Having attended many courses,he was nicknamed the course NCO of the Battalion. BIRDSELL William Henry Corporal 4986009; 70th Bn. It is with sadness that we inform you that 23117799 Pte Jack Smith of Prince Rupert Rd Worcester recently passed away. CAPTAIN KEITH WHITTLEKeith Whittles funeral will be a private family ceremony. He served as MA to the C-in-c BAOR from July 1984 followed by a short tour as a DS at the Staff College before promotion to Colonel and appointment as COS NI where he was awarded the CBE. He served at Halesowen, Dudley and Kidderminster. Sherwood Foresters - Wikipedia Funeral details to follow. He served with that battalion in the defence of Happy Valley, north of Seoul. After varied staff appointments he retired from the Regular Army in 1981 then enlisted into The Honourable Artillery Company as a Trooper before re-commissioning as a Major followed by being appointed Honorary Colonel in 1988. It is with sadness that we report the death while jogging on 27thJuly 2020 near Lethem Airport, Guyana, Central America, of 526283 Captain Ian John Craddock. On 7 October 1970 he transferred to the Staffordshire Regiment he was discharged on 8 October 1973. Due to Covid restrictions, only 30 people will be allowed in the crematorium chapelfor the service. After the crossing of the Volturno the battle weary Bn was sent to the Middle East for rest and refitting before returning to Italy in July 1944 where it fought up through the Gothic Line to the Adriatic before being sent to Greece in December 1944. Sadly, his involvement became more limited as his sight deteriorated and he became confined to wheel chair. A823 Squire Buckley Liddiard of New Mills, died from his wounds, 29th June 1915, aged 19. Peter then served with 22 SAS before returning to the Parachute Regiment where he went on to become CO Depot Para and Airborne Forces. Peteenlisted in 1WFR in 1970 and servedfor 22 yearsduring which he served for some time in the Assault Pioneer Platoon and latterly in the QMs Dept. Funeral date and time: Thursday 23July, 14:00hrs. She has been a stalwart member of Chesterfield branch and gave her valued support , even through a long illness. In 1998 John became the Honorary Colonel of 5th (Derbyshire Cadet) Bn WFR. He was an accomplished guitarist and formed a band which provided much entertainment on board ship and in Jamaica where he served in HQ Coy as Ration storeman. British Army units from 1945 on - Sherwood Foresters Both he and Margaret are sorely missed. We regret to announce the death of Datuk Awang Anak Raweng GC in Sarawak, Malaysia on 18 September 2020 aged 91, one of many Iban trackers employed by the army during the Malaya Emergency. Private 72226 Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment) 16th KIA Aged 19 24/10/1917 Enlisted Newcastle Born Barnard Castle Memorials Barnard Castle County School, Bowes Musuem, St Marys Church & Tyne Cot Memorial Son of Mrs. S.J. Brian served with B Coy 3 WFR and was discharged on 15 Jan 1999. Derek was a lifelong supporter of Derby County and was believed to have been the oldest football supporter, going to almost every home game for 88 years, less the time he served during WWII. After the war Gordon ran a successful chain of shoe shops alongside his late wife Gwendoline. The family of Brigadier Tony Wright wish to thank all those who wrote letters of condolence to them. After the short Suez campaign he returned to be Adjutant at the Depot at Normanton Barracks in January 1957. Ted enlisted into 1stBn The Royal Hampshire Regiment on 9thFebruary 1955 and served in Malaya, Germany, UK and the West Indies. In 1991, the Battalion deployed to Cyprus. It is with great sadness that I inform you of the death of WO2 Glen Wilkinson. In 1978 he was commissioned,and he was given a Quartermaster'scommission in 1980. Steve i notice you have a particular connection with 9thBn Sherwood Foresters. Denniswas chairman of a committee of Malaya veterans who funded the installation of a plaque in Worcester Cathedral and organised a service there in 2000 to commemorate those