The political discourse in our state and nation has grown increasingly coarse, unnecessarily personal, and destructively vitriolic. States can handle crime just fine. Servatius said on her show Tuesday morning that Trump's recent candidate endorsements have been nonsensical and have caused her to completely lose faith in his judgment. Spewing hate about minorities, mexicans, gays, unwed mothers, immigrants, etc from a locked studio with security doesnt make you a patriot. And as a traffic engineering study has determined for the Legare Bridge, we can do so without undue detriment to automotive traffic flow. 04.19.11, by John Grooms | In an e-mail, Rick Henderson, the managing editor of the foundation's Carolina Journal, said no one at the organization reviewed Servatius' postion. [12], River City Broadcasting, which bought Keymarket, also purchased an option to buy the radio stations. Former Creative Loafing columnist Tara Servatius has resigned from her position as a blogger for the John Locke Foundation after she posted a disturbing illustration of President Barack Obama with an item she wrote for the conservative think tank. I may or may not approve of their language but we arent controlled by the FCC on blogs yet. All Rights Reserved. Now I guess she thinks it makes her morally superior to anyone that has a child out of wedlock. We must encourage folks on how to recognize truth. Tara did her job. Former Creative Loafing columnist Tara Servatius has resigned from her position as a blogger for the John Locke Foundation after she posted a disturbing illustration of President Barack Obama with an item she wrote for the conservative think tank. But you wont. I also REALLY stood up for freedom by serving my country in the US Army. WBT should be ashamed to have a person on board would consider this journalism. This byline is for a different person with the same name. Tara Jean Servatius, 48 - Greer, SC - Has Court or Arrest Records She me where she lied. Here's what they want to teach instead. (P.S. . Violence, racism and personal attacks that go She thrives off those who dont fact check before taking opinion as fact. Hate is usually at the bottom of what degrades and diminishes all human life. CAN ANY OF YOU BRAINLESS OUTTHERE GIVE ME PROOF THAT TARA WASNT BEING TRUTHFULL, OR LIKE IN THE MOVIE, YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH. The station would be heard from Asheville, North Carolina to Augusta, Georgia and from Gainesville, Georgia to Charlotte. You, like all liberals, will just call us racists because we will not toe the liberal line. Are you just suppressing free speech again? Copyright IBTimes 2023. Servatius grew up in Charlotte and is a graduate of Charlotte Catholic High School and the UNC Chapel Hill School of Journalism. Tara Servatius Exits WBT/Charlotte - Many people liked the new sound, which included lots of 70s music, but some complained to the newspaper and to the morning show of Mike Vassy, who had worked at the station since 1968. 90.3 Hickory 106.1 Laurinburg, WFAE | Wow Do you know your vaunted Southern Poverty Law Center has blacklisted many organizations that they are trying to suppress, including religious orders in New Hampshire? I believe, and can present fact after fact to prove my point, although facts are something that a liberal doesnt understand or even want to hear, that I, as a white male, in this society, am the most discriminated against in this country. beyond the pale will not be tolerated. We don't need them.". Tara Servatius . Conservative blogger Tara Servatius of Charlotte, resigned on Thursday, after posting an offensive photo of U.S. President Barack Obama on the John Locke Foundation 's website earlier this. You should see the algorithm Biden's State Department built to silence you. @TaraServatius 40,834 followers, 3,385 tweets. The Simple Solution to the Illegal ImmigrationProblem, Tara Servatius Linked to Terrorist White Supremacist Group : League of theSouth, WBT-1110 and Tara Servatius Spreading More Hate and Lies About the MuslimCommunity. William Barber also protested the portrayal of Obama in a statement to the news station: The latest: Student assignment, North Carolina obscenity bill gets OK in Senate vote, Gordon Lightfoot, Canadian folk legend, dies at 84, Basketball legend Larry 'Gator' Rivers, longtime Globetrotter, has died at 73. Well, this is awkward. Dedicated to keeping it that way. In a comment on his Facebook page, John Hood, the president of the John Locke Foundation, said Servatius had resigned. Influential talk show host turns on Trump: "I'm done" You mean the guy who was on tape a couple weeks ago going after people who protest voting fraud? I'm done. Im sorry you are gay, but be proud dude! Host of The Tara Show, 98.9 WORD FM, Greenville, SC. Born free. Maybe she could do a segment about how people that call themselves Christians support torture and the murder of innocent civilians. She is just an angry sad person that got what she deserved. Why does it matter to you if someone is gay or not No answer as of yet. Copyright Media. This is the kind of episode that can only make the situation worse, Hood's post read. Put the Kool-Aid down, back away from the Faux Noose and take the tin foil hat off your head. There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Host of The Tara Show, 6-10am, 106.3 WORD FM Greenville/101.5 FM Anderson/95.1 FM Seneca, SC. WBT knows about this and supports her agenda. lol. John Hood, president of the foundation, noted on his Facebook page that he was embarrassed and angered. To think what happened was a good thing is to admit how brain washed you really are. Creative Loafing encourages a healthy discussion on its website from all The Tara Show: Dismantle the FBI - Servatius