It is important to continue to support existing code, at least for a significant period. What is the difference between Variable, Parameter, and Argument? How will you use more than one for each statement? The called procedure must name the same variable in a DEFINE SHARED VARIABLE statement. That might lessen the need to fix all the old stuff. What is the difference between Persistent and Non-Persistent Procedures? And .Net has a nifty feature: the ObsoleteAttribute. [Progress News] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] 5 Ways to Strike the Right Balance This Autism Acceptance Month. Saying "never" to shared variables is similar to saying "never" to denormalised data and we all know that there are some very specific cases where we might need to denormalise. When you view a frame, that frame and all widgets contained within it are displayed except those widgets whose HIDDEN attributes are set to TRUE. Why don't we use the 7805 for car phone chargers? Progress ABL is a programming language tied to the Progress OpenEdge environment, its database and surrounding utilities. Why do we use index? 5. I'd still like to write REPEAT: PROMPT-FOR, script like programs if I wanted to. And you think we, hear it about continuing old conventions, you should, hear what happens when we don't! Procedures can use parameters and other mechanisms to share data between procedures. Weak Scoped Reference - if you have weak scope referenced buffer, you can reference that same buffer outside the weak scoped block. 5. Recently, figuring in a long chain of procedures, I had a question: Actually, looking at this, isn't "sharing" information between procedures generally something to be avoided except when passing values through a set of well-defined APIs - which is actually what the next sentence states: Alternatively, a procedure can define public internal procedures or user-defined functions to allow controlled access to its data. You can always use operating system utilities like grep. When you pass arguments to an external procedure, Progress converts those arguments to character format. We cannot use it in where clause, doing so generates error. whand = HANDLE(chand). Did I not indicate that it is very possible to write bad OO code? Not the answer you're looking for? Display - is used for take the data from record buffer to screen buffer, means display the data on screen. 6. Respond to a customers request for a quote, Easily release a quote to an order, copying relevant data, Provide visibility on potential gross margin contribution, Provide quote history by item number or customer, Generate reports on expired quotes that did not result in customer orders, Determine whether inventory is available to promise on the due date, Print the Sales Order and Picklist (Lad_det), So_mstr, sod_det,-----------( ih_hist, idh_hist gl_tr_hist, glt_det. That's not a real clear strong message to me. Procedures can use shared variables and other mechanisms to share data between. DELETE WIDGET whand. Ans:- PUT - is used to send/display the data except on terminal like printer, fax, any file etc. After the procedure execution completes the values are deleted. Define new shared variable variable name during the first time the variable is defined in the main program. Since I do not have anything except consoles and notebook parsing, certain procedures are more complicated. What is Wario dropping at the end of Super Mario Land 2 and why? Why would you use PUT instead of DISPALY? If you do not specify the UNDO option, then the current transaction is committed when the QUIT statement is executed. A Trigger is a block of 4GL code that executes whenever a specific database event occurs. Ans:- 1. Of course, couldn't one simply put the despised keywords into the forget list and get error messages now? Why does Acts not mention the deaths of Peter and Paul? Normalization is essentially a two step process. Database trigger - Also known as a schema trigger, a block of 4GL code that executes whenever a specific database event occurs such as creating or deleting a table, assigning a value to a field, and so on. A transaction is a set of changes to the database, which the system either completes or discards, leaving no modification to the database. The variables need to be declared and the datatype cannot be changed during run time. Another factor is that a set of best practice standards is not well established and universally agreed upon. PROGRESS supports 2 types of database triggers: Always execute when a specified event occurs, regardless of what application initiates the event. Would My Planets Blue Sun Kill Earth-Life? Could a subterranean river or aquifer generate enough continuous momentum to power a waterwheel for the purpose of producing electricity? Can we use it in the where clause? Assign moves the data from screen buffer to record buffer. What are the types of Indexes? If you use shared lock it will upgrade to exclusive lock automatically if update is given. Although I suspect that if I cared more I might find that OO might be better when writing complex GUIs. The value of a global shared variable remains available throughout an OpenEdge session. If you need more than one record at a time from a table, you can use the DEFINE BUFFER statement to define additional buffers for that table. Another factor is that a set of best practice, standards is not well established and universally. What are the different types of Blocks? What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? 