Jim Norman, a high school history teacher struggling with emotional problems, returns to his old hometown after accepting a teaching job there. Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Stephen King's Sometimes They Come Metacritic Reviews. 98 minutes. Jim finds that something is blocking Wayne's return, and must cooperate with the thugs in reenacting the murder. The scenes from this film I mostly enjoyed was Jimmy Normans flashbacks from his childhood memories 27 years before as well as very cool and brutal Nick Sadler (Vinnie 'Vincent' Corey) and Richard Lawson(Robert Rusler) while slaying Jimmys students until they got they're own personal revenge on Jimmy for when they were killed 27 years before. What will Jim do to get rid of these demons? Transferred From Milford, The Hoods From Hell, Slightly flawed but highly enjoyable effort, The worst of the worst when it comes to Stephen King adaptations. Check out this historical cemetery and this abandoned spot nature is reclaiming! The murderers themselves were killed shortly afterward by an oncoming train, having parked on the tracks. Recently I made a visit to Rocheport, Missouri to visit the famous Rocheport Tunnel. Language. They intend to have a child witness the event, leading them to try to kidnap Jim's son Scott. When the undead gang arrives, the train sounds trap them into recreating the mugging incident (just like in the movie), but then the demon appears as a malevolent incarnation of Wayne and kills each of them with a single touch. Sometimes They Come Back was directed by Tom McLoughlin and released in 1991. Jun 29, 2014 #1 In case you all were wondering, where the "Train Tunnel" is located (that is IF you didn't know). Sometimes They Come Back (1991) - Back to the Tunnel Scene (10/10) | Movieclips Movieclips 58.8M subscribers Subscribe 582 56K views 4 years ago Sometimes They Come Back - Back to the. The deaths of the two students are blamed as suicides. They moved back to Jim's hometown where his older brother and the greasers were killed. Wayne distracts the gang members while Jim gets his family out of the gang's car. This is the only time that Tim Matheson has starred in a Stephen King adaptation, but its a shame since he has the capacity to hit a kind of fragile-but-trustworthy everyman level that works well with the authors voice and storytelling. There the tension, while basic gradually builds up as Matheson's character goes toe to toe with the vengeful dead while no one around him believes him. Wouldn't they have done it far sooner? Arsenal transfer news: Kieran Tierney told to 'train harder' as He runs back to town, fulfilling the gang's plan for a reunion. What is on the record about it, however, is that the selling of the short story was a milestone event for Kings career, and happened at a tremendously fortuitous time similar to the history behind The Raft.. BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/m. The gang harasses Jim's family at their home to ensure Jim's compliance in reenacting the murder. Thats quite a bit different than Jims on-screen counterpart having a tearful reunion with his long deceased brother (Chris Demetral) and allowing him to pass on to what is implied to be heaven. Others don't. Also, why does Jim have visions in a telepathic sort of way with the hoods? The bullies died that night too. It may not display this or other websites correctly. My only gripes is the maniacal laughter and the way he taps his unlit cigarette on his hand. Use it as fuel to move past the torment, to the light at the end of the tunnel.". So they DID use the Rosedale Park for the Cemetary Scenes, is that correct? Sometimes They Come Back is a 1991 American made-for-television horror film based on the 1974 short story of the same name by Stephen King. A young boy witnessed his older brother murdered in a train tunnel while trying to protect him from the high school bullies. Here you will find unforgettable moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films. They reveal to Jim that he is going to need Mueller to put everything together. It was used in the film 'Sometimes They Come Back' based on a. Sometimes They Come Back is a made-for-TV adaptation of a Stephen King short story that I might have enjoyed a little more if the actors playing the bad guys hadn't laughed, jeered, whooped and hollered quite as much as they do. