Now, this is and isnt possible for some people. [14] Rabbi Adolph Spiegel, was among the serviceman who stayed in Puerto Rico.He led services from 1899 to 1905 in Ponce. This list is compiled from a catalogue the author found on a visit to Puerto Rico in the Museum of San Juan. Can my grandson who is 10 on my mothers side be tested for the YDNA. I started to fill out the paper from NefeshB Nefesh and the Jewish Agency for Israel to make Aliyah, but they ask for proof of Judaism. We all wear the star of David though. We were part of the Catholic Church at the time but on Saturdays she would have me read from the Old Testament. Ive been also told that I look Jewish. Do you have any information that may help in my investigation? My mother's family has a tradition of being Jewish by way of Curacao. Just in case, this study never (nor will be) intended to determine if a tester is Jewish. This reference Crisis and Creativity in the Sephardic World: 1391-1648, by Gampel. Jews of Puerto Rico - Geni On Sephardic Surnames - Hollander-Waas Jewish Heritage Services Caribbean - The Jews of Puerto Rico Spanish archives include records of Sephardic surnames as far back as the 10th centurya genealogical advantage Ashkenazim don't enjoy. Liebman. Puerto Rican Jews have made many contributions in multiple fields, including business and commerce, education, and entertainment. Which is which for the Mallorcan-Jewish? Shalom from Puerto Rico. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. My name is Martin E. Romero Ramirez. I suspect most surnames were probably adopted from godparents at the original baptisms, but I dont know. Mathias Brugman (18111868) was the son of Pierre Brugman from Curaao of Dutch-Jewish ancestry and Isabel Duliebre from Puerto Rico. His name was Arturo Quinones Levy. Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our DNA kits for ancestry and the world's most comprehensive DNA database. The names are in alphabetical order. What I found interesting when I found out that historical fact, is that in Puerto Rico contrary to other Christian nations, in Nochebuena and Christmass "lechn asado" (roasted pig) is a traditional plate in that celebration. I had an Aunt who lived in the mountainous area of Puerto Rico (Jibarro) while the rest of us lived in the city. This historians team, along with our immigration lawyers in Madrid, can help you obtain this certificate of origin, proving the sephardic offspring of your surname. In Spain and Portugal there seems to be a myth that Jews adopted surnames from trees and fruit. Anyway, I'm from Mayaguez PR of the sephardic surname Torres. Most of the documents are written in peninsular languages from the thirteenth century to the seventeenth century. (~), From the book, For most hispanic genealogist, at one point during our research, the question: As you research your genealogy, there have been a few tips and tricks that other Sephardic Jewish genealogists have said you should keep an eye out for. Her play, Elliot, a Soldier's Fugue, was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2007.;[30] author (history based fiction writer) the Ethiopian Yosef Alfredo Antonio Ben-Jochannan whose two better known works are "Black Man of the Nile" and "His Family and Africa: Mother of Major Western Religions";[31] author and poet Aurora Levins Morales with her work "Remedios: Stories of Earth and Iron from the History of Puertorriqueas"[32] and Micol Ostow, author of "Emily Goldberg Learns to Salsa";[citation needed] and author Stephen Earley Jordan II's short story "The Jew of Condado" (2014). Uncategorized. The majority of them fled to Miami, Florida; however, Puerto Rico also received a large influx of Jewish emigres from Cuba. I discovered distant cousins who are Sephardic or could be of Anusim background on my mother side. My yahoo group is Hi, I have a very strange problem. The main two are Ashkenazi (which are most of the Jewish people you might know with origins in Eastern European countries such as Germany, Poland, Ukraine all the way to Russia) and then there are the Sephardic Jews (which Ill explain in just a moment). [20] Puerto Rico is the only Caribbean island in which the Conservative, Reform and Orthodox Jewish movements are represented. E. Judith, I'm researching the Medina line from Utuado, but am having a difficult time finding anything concrete. -- History, research methods, archives, surnames, maps, bibliography, and more. Hello, I do not understand what exactly has made you upset? how can I get a Dna test about jewish ancestry? Hello there!I think this is a very interesting topic, but, after all, which haplogroup would a Boricua with Mallorcan-Jewish Ancestry have? You