Her hero name Starfire was actually just her English translated name from her actual name Princess Koriandr. As a result of Mister Mind "eating" aspects of this reality, it takes on visual aspects similar to the pre-Crisis Earth-2, including the Atom among other Justice Society of America characters. She can cause atoms to combust at will. The original Golden Age Atom, Al Pratt, was created by writer Bill O'Connor and artist Ben Flinton and first appeared in All-American Publications ' All-American Comics #19 (October 1940). Jessie Wingfoot is the daughter of She-Hulk and Wyatt Wingfoot. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Radiation nicknames and names - Nickfinder.com 15 RADIOACTIVE MAN You can't get more on the nose with a name than Radioactive Man. Very few references to Radioactive Man's actual super powers have been made. [3] He initially had no superpowers; instead, he was a diminutive college student and later a physicist who was depicted as a tough guy, a symbol of all the short kids who could still make a difference. Fantastic), with his emotional inflexibility and his mental acuity is oddly able to stretch his body like elastic. Gestalt - A group of elite scientific thinkers. They pass right through you, as much as 1,000 times a second. One of DC's Shazams is finally getting a new name, and no it isn't Billy Batson. Issue #1 of the Bongo comic differs from RM #1 as seen in "Three Men and a Comic Book". The Atom has been the star of multiple solo series, and four of the five have appeared as members of various superhero teams, such as the Justice Society of America, the Justice League, the Suicide Squad, and the Justice Legion Alpha. Big Deal - A magician and card trick specialist who is the latest member of the Big Gang. We use cookies. 64) Magneto. Fire isnt his only ability, but it seems to be something he is known for producing based on his looks. Every Firestorm that has an ability called the Firestorm Matrix, anything under the Matrix should be something he is capable of controlling the molecules, and he can reconstruct them at will. Nuclear Fire Manipulation. Flame Alchemist (Full Metal Alchemist), 20 Most Important Superheroes With Disabilities (Ranked), 15 Best Superheroes That Wear Only White (Marvel & DC). In the final issue of 52, a new Multiverse is revealed, originally consisting of 52 identical realities. Most of us probably know her for her Mars Flame Sniper, which is perhaps her strongest fire-based attack. On top of that, shed be a formidable martial artist. The ruse ended, Palmer explains himself to the Justice League, who had been searching for him after hearing rumors of a new Atom. EPA Names 2023 Top Cities for ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings Fantastic Four, American team of comic strip superheroes, created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby for Marvel Comics in 1961, that brought an element of realism to the genre unique for its time. For the The Human Torch to gain his ability to become a fireball, each of his 75 trillion cells would need to mutate in the exact same way, he says. She is more known as a Telepath and Empath and can even learn languages through her abilities. Once possessing the superhuman strength equivalent to a relatively calm Hulk, Leonard is now more powerful than ever as his darker alter-ego Samson. Fictional characters with nuclear or radiation abilities, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:Fictional_characters_with_nuclear_or_radiation_abilities&oldid=1118475508, This page was last edited on 27 October 2022, at 06:05. However, once Frost started to abuse her, she left and joined the superhero group New Warriors. Strobe - A criminal who stole an experimental suit that grants him energy projection and photokinesis. Hazmat (Jennifer Takeda) Powers, Enemies, History | Marvel It means the core is open. A former Middletown resident, Louis Lembert was a high school athlete. The Blue Spirit shows in both the animated series and the comic. Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) is a computer-based method of planning for, and delivery of generally narrow, patient specific, spatially and often temporally modulated beams of radiation to solid tumors within a patient. M'nagalah - A shapeless alien life form who was an old enemy of. Therefore I choose to believe that Marvel Girl was transformed by her exposure to radiation and she became a more powerful version of herself, renamed Phoenix. He first meets Ryan when he walks into their dorm with heavy luggage and kindly introduces himself. She had pyrokinetic abilities in the group, but she was killed after her retirement. For example, Burnin is a flame-based pro-hero in Endeavors Agency. Characters Portrayed by Rainier Wolfcastle, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, "Radioactive Man II: Bring On The Sequel". There are 3 billion base pairs in the human genome. This reboot has a new origin story about how the quartet became so fantastic, something involving alternate dimensions. Comic book fans know Bruce Banner, The Incredible Hulk as the original gamma-powered superhero. He is a member of the the Superior Squad (an Avengers and Justice League like organization). 