Even when troubling things happen in the news we need to keep moving forward in our own lives. What could this group achieve if everyone worked together in unity? As an icebreaker discussion: Everyone in the group should give their thoughts on this scenario:If you could unite the world to agree to work together on one goal or project,what would you choose and why? Then, the group should all say "Well said!" READ - Topping OutWorse than Hitting Bottom? More - Taking the Escalator How the Escalator Forever Changed Our Sense of Space When you're in active addiction, drugs and alcohol become your main priority, and the importance of things like physical and mental health, work, school, and family gets drowned out by your need to not be sober. PsychCreatives | Taking the Escalator: Comprehensive SUD Resource This page is the primary source for therapy material. Even when troubling things happen in the news we need to keep moving forward in our own lives. The invention of the escalator was, literally, ground-breaking. What is your Turnaround story? This icebreaker gives people in the group a chance to make a statement and get some encouragement. 4. If you also tend to get bored easily, these self care activities for groups include everything fun, calming, therapeutic, and wellness. Take turns filling in the blanks for the following sentence: If I could take the identity of ______________ for one day, I would make sure to ________________, Discuss: What is one thing that you are either really into or know a lot about that you could do a 30 second commercial about it? Discussion: Even if you are not old (or even if you are) what is one thing that you do that is often associated with older people? New group therapy activity - Thinking, Feeling, and Coping in Challenging Scenarios - https://www.academia.edu//Thinking_Feeling_and_Coping_in_C academia.edu Thinking, Feeling and Coping in Challenging Scenarios Self Esteem II - More self esteem, continued Self Esteem Boost: Building Self Esteem and Increasing a Sense of Self Worth. I never thought that(Discuss an unexpected GOOD thing that has happened to you. Follow up question:What could this group achieve if everyone worked together in unity? takingtheescalator.com Addiction and Substance Use Resources Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health Taking the Escalator Therapy Tools (Same tools, but organized according to the Taking the Escalator Method) ( Click here to view alphabetically) +Share Take turns answering the following amusing "what if" scenarios by completing the sentence: There are moments in life that serve as "eye openers" in the sense that they suddenly get us to view the world in a completely different way. New fun, easy, interesting group - Taking the Escalator - Facebook One way that we can increase insight is to objectively look at ourselves through the eyes of others. It is good for both adolescents and adults and for people with any type of presenting problem as the directions are clear and simple: Just take turns reading out loud each of the "fill in the blank" discussion points and let group members give their answers - http://takingtheescalator.blogspot.com//fill-in-blanks-dis Group Activities by Topic - Taking the Escalator Unlike the. Everyone has some kind of story where they were on a path in a direction that was not working for them and they were able to somehow turn it around and get moving in the right direction. You can only give them three instructions for successfully managing your life. -. Taking the Escalator Discuss: What is at least one (or more) "Rules for Life" that you have gained from past relationships that you apply now and going forward? takingtheescalator.com Addiction and Substance Use Resources, Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health, This page contains regular updates with brief group therapy modules, discussion points, icebreakers, . The Taking the Escalator Method is focused on enhancing and sustaining these three essential qualities in the diagram (Insight, Internal Motivation and External Motivation/Support) to establish and drive the positive changes needed for inspiration and progress toward treatment and overall lifestyle goals www.takingtheescalator.com f Who do you invite and what is the topic of discussion, https://icebreakerideas.com/stupid-questions-to-ask/. New group therapy activity - - Taking the Escalator | Facebook if you gave them enough time and practice? As a group icebreaker discuss what is one thing you could do to try to push past one of your boundaries or limits to improve your life. April 29, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT. Just email [emailprotected], Feel free to use these original therapeutic motivational memes featured on a lot of Taking the Escalator worksheets and more, Taking the Escalator needs you - Click here to see how you can support - (It won't cost you a cent), Finally a New Way to Combat the Opioid Epidemic, Alternative Counseling & Recovery Coaching Tools. Assessing highs and lows of getting