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Country. Sometimes They Come Back is a 1991 made-for-TV movie based on the short story by Stephen King. Have the spirits of those killed come back to haunt Jim? Because the Stephen King story is kept in Jims perspective, you only hear about the students dying instead of seeing them but the TV version expands on that greatly, including sequences such as Jims psychic vision of Kate (Tasia Valenza) being attacked in a field, and Chip (Chadd Nyerges) being dismembered. It's located just west of Rocheport in central Missouri and is the only stone tunnel on the Katy Trail. Jim promises that they will be together again someday, and Wayne returns to the afterlife as Jim's family heads home. At first, the kids simply misbehave and demonstrate a lack of respect, but then things start to take a turn toward the supernatural. It sadly changes some things from King's original short story including adding on a sentimental happy ending which the short story didn't have. Nothing is explained fully as I would have liked. Not being in his hometown, Jim doesnt go to the train tunnel, but instead goes to his classroom and brings a record with train sound effects. Along with his wife and son, a man reluctantly returns to his hometown years later to take a teaching job. The finale is probably my favorite part of the movie. This is triggered by his short temper again when in the previous scene Jimmy grabs Lawson into the lockers as he told him to leave his family out of what his gang has planned for their revenge on Jimmy for their deaths. In the train's frame of reference there is a terrible accident and all of the passengers die. This feeling brings upon me a sense of realism as though what happened to Jimmy Norman as a child when his brother was murdered by the 4 gangsters and when they came back to haunt him years later has actually happened in real life. Sometimes They Come Back (TV Movie 1991) - Plot - IMDb Leicester were interested in Tierney but saw a January . As Jim becomes more involved in pursuing the thugs and finding their intentions, they kidnap one of his students, show him their "true" faces, burnt and fleshless from the train accident, and murder him in order to allow the last thug to take his place in Jim's classroom. The filmmaker continued to produce movies into his late 80s (he passed away in 2010 at the age of 91), but his road with King ended with the making of Tom McLoughlins Sometimes They Come Back. Rocheport Tunnel, Stephen King's "Sometimes They Come Back - YouTube This message board permanently closed on You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Next week, Adapting Stephen King will be diving into a wonderful story specifically the one that resulted after the authors special pseudonym, Richard Bachman, was outed to the world. Although atmospheric (those sounds we hear which are not there) and unpleasant in parts, it could have been a much darker journey than it was. Robert Lawson (Also known as Richard Lawson in the movie) is the main antagonist of the short story "Sometimes They Come Back" and its movie adaptation.Robert was the leader of the evil greaser gang who killed Wayne Norman, Jim Norman's older brother, in 1957 (1963 in the movie). The best moments in the film are when the gang begins to appear in Matheson's class and he can't believe it. Director Tom McLoughlin Writers Stephen King Lawrence Konner Mark Rosenthal Stars Tim Matheson Brooke Adams Robert Rusler See production, box office & company info Watch on Pluto TV Go to pluto.tv More watch options As a horror buff, let me add that this isn't very scary, but as a stand alone film it isn't that bad. Tim Matheson's tormented turn is very well pitched, as he battles past events and reality as the two come together in a nightmarish ordeal. It's not one of King's best adaptations, and the fact that it's made-for-tv does hold it back when it comes to the really good stuff you like to see in horror movies, particularly gore. Sometimes They Come Back marks a milestone moment in Stephen King adaptation history. | The subplot about the surviving member of the greaser gang, Carl Mueller (William Sanderson), was added for the adaptation, as is the whole circumstance for why the dead have returned. They kill Chip and throw his remains off of a bridge. One of Jim's new students Billy Sterns (Matt Nolan) is killed when his bike is forced of the side of a bridge by a car, then a new student named Richard Lawson (Robert Rusler) takes Billy's place in Jim's class but Jim