300+ Super Cool Superhero Names - HobbyLark The flames arent just for show because Ghost Riders have Hellfire Manipulation. She is also one of DCs first superheroes with a South Asian heritage. They were manipulated by a crook named Eddie Gordon until he was defeated by Atom. Rhonda falls inside the building and lands near Ray Palmer's Atomico work, gaining size- and density-changing powers. [10] She is revealed to be working as a reluctant spy for Amanda Waller and Steve Trevor, gathering intel on the new Justice League recruits. Manipulate radiation and radioactive material. [63], In Countdown #30, the Challengers from Beyond encountered Earth-15, a world where the sidekicks had taken their mentor's places. Big Ben - The Big Gang's timing specialist. The original Golden Age Atom, Al Pratt, was created by writer Bill O'Connor and artist Ben Flinton and first appeared in All-American Publications' All-American Comics #19 (October 1940). Sleep can be a warrior's worst enemy, whether during day-long battles or long . Not so far anyway. Big Gang - A gang who uses big gimmicks and target big items in their heists. There is a Marvel Comics villain named Radioactive Man; he is unrelated to the Simpsons character. It means the fire we're watching with our own eyes is giving nearly twice the radiation released by the bomb in Hiroshima. Hailing from Earth-8009, Lyra is the genetically engineered daughter of Thundra and the Hulk. Abstract: Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) are methods of delivering ionizing radiation using highly focused convergent beams to target a lesion while limiting exposure of adjacent structures. The eighth smartest person on the planet, Amadeus Cho has a hypermind which allows him to run a virtually limitless amount of calculations in his head. Just like her name, Celsius has thermal power. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. [5] Following his reanimation, Adam and the other Black Lanterns travel to Belle Reve and attack Bane and Black Alice. As the video explains, radiation is everywhere. His sidekick is Fallout Boy, and his catchphrase is "Up and atom!" One of the most well-known of the radiation-created superheroes is Spider-Man. She also reveals that by placing a sliver of Green Kryptonite in Superman's optic nerve, she caused him to accidentally kill Doctor Light, with the added effect of severely weakening and almost killing Superman over time. Zauriel is more than a hero. Her fire-like hair is her power, and she can pull it off and hurl it towards enemies. In human eyes, colors are perceived by three light sensors in the eye called cones, but birds have an extra, mutated cone that detects ultraviolet light. The son of Doctor Frye was a popular schoolboy in his small hometown, where he was known for his kindness and as a local American Football star. Krusty the Clown was cast as villains Dr. Clownius and Silly Sailor. the version that lives in my head is the "real" one to me.) He can absorb. Most of us are familiar with her using beams or Starbolts, but the rays are as hot as fire and can also ignite or cause things to explode. Atom (character) The Atom is a name shared by five superheroes appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics . All Rights Reserved. Jubilee. One of the most well-known of the radiation-created superheroes is Spider-Man. Gamma-irradiated friend, rival, and psychiatrist of Bruce Banner. A genetic experiment to cure PMS gone terribly wrong produced the Abominatrix. Cosmic rays are atomic shrapnel and nuclear radiation that flood the universe. Radiation Manipulation. Turn on Spotify or the radio, and sound radiation pumps jams into your ears. [2] By the 1970s, it was filmed in color and retrospectively regarded as campy, with villains such as The Scoutmaster. Among the parallel realities shown is one designated "Earth-2". April 26, 2023. While superheroes often have to deal with the burden of their role, this is one of the few times that comic books get close to having radiation cause an outright disease. His son died, after which he went insane. WASHINGTON The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing its annual "Top Cities" list . They can penetrate nearly all forms of matter. Cray was initially believed to be Ray Palmer in disguise by members of the team. Radioactive Man is a comic book superhero who appeared in The Radioactive Man Franchise. Radioactive Man has been portrayed in many media since his debut in Interesting Stories #7. Johnny and Sue are . The love of Bruce Banner's life, she has been one of the Hulk's greatest allies, though she is the daughter of his greatest enemy, General 'Thunderbolt' Ross. The Nuclear Option: 15 Radioactive Superheroes and Villains - CBR One such incident caused him to use his mystical flames for baking a cake, but it looks like it wasnt well-received by his fellow heroes. The role of Fallout Boy was cast from local children. 