members of the battalion who died during the tour in Malaya. He served in UK, BAOR, Gibraltar, Tobruk and Northern Ireland. As an Immature Soldier (a soldier who was too young to deploy), Jack was sent to Kedleston Hall as a Mess Steward. Who Where Receive obituaries Helen Christine Stone A Thanksgiving Service in First Killyleagh Presbyterian Church on Monday 22nd July, 2019 at 2.00 p.m. Peter enlisted into the Worcestershire Regiment at Norton Barracks serving in the Caribbean travelling on the 2nd February 1957 on the SS Dilwara being posted at the Bahamas, Jamaica, Belize, British Honduras later in Germany. Barry was born in Birmingham on 06/02/1942 . In Palestine, Derek was dealing with logistics and then found himself transferred to the Psychological Warfare branch of the Intelligence Corps. He was also a member of the Ancient Order of Foresters. In preservation, it has carried the names 3rd (Volunteer) Battalion The Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment and The Sherwood Forester, though it never carried either of these in service. Although severely weakened, Ian made last visits to the Crich Memorial and to the National Memorial Arboretum - Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Memorial, where he laid wreaths. In A Coy Mick saw service in Gibraltar, Libya, Iran and Bulford, UK. Astwood Cemetery, Astwood Road, Worcester WR3 8HA. He saw action in Aden, Cyprus and Northern Ireland from 1963 until his discharge in 1970. Colonel Jonathan Rupert Maunsell Hackett, CBE. IF THERE ARE GUYS THAT WOULD LIKE TO ADD THERE PICS TO THE SITE, BUT YOU HAVE NO SCANNER TO DO IT, YOU CAN SEND THEM TO ME I WILL RETURN THEM IMMEDIATELY. An address for letters of condolence will be published later. In January 1972 he served in MOD before attending the Australian Staff College, followed by a tour as a company commander in 1 DERR. With his drive and humour things did happen. He was then posted to Beaconsfield as OIC the AMIC Wing. If you experience issues with your login details please call 01536 314 890. Jamaica in Spt Coy and British Guyana in C Coy. His Funeral took place on 10 August at Wilford Hill Crematorium. He served in Malaya, N Ireland and the UK. In retirement he remained very fit until contracting COVID from which he died. Ray (who was also known as Willow in his service days), joined 1stBn The Sherwood Foresters in either 1958 or 1959 and served in Malaya and Singapore. In 1967 Hugh transferred to the Trucial Oman Scouts as the Defence Intelligence Officer in Sumail near Nizwa, a strategic post at that time. John became OC Training Wing of 1 R Lincolns in Minden in 1958, then OC HQ Company. Tony served as both Vice-Chair and a Governor of the West Of England School for Children of Little or No Sight for many years, his first son Douglas having had eye problems when small. Bugle, Standards and Association members welcome outside the chapel socially distanced. WR2 6AA, It is with sadness that we report the recent death ofPte Raymond Nicholson who passed away on 25 July 2020 aged 82. On retirement he returned to Ulster where he ran a family business in Killyleagh. Born on 12thApril 1967, Ian was granted a SSC in WFR on 11thApril 1987 joining C Company at Oakington Barracks, Cambridge. It is with sadness that we report the death of 24811812 Private Ian Duke Middleton who passed away on 15thDecember 2020 at Holly Bank Nursing Home in Creswell. Alfreton. During the Presentation of New Colours, as custodian,he brought the New Colours on to the Parade. He is survived by his widow, Valerie and two daughters, Catherine and Patricia. Patrick was married to Monica and they had three daughters Deborah, Donna and Emma Jo. This was followed by tour in HQ BAOR in Rhiendhalen as GSO2 CSIT. It is with regret that we announce the death ofCpl Peter Thomas CRUMP on the 2nd May 2020 aged 85 years, he passed away peacefully after an eight month long illness. 