column was called out by many readers as trolling. Before the internet, trolls lurked under bridges. All Rights Reserved. PART OF AUDACY NEWS. WYRD-FM - Wikipedia Lets keep the trolls away from the Legare Bridge. Greenville, SC . [5], WSPA-FM became the strongest station in the United States with a move to Hogback Mountain, 3200 feet in elevation, with a 100,000-watt signal, as one of the first stations to use a new system of vertical and horizontal antennas. I will try to do my research and will watch your blog for commentary as well. We can change that. Influential talk show host turns on Trump: "I'm done" - MSN Dont believe me? Whoops! I have also acquired pictures of her at a League Of The South event. [7][8], With the switch by WZXI in the Charlotte area from beautiful music, WSPA-FM showed up in the Spring 1986 Arbitron ratings for Charlotte, the only beautiful music station serving the area. Please understand that you are being used. The station broadcast from 8 A.M. to midnight seven days a week, with light music during the day, dinner music in the evening, and "featured works" at night. Tara Servatius makes a golden fried mistake | The CLog After all, isnt bigotry when you belittle someone because they are different than you. Tara Servatius and WBT Choose Hate and Racism as a - Real Democracy Yes, bicycling in busy, high-traffic areas is risky and can be dangerous. Democrats Give Pedophiles "Rights" You have a real problem. 1 Million Illegals Prepare Rush Border Next Week | The Tara Show is Live! what does it mean to try to email? Have fun in the basement with youre tin foil hat watching Faux Noose. That same press is now pre-submitting questions to Biden because he's so mentally gone he can't do a real presser. We want intelligent, forward-thinking, environmentally responsible, economically sound transportation policies that plan for Charlestons future, a future that will have more people and more traffic and will need more options for getting around. Stay up to date with our daily newsletter, Sudan Conflict Shows No Sign Of Easing, Sudanese Brace For More Violence, Russia Punishes Drunk Soldiers By Detaining Them In 'Holes In The Ground', 10 Best Korean Movies, Dramas And TV Shows Available For Streaming, New Sudan Clashes Despite Truce, UN Warns Country At 'Breaking Point', Russia's Wagner Group Could Soon Cease To Exist, Founder Tells Blogger. Servatius went on to say that the idea still gives pause to the "country clubbers" in the Republican party, but she feels it's not such a radical take anymore. The 106.3 WORD FM host has been critical of Big Tech's censorship during the pandemic. Anyway, when its a torrid 95 degrees, I opt for my car and its air conditioning. (LogOut/ "Make sure it's safe and detonate the thing so it can't ever come back.". It included an illustration that was offensive and utterly inappropriate for our blog or anyone else's. Tara and the gang of douche-bags over at WBT make their money making fun of black people, poor people, gay people and immigrants. We pay road taxes and care about efficient traffic flow. We don't need them." "98.9 WORD" carries the local program The Tara Show (with Tara Servatius). He is none of those things. Taras whole show is based on racism and hatred. Marc Rotterman, Republican media strategist, and Tara Servatius, radio host, look at how the candidates are doing with their ground games in South Carolina. I am genuinely sorry my inclusion of the photo along with my blog post has caused controversy for the John Locke Foundation, she wrote. It was meant to illustrate Obama's Southern political strategy, nothing more. Our local reporters are on the ground covering the news that matters most to Charleston and the area. You said I dont use any facts to support that Tara Servatius and WBT use hate and racism as a business model yet you use elitists , they, and them to explain youre ridiculous conspiracy theory which makes absolutely so sense at all. Similar state laws have passed over his plate no less than a dozen times since he took office, but he felt no need to step up to bat, Servatius wrote. In fact, I have missed most of the shows since January due to my class schedule at school and the fact that I have been out of the country. What did you do to call yourself a patriot besides defend an angry, hateful person ? Forward-thinking policy makers see our bridges as connectors for everyone, as pathways to a brighter, healthier, more prosperous future. For many people, the primary reason they drive rather than bike short distances is because they feel cycling is too dangerous. Please support your views with facts and not emotionalism. Servatius noted on the Wednesday edition of The Tara Show that the FBI is not mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. The image of him sitting in a flashy leotard with a bucket of fried chicken . Well I try to allow people to give their opinion. Are you on dope ? I, and almost all cyclists I know, are reasonable adults, and we also drive cars. Tara Servatius' June 26 column . PART OF AUDACY NEWS. According to a new Rasmussen poll, 52% of Americans are still willing to entertain the notion that the 2020 Presidential election that resulted in Joe Biden's win over incumbent Donald Trump was marred by cheating. She does take advantage of her audience by appealing to their less virtuous emotions especially hate. Servatius' then issued a statement, apologizing for including the photo in her blog post. I like your conspiracy theory. (Please follow my Rumble channel. Cycling advocate responds to Tara Servatius' anti-biking column Just 3 mins. 00:00 01:10 That guy? The move was intended to put WYRD-FM's news/talk programming on the larger 98.9 signal.