high, Labels - For lower insight levels, comparing what is using, abusing and addiction, Progress Report - Basic progress report worksheet for getting relevant discussion started, Understanding and Coping with Guilt and Shame - Similar to the other but in a different format, COD - Co Occurring Disorders - An older outline about COD's and addiction some people (LH) still like to use (Updated version on About page), Group Roles - Outline of different ways individuals may protect themselves in group settings, The Disease Concept of Addiction - Review of "symptoms" of addiction, Podcast - A Story of Recovery and Hope: Nicole Tierney, Podcast - Melissa Mackolin's Recovery Journey, Podcast - Megan Reeves "Hold On Pain Ends" with discussion questions, Guest Submissions - Please email [emailprotected] if you would like to submit an activity for the website. This icebreaker is about innocent* ways that we all go against the grain in our own unique way, *The only rule is to keep discussion innocent (harmless) and light. This is a brief group assessment and discussion on current family functioning. 5/9/22 - Fun Icebreaker: "What's the First Thing You'd Do If.". and you just sat there and your mind said: To be called "Great" is such a distinguished accomplishment. Taking the Escalator releases brief icebreakers and group therapy modules about twice per week in the "Forum" section on the Taking the Escalator: Group Activities by Topic page of the website. When you are not in this group, if you need to process this further: Where can you get more SUPPORT? How can technology trigger problems with people's mental health? takingtheescalator.com Addiction and Substance Use Resources, Non 12 Step Motivational Harm Reduction Tools for Substance Use & Mental Health, Thank You for Visiting Taking the Escalator, Make sure you are fully utilizing all of the free resources on Taking the Escalator. Materials that are from outside sources are marked with a square bullet point as done for this line. For Counselors - READ: What are Coexisting Issues? Back Submit. To Control or Not to ControlIs that the Question? What was the WORST job you ever had and why? The Habit Plan worksheet provides instructions, examples, and a template for clients to create their own plan. The Mirror of Awareness -Using the Group as a Mirror - Academia.edu Report. - Examining the Pros and Cons, Mind on Mental Health (Podcast), has an engaging host and knowledgeable speakers on MH topics, Understanding and Coping with Mood Swings, 14 Character Traits that are Essential for Sustaining Internal Motivation, Decreasing the Negative & Increasing the Positive - (Love the Good, Hate the Bad), Dissecting the Heart - Enhanced internal motivation building, Flammable Areas - Early stage insight and motivation building, From the Heart- VIDEO LINK: From the Heart, READ - Getting Started - (What Do I Do? What is one thing that you prefer to take your time with and why? Starting and Staying on a Positive Note - Academia.edu It can be beneficial to take time to reflect on things in life that are going well. As an icebreaker discussion: Everyone in the group should give their thoughts on this scenario: If you could unite the world to agree to work together on one goal or project. What are your THOUGHTS about what happened? What knowledge, wisdom and skills have you developed for successfully managing family relationships? New group therapy material - Insight and self awareness building for SUD/COD groups - Find Yourself - https://takingtheescalator.blogspot.com//find-yourself.html takingtheescalator.blogspot.com Find Yourself This is a reprint of the brief therapy modules and icebreakers released in that forum for the six-month period from July 2021 through September 2021 As she and two of her classmates start to organize a class presentation, Sally says to herself, "I'm sure I'll be able to do it right this time." How can Sally instruct herself effectively? Unlike the Group Activities by Topic page, the materials here are for shorter discussions, warm- ups and close outs as part of longer group sessions, as well as occasional articles and other resources from around the web Taking the Escalator - Addiction Group Therapy Tools that - Facebook Have you signed up for Taking the Escalator ? The FORUM page has icebreakers and brief therapy modules. Co-Occurring Disorders Tools for Clinicians and Case Managers - Facebook There is also a large selection of TREATMENT PLANNING material on this page too. Everyone has some kind of story where they were on a path in a direction that was not working for them and they were able to somehow turn it around and get moving in the right direction. What are your three instructions for your life replacement? The connection between music and emotional memories can be very powerful. What gets you up and out of bed in the morning? There is also a large selection of TREATMENT PLANNING material on this page too. As a group: Share one Musical Memory and talk specifically about some of the emotions that are attached