His days were dedicated to helping others, but his nights were set aside for solitude spent praying in the church or in the catacombs beside the Appian Way. PHILIP 'S YOUNG LIFE Philip Neri, the 'Apostle of Rome,' was not actually a Roman at all. Canonized: Find HQ updates and important information from the Board of Directors and Executive Administrator. Before sun up, until sun down, Philip spent hours sitting and listening to people of all ages. As he grew older he greatly desired to increase in virtue, and sought spiritual instruction from the local Dominican convent. Philip excelled in this role and was expected to inherit his uncles business and fortune. Philip also began visiting the citys hospitals and instructing the poor in the faith. [7], Philip is remembered in the Church of England with a commemoration on 26 May. Philip's rule for them was simple - share a common table and to perform spiritual exercises. [CDATA[// >