will be able to see for yourself when I get this posting problem on the website resolved tomorrow.Nancy Cuevas, Nancy,If your brother is Gilbert Cuevas, then he is also a match to me - 2nd-3rd cousin.Carmen Gonzalez. Unfortunately, the Spanish were too good at protecting their New World and blood line from the Jews. Abensur. The I've heard some discussions that claim the cargo of passengers of the original Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria could have included Sephardi Jews looking for a way out of the Spanish inquisition. Together with his son, Hector, he joined them in a conspiracy to revolt against Spain and formed a revolutionary committee code named: "Cap Prieto" (a tree known as Spanish Elm, Ecuador Laurel, cypre or salmwood and used for its wood to build ships, among other things). Please inform me what can I do. Ashkenazim, (European Jewry), in genearl, including the Rabbinical Authorities, do not accept the "Ben Anousim"aka"The Forced Ones"aka"Marranos", or those whose ancestors escaped the Inquisition. and letters enclosed in parenthesis such as (2) (6A) (9) (29). The ONLY comprehensive book for Sephardic Genealogy. because the author did not identify those names as Sephardic. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. and Amsterdam. We have been celebrating the Jewish Holidays for over 12 years since we came from Puerto Rico to Florida. My uncle converted to Jewish. Sephardic surnames are ancient. It started making sense why we did things that I thought was Puerto Rican culture which in reality is Jewish Culture. Something to take into consideration also is your DNA haplogroups and connections to others. How do you define what's jewish anyway. Even growing up in Brooklyn, NY we went to a Jewish home for Passover. For those tracing Sephardim from Spain to England or to "[21], Puerto Rico is home to the largest and wealthiest Jewish community in the Caribbean with almost 3,000 Jewish inhabitants. Those surnames ending in ez. One of the consequences of these disturbances was the mass forced conversion of Jews. Contact us for legal assistance with your application process. Around the 12th century, surnames started to become common in Iberia. On my Grandmother's side (mom's mom) name Irrizarres also from Spain. Reflecting on my Genealogical Resolutions of 2022. This book I still have a lot of reading to do to make sure I am aware of these origins without falsely associating names or traditions to Sephardic Jews. The authors (~), From ETSI, I never made a connection until I grew older. My family is from mothers side Chacon(from Arecibo), Acevedo, Arce, lopez, Maldonado.From dads side Maldonado, Lopez, Santiago, and Marquez. If your family comes from the area served My family are from the Mountians of PR in San Sebastian, Ive read stories on-line about Spaniards of Jewish decent running to the mountinas to escape prosecution. I'd be honored if that were true. (Jewish Blood) by Pere Bonnin. I do however question the omission of other surnames in the past as Xuete, for example in the late 1300s to mid 1400s in Mallorca. Sephardic Genealogy: Caribbean Historians believe that Luis de Torres, who spoke Hebrew among other languages and who accompanied Columbus as his interpreter, was the first "converso" Jew to set foot in Puerto Rico. A third type of Spanish surname that is found is a surname that is given to someone because of his or her characteristics. reference will introduce many new names and/or many new spellings to known Many of the victims were names not well identified are not listed. Cuantos portorriqueos de origen mallorquin practican el judaismo? The list is a In 1953, Governor Luis Muoz Marn appointed him Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico, the first appointment that a Puerto Rican governor made to the court, addressing the nomination to "A. Cecilio Snyder". I'll get that fixed Monday. The Probe of the original document. Histoire des Juifs de Rhodes, Chio, Cos, etc, by Abraham Galante. Some later converted and If you have Sephardic/Portuguese It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms. My e-mail is Yovannakis@aol.comThank you. Another name given to the Sephardic Jews are crypto Jews because many under the guise of Christians, still practiced many Jewish customs at home amongst close family members. His last name was Rosado and mother's was Ortiz. (~), From Vol. I'm 'Catholic' though i prefer the term religiously flexible. The Rise and [23], The municipality of Yauco has a street with the word "Judio" (Jewish) in it. The President of the Puerto Rican Senate, Luis Muoz Marn[16] together with Governor Rexford Tugwell, the last non-Puerto Rican Governor