is shocked to recognise him as one of the bullies from the day his Brother died. Sometimes They Come Back. Contents Synopsis Cast Reception Sequels References Synopsis Lawson wore a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt, blue jeans, black leather shoes or boots, and had greasy black hair to give it a typical greaser gang look. Making it somewhat irregular in tone, mainly around the jaded flashback sequences that always inter-cut the present time. Which is amazing because all this would never happen in real life, other than the part when Jimmys brother was murdered. Ashok Kallarakkal. The storyline could have been something riveting and chilling, but it ended up going the routine route in every way. I typically love Stephen Kings work. The students that the protagonist actually likes in the class are mysteriously killed one by one, and each time it happens their seats are filled by new arrivals to the school. . Sometimes They Come Back (TV Movie 1991) - Trivia - IMDb There are plenty of flashback scenes involving the incident with Jimmy as a child, but they are delivered as mundanely as possible. Sorted by: 2. In 1957, Lawson rode a 1954 Ford sedan and had black chinos or khakis with a white T-shirt and the aforementioned strawberry birthmark. If youre more into physical media and/or are presently trying to build the Ultimate Stephen King Collection, youre going to want to get the Blu-ray (opens in new tab) that Olive Films released in 2015. I was surprised to see this was merely a TV movie, there's always a diamond in the rough and this is one of them. It's located just west of Rocheport in central Missouri and is the only stone tunnel on the Katy Trail. The greasers plan to kill Jim the same way they murdered Wayne and take Jim with them, but Mueller switches sides and is killed by Lawson. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Richard Lawson | Stephen King Wiki | Fandom Sometimes They Come Back - Back to the Tunnel: Justice is served when the greaser ghouls and the Norman family showdown in a familiar location.BUY THE MOVIE: https://www.fandangonow.com/details/movie/sometimes-they-come-back-1991/MMV83C6F4347782E5F9DCA39ADFF21636B81?cmp=Movieclips_YT_DescriptionWatch the best Sometimes They Come Back scenes \u0026 clips:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZbXA4lyCtqrnFoq-fOuZzlAU_ytvTw-4FILM DESCRIPTION:High school teacher Jim Norman (Tim Matheson) reluctantly returns to his hometown with his wife (Brooke Adams) to pursue a job. It also has an interesting arched ceiling. Soon he is tormented by ghosts of the dead teens who killed his brother, then died in freak accident, a train wreck, years before. A decade-plus CinemaBlend veteran who is endlessly enthusiastic about the career hes dreamt of since seventh grade. When he stood back up, he pulled the knife out saying, "Nobody hits me and lives man!". I have seen just about all of his movies until this one tonight. Some dime-store hoods show up, bully the two as it goes to far and they knife the older brother. He then proceeds to set a ruse for the greasers using instructions found in his dark magic book: after drawing a pentagram with chalk on the floor, he splashes it with blood from a sacrificed cat to raise a demon. Sometimes They Come Back (film) - Alchetron.com Jim tries to bring his brother back in the church's graveyard as the gang lures his wife and son outside and hold them hostage. He conveys the proper emotions when needed and I liked him a lot. The tunnel was constructed in 1892 by the Missouri-Kansas-Texas Railroad and in its construction, the drawings and pictographs were destroyed.The tunnel is now a part of the Katy trail which goes from Clinton, Missouri to Machens, Missouri. Another example of his short temper was when one of Jimmy's students Kate said that Lawson, along with some troublesome classmates, was idiots which caused him to stare at her. Its an intimate, character-centric horror story, and the added elements work well in sync with what the source material provided. In the case of Tom McLoughlins Sometimes They Come Back, however, the discussion is focused on what could be called one of the most mediocre King movies. Tom McLoughlins movie would never have made it past network censors with that ending back in the early 1990s, but there is an intense darkness to the sequence in the book that could be great if captured properly in live-action. (Image credit: De Laurentiis Entertainment