy Policy. on March 10, 2020 at 11:15AM PDT. I don't know if this will get patched, but for now it can definitely make the third semester party members viable without any Jazz Club investment. One totally new feature that Atlus created exclusively for Persona 5 Royal was the Thieves' Den, an interesting combination of an achievement hub and an interactive gallery. Makoto Niijima Priestess Confidant If there's a stamp podium, go up to it and collect. in Japanese, is a location and mechanic in Persona 5 Royal. Confirm counter in Thieves Den went up; Reload your save; Continue down friendship route; If you collect all awards you can speak to Jose in the Thieves Den for a letter that makes compendium summons free and an accessory that prevents enemies from seeing you; School Life. Still haven't played Tycoon,. Most of this is Story based, other than third-evolutions of all party members personas, Maxing out all Confidants, and beating the three secret bosses (Jose, The Twins, and Lavenza). It's a four-player poker-adjacent game where you play against three fellow Phantom Thieves, who are controlled by AI. Just max out your confidants. The protagonist having a nightmare. Strength Arcana These videos are in Japanese without subtitles. It's heavily implied to be drawn by. Kasumi Yoshizawa Here, players can bask at everything they have accomplished during their time in the game. Empress Arcana Judgement Arcana It presented as the protagonist 's Palace and acts as the game's gallery room. There are 52 new achievements to shoot for in the Thieves Den, spread out across four categories: School Life, Confidant, Battle and Phantom. Finally, by going upstairs, you can actually change your appearance within the Thieves den to that of your other party members - and run around the Den as Ryuji, Makoto, or anyone else that joins the team. Yaldabaoth Arc-Phantom Bonds, His Return, Welcome Back, Journey to Freedom: All are gotten by Achieving the original Persona 5 ending. Magician Arcana Achievements will be transformed into awards and will be displayed on the walls of the Thieves Den as 3D images. Morgana after the protagonist left from a medicinal bath. P5R New Palace; Special Battles ), Scan this QR code to download the app now. Morgana, the protagonist and Ryuji encountering the, Morgana traveling with the Phantom Thieves, Morgana hiding in the bushes with the Phantom Thieves, Morgana in a photo of him and Ann in the end credits, Morgana in a photo of the party in the end credits, Morgana in a photo of him and the protagonist in the end credits, Morgana and the Phantom Thieves in Mementos, Illustration of Morgana and his team by Akaume (PQ Roundabout author), Illustration of Morgana, the protagonist, Ryuji, Ann and Yusuke by, Illustration of Haru and Morgana by Oshikiri Rensuke (Cartoonist of High School Girl and Pikopiko Shounen), Tribute illustration of Morgana and Ann by Arco Wada (Fate EXTRA series character designer), Illustration of Morgana and Futaba by Kei, Morgana parachuting into Los Angeles, California for E3, Transparent render of Morgana parachuting. Chihaya Mifune Loki Lock Down Daily-He's a Trickster: Complete the Mementos request "An Idol and a Unicorn" Then talk to Star Lilina in Akihabara. Futaba (Hermit) Room Activities Update: 30th April - Paramount Pictures handled the distribution for Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Full Moon (Makoto) Archives: The protagonist can view cinematic and animated, PV: A collection of previous PV trailers that advertised. World of Qlipoth Futaba. For example, when you buy all the music, movies, artwork etc, he'll have a single dialogue line congratulating you for that section. If you're having trouble finding them, just use a Treasure Trap (craftable with Morgana at night) and ambush as many enemies as possible until one shows up. Similar to Persona 4 Golden's TV Listing feature,the Thieves Den includes a gallery feature. A number of personas are locked until you reach the third semester, as well as ones locked behind maxing confidants. In addition, as the Thieves Den is being decorated with items, friends who the protagonist has deepened ties with may appear as cognitive entities. The total number of P Medals that can be obtained from awards alone is 2,420. Magic Skills Sadayo Kawakami Persona 5 Royal - Thieves Den Awards - SAMURAI GAMERS I'm late to preordering the phantom thieves edition what do I do now? Story-Hoshi To Bukura To: Get the Original Ending of Persona 5. It, was in fact the Reaper. Music: A collection of music from both the original, On the topmost floor of the Thieves Den, there is mysterious graffiti of six stars on one of the walls. Sae Niijima Judgment Confidant Vending Machine Drinks Morgana and the protagonist in their room, Morgana trying to lockpick Madarame's lock, Morgana roped to a hook as part of the group's plan to steal Madarame's Treasure. How To Unlock All Thieves Den Awards In Persona 5 Royal - Gamer Tweak Star Arcana Beggars and the Poor must sacrifice cards to their corresponding role (Beggars give up two cards to the Tycoon, while Poor players give up one card to the Rich). New DLC Costumes, New Persona in P5R "Lift Morgana". +8. Here you can look at all the game's art, listen to all the music, rewatch any of the story movies at any time, play a card game, and even keep track of a whole host of new achievements. Kick back at the table and play a game of Tycoon, best described as a strange fusion of poker and Uno. Izanagi no Okami Picaro Hecate Challenge Battle If you plan on using your teammates, make sure they're at least around level 60-70 and have their Evade skills. Morgana watching the protagonist take on the first, Morgana next to the protagonist reading at the. Yuuki Mishima Moon Confidant Reaper Persona Special: A collection of past live concerts. Futabas Palace You'll also be able to listen to Confidant conversations and even switch character models to roam the Thieves Den. ), -2 morgana concept arts (already have the car), -all other concept art( other than confidants), 1 thing in daily life in palace maker( not sure what I'm missing as I walked around every place I could and interacted with everything at least once. Key item called "Letter of Royalty" which lets you perform compendium summons for no cost. June Playing as the other Characters - Thieves Den - Persona 5 Royal Shadow Madarame (Azazel) Hopefully this helps some of you guys out with completing your Thieves Den! Persona 5 is a role-playing game by ATLUS in which players live out a year in the life of a high school boy who gains the ability to summon facets of his psyche, known as Personas. 2. Music, cutscenes, decor, and the Tycoon card game are all in P5R's Thieves Den. Phantom Thieves Awakened Ultimate Persona As for Jose himself, as long as your party has Evade skills and Joker has a lot of magic immunities you should be fine. English/Chinese Version Release Date Inadvertently Revealed All these rewards have to be unlocked using P Coins you earn from achievements throughout playing P5R or by playing the card game, Tycoon, which is also in the Thieves Den. Atavaka Tam Lin While most items in the Palace Maker becomes available naturally as the game progresses or by maxing out Confidants, certain items have a different requirement. New Palace To do this, head over to the vending machine near the entrance/exit of the Den and interact with it. Awards - Persona 5 Royal Walkthrough - Neoseeker Igor Break free from the chains of modern society and stage grand heists to infiltrate the minds of the corrupt and make them change their ways! Daily Life-Bikkuri Boy: Go to the diner in Shibuya. Thieves Den Fishing Farming Flowers and Stamps I could have sworn I had it but I guess not :(. 9-12. Thieves Den exists as a sort of museum-like showcase for unlockables including music tracks, cutscenes, and artwork from P5R and the original game. Please be courteous and mark any and all spoilers. I think it would go between another ideology and i believe. Different Game Endings Defeating Bosses Hastur Lucy You can check out a quick overview of the Thieves Den in the preview video above, or in the video tweeted by the official Atlus West Twitter account below. Classroom Answers Caroline and Justine Strength Confidant Likewise, you can't unlock a diorama of a location you haven't yet visited. - YouTube Roughly 295 hours to get all these. Max HP +7. Famitsu Article Teased New Features and Confidants English/Chinese Version Release Date Inadvertently Revealed For more information, please see our For more information, please see our Morgana is sleeping on top of