In Proc. Energy Phys. Such decays also exhibit some tension with the SM predictions but the extent of residual QCD effects is still the subject of debate3,21,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47. If confirmed by future measurements, this violation of lepton universality would imply physics beyond the standard model, such as a new fundamental interaction between quarks and leptons. D 88, 032007 (2013). oscillation frequency, Probing CP symmetry and weak phases with entangled double-strange baryons, Polarization and entanglement in baryonantibaryon pair production in electronpositron annihilation, The Higgs boson implications and prospects for future discoveries,, Rev. In addition, the likelihood profile shown in Extended Data Fig. In addition, if the simulation is correctly calibrated, the measured rJ/ value will not depend on any variable. The electron and muon veto cuts differ given the relative helicity suppression of ++ decays. LHCb experiment - Wikipedia Phys. Bharucha, A., Straub, D. M. & Zwicky, R. BV+ in the standard model from light-cone sum rules. According to the Standard Model of particle physics, particles such as beauty quarks should decay into either muons or electrons in equal measure. Particle Physics (4th ed. Energy Phys. The J/ meson consists of a charm quark and antiquark, \(c\overline{c}\), and is produced resonantly at q2=9.59GeV2c4. LHCb is a specialized b-physicsexperiment, designed primarily to measure the parameters of CP violationin the interactions of b-hadrons(heavy particles containing a bottom quark). New physics in bs+ confronts new data on lepton universality. High. Measurements of branching fractions, rate asymmetries, and angular distributions in the rare decays BK+ and BK*+. Methods A 764, 150155 (2014). In the resonant-mode distributions, some fit components are too small to be visible. High Energy Phys. 06, 092 (2016). Rev. Rev. B. Zonneveld, Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, L. Cojocariu,A. Ene,L. Giubega,A. Grecu,F. Maciuc,V. Placinta&M. Straticiuc, L. Congedo,M. De Serio,R. A. Fini,A. Palano,M. Pappagallo,A. Pastore&S. Simone, L. Congedo,M. De Serio,M. Pappagallo&S. Simone, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Los Alamos, NM, USA, J. Crkovsk,C. L. Da Silva,C. T. Dean,J. M. Durham,E. Epple&G. J. Kunde, Van Swinderen Institute, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands, K. De Bruyn,C. J. G. Onderwater&M. van Veghel, Universiteit Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakw, Poland, A. Dendek,M. Firlej,T. Fiutowski,M. Idzik,P. Kopciewicz,W. Krupa,O. Madejczyk,M. W. Majewski,J. Moron,A. Oblakowska-Mucha,B. Rachwal,J. Ryzka,K. Swientek&T. Szumlak, F. Dettori,C. Giugliano,G. Manca,R. Oldeman&B. Saitta, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary, Institute for Nuclear Research of the National Academy of Sciences (KINR), Kyiv, Ukraine, V. Dobishuk,S. Koliiev,I. Kostiuk,O. Kot&V. Pugatch, School of Physics, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, A. M. Donohoe,L. Mcconnell,R. McNulty,N. V. Raab&C. B. Exp. The hierarchical effect needed to explain the existing \(\overline{b}\to \overline{s}{\ell }^{+}{\ell }^{-}\) and \(\overline{b}\to \overline{c}{\ell }^{+}{\nu }_{\ell }\) data, with the largest effects observed in tau modes, then muon modes and little or no effects in electron modes, suggests that studies of \(\overline{b}\to \overline{s}{\tau }^{+}{\tau }^{-}\) transitions are also of great interest69,70. 3, S08005 (2008). The decay process involves the conversion of a beauty quark into a strange quark with the production of an electron and antielectron or a muon and antimuon. J. The simulated data used in this analysis are produced using the software described in refs. D 103, 015030 (2021). Phys. The LHCb collaboration et al. LHCb collaboration LHCb detector performance. Other sources of systematic uncertainty, such as the calibration of B+ production kinematics, the trigger calibration and the determination of the particle identification efficiencies, contribute at the few-permille or permille level, depending strongly on the data-taking period and the trigger category. Phys. Hirose, S. et al. D 89, 074014 (2014). For the electron mode, this requirement is illustrated in Extended Data Fig. High Energy Phys. The decays involve the transformation of a beauty quark into a strange quark (bs) plus a lepton pair ( + - or e + e - ), a process that is highly suppressed in the Standard Model but which could be affected by the existence of new particles, whose masses could be too high to be produced directly at the Large Hadron Collider. 