[18]. You cannot win," Servatius said. And thats exactly what Charleston County Council has done regarding the Legare Bridge. Host of The Tara Show, 6-10am, 98.9 WORD FM, The Voice of the Carolinas. RT @bonchieredstate: Remember when the press used to make fun of Bush because he couldn't name the head of every country in Africa? (LogOut/ Hear the full audio of Tara's rant on the President below. Ron DeSantis for President.". South Carolina radio host Tara Servatius said Wednesday that YouTube has suspended her account for violating community standards related to COVID-19. No Rapture. By this reasoning, the government should not support space exploration, the police department, or the armed services all of which are inherently dangerous. "You've got a Republican leadership trying to figure out how to shut up members of their own party for trying to fight voter fraud. I would like to know why is it that when someone talks about LORD OBAMA that does not agree with his views they are immediately called a RACIST. The latest Gabs from Tara Servatius (@realTaraServatius). Conservative talk host Tara Servatius of The Tara Show believes the question continues to linger in the minds of voters because Biden has been so lackluster as Commander-in-Chief. Make a donation. Both prop up their narratives with lies spun off as true. lol. My son, who is also white by the way, has consistantly made great grades all through school. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. If you want to express hate, understand that you must have the constitution in order to do that. "On Thursday we will demand to know who authorized and developed such a racist and bigoted portrayal to be placed on the site of an organization that seeks to have so much influence into the shaping of public policy in NC. October 26, 2022. "The FBI's only been around for 100 years," she said. WBT can no longer rely on the KKK and Rednecks to bring in enough ad revenue to make it in Charlotte. Servatius continued. A reader brought it to my attention yesterday, and I had it removed immediately, but the damage was done.". And Servatius pointed out she's not alone. 13 Apr 2023 15:00:03 [11] The change improved the station's ratings from eighth in Fall 1990 to fifth in Winter 1991, and from sixth to fourth with adults. The old bullshit detector. Tara has won over two dozen state and national journalism awards for column writing and investigative reporting. Tara Servatius Verified account @TaraServatius. Big daddy and Joseph are right, you are really quick to throw around the term racist when it comes to talking about our glorious messiah. Tara also recently won a national first place Green Eyeshade award for column writing from The Society of Professional Journalists. ), ofessors-teaching-constitution-is-racist.html?mref=myyzf&mc=aljwc, deadlier-pandemic-is-coming.html?mref=myyzf&mc=aljwc. You can hear more about Servatius's endorsement of the Florida governor by clicking the link. Part of Audacy. Yes, bicyclists and pedestrians are likely to be hurt or worse by inattentive, reckless drivers. Bienvenidos! It seems to me that when someone starts a racism arguement with the terms, White redneck KKK, they themselves are guilty of the offense that they accuse. From Rust To Revelry - North Carolinas Communal Space Overhaul, Top European Poker Players Reveal Their Winning Strategies, Jigsaw, Dating App That Hides Users Faces, launches in Charlotte, NCTo Fight Superficial Dating App Culture, Bizarre crime from Charlotte police files (Oct. 30), Judicial races in N.C. have changed for the worse, First Drip (10/24/14): Domestic violence costs big in N.C., the queen tweets, more, HUD audit: Bank of America, Wells Fargo defrauded taxpayers, by Tara Servatius | Hood said a reader brought the post to his attention the day before and he immediately had it removed. WYRD-FM (98.9 MHz, "98.9 WORD") is a talk radio station licensed to serve Spartanburg, South Carolina, and covering the Upstate region, including Greenville and Spartanburg.The Audacy, Inc. outlet is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to broadcast at with an ERP of 100 kW. Obviously, you have never really dealt with the real Klan, or nazis in general, because as an ex skinhead? Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Tara Servatius - Facebook Tara Servatius Verified Host, The Tara Show, WYRD-FM (Greenville, SC) Podcast Host, Battleground America, She also seems to have picked up the poor habit of being rude and hateful to callers that dont share her narrow view of the world. The Charlotte Observer reported that the photo was digitally manipulated to show Obama in drag, along with chains, high heels and a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken between his legs. RT @Lauren3veMemes: From 2009. I dont understand how Tara can look at herself in the mirror. Interesting you wont associate your writing with your name. Sign up and stay up to date with our daily newsletter. Why be verbally dishonorable? There you go again you are asked a question and you reply with hateful names. Have you heard the respect she accords callers, esp. Now, I will let you go tell me to put down the Kool aid and call me a cunt. Tara Sevatius, Tara Jean Servatius and Tara J Servatius are some of the alias or nicknames that Tara has used. those who try to race bait her. The Tara Show Can No Longer Support Trump Because of This. our way into that future only by building more roads and more parking garages on our limited and valuable Lowcountry real estate. its 2011 not 1961. They lie because they get away with it. Wife, mom. Servatius said on her show Tuesday morning that Trump's recent candidate endorsements have been nonsensical and have caused her to completely lose faith in his judgment.
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