Group), A Quiet Place: Day One CinemaCon Footage Has Lupita Nyong'o Witnessing A Terrifying Alien Invasion, Love And Death Cast: Where You've Seen The Actors Before, Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part 1 CinemaCon Footage Cuffs Tom Cruise And Haley Atwell Together For A Wild Chase, A Tourist's Guide To Love: I Watched Rachael Leigh Cook's New Rom-Com And Have So Many Thoughts. "Sometimes They Come Back" by Tom McLoughlin ("Friday the 13th Part 6-Jason Lives","One Dark Night")is an adaptation of the short story written by Stephen King.The plot is simple:a school teacher (Tim Matheson)is chased by the dead punks who killed his brother when he was a kid.The film is well-made and has some creepy moments.The direction is You are using an out of date browser. Jimmy sees Lawson for the first time since his brother's death. Those not so keen on biking or hiking to see the tunnel can still get a glimpse of it from their couch. [citation needed] Plot [ edit] In short, if a remake were to be announced tomorrow with someone like Fede lvarez attached, it would certainly be a project that would perk my ears and get my anticipation juices flowing. Jim Norton : Tim Matheson , is a High School teacher who along with his wife : Brooke Adams and son go back to his hometown. Now they have "come back" to haunt him. Eddie Howe's side are interested in a move for the 25-year-old as they attempt to bring in a recognised left-back ahead of next season. What will Jim do to get rid of these demons? Huh?"! Stephen King Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. He recounts in On Writing. Sometimes They Come Back - Horror DNA As the family runs, the gang tries to escape in their car, only to have it stuck by a ghost train which sends them back to Hell. Its 243 feet are lined in brick, stone, mortar and earth. Doesn't matter if you've been good or if you've been bad and these three were definitely bad. Jim and his family move into a house there, but the entire atmosphere of the town fills Jim with dread. Sometimes They Come Back - Unfinished Business: Mrs. Norman (Brooke Adams) and her son are attacked by the greaser ghouls in their home.BUY THE MOVIE: https:. Lawson was portrayed by Robert Rusler. Decades later the young boy now grown and a school teacher returns home. Sometimes They Come Back is satisfying as it is, though I will admit that there is a very real part of me that wishes we could see an adaptation that fully commits to the satanic ritual conclusion of the short story. With The Good Doctor Losing A Character, How Worried Should Fans Be For The Season 6 Finale? Jim finds Carl, who panics, thinking Jim wants revenge. Sometimes They Come Back never ended up getting the big screen treatment, but in 1991 it did come together as TV movie that premiered on CBS. The unemployed high school teacher Jim Norman (Tim Matheson) finds a job in his hometown and moves with his wife Sally Norman (Brooke Adams) and their son Scott (Robert Hy Gorman) back in town. Sometimes They Come Back (1991) - YouTube [3] TV Guide rated it a two out of five stars and wrote that "the solid cast can't lift the material above the routine".[4]. Overall, Lawson was a sinister punk, alive or dead, who enjoyed making others' lives miserable even if the film didn't go to much of its extremes. A doorway to the afterlife opens, allowing Wayne to return. Supposedly, its construction caused some scandal. As weve seen in many adaptations discussed in this column thus far, the biggest deviations can be found in the ending though when you consider the small screen origins of the project, its understandable why the production opted for the conclusion that is featured. Wayne distracts the gang while Jim gets his family out of the gang's 1955 Chevrolet. Years later Jim ended up married with a young boy of his own and became a school teacher. NIGHT OF OPEN HEAVEN (22ND APRIL, 2023) - Facebook Bonus: a movie was filmed there, too! He pulled out the knife again. I had to chuckle at Dr. Bernardi's 'see something, say something' approach to the students following the death of two classmates; isn't that always the case until somebody has something to say? He was described having a birthmark on his chin in the story but was absent in the film. Neesy, Spideyman and GNTLGNT StephenKingFan Active Member In 1996 Hillary Swank appeared in a sequel named Sometimes They Come Back Again with Michael Gross from TV series Family Ties. It can be found