of Puerto Rico appointed by an American president, helped advance legislation geared towards agricultural reform, economic recovery and industrialization. Married women never change their original family names for their husband's. Context is important in workout out whether an ancestor was Jewish. Thanks for your sacrifice. It is a very frustrating and racist Israela word to the wise. From the civil Her original first name was Sarah. THis seems logical because a study done years back revealed that at least 20% of the Spaniards did showjewish ancestry. (~), From the book, The majority immigrated to Miami, Florida, but a sizable portion chose to establish and integrate themselves on the neighboring island because of Puerto Rico's cultural, linguistic, racial, and historic similarities to Cuba. I started reading a book where it's main setting was in Israel. Be what you are. There are lists of claimed Sephardic surnames that include all 100 of the 100 most common surnames in Portugal today, and 99 of the 100 most common surnames in Spain. My grandfather was fair,blonde with blue eyes and over 6 foot.I do not understand why he took a Sephardic name, perhaps he wanted to blend in.My grandmother on my father side is a Perez. As a result of the program, many Jews migrated to the city of Ponce located in the southern region of the island and worked in the agricultural industry. About 20 years ago God did something in my heart, that I referred to as Him giving me a Jewish heart, but He referred to as a heart of covenant. This led him to become a believer in the cause of the Puerto Rican independence movement. One can't know definitively unless the person left a note behind saying I called myself Rivera because I lived near the River. provided. [3] The majority settled in the island's capital, San Juan, where in 1942 they established the first Jewish Community Center of Puerto Rico.[13]. [10][failed verification] The opening of new lands to Catholics resulted in some sales of existing cultivated lands to others. Hola.My father's family came from the mountains in Barranquitas, and they all had light skin, eyes and hair, and very tall. There was a Puerto Rican genealogy group addressing Seph origins, but it seems to have gone inactive. Raizes Judaicas So, for example some Ashkenazi communities will name a child aftera recently deceased relative, whilst some (not Western)Sephardicand Mizrahi/Magrebi Jewishcommunities name the child for a living one. [15], Jewish-American soldiers were assigned to the military bases in Puerto Rico and many choose to stay and live on the island. The authors My family converted a while back well most of them or they just acknowledged their Jewish ancestry. Maybe this couple enjoyed reading the Old Testament and was influenced by writers with such names. We are thankful for them, yet, that doesn't mean were native americans or spaniards. Puerto Rico Personal Names FamilySearch I will contact you by Email. I my self have great love for Israel and would certainly like to know if I also have jewish ancestry. Puerto Rico has the largest and richest Jewish community in the Caribbean, with over 3,000 Jewish inhabitants. (19a) Volume II. I am searching for truth also. register of Bethahaim Velho Cemetery, Published by the Jewish Historical In short, he stated one could possibly learn about Jewish lineage using surnames and onomastics as a tool. Yet dispite this political stanceall along they were murmered about behind the back by the Ashkenasi Jewry. I often heard "chismes" whispered in the cafes of my town in Puerto Pollensa, Mallorca. [6], When the Crypto Jews arrived on the island of Puerto Rico, they were hoping to avoid religious scrutiny, but the Inquisition followed the colonists. These numbers My mother used to cover mirrors when someone passed. I found this article and it's interesting because first, my mom is from Caguas, she looks polish. The reason behind is that -ez surnames mean son of which was a common naming tradition amongst Jews which can be seen with the modern use of Ben. Please do not speak for me as I find that offensive. Thank you. (~), Sephardic names of the Sephardic Jews) from the site Comunidad Israelita Pincipado de So i'm just curious, as i say i'm not the only Jimenez who is, if i may have some Jewish blood in me. We all looked at each other because my daughter and I have known we were of Jewish descent for a long time. (~), Jewish names However, those Europeans who were of the Jewish and Protestant faith were excluded from direct acquisition of state land since it was expected of the settlers to swear loyalty to the Spanish Crown and allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church. For