to it. What skills will you use to, It may be helpful at this point to transfer into a group about COPING SKILLS, "I can relate to the main character from the movie Shawshank Redemption because I know what its like to patiently and persistently work towards a goal then to finally succeed", "I can relate to Keanu Reeves because he is so down to earth and just wants to be a good person and not act like an entitled jerk like so many other people in the world do, "When I was growing up I absolutely hated getting up early but now with practice I have gotten used to being up every day at 5:30am even on weekends! San Francisco's empty $2.2 billion Salesforce transit center is a microcosm of the city's fading downtown, which is having the slowest recovery among U.S. cities. What is a lesson you learned from a difficult time or event in your life that you will never forget? 3. HIGH - What do you anticipate as the highlight for you in the next month? Motivation, Determination, & Habit in Recovery, External Motivation Background Information, Decreasing the Negative & Increasing the Positive, Goal Setting Collective: Looking Forward to the Year Ahead, Hopeful Thoughts and Plans for the Year Ahead, The Pendulum - Examining Common Family Issues, Anger Management: Digging Deeper and Using Basic AM Skills, Three P's for Coping with Anxiety in the Moment, Setbacks and Engagement- A Guide for Counselors, Straight D's -A Simple Harm Reduction and MAT Illustration, Adolescent Substance Use Group (Multiple Choice), Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 1, Brief Group Module and Icebreaker Collection 2, Making the Most out of Substance Use Treatment, Telehealth Specific Group Cohesion Building Activities, Life Story Video - LB HEARS Episode 1 - Nikki Tierney - (Click to view), Understanding and Coping with Guilt and Shame, mason.script.plugins.twitterTweetPlugin.tweet. Taking the Escalator offers a variety of free assessment and screening tools. Download Free PDF Download Free PDF The Mirror of Awareness - Using the Group as a Mirror This is a straightforward group activity for building insight. How can nature benefit your mental and emotional health? For Counselors: READ: Working with Adolescents and Young People. Consider names you may have had in the following situations: Have some fun answering questions as a group using this random question generator website - https://randomwordgenerator.com/question.php, For this simple but fun and interesting icebreaker, everyone in the group should share an experience where something unusual happened (or you thought something unusual was happening due to a misunderstanding). 6/12/22 - "Morning Warrior" - Discussion Topic. LCADC), Co-Occurring Disorders/Coexisting Mental Health Issues - (See also Feelings, Thoughts and Emotions), COD - Co Occurring Disorders - An older outline about COD's and addiction, Coexisting Mental Heath Issues - A checklist for starting to look at mental health, Two Way Coping Strategies for Substance Use and Mental Health Issues, Conflict Resolution (Look under "Relationships"). What are your FEELINGS about what happened? Additional Resouces & Links - Taking the Escalator Everyone has some kind of story where they were on a path in a direction that was not working for them and they were able to somehow turn it around and get moving in the right direction. To get started, it helps to create a habit plan. What warning label should be displayed when you are angry? Nikki's story is engaging and motivating and this video can be used as group therapy tool as your clients will surely be inspired by her story, Additional Submissions by Taking the Escalator, Cross Addiction - Education and exercise on substituting addictive behaviors, How High was I..How Low did I Go? ", For this brief group exercise, everyone in the group should share at least one positive life achievement that has exceeded past expectations. Accountability and You - Are You Meeting the Challenge? 8/27/22 - What Doesnt Kill You Makes You Stronger. Keep checking the Taking the Escalator website regularly as counseling tools are continuously being added and updated." KENNETH PECORARO. S.F.'s empty $2.2B transit center echoes city's declining downtown What was the BEST job you ever had and why? READ - Unfollowing the Nonsense - A brief discussion on how media can influence perception, Why am I Here? This icebreaker is about, ways that we all go against the grain in our own unique way, *The only rule is to keep discussion innocent (harmless) and light. What are your three instructions for your life replacement, What is one thing in this world that you wish there. Any questions email: [emailprotected], Creativity is awesome. Maintaining a Balanced Ego - Looking at a balanced view of self. West Suffolk College on LinkedIn: #skillsescalator # For this icebreaker exercise, go around the group and discuss this thought provoking imaginary scenario: Imagine that a museum exhibit was going to be made all about YOU.
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