.004 lbs. We offer GO TO fly patterns that will entice trout throughout most of the states, not just on the San Juan River. Seriously though, this little midge pattern (yeah, we were talking about a midge pattern, you sicko) is one of the best flies you will ever buy. azwanderings February 24 . Dropping to 7X will almost always increase your hookups, and decrease the number of fish you land. You will notice as you browse our selection that the majority of our inventory consists of midges and nymphs. Havent met him, but hes a Colorado fly fishing guide for Anglers Covey and fly tying instructor for both Ghillies Fly Shop and Anglers Covey. Situated near the eastern edge of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, this prime destination for dry fly, You havent fished in the Southwest until you cast your like in New Mexicos waters. On a big river like the Colorado at Lee's Ferry or the Green River in spring, you'll want a 9-foot, 5-weight to reach distant water and control your line properly. Awesome timing! Early in the day, you are likely to see more midge larvae than anything else. It may be small and green, but it has magic powers that could change your life. As with the leader length, you must constantly change the weight on your leader to match the water depth and speed you are fishing in. Its pretty easy to identify a true Root Beer Midge by the segmented rubber body, and the WD-40-like thorax (if that makes any sense). Give a Gift Public High Schools. Oh, and since this pattern is an emerger, dont be surprised if fish come clear out of the water when they hit it. Fishheads of the San Juan another guide service thats been guiding on the San Juan for many years. Modern Midges: 12 Fly Recipes - Fly Fisherman Phantom of the flats. He created DIY Fly Fishing to help you do the same. I've seen anglers who had to pay out line from their reel manually, because every time a fish hit the reel, it would break off their 7X tippet. Fisheads also can sell NM State Fishing Licenses. The latest Costa Film "Hooked On: Bonefish" explores the pursuit of this prized gamefish, which requires expert marksmanship and delicate execution to be successful. Before I go, a few words about Juan. 6-12. Lighter weights reduce this effect, so I recommend using as little weight as possible for the water type. If youve never fished tiny nymph patterns the San Juan is going to teach you some lessons. You have to spoon-feed these trout so all they have to do is open their mouths. If you space your flies too far apart, you lose the effectiveness of the attractor fly. Many people are fooled when they see this behavior and switch to a dry fly too early in the game. When he isn't casting his fly rod, you can find him writing, tying flies, and dreaming about fly fishing. Parrotts Chironoflash Pupa(sizes 18 & 20) Frank Smethurst Fly Tying Video | San Juan Midge Pattern - YouTube Frank smethurst tying one of his go-to midge patterns from his day's on the San Juan. To be a proficient midge fisherman, you need a range of fly patterns that imitate every stage trout prey upon. Though, if you are going to be fishing any river in the western United States, its a good idea to keep at least a few at the ready. When you're in public school there are multiple distractions. Often a guide will send someone out early to claim it until a client comes down to the river. It costs money to drive a large site like this. Watch and wade with us as we chase bonefish on the sand flats of the Bahamas and tag them on the grass flats of the Keys. If you plan on fishing the Taylor River or Gunnison any time soon, then you should stock your fly box with a few D-Midges in grey and red. They are some of the best, and most productive annelid patterns we carry. Most of my midge-fishing knowledge I learned from the people I consider to be the real experts on some of the most highly pressured waters in the Rocky Mountain West, but this information is effective everywhere there are midges and trout. Your email address will not be published. It is best to carry these in a wide variety of colors including red, black, olive, and cream. San Juan Worm - Size 16 San Juan Worm size 16 The San Juan Worm is a great fly to pair with any nymph rig you're fishing. This is a simple midge that is easy to tie, very durable, and works well at imitating a midge pupa ascending to the surface. He looked at me and said, Here, try this. It was a beautiful moment. We are putting out content just like this every week, and wed love to have you join in all the fly fishing banter. These basic colors will cover you through most serger projects. Great photo, Trey! Imitating a midge, a CDC Midge Pupa emerger is one of the most popular types available. 