2) There should be a startup parameter which points to an alternate list. In transaction we maintain the data integrity at database level. "Signpost" puzzle from Tatham's collection, Passing negative parameters to a wolframscript. folks out there who think they are perfectly OK after all, it is a "traditional Progress programming. I would submit that at the very least archaic outdated methods should not be discussed as "traditional" but "deprecated" or "when nothing better was available". //An character array with length = 5, DEFINE VARIABLE j AS INTEGER EXTENT NO-UNDO. Then one gets the warning when one is ready to do something about it. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Oh, and this was made using Progress 10.2B. Static variables also have their uses -- I'm sure that you might find a few here and there in the Progress 4gl/db source code. Therefore, to examine a value supplied by the user (within an EDITING phrase), you must use the INPUT function to refer to the field or variable that contains the value. SYNTAX:- NUM-ENTRIES ( list [ , character ] ). All character fields should be enclosed in quotes (). is there any possibility to find out what variables, global variables, shared variables are defined at a particular point of performing a certain procedure? Multi-table deadlocks can be avoided by locking the tables in same order in all applications, thus preventing a deadlock condition. It is depending on the logic build in the include file. Why refined oil is cheaper than cold press oil? DEFINE VARIABLE a AS CHARACTER EXTENT 5 NO-UNDO. Static variables have uses for certain restricted cases, but they can be abused by those who don't know - or haven't been managed - better. Progress has the ability to use and understand SQL, but the overwhelming majority of application development is done using the native 4GL, which is held in high regard because it gives programmers the power that SQL has historically lacked, and that products like Oracle's PL/SQL and Power builders Transact/SQL attempt to provide with varying degrees of success. Static variables do have their uses, albeit in very restricted cases. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, How to make an existing frame responsive in Openedge,progress 4gl, How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. Other languages provide equivalent constructs with the "static" keyword for session wide, global variables and "ThreadLocal" or "thread static" variables for thread-scoped variables. Because they're an insidious cancer in an application's development that should be replaced by other, newer and safer methods of sharing information between procedures, rather than being touted as a plausible option for an unwitting developer to use. //A case sensitive ('a' <> 'A') variable. Why are they still being discussed in any way other than for historical reference? Stackoverflow tagged OpenEdge or Progress-4GL/DB, Occasionally encounter error 5890 and 5884 with excel com-object, [Stackoverflow] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] Sometimes having error with CSV output file from 4GL program, [Stackoverflow] [Progress OpenEdge ABL] How to use the OpenEdge debugger (OpenEdge Debugger 11.6). I think that nag messages are a long overdue idea and I hope to see some soon. Many of these applications are also filled with editing blocks too do you want to support people continuing to use them or point them in how to get rid of them? Boy, you step out of the room for a minute (well, to Greece and back and various other places) and all hell breaks loose. JavaScript is disabled. Q:- What is the diff between for first and find first? progress 4gl - OpenEdge SQL: 'variable' feature similar to Oracle PL (Could be thought somehow as the 'reverse' to the existing keyword forget list). The Handbook is intended as an extended language tutorial, not a best practices or application design guide. Syntax SESSION [ :attribute | :method ] attribute Specifies an attribute of the SESSION system handle. I can imagine a file extension that doesn't allow GUI-statements other than tracing. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Progress 4GL - Define variable month/year, How a top-ranked engineering school reimagined CS curriculum (Ep. Does internal procedure create .r file during execution? In this scenario the extra time taken for the ambiguousness test may take a few milliseconds, however, if the FIND statement is inside a block that is executed many thousand (or hundreds of thousands of times) the cumulative effect of those 'few milliseconds' will quickly add up and may well be the root cause of what is perceived to be a poorly performing query. What is normalization? Some parameters send data, receive data, based on parameter type. No lock is useful in reporting purposes. Can we define the same NEW SHARED variable in Multiple Procedures? But let's foster and maintain a professional and friendly tone. people who are not out at the leading edge, especially if they are sitting on million line bodies. Re-fetch record and modify its lock status. What are the different types of blocks available in progress? Continuing the "Shared" thread - why is the "shared" concept being carried forward with new language elements? Since find does not support by, use index comes in handy to sort the