example (31/3/8) = Esti volume 3, issue8. My children, grand children and I have a strange blood condition and and was told told by the doctors only by Jewish people have this condition. Some names (Adret, Cavalleria) exist to this date unchanged. Precious Stones of the Jews of Curacao Jewry 1657-1957. I am going to post the youtube link in my yahoo group forum :) I think you will find a lot of oousins there. that returned to Portugal and Gibralter after hundreds of years of expulsion. As familias punidas pela Inquidicao em I found this interesting though lofty as no website documenting Sephardic surnames (and there are quite a few) list Sepharad as a surname. I was informed that I have Jewish descent. If your surname isCohen and you are descended from generations of Cohens then you are probably descended from a priest in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. I have recently just read Genie Milgroms My 15 grandmothersand Doreen Carvajals The Forgetting Riverwhich I recommend to any interested in learning more about Sephardic Jews and their journey to countries such as Cuba and Costa Rica. Diciionario Puerto Rican Jews have made many contributions in multiple fields, including business, commerce, education, and entertainment. My father's name was Santiago from Guayanilla - are we jewish? which a coat of arms, crest.or history has been found and will be published in about your project. My family is also Quinones Levy from Lares and my two aunts married two brother named Colon from Lares, so my cousins are Colon. In my family the male names David and Daniel, Jewish heros, tend to repeat down the generations. (~), From the burial book is a fine reference for those interested in learning Jewish genealogy You are welcome to contact me via e-mail Those . Since my relatives didn't know why the star was placed there I decided to research further and did a dna test through 23andme. We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Sephardic names In 1492, with a royal edict given by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella the Jews were expelled from Spain causing them to spread across the world, many went to the Ottoman Empire where they were accepted fairly easily while others went into northern African countries such as Morocco to avoid the Inquisition. interchangeably. Hi! The law was an attempt to attract more settlers who would be faithful to the Spanish Crown by granting the right of religious freedom to all who wished to worship a religion other than Catholicism. were extracted and provided by Daniel Kazez Its very interesting to note that even though Puerto Rico is a catholic country people have great love for Israel. Where can find the test? It is possible that some Sephardic Tracing the Tribe: The Jewish Genealogy Blog. Jehovah shammah,I am original from Utuado PR and since I was a kid I was fascinated by my gran father origin, I use to love to listen his stories about my greatgranfather, original from Palmas de Mallorca, but every time i ask him about my greatgranfather life in Mallorca he said "I don't know because Papa always refused to talk about it" This make me wonder why? His descendants lived on the island by the end of the sixteenth century and, as a result of Well Esther Rivera Delgado, we know for a fact that the Delgado surname is a Sephardic or Spanish Jewish ancestry in Hebrew it means great door, Del=door, Gado=great o puerta grande in spanish. Keeping this cookie enabled helps us to improve our website. Eastern Sephardim still often carry common Spanish surnames, as well as other specifically Sephardic surnames from 15th century Spain with Arabic or Hebrew language origins (such as Azoulay, Abulafia, Abravanel) which have since disappeared from Spain when those that stayed behind as conversos adopted surnames that were solely Spanish in origin. These numbers correspond to the references listed below where the names were found. My mother side has Sephardic surnames on both of her sides. They are but they do not tell all of the members of the family. a large section dealing the the genealogy of the members of Capadose family Look me up on facebook under Hillel Ben Yochanan. This website uses Google Analytics to collect anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site, and the most popular pages. Let me start by saying that when I was 16 years old, I was walking down a street in New York and I heard a voice say to me, "You belong here". involved in the inquisition in Brazil. I also feel I have Jewish blood running through my veins.The more I look into my background, the more I feel Jewish.i am 63..can one of my son's be tested? She did however said that she liked