24276962 Roy W Pearson ( WFRA NEWSLETTER Volume 11 Issue 20 Update) who died on 12 April 2020 and not the 20th as published. It is with sadness that we inform you that Worcester branch member 24026891 L/Cpl Barrie Anthony SYMMONDS passed away peacefully at home on Monday 6July 2020. He was awarded the Territorial Decoration for his services. He was the first . Cards and letters of condolence should be sent to:Mrs Mada Dakin, 39 Victory Road, Allenton, Derby. Within this time the Battalion moved from Hong Kong to Ballykelly and then to Munster. Letters of condolence can be sent to;- He took part in Operation Goodwood the Battle of Falaise Pocket. Raymond was born on 2 May 1938 and was a National Service soldier who served with the 1st Battalion Sherwood Foresters. It is with great sadness that we report the death at the age of 89 on Christmas Day of Joy Wilkinson, the lovely and loving wife of Brigadier Edward Wilkinson. The 45th (Nottinghamshire) (Sherwood Foresters) Regiment of Foot was a British Army line infantry regiment, raised in 1741. Following his discharge, Ray worked as a bricklayer. On completion of the Staff Course he moved to 38 Group RAF as the GSO2(Para) until 1965 when he returned to the 1st Battalion in Colchester as a Company Commander in 19 Inf Bde, then, on conversion to a mechanised battalion, with 6th Armd Bde in Munster. The funeral service for former Sherwood Forester Mark Salmond,referredto asMarkPierce to be held as follows: It is with great sadness that I report the death of 23734429 Private David Charles Towle, who David enlisted in Nottingham on 9 September 1959 and was discharged 9 September 1968. After the short Suez campaign he returned to be Adjutant at the Depot at Normanton Barracks in January 1957. He went fromLeeds Barracksto Bestwood Lodge Arnold where he joined D Coy 9th Battalion Sherwood Foresters, he went to France with the B.E.F and was wounded in the legs by shrapnel at Dunkirk when German dive bombers attacked the beach he was later evacuated to England aboard HMS Winchelsea. Both he and Margaret are sorely missed. Daz, the son of WO2 (RQMS) Harry Gilder (SF & WFR),was enlisted intoThe Worcestershire and Sherwood Foresters Regiment on 10 August 1981, prior to the commencement of basic training at the Infantry Junior Leaders Battalion, Shorncliffe on 15 September 1981. I regret to announce the death of 23251979 Cpl Hugh Tait at his home in South Africa on 1 February 2019 aged 83. Standard bearers are welcome to attend. It is with sadness that I inform you of the death of Sgt Tony Morgan who passed away on Friday 20 March. After service in Korea he rejoined the recently reformed 2nd Battalion in October 1952 in Wuppertal and then moved to Celle in October 1953, commanding a Scout Platoon and then becoming 2 i/c C Company. Shortly after he joined they moved to Triumph Road Drill Hall where he spent three years before they were re-badged as the1st Btn The Mercian Volunteers. Jack`s funeral will be on Wednesday 3March 14:30hrs at Worcester City Crematorium, Tintern Ave, Astwood Road Worcester WR3 8HA. David Plant joined the Worcestershire Regimental Association in 1952 when he was enlisted for his National Service. In 1998 John became the Honorary Colonel of 5th (Derbyshire Cadet) Bn WFR. It is believed that he then moved to the Suffolk Regiment and the Duke of Cornwall Regiment and would have been promoted to Major during this time. He took up a position where he thought he would be safe while the farmer went to fetch his tractor, but the buffalo found him and charged. Members of the Mercian Regiment, both old and new, gather here on the day to pay their respects and meet up with comrades. Crich Stand (Sherwood Foresters Regimental Memorial) The Worcesters became part of the 43rdWessex Light Infantry Division and Barry was given an American Half Track vehicle to drive Despite delays, on 16thJune the 1stBattalion Worcestershire Regiment departed from England, but due to bad weather they did not arrive in Normandy until 22ndJune, at Mont Fleury Juno Beach and Barry; off loaded along with Canadian units; drove onto the beach even though being partly submerged and facing German fire.

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