8. . The deep ribs, and contrast with the thread and D-Rib create a super bold fly that attracts fish like crazy! Phantom of the flats. I caught a bunch of brown trout and lost a trophy in the mid-20-inch area easy. Use big heavy nymphs as a point fly to get the offering down into the strike zone. You can tie them with various beads on the front to add appeal and/or weight. Midge flies are too small to effectively use internal weight, so you must carry a good selection of micro-split-shot in various sizes. My best advice for this section when nymphing is to get your depth right and let your fly drift as naturally as possible without recasting. HOOK: #10-12 Dohiku G 644BL.THREAD: Black 8/0.ABDOMEN: Tying thread.BUTT: Fluorescent orange 70-denier Ultra Thread.RIB: Pearl Flashabou.THORAX: Red 70-denier Ultra Thread.WING: Natural CDC.Note: Coat body with Sally Hansen Hard As Nails clear nail polish. These circumstances require special tactics and tiny flies that imitate the prevalent midge population. We soon amassed more than 1,000 fly patterns, along with detailed information on how to tie them, from some of the worlds best tiers in Japan, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Croatia, Slovakia, England, the U.S., and elsewhere. Ah the wonder of Krystal Flash, how did we get by without it? Tiny 18 to 24 midge patterns are the ticket. With its segmented body, flashabou wings, and peacock hurl head, it is sure to draw some fire the next time you hit the water. Your email address will not be published. The description of the pattern and what it intends to imitate are directly in the name: its a direct imitation of a midge pupa transitioning into the adult phase of the life cycle. Stop by the shop for more information and to resupply. There are snow storms, usually of short duration during the winter months as the sun generally comes out soon after a snow storm helping clear the roads. Stop being cheap. If needed contact info -, Google Map for Fly Fishing the San Juan River, https://nmdgf.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=4af365eb03524e229de3eaf815fd56ca, Where to Fly Fish on the San Juan River, New Mexico (Maps, Flies and Technique), Fly Fishing on the Cimarron River New Mexico (How and Where), How Much Is a Fishing License in New Mexico? A few burly sets of Perfect Rubber legs, a bit of soft hackle, a pinch or two of dubbing and you have a bug that brings a smile to your face. This provided nearly 13 feet of leader to adjust the depth. Editors note: This pattern seems to be no longer available. I hope you guys realize that many if not most of the pattern links in this article have expired! Streamer fishing has been good. San Juan Worm "Micro" - Fire Red. Dont go out on a tailwater fishery without a healthy selection of midge patterns, both subsurface and dry. Anybody you guides and ties flies for a living is OK in my book. Some of New, New Mexico Game and Fish publishes a weekly fish stocking report. These patterns arethe go to flies for fly patterns of the San Juan River. I didnt see folks fighting, but any time you have trout stacked up like they are in the Texas Hole youll have some tension. It's important to pay attention to where the fish are feeding, and if the fish are "up" on midges, you'll have to drastically reduce your leader length. We have rooms available and some of the best guides on the river. If you are serious about fishing midge hatches, your first course of action will be to sample what's in the water with a seine or a small aquarium net. With a heavy tungsten head, and flashabou wings, this thing sinks quickly, and draws the attention of every fish in the room. Made famous on the San Juan River, Juan Ramirez shows us how to tie the KF Midge Emerger which works just about anywhere you find midges, which is just about everywhere. Learn to tie Barr's Damsel with master tier Charlie Craven. The number of repeat customers over the past 9 years is a testament to the quality of our ties and customer service. This phase of the transformation has been studied extensively by some very good anglers who have developed deadly imitations. FAQs . Midging For Trout - Fly Fisherman I would recommend you order some from Umpqua. An injury and what seemed like the end of a career paved the way for a new passion. Just be sure to pay cash, and avoid talking about it over the phone; unless of course you are on a secure line. Whats up with the blog lately? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Fish are active feeding on midge and other insects including mayflies, caddis, scuds, annelids and terrestrials depending on what part of the river you are in. Rgrds. If you are fortunate to be on the river during the "ant hatch", you could experience phenomenal dry fly fishing for large trout using ant patterns. Seriously though, if you plan on fishing any tailwater in the western United States, you should keep a lot of these on hand, because this fly is unbelievable. Reply. But, just so Im sure you get the right one, here is a link to buy one on DiscountFlies. I love everything to do with fly fishing. Learn to tie the RS2 with master tier Charlie Craven. Ive seen a couple different variations of this pattern over time, but the one you want to look for has a striking resemblance to a Zebra Midge. As Noel Gollehan discussed at our recent PVFF club meeting, midges hatching on the San Juan River in New Mexico range in size from 20-24. All Rights Reserved. Man I love that! The life cycle and presentation tactics I've covered here are universally applicable, but midges come in different sizes and different colors on different waters, so you may have to modify the patterns I've mentioned to match the local hatch. Fluorocarbon sinks and should not be used for dry-fly or surface fishing. As a general rule, I use the larger fly as the point fly, and separate the flies with 12 to 14 inches of tippet. Nevertheless, tying a midge fly pattern can be somewhat tedious for some tiers because of the hook size, which represents the midge in its true state. Simple but yet effective, the Zebra Midge is the one larva pattern an angler should never be without. Check out the full of story of Sage Indendi Johnson's journey from a path towards professional basketball to guiding in Alaska. The bling midge is one of the more popular flies on the San Juan river. Black Beauty - Black - Sz 22-26. . Landon Mayer | Illustrations by Joe Mahler. Guide Pro Tip: Heres a little secret spot, walk down the boat ramp take 10 steps up river and drop a midge pattern in the run about 20 feet out. This is one of the most widely used patterns on tailwaters, considering that midges are present 12 months out of the year. Using these flies, he's like a vacuum cleaner when he gets in the river, sucking trout up like dust bunnies, and drawing plenty of stares in the process. Bryen Venema is thefly-shop manager and a guide at the Bighorn Angler in Fort Smith, Montana. An effective springtime pattern here on the Bighorn, the Root Beer Midge is a go-to pattern when midge pupae are ascending to the surface. You will notice as you browse our selection that the majority of our inventory consists of midges and nymphs. As spring progresses, fish move out of their winter holds actively feeding on midges and other insects. NC 28150 (505) 436-6261. sales@sanjuanriverflies.com Use tab to navigate through the menu items. 5. A few burly sets of Perfect Rubber legs, a bit of soft hackle, a pinch or two of dubbing and you have a bug that brings a smile to your face. 15 Best Nymphs For Colorado (Heres What You Need), 9 Reasons Why You Should Buy A Fly Rod Roof Rack (Plus Our Top 2 Picks), 10 Best Flies For Brook Trout (Expert Angler Weighs In), 7 Killer Spots To Catch Brook Trout in Colorado, 7 Streamer Fishing Tips To Catch More Fish. This fly, as funny as it looks, makes fish go crazy. Winter Fishing(December, January, February) Longer rods are nice, I used a 10-foot, 4-weight nymphing rod. 10. The San Juan River is a fly fishermans dream, offering a bounty of opportunities to hook into rainbow trout, brown trout, and other species. Preschools. All I can tell you is that you should buy about 50 of these things. We feel the effectiveness of this pattern has to do with the varying color tones in the pattern and the translucency of the red tubing over the black thread. Ive got a FREE video workshop teaching how to dry fly fish at this link How 2 Fly Fish, Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | About | Contact | The Team | Advertise with Guide Recommended, Disclosure: "This site is owned and operated by River Traditions LLC, a limited liability company headquartered in Michigan, USA. Bead Head "Serendipity Style" WD40 - Olive. San Juan River Fly Patterns | San Juan River Flies | Shelby Ill never forget it. Actually, size 26-28 black midge larvae and black crystal flash in size 26-28 are working incredibly well right now. You can get this midge in all sorts of color variations, but the most common are probably red, black and grey. Private Schools. Trout feast on these midges all year long, and in the late fall, winter, and early spring, they feed on them almost exclusively. As spring progresses, fish move out of their winter holds actively feeding on midges and other insects. Nemo, walk down the boat ramp take 10 steps up river and drop a midge pattern in the run about 20 feet out. That extra distance allowed me to pick up the long leader and drop it into likely holding water. HOOK: #18-24 Tiemco 2457.BEAD: Black size 15 Japanese seed bead.THREAD: White 8/0 Uni-Thread.BODY: Latex colored with olive Chartpak marker.WING PADS: Rust goose biot.COLLAR: Peacock Ice Dub.

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