between mile 178 and 179 on the Katy Trail. Lawson promises to return, but Jim explains that there won't be a next time. Sometimes They Come Back Train Tunnel - YouTube Rock Island Railroad tunnel along the Katy Trail in Rocheport, Missouri. The teens who committed the crime are long dead, but now the kids in Jim's new class keep dying and being replaced by new students who look like the deceased hoodlums. Lawson was portrayed by Robert Rusler. If you dont want to waste another second not watching Sometimes They Come Back, and youre cool with having the experience interrupted with commercials (it was originally a TV movie, after all) then you can actually watch it right now by heading over to PlutoTV. He wanted Jimmy dead the most but wanted to do all he can to torture him mentally and physically to the best of his ability first. Neil explains that Wayne is stuck there and sometimes when things are unsettled, spirits come back. Sometimes They Come Back!-The Train Crash Incident - YouTube Here's that Stephen King-feeling! Of course, when he was alive he felt slight remorse for killing Wayne, but at the same time of course he was afraid of being told on by Jimmy who was a witness. Jim is haunted by the childhood memory of his brother being murdered by a group of teenagers, who were then struck by a train before they could kill him, too. He walked over smiling and grabbed her head telling her "Don't you know Sally that nobody hits me and lives? Jim visits Wayne's grave seeking his help, but something blocks Wayne's return to the world of the living. Jim Norman witnesses his older brother Wayne being murdered by a group of bullies as a young kid. Just copy and past those coordinates into the "search bar" of Google maps, and it'll take your right to the tunnel! The film was directed by Tom McLoughlin from a screenplay by Lawrence Konner and Mark Rosenthal. He got punched a second time when Jimmy's wife Sally punched Lawson, so he won't kill Scott. Despite the fact that there have been so many books about the works of Stephen King, there isnt much information available about the origins of Sometimes They Come Back, or the thought process that inspired it (beyond the obvious such as Kings own experience as a teacher). Sometimes They Come Back (1991) - The Incident Scene (2/10 - YouTube Sometimes They Come Back (film) - Wikipedia Jim fends them off and takes his family to a church, where they will be safe from the demonic gang. In case you all were wondering, where the "Train Tunnel" is located (that is IF you didn't know). There isn't anything that stands out about it, really. I realize that it is a television movie, but it is only slightly above average. Robert Rusler is a favorite character actor of mine. Jim goes to the Milford Cemetery and finds the graves of the three greasers, who once again confront him. As the leader of his gang, Lawson was known as an arrogant bully according to how him and his gang treated both Jimmy and Wayne when he first appeared in the movie. The tunnel was built by men and mules in 1893 for the Missouri-Kansas-Texas railroad. To Jim's horror, he finds that the teenagers have returned to town as they appeared before they died, and are transferring into his class. United States. Filming Locations Train Tunnel | The StephenKing.com Message Board It doesn't help that the aforementioned deceased gang members are coming back one by one putting the lives of him and his loved ones in danger. Soon after he returns to his hometown, Jim starts having nightmares and flashbacks about his brother's murder. Three dead hoodlums hanging around in limbo just to avenge their deaths makes for a creepy show. Otherwise, you and I might have a little fun of our own" followed by him licking her face. (Left to right) Vincent "Vinnie" Corey, Charlie "Bleach" Splonder (Renamed Carl Mueller in the film), Robert Lawson, and David Garcia. He didn't pull out the knife, but he was angry where he wanted to kill her but wanted to save it for when his gang meets with Jimmy later in the movie at the tunnel. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. I recommend it, but not that highly, as there's a reason this film is rarely on. There are also a few tense or frightening scenes, lots of (Very impressive) gore but there is some bad writing but over all it's much better than it could have been. NY 10036. Without the influence of producer Dino De Laurentiis, the legacy of Stephen King in Hollywood would likely be radically different. The film received an approval rating on 67% on review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes based on twelve reviews, its consensus reads: "Tim Matheson's gripping performance and a strong mood make Sometimes They Come Back an effective, if not wholly revelatory, Stephen King adaptation". Lawson laughed as Vinnie grabbed her. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. NJ native who calls LA home and lives in a Dreamatorium. Adapting Stephen King's Sometimes They Come Back: A 1991 TV Movie Ends An Era For Stephen King Adaptations By Eric Eisenberg published 6 October 2021 Sometimes They Come Back marks a. Lawson wore a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt, blue jeans, black . In the movie, young Jim takes the punks car keys, and as a result they die when their flame-accented 1955 Chevrolet One-Fifty is hit by a train. Ive never personally ranked all of the 80-plus films, miniseries, and TV shows that qualify under the heading for this feature, but it wouldnt surprise me in the slightest if I were to ultimately find that this one landed square in the middle. One by one 'til they're all back! In the meantime, the greasers lure Jim's family out of the church and take them prisoner. Sometimes They Come Back was originally released on VHS by Vidmark Entertainment, and later on DVD in 1999 by Trimark Home Video. I would say watch this for Matheson's performance and some creepy scenes too. Edmund Burke. Jim is haunted by the childhood memory of his brother being murdered by a group of teenagers, who were then struck by a train before they could kill him, too. It has a narrator - not a professional writer, but at least an English teacher - looking back on his childhood (in this case in the early '60s, if you do the math). Why did they wait 27 years to seek vengeance on Jimmy? Robert Lawson (Short Story) Richard Lawson (Film). Sometimes They Come Back is a short story which was published in King's Night Shift collection, which was then adapted for a TV movie back in 1991. When his students start dying off, Jim becomes the prime suspect.CREDITS:TM \u0026 MGM (1991)Cast: Brooke Adams, Chris Demetral, Robert Hy Gorman, Robert Rusler, Tim MathesonScreenwriter: Lawrence Konner, Mark RosenthalDirector: Tom McLoughlinWatch More: Fresh New Clips: http://bit.ly/2taDWqW Classic Trailers: http://bit.ly/2qTCxHF Hot New Trailers: http://bit.ly/2qThrsF Clips From Movies Coming Soon: http://bit.ly/2FrP8VL Indie Movie Clips: http://bit.ly/2qTZMRE Deleted Scenes: http://bit.ly/2ARbLPJ Bloopers: http://bit.ly/2qYmBnc Celebrity Interviews: http://bit.ly/2D4tzw4Fuel Your Movie Obsession: Subscribe to MOVIECLIPS: http://bit.ly/2CZa490 Watch Movieclips ORIGINALS: http://bit.ly/2D3sipV Like us on FACEBOOK: http://bit.ly/2DikvkY Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/2mgkaHb Follow us on INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2mg0VNUThe MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. For an ad-free experience, you can either digitally rent or buy it from major retailers, including Amazon (opens in new tab), Vudu (opens in new tab), and Apple TV (opens in new tab). One student is run off a bridge by a Chevrolet Belair that only Jim sees. Awards Tom McLoughlin, director of the most overrated film in the "Friday the 13th" franchise, directed this made for TV adaptation of the Stephen King short story. A performance well done! Taken from the Stephen King short story about a school teacher's return to his home town where his brother was killed by hoods, the hoods died in the freak train wreck along with his brother. Sometimes They Come Back - English Transcript This adaptation of Stephen King's thriller is about a man (Tim Matheson) who returns to his hometown after 27 years. He is able to successfully land a position at the local public high school and likes most of the classes he teaches with the exception of the remedial Living With Literature.. Sometimes They Come Back train crash scene 2 with added sfx - YouTube 0:00 / 1:10 Sometimes They Come Back train crash scene 2 with added sfx Cameron Scance 14.6K subscribers. Another is found hanged in a barn after Jim has nightmares about her being hounded by a group of thugs. He returns to the train tunnel in which the first murder took place, though both he and Carl change their dialogue and actions from those taken 27 years before. 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