records and it makes clear to which of the defined indexes to use for the sort order. INPUT PARAMETER - Defines a parameter that gets its value from one of the following sources: If the calling procedure runs the current (called) procedure synchronously, the value comes from the corresponding INPUT parameter of the RUN statement. If there was a Strunk and White for ABL, there would be a reference point, but that doesn't exist. DEFINE VARIABLE statement - What should I follow, if two altimeters show different altitudes? Fixing sql length error in progress 4gl 10.2B, Index Check in OpenEdge 10.2b which uses Oracle schema, Progress Openedge syntax to read array data from url back into temp-table, How to enable mark occurrences feature for the OpenEdge editor, Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport. By the time parameter passing was introduced to the product there was a significant amount of code written throughout the 4GL community that used shared variables. When you write a record to the database, Progress gets that record from the record buffer. R-index function:- Returns an integer that indicates the position of the target string within the source string. Why do we normalize database? Untill then the data can be undone using undo statement. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Defines and identifies a variable that can be used by any procedure that names that variable using the DEFINE SHARED VARIABLE statement. Your observations regarding the ABL documentation, the examples therein, best practices using the ABL, new ABL features vs. older 4GL practices, etc, will definitely be looked at by the relevant PSC people. However - something as outdated as shared variables should be termed "obsolete", "legacy" or something to convey that it's an old way of doing thins. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. //A 64-bit integer initialized to -200, DEFINE VARIABLE l AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. The scope remains only until the RUN statement that executes it completes. Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Progress Software Corporation and/or its subsidiaries or affiliates. While updating it will be upgrading to exclusive lock else it will be in shared lock status. PROGRESS gives you the ability to deploy your applications across a wide range of platforms and configurations -- host-based and client/server environments, open and proprietary systems, and character and graphical interfaces -- without changing the application logic. DEFINE VARIABLE dt AS DATE INTIAL TODAY NO-UNDO. If it was easier for legacy developers to move things forward, maybe they would. INPUT-OUTPUT PARAMETER - Defines a parameter that receives an initial value passed from the calling procedure that can be subsequently modified by the called procedure. OO has a place but it isn't the be all and end all. VIEW - Displays a widget (sets its VISIBLE attribute to TRUE). But in a broader sense, isn't it a good thing Progress is a multi-paradigm language ? However, they should be labled as such and pointers provided to current languange elements and techniques that should be followed. Myself, I think having the compiler throw non-fatal warnings would be a bad idea. If you want some code, I can provide itbut based on browsing some of your other questions and answers, I don't expect that you need it :-). When we define temp table with like option index will inherit the index information from the database table. progress-4gl Tutorial => Getting started with progress-4gl If Progress is going to deprecate features (and I heartily support the idea that they should do so) then they ought to go to the trouble of updating the documentation and having the compiler remind people. 565), Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI. progress-4gl Tutorial - Variables - SO Documentation Q:- What is the use of defining the EXCLUSIVE-LOCK with NO-WAIT. If an application with several procedures defines a NEW SHARED variable with the same name in each procedure, Progress creates a different instance of the NEW SHARED variable in each procedure. Progress KB - SESSION:TEMP-DIRECTORY does not change when Windows current directory is changed with Win32 API call. Progress ABL is statically typed. But doing that for a widget that already has an event procedure will cause it to stop doing what it currently does (unless you can code it, but again I don't think you have the code). I'm saying their disadvantages need to be consistently emphasized, not just be stuck in one spot and then that section pointed to as a disclaimer. I found this topic to be quite effective and beneficial to me. A progres 4GL procedure you can execute with run withina progress session and is normally not saved in the database. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. You can use the ACCUMULATE statement only in blocks with the implicit looping property. Also, though the book came out with the OE10 doc set, it was in fact written to Version 9, and as such has had to be updated in various ways (such as the follow-on ProDataSet book) and other materials (yet to come, in some cases). This makes it a "fourth generation" programming language. However, in my case the only communication I have with OpenEdge is through the JDBC driver to the SQL-92 engine. Q:- Diff b/w PUT, Set, Update and Display? Now you run the compile statement on them with the XREF option. ANS:- 1.Lookup Function - Returns an integer giving the position of an expression in a list. The compiler already throws non-fatal warnings. How much RAM does my database and processes use. Ans:- The difference between for first and find first is: 1. Record buffer:- A temporary storage area in data memory for a record, field, or variable. What were the most popular text editors for MS-DOS in the 1980s? The length (extent) can be set in run-time. 2) We would certainly like to encourage honest feedback and robust debate on this forum. Widget attributes Characteristic of the widget such as type, screen location, size, color, font and relationship to other widgets. Explain PUT Statement? You normalize a database in order to ensure data consistency and stability, to minimize data redundancy, and to ensure consistent update and maintainability of the data, and avoid update and delete anomalies that result in ambiguous data or inconsistent results. Maintenance - Add / Modify / Delete database record, Inquiry - Simple formatted extract without batch id option, Report - Detail formatted extract with batch id option with. A transaction is a unit of work that is either completed as a unit or undone as a unit. Progress, Telerik, Ipswitch and certain product names used herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. Canadian of Polish descent travel to Poland with Canadian passport. If you do not want, or if you do not need, the value of a variable to be undone even when it has been changed during a transaction, use the NO-UNDO option with the DEFINE VARIABLE statement. If the null hypothesis is never really true, is there a point to using a statistical test without a priori power analysis? A .pf is a collection of client startup parameters that you invoke collectively with the -pf startup parameter on your client's command line. One is that a lot of the documentation was written a, long time ago when awareness of some best practice, standards was not nearly as widely understood as it, is today not that they are universally understood, even now. Notice the inclusion of a trigger overrides whatever was there before (since your window did not resize, I don't think it will harm it. "Don't want" means: I know the another way of doing it. Get monthly updates about new articles, cheatsheets, and tricks. /* A handle is a handle to anything: a session, an on screen widget etc */ /* A Com-handle is used for ActiveX Com-automation */ DEFINE VARIABLE h AS HANDLE NO-UNDO. Compares a character expression to a pattern and evaluates to a TRUE value if the expression satisfies the pattern criteria. Trusting execution of code that ensures database integrity to the client's runtime seems very insecure to me, but what do I know (never drank the OE Kool-Aid). Receipts can be processed against these purchase orders. Suppose u have a database and that database is used by 100 client and user1 want to update the table with 100 fields. Would My Planets Blue Sun Kill Earth-Life? Not the answer you're looking for? As it is certain features that are prone to mis-use (such as shared variables, CAN-DO and USE-INDEX) are far too prominently featured in the documentation and, in many cases, are held up as exemplars when they should not be. The documentation ( by the way states: You cannot define a NEW SHARED or NEW GLOBAL SHARED variable in a class. on how to make old code and new code work together, something which I think is a bit weak in the current, But, there also should be good guidance in best, practices with new features (and what not to use. There are two types of frames: down and one-down. MATCHES does not use index information when performing a comparison; it always scans the entire data table. A shared variable defined in parent program can be used in all its sub programs but the vice versa is not possible. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. rev2023.5.1.43405. I find it very difficult to believe that the overhead of the run itself doesn't swamp out the overhead associated with a parameter versus a shared variable. By Defining the OUTPUT TO you can send the data to predefined file name and only one destination at a time. If SEARCH does not find the file, it returns an unknown value (?). Shared lock is the default lock used in progress. You can use fields () attribute that allows you bring the selected fields of the table. The compiler should be silent unless there is something fatal or a good reason to expect that the code will not perform as intended (like moving colon position). We could refer to it as the keywordtrytoforget list. I agree with you guys on shared variables. This modified text is an extract of the original. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 2. What is that something else that is better? Where does the version of Hamapil that is different from the Gemara come from? If a table is exclusive locked then other users cannot update that table but can view it using No-LOCK. It is easy to be dismissive but it would be more useful to be clear about what exceptions or qualifications you are making. What are the arguments for/against anonymous authorship of the Gospels. I'm always a fan of showing more options and explaining why one would make choices, but the specific example this thread started with is definitely a best practices issue well, or a worst practices issue.

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