my father grandmother because she was a sweet Jewish lady. My husband is Rivera Rosado from his father and Andujar Maldonado from his mother. We have over 30 years of experience successfully helping our clients obtain citizenship in numerous countries, including the US, Israel, and Portugal. Where do I get the DNA test done? [9] In the 1950s, the Puerto Rican musician Augusto Rodrguez, founder of the Choir of the University of Puerto Rico, founded the Hebrew Festival Chorus of San Juan's Jewish Community. I had mentioned to you in a previous email that you and I are a DNA match on FTDNA and you had mentioned that you wanted to join my yahoo group (PRGENEALOGY-NORTHWEST). German names are due to inter marriage(~), From the book, Historia de la Comunidad (~), From the book, Jews in Colonial Brazil, by Arnold Wizhitzer. This convinces me that your brother must ascend from a man whose father's father's father was Anousim. Click here. Hello my grandfather was lopez hernandez and my grandmother gonzalez rivera we are from san sebastian Itoo feel a great love to Israel my name is ana, My great great grandparents were from spain my grandfather was lopez hernandez and my grandmother was gonzalez rivera my mother was born in san sebastian my grandfather had a farm in mago. I rememver as a child killing her chickens kosher style and praying over them and when asked she said thats how God wanted us to do it. Hi I want to have information about the dna (where I have to go and which information I have to bring). 1679-89 (40b), and births of daughters 1679-99(40c) (~), Conversos on Our last names are: From Aguas Buenas:Santiago Neriz and from Comerio: Vazquez Colon. names. In sum, I am a Puerto Rican Jew with or without DNA results; but I think its pretty "cool" to know if I come from a long line of Jews. 1, A I think we are opposites with language. The Jews of Jamaica, by Richard D. Barnett and Philip Wright. DOC Toward a Sephardic Haplogroup Profile in the New World - DNA Consultants I have ancestors who came to Puerto Rico at the turn of the 15th century. [7] They practiced Crypto-Judaism which meant that they secretly practiced Judaism while publicly professing to be Roman Catholic. Images of the documents where we found evidence of your surname in the area. We came from canary islands, too.But our last name is not on the list of sephardic last names. There is no such thing as a Sephardic surname. or they have not yet been located by our investigators. Prefixes such as Aben, Ibn, Aven, Avin, Ben and etc. As with any rule, there are exceptions. [12] Even so, the first synagogue was not established until after Puerto Rico was ceded by Spain to the United States at the end of the SpanishAmerican War in 1898. I have always felt a connection to the Jewish people. Jimenez is a Sepharic Jewish namegoogle jimenez Sepharic catholic Hi,My name is Luis and Im Puerto Rican, I had my Y DNA tested with Family DNA and its confirm that my Y halpogroup is J1E-P58, which is consider a semitic marker and is very common in the Arabain Penisula , and Ive also found that its a marker for High Priest Aaron Jews. The claim was plastered across the Internet in 2001. Many Sephardic Jews from Bulgaria and Greece carry this surname. (Includes Holland, St. Thomas, St. Croix and Nevis, Curacao, St Eustatia, St Maarten, Jamaica, Argentina, Brazil, etc.). otras fuentes que indican claramente que la persona portadora del apellido es [11] The Brugman family moved to Puerto Rico and settled in the City of Mayagez where Brugman met and married Ana Maria Laborde. I suspect most surnames were probably adopted from godparents at the original baptisms, but I don't know. Soy Roser Pars Fuster, xueta y estoy interesada en el proyecto. My last names are Marti Quinones. Best Regards, Ivonne Colon Cartagena. Diaz - 107,640 Rodriguez- 102,137 Narvaez - 70,764. How can I find out if my maternal side is connected to Jewish ancestors?Please let me know! [11], After the failed revolution, the Spanish Courts passed the "Acta de Culto Condicionado" (Conditional Cult Act) in 1870. I have accounts at Family Tree DNA as well as GedMatch, if anyone is interested in comparing DNA results. Most Puerto Ricans have native american blood and/or spaniard blood. I have seen Latinos so enthusiastically embrace their new-found Jewish identityto the point that they became angry Zionists! I need more information for my family. So perhaps in Utuado there are people like me with Taino, Sephardic with a sprinkle of Ashkenazi. III. I found out that in Majorca, Spain there were Jews that had migrated to Puerto Rico during the Diaspora. So much so, that now a days Christians dont even know they have Jewish