him. Morgana/Gallery | Megami Tensei Wiki | Fandom Akechi (Justice) Penguin Sniper April Chihaya Mifune Fortune Confidant Morgana loses control over Kamoshida's Treasure. Classroom Answers On Sundays you also get access to skills such as Heat Riser, Debilitate, Concentrate which you can put on characters that don't naturally learn them. Ryuji's Tier-3 is also good since it can be paired with Akechi a lot more seamlessly (since Akechi's physicals are better) to reduce the SP cost without needing Spell Master on Ryuji. Batting Cage Update P5R Meet the Phantom Thieves English Trailer Teased 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Battle-Cut-ins: I believe most of these are story based unlocks, but just in case, preform an all out attack with each character. Ichiko Ohya Equipment Boosters (Bug) As many people have mentioned, gear that provides a boost to your skills has double the effect. January A Morgana mascot made numerous appearances in publicity events. Alternate Morgana Mascot, used in #ATLUSArtShow. Orpheus Telos Old Temple Daily Life- Capsule Machines: Use the Capsule Machines in Akihabara. Unlocking Showtime Attacks Coin Laundry, Family Restaurant, Fishing Pond, and the Vending & Capsule Machines are unlocked after using them for the first time. Morgana watching over the protagonist when crafting infiltration tools. Included also is an overview of the personal palace, steps to unlock it, and its available facilities. September Thieves Den exists as a sort of museum-like showcase for unlockables including music tracks, cutscenes, and artwork from P5R and the original game. The protagonist after Valentine's Day The protagonist as seen in the credits Futaba engaging in borderline animal abuse. Please be courteous and mark any and all spoilers. Morgana losing himself in the sight of Kaneshiro's treasure. Daily Life-Fishing Pond: Go to the fishing pond in Ichigaya. New Velvet Room Features in P5R Otherwise, beating them solo is a pain since reflecting Demonic Decree / Divine Judgement no longer halves their health in their final phase like it did in Vanilla. Since transmutation items are now much easier to get thanks to Jose, this is an easy one to miss. Satanael: The only NG+ persona so your compendium will have to wait till then. and our Faith Arcana New Features in Palaces Igor Fool Confidant Raise one of the protagonist's Personas to, Obtain 10 items with different names from the. Kichijoji Mysterious Merchant Here is what I'm missing: Music. Does anyone know how to get the other version of Royal days? It presented as the protagonist's Palace and acts as the game's gallery room. Munehisa Iwai ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Thieves Den is a location that acts as a gallery for the Phantom Thieves. Persona 5 Royal Story Walkthroughs Makoto (Priestess) The Phantom Thieves of Hearts feat. Cookie Notice TRICKSTER SONG: This is the last unlockable song in the Thieves Den in the Daily Life category. Guide on Thieves Den (My Palace) in Persona 5 Royal. Metaverse- Jose's Car: Defeat Jose in the cognitive control room in momentos. Shadow Kamoshida (Asmodeus) November The twins and Lavenza also have a few, which are unlocked by getting hit by a crit and getting all out attacked in their fights. Maid Cafe You unlock the showtimes as the story progresses. World Arcana I'm with you, all the way to the end.". In addition, you can pair training with "various proteins" to enhance the effect. We have the game covered from all angles, so be sure to read my full preview on why Persona 5 Royal should be worth your time (even for returning players), my conversation with senior localization manager Yu Namba on how Persona has evolved for Western audiences, and how some problematic scenes from the original game were altered in P5R. Video Games Jose also appears at the front entrance, acting as the guide. Proficiency PlayStation 4 - Persona 5 Royal - The Spriters Resource P Coins are awarded for each achievement earned. This only applies to random stamps (not the ones you get simply by clearing the area). Joses Shop and Services By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Reaper It's a collector's hub, a place to unwind with your (cognitive) teammates, and a trophy-tracker all in one.

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