29. She got her name due to igniting the air around her that causes her to look like a bird with flames. The Search For Ray Palmer: Superwoman/Batwoman briefly features a female version of The Atom. High-energy radiation can physically snap the DNA helix or create deletions in the tracks, but cells come with repair systems to fix these mistakes. His powers function as if he "caught" the powers of a spider, as if the radiation functioned as a kind of Silly Putty, transferring the characteristics off the spider and on to Parker. One night after killing two cops, they are cornered on the roof of S.T.A.R. Personal Energy Manipulation. It can be inferred that Radioactive Man has some level of superhuman strength and invulnerability to injury. If she isnt writing, shes probably on a quest somewhere in the Forgotten Realms or completing her Pokdex entries. Seventh Sanctum - Superhero/Villain Name Generator As radiation can damage organic material, it can inadvertently cause mutations in DNA, RNA, gnomes, proteins, and chemicals. Name shared by several fictional comic book superheroes from the DC Comics universe, "The Atom" redirects here. the malleable Mr. Man in the Ion Mask - William Jameson is a man who uses an ionic ray in which anyone in the vicinity of him would be temporarily paralyzed so that he can rob them. Can You Name All Of These Superheroes From A Single Image? Hi, I'm new to posting on this forum, but I've been reading posts on here for a while :) Next weekend i am hosting an event to teach middle school kids about the field of Nuclear. To acquire superpowers, you would need a place steeped in high-energy radiation. Warning! She has a pretty strong affinity with the element of fire. Indeed, one comic displays a startling similarity to Alan Moore's Watchmen, with Radioactive Man taking the part of state-supported hero Doctor Manhattan. Maybe there was some kind of interaction between the cosmic radiation and the atmosphere. Not simply the result of basic exposure to radiation, his powers are the result of being bitten by a spider which was exposed to radiation. Nsikan Akpan. Use These Categories: Names Aquaember Blizzard Serpent Cyborg Charmer Dark Emerald Dynapiercer Felinea Giantbot Ice Eater Idea Blood Marine Vibe Mind Construct Minikick Mirage Mentalist Negative Bark Red Howl Second Tiger Slashing Bomb Sorceress Jest Spirit Ghost Winter Tornado KK 2 days ago In 2013, a study showed that this trait is due to a single mutation and had evolved at least 14 different times among the worlds bird species. Solar Manipulation. Her first appearance was in 1981, in the Spiderman comics, and since then, has been a prominent member of multiple Marvel teams like the Avengers, X-Men, and New Warriors.. She mainly has electromagnetic abilities, but her microwave radiation manipulation is really interesting. Radioactive Man is the name of several characters in superhero fiction. Forty-eight more tomorrow. Due to this gift, he now wields a flaming staff and can project energy through his eyes and staff. The blockbuster reboot of the Fantastic Four flamed out this weekend, pulling in a meager $26 million at the U.S. box office. Big Bertha - The Big Gang's strongest member. Daredevil, gets splashed with radioactive juice and can hear through walls. He has abilities similar to the Human Torch, but he had additional molten earth properties. A member of Gamma Corps: Black, Private Ronna Phillips was modified to resemble a female version of Abomination. 1996 - 2023 NewsHour Productions LLC. When you hug your friends, heat radiation emanates from their arms and onto your skin. Superhero - Silver Age (1956-69) | Britannica As we have previously learned, the new name for Captain Marvel, Shazam or Billy Batson in his superhero form is now The Captain, as seen in this week's Shazam #1 from Mark Waid and Dan Mora. She can also absorb her fireworks without harm. Create, choose, store and copy nicknames for games and social networks on one page. Fire (DC) Occasionally also called Green Flame. Nicknames, cool fonts, symbols and stylish names for Radiation RaDiAto, Girl, RaDiAtIoN, , Toxic, . [60] The first hero in the Tangent timeline, he inadvertently caused the Cuban Missile Crisis to escalate into a limited nuclear exchange that obliterated Florida and Cuba in 1962, unknown to his fellow Americans. Halflife was an English professor who was exposed to gamma radiation. He started experimenting on himself becoming a ghoul-like creature. Well, now you can! Palmer intended to use Cray