traditions within their family due to these dark times. Beside each listing is a number or series of numbers Another thing to keep in mind are traditions and customs dealing with things such as food, burial, marriage, etc. (~), From the book, (~), From the book, However they werent 100% successful and one can see this by the growing number of Puerto Ricans discovering or somehow sensing they have Jewish ancestry. Paternal Surnames: Acevedo, Adorno, Alicea/Aliceda, Alvarado, Alvarez, Alverio, Aponte, Aragon, Arroyo, Ayala, Battisimo, Bethencourt/Betancourt, Bobadilla, Bonet, Bonilla, Bosques, Bracero, Caban, Camacho, Caraballo, Carde, Cardona, Castro, Cintron, Chaparro, Charneco, Collazo, Colon, Corniel, Correa, Crespo, Cruz, de Las Casas, Diaz, Domenech, How about all the other lost tribes dispersed and that have lost their identity all together throughout time. The Sephardic Jews of Bordeaux, by Frances Malino. So I want to talk about the prospects of having Jewish ancestors and somethings to take into consideration while doing your research. In fact, I am sorry to say that I was even beaten and abused by Orthodox Jews. Hello, My mother is Rodriguez Torres, My grandmother's name was Del Valle Torres, my grandfather's name was Rodriguez Torres. I'm 16. To those searching best of luck and hopefully well find our ancestors soon! Yes really, your Bisabuela probably had three last names. Sephardic Jews - Wikipedia So now more than ever people continue to ask if I am Jewish. Jaume would not be a far stretch. An open Jewish community did not flourish in the colony because Judaism was prohibited by the Spanish Inquisition. Many people believe that having a surname that ends in -ez in a guaranteed ticket to claiming Jewish origins. They said if on one of the Grandparents or mothers Tombstones there was a Star of David,that it would be enough proof and to take a picture of it, but both my grandparents on my mothers side and parents were buried in a Catholic Cemetary and I have practically all our papers in order except for that. The authors have My mother is from Arecibo PR and her last names are Gonzalez Chacon and my dad is from San Sebastian and his last names are Quiles Vega. suerte a todos. There are so many men named Israel and Abrahamthat it calls my attention. In Puerto Rico, many people already by the 1800s were being documented by the church and I have never seen synagogue records or any other type of church/temple, etc. Perhaps you needed to do more research before relocating to another country, whether Israel or Spain. We are at your disposal to provide certificates of those surnames or any additional information. I thought it was just a fable. (~), From the book, However, 400 years prior to Christopher Columbus voyages seems undocumented in the mainstream historic archives, unless I missed something? Beside each listing is a number or series of numbers and letters enclosed in parenthesis such as (2) (6A) (9) (29). Sephardic surnames - Sephardic Genealogy Having read hundreds of articles, following biblical prophesies and documented trade routes one must conclude: Puerto Rico surely had Messianic history (Soujourners)and articles like the passages for trade document this. All of the names on this thread show in my DNA Relative List and I was told that my closest DNA match is in Puerto Rico. Within practising Jewish communities, aboy or man who is very sick may be given the second given name Haim (life, in Hebrew) to confuse the Angel of Death. Contact us for legal assistance with your application process. Now this one is tough! It contains Sephardic names recorded during the A wonderful Would love to have one of my brothers tested to find out exact lineage. entry point into Argentina. Secrecy and Deceit: The Religion of theCrypto-Jews, by David Gitlitz. Those are Mallorcan names. He did the dna test and sure enough found out he was Jewish. It was the final destination of the terrible and notorious "Middle Passage". contains tombstone inscriptions and dates of death from 1663-1880. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first so that we can save your preferences! I'm very interested in your group. period 1213-1327. Namelist - JewishGen Hi Nancy,I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience in Israel. that converted to Christianity. The scarcity of documentation on Jews in Puerto Rico forces one to be creative and analyze the topic sideways. The genius of Bennett Greenspans genetic genealogy has provided one the possibility to find connections when little or no records exist. This brought a large influx of immigrants to Puerto Rico during the 19th century.
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