126, 161802 (2021). For the non-resonant muon mode and for each of the three different trigger categories of the non-resonant electron mode, a single BDT classifier is trained for the 7 and 8TeV data, and an additional classifier is trained for the 13TeV data. The latest LHCb result is the first test of lepton universality made using the decays of beauty baryonsthree-quark particles containing at least one beauty quark. Extended Data Fig. The veto requirements retain 97% of B+K++ and 95% of B+K+e+e decays passing all other selection requirements. Lees, J. P. et al. Aaij, R. et al. Extended Data Fig. Conf. Phys. Combining the uncertainties gives \({R}_{K}=0.84{6}_{-\ 0.041}^{+\ 0.044}\). High Energy Phys. Lett. The standard model of particle physics currently provides our best description of fundamental particles and their interactions. Fan,Y. Gan,G. Gong,C. Gu,F. Jiang,Y. Kang,X. Liu,Y. Luo,H. Mu,Z. Ren,J. Wang,M. Wang,Z. Wang,L. Xu,D. Yang,Z. Yang,M. Zeng,L. Zhang&X. 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The measurements are of processes in which a beauty meson transforms into a strange meson with the emission of either an electron and a positron, or a muon and an antimuon. LHCb collaboration. D 73, 092001 (2006). the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in D 96, 093006 (2017). Rev. J. The Standard Model of particle physics currently provides our best description of fundamental particles and their interactions. For the modelling of non-resonant and resonant partially reconstructed backgrounds, data are used to correct the simulated K mass spectrum for B(0,+)K+(,0)e+e and B(0,+)J/(e+e)K+(,0) decays93. Phys. Previous measurements have shown that a wide range of particle decays are consistent with this principle of lepton universality. 4 from a normal distribution stems from the definition of RK. 2006, 026 (2006). 2016, 47 (2016); erratum 2017, 142 (2017). Phys. For the RK measurement, candidate events are required to have passed a hardware trigger algorithm that selects either a high-pT muon, or an electron, hadron or photon with high transverse energy deposited in the calorimeters. The green and purple components correspond to candidates with \({q}_{{{{\rm{t}}}}rue}^{2} > 6.0\) GeV 2/c4 and \({q}_{{{{\rm{t}}}}rue}^{2} < 1.1\) GeV 2/c4, respectively. Rev. Khodjamirian, A., Mannel, T. & Wang, Y.-M. BK+ decay at large hadronic recoil. Exp. Rev. This article presents evidence for the breaking of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays, with a significance of 3.1 standard deviations, based on proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. Uncertainties on the data points are statistical only and represent one standard deviation, calculated assuming Poisson-distributed entries. This article presents evidence for the breaking of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays, with a significance of 3.1 standard deviations, based on proton-proton collision data collected with . The significance of this discrepancy is 3.1standard deviations, giving evidence for the violation of lepton universality in these decays. No significant trend is observed in the differential determination of rJ/ as a function of any considered variable. Rev. 2013, 010 (2013). Sci. In the electron minimum pT spectra, the structure at 2800 MeV/c is related to the trigger threshold. Phys.) The proportion of signal candidates that migrate in and out of the q2 region of interest is on the order of 10%. (Bottom) the single ratio rJ/ relative to its average value \(< {r}_{J/\psi } >\) as a function of these variables. Uncertainties on the data points are statistical only and represent one standard deviation, calculated assuming Poisson-distributed entries. Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions \({{{\mathcal{B}}}}({\overline{B}}^{0}\to {D}^{* +}{\tau }^{-}{\overline{\nu }}_{\tau })/{{{\mathcal{B}}}}({\overline{B}}^{0}\to {D}^{* +}{\mu }^{-}{\overline{\nu }}_{\mu })\). The analysis uses beauty mesons produced in proton-proton collisions collected with the LHCb detector between 2011 and 2018, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 9 $\mathrm{fb}^{-1}$.. Instrum. Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays - Wei J.-T. et al. Phys. High Energy Phys. 3. The detector includes a high-precision tracking system with a dipole magnet, providing measurements of momentum and impact parameter (IP), defined for charged particles as the minimum distance of a track to a primary protonproton interaction vertex (PV). van Dyk, D et al. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. 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