to uncover a shadowy government cabal which was using Palmer to discover the secret identities of other costumed heroes (Palmer's own identity no longer being secret). For characters whose origin involves nuclear power, but whose actual super-powers do not derive from them (such as Spider-Man), see Category:Marvel Comics mutates. This is such an amazing idea! A former member of the Circus of Crime, Griffin is a gamma-irradiated member of the Gamma Corps. Despite his compassionate sounding name, The Leader is in fact a common thorn in the Hulk's side. Adam Cray, son of the murdered Senator Joseph Cray, first appeared as the Atom in the pages of Suicide Squad #44 by John Ostrander (August 1990). However, with Murdoch it is very much a case of the powers only being part of the story, the other part being his own will to fight since his power themselves are only sensory. She is a member of The Kingdom, a superhero group of African heroes. [6] Adam is apparently destroyed by the Manhunter's self-destruct mechanism, unleashing an explosion of Green Lantern energy that eradicates the Black Lanterns. The 10 Most Outrageous Military Experiments | Live Science EPA Names 2023 Top Cities for ENERGY STAR-Certified Buildings https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/can-radiation-give-superpowers. She has been writing about anime, games, and movies since 2017. Another thing is creating and unleashing radiation to burn, harm, or fatally attack their opponent. As we are seeing, radiation in comic books never works the way that it does in life. Wolfcastle is incapable of saying the "Up and Atom!" Whiz! Matt Murdock, a.k.a. His burden is permanent radioactivity which he combats by wearing special bandages to protect others. She can tap into the electromagnetic field of the earth and transform it into microwave radiation emissions. Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles that cause ionization. Looking For A Role Model? These 195+ Marvel Female Characters Are Truly A doctor whom experimented on his son with Gamma rays. What earned him the title of hero was his unique style of fire-based combat alchemy. The DNA helix is like a train track with rails made of chemicals called base pairs. Also in the Tangent series, the Atom's presence as America's first superhero during the 1960s has led to a huge cultural impact, and in this world many significant points in pop culture have been effected by his presence; for instance The Beatles choose to be called "The Atomiks", further more TV shows such as The Beverly Hillbillies became The Superman Hillbillies, The Dick Van Dyke Show became The Dick Van Hero Show and Get Smart became Get Powers. Stroehm - A gangster who framed Mr. Baker for arson in order to get to the copper deposit on his property. A former member of the Circus of Crime, Griffin is a gamma-irradiated member of the Gamma Corps. Larry Trainor got his powers when he was exposed to a radioactive field while piloting a test plane. While those enhanced senses help him to hone his body, all of his physical prowess stems from his own dedication, training and (most importantly) his bravery. By using this site you agree to the following Terms of Use. 63) Quicksilver. The fact that the issue comes up so overtly and people around him die of cancer is what sets this book apart from others. Now a new recruit in the Initiative. Atom exposed to Perry what the two criminals were doing behind his back and defeated them. When she taps into the Phoenixs powers, she can cause destruction via her flames. Variety of radiation can vary in what they can do, their origins of creation, and what stops them from harming or inducing stability to the erratic particle/energy to convert them into non-radioactive material. Due to accidental exposure to gamma rays and Pym particles Scott Banner turns into a green monster during moments of stress. Shazam's Mary Bromfield Officially Chooses Her Superhero Codename Spider-Man Spider-Man is the most famous superhero from Marvel who obtained his superpower from radiation exposure. Gamma and neutron radiation are one of the dangerous forms of radiation that exist in the universe. His real name is Dirk Morgna, and he has the ability to unleash internal solar energy. AndresRed 1 yr. ago. And it will not stop. The science of radiation and the superpowers of the Fantastic Four Whether this is a direct homage to the superheroes of that era or not is never clear, but it is appropriate to the time it is set in. Combination of Electromagnetism Manipulation and Nuclear Manipulation. EPA Names 2023 Top Cities for ENERGY STAR Certified Buildings. After his encounter with Ironman, Sunfire turned over a new leaf and is now an ally to the world. Superpower Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Patricia Apolinario is one of the writers of Fiction Horizon. "Stereotactic" describes target lesion localization relative to a known three dimensional . Ultraviolet Manipulation. She is noted to be "the most important member of the Justice League of America" by Steve Trevor. Even if a person traveled through the Van Allen belt, where theyd be pelted with 15 million cosmic rays per second, one couldnt guarantee that happening. Taken largely from this List of human superheroes in DC Comics and many helpful comments from Wad Cheber, I have put together what can serve as a decent starting point for DC characters with alliterative names. As the film Radioactive Man Re-Rises reboots what is described in season 25's "Steal This Episode" as "the last one", it can be inferred that a Radioactive Man film was produced prior to Re-Rises but after the unfinished Rainier Wolfcastle film from the season 7 episode "Radioactive Man". History/Background and/or General Information. The only reasons that have ever been hinted at for these diverse powers are emotional, which then implies that the radiation is somehow also psychic or at least emotionally sensitive, which implies something more complex than radiation sickness. Left: This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Still, the movie raised an age-old question: what would it take to obtain superpowers? Here are 15 Supervillains Who Have Superhero Names. morrow, red tornado has had a long, and somewhat convoluted history as a wind-controlling superhero in the dc universe. Originally, his size and molecular density abilities derived from the white dwarf star material of his costume, controlled by mechanisms in his belt, and later by controls in the palms of his gloves. He was the assistant to Phineas Horton, the creator of the first Human Torch. Manipulate radiation and radioactive material. The Hulk of a possible future in an alternate reality, who was unwillingly exposed to gamma radiation (by the Knights of Banner, who wished to recreate the accident that created the original Hulk) and transforms into The Hulk of the year 2099 whenever he wills. LCD - Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) (L36711) At some point it is proven (and then questioned) that long term contact with him could cause cancer. Nov 3, 2012. Atomica is the lover of speedster serial killer Johnny Quick and accompanies him on his high-speed murder spree across Central City. (Our atmosphere shields most of these cosmic rays). It will burn and spread its poison until the entire continent is dead!Valery Legasov discusses the radioactive releases from the Chernobyl disaster. As a result, the extent of his powers are not known. He is very much like most stereotypical mad scientist villains, even speaking in a German accent. The radiation he was exposed to separated him from his "intrinsic field" and disintegrates him, over the following months he gradually rebuilds himself as something much more than human. [1] The second Atom was the Silver Age Atom, Ray Palmer, who first appeared in 1961. [62] Based on comments by Grant Morrison, this alternate universe is not the pre-Crisis Earth-2. For other uses, see, Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure, "DC Comics Unveils Earth 53 in 'Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt', "Justice League Snyder Cut Image Shows DC Comics Ryan Choi", "Zack Snyder Confirms ATOM Was In His Justice League", "I have a (literally) small cameo in this trailer AND this movie. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. 2: Ronin: ~750 year old samurai blessed with longevity, and he doesn't have a master any knife so that's why I picked the name. The origin of Fallout Boy was changed for the movie: Rod Runtledge acquires superpowers after getting run over by an x-ray truck and blasted in the face by the x-ray machine it was transporting. Learn more about Friends of the NewsHour. Cray had been recruited by Palmer (who faked his own death) to apprehend the Micro Squad, a group of villains that had been reduced in size. For this article, well be talking about 30 Superheroes from comics who wield flames and 20 made-up fire-wielding heroes that I came up with. Wizardo - Howard Crane is a magician, theater owner, and former quick change artist who performed a trick that enabled him to pose as astronaut Peter Venner and frame him for the crimes that he committed. She's also able to . The Fragmented One/WAN/he Eternal Network/Fuxi/The Maker of Machines/Hakhama/The Great Voice/Sophia/Mekhane/SCP-001 - TwistedGears/Kaktus Proposal - The Broken God, SCP-001 - djkaktus's Proposal - The Children, SCP-0001 - Meta Ike's Proposal - The Solution, SCP-2350 - A Romance in Higher Dimensions, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Radioactivity Alteration/Change/Control/Influence/Manipulation/Modification/Warping, Radioactive/Radiation Energy Manipulation, Since some radiation is a form of energy, users of.

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