12:37 a.m. Endangering children reported in the 2000 block of North Feederle Drive SE. cotto@chronicle-tribune.com, By Jamie Kelly To some, the word superhero means a character from a comic book or movie. CCSD. licenses are NOT issued by the city. This is the highest award given to a school band program from the ISSMA organization. Chance of rain 100%. He previously served as the Warren Police Commissioner from April NEW CASTLE, N.Y. (AP) Several people were taken to a hospital, including four with life-threatening injuries, after a head-on crash between a car and a school bus in New York, police said. A report of utilities down. The Warren Police Department maintains aFacebook pageto increase communication with the public. If theres a hole in your heart that only a doughnut can fill, Gas City now has a new option. Area: E1 Officer: Kevin Kleinstiver Email: kkleinstiver@warrenpd.org Shift: 8:00am 8:00pm A Hoosier couple has boomeranged back to Marion from the east coast to be close to family and foster relationships to help their new hometown thrive. Writer says Donald Trump rape trial has fueled new attacks against 9:08 a.m. Trees down, 1100 block of Indiana 25 North, Logansport. All members of the Department will conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with professional standards for performance, both on duty and off duty. June 8, 9:23 p.m. Domestic violence reported in the 200 block of Belvedere Avenue SE. We strive to earn the trust and respect of those whom we serve and work with. Growing search for Texas gunman who killed 5 en, Mayor candidates discuss housing needs in Logansport, Indiana governor endorses revised GOP state bud, In the Past: LPD officers deliver healthy baby , SHEPLER, Joseph Aug 1, 1928 - Apr 28, 2023, MCPHERSON JR., Carl Feb 5, 1942 - Apr 23, 2023, Banks seek payment on two Logansport Memorial Hospital bonds, Winamac man nabbed for dealing meth, giving police a fake name, Billiards legend, Logansport native Paul Gerni to perform trick shot show April 30, Lewis Cass leaving Hoosier Conference for TRC, Century Career Center Co-op Student: Yahin Ventura, Logansport mayor candidates describe why they seek office, Pioneer High students replicate drunk driving crash before prom, Chambers, Good headline All-Loganland boys basketball team. CCSD. A report of an unwanted guest. CCSD. 8:03 p.m. Domestic violence reported in the 300 block of Washington Street NE. Mississinewa Community Schools received the prestigious Indiana Office of Career and Technical Education (OCTE) Informational Technology grant in the amount of $71,000. He was appointed by the Governor to serve as a member of the Governors Cabinet Council on Crime in 1989 and serves on the Commission on Children, Youth, and Families. jwolfe@warrenpd.org LPD. He is also a graduate of the 97th session of the FBI National Academy. Please consider subscribing so we can continue to bring you the best local news, sports and entertainment coverage. 2:43 p.m. Menacing reported in the 600 block of Golf Drive NE. He is a graduate of Northwestern University Center for Public Safety School of Police Staff and Command. The Sheriffs Public Safety Building also plays host to a variety of informational and public service events presented by the Sheriffs Office and has the capabilities to serve as a command center in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency. A national selection board has chosen Marion High School JROTC Cadet Joshua Pia to receive the U.S. Armys ROTC Scholarship, valued at just under $100,000. A report of a suspicious vehicle in the area. Dareontai Carmichael, 18, was arrested on charges of resisting arrest, possession drug paraphernalia, texting while driving, staying within marked lanes and driving without a license. 3:26 a.m. Trees down, Logansport Road, east of Grandview Drive, Logansport. WebWilliam Dwyer was re-appointed Commissioner of the Warren Police Department on August 14, 2017. Higher wind gusts possible. Warren, NJ Police Blotter | TAPinto LPD. Vehicles driven by Christian Villanueva, 20, and Nellie Ortiz, 39, both of Logansport, collided. The outburst drew a rebuke and a warning from Judge Lewis A. Kaplan, who called it entirely inappropriate.. These requests are really focused on our student services, Woestman said. Luther George Baker, 54, Logansport, was arrested on a charge of possession of methamphetamine. 1340 U.S. 9, 8:41 p.m. Menacing reported in the 200 block of Idylwild Street NE. I attended the board for two years in the audience before I became a member, so dont be surprised if I show up in the audience to give you a piece of my mind.. A report of property damage. D.C. Ahrens currently commands the Warren Police Departments Administrative Services Bureau. 4:16 p.m. Petty theft reported from Hertz Rental Cars LLC, 4400 Youngstown Road SE. 12:34 a.m. Travis Myers, 39, was issued a summons at East Market Street and Belvedere Avenue SE on charges of driving under the influence and speeding. A report of subjects fighting in roadway. Later in the day, Kaplan warned Tacopina again to speak with Trump after the ex-presidents son Eric tweeted criticism of funding Carrolls lawyer received from a wealthy Democratic contributor. Clemens. A day earlier, she told how a chance encounter with Trump at a Bergdorf Goodman store in late 1995 or early 1996 turned from flirtatious frivolity in the desolate lingerie section into a violent sexual attack inside a dressing room. D.C. Ahrens received a Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice from Michigan State University and later graduated from the Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command. High 41F. Through training and experience, Patrol Officers often provide assistance until fire and medical units can arrive at the location. Four great seasons - one outstanding destination! The preliminary investigation found that the driver of the Honda lost control while rounding a curve, crossed into oncoming traffic and struck the bus head-on, police said in a statement. 5:22 p.m. Suspicious person/circumstances, 3500 block of East Market Street. 9:14 a.m. Domestic violence reported in the 1600 block of Larchmont Avenue NE. Robert Massucci, Criminal Investigation Division Commander (330) 841-2630 rmassucci@warren.org, Public Complaints and Victim Notification. These have been a very rewarding eight years, Drake said. 5:06 p.m. Identity fraud reported in the 400 block of Oak Circle SW. 4:47 p.m. Drug abuse reported at Tod Avenue and Front Street SW. 2:36 p.m. Menacing reported in the 100 block of Woodbine Avenue SE. 7:22 p.m. Violating temporary protection order reported in the 3600 block of Rio Terra Street NW. 6:04 p.m. Property damage accident, Michigan Avenue and Smith Street. He served as chairperson of the Oakland County CLEMIS Advisory Committee for 11 years. 6:57 p.m. Trespass, 100 block of Hammon Street, Logansport. 7:26 p.m. Petty theft reported in the 3600 block of Rio Terra Street NW. BustedNewspaper Warren County KY - Home - Facebook Chief Merkel is also a graduate of the Federal Bureau of Investigations National Academy (FBINA) Session #227, the Federal Bureau of Investigations Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar Session 78, the Law Enforcement Foundations Police Executive Leadership College (PELC) Class 59, and one of nearly 600 police officers in the State of Ohio who have successfully completed and achieved the designation of Certified Law Enforcement Executive (CLEE) Class XX through the Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police. CCSD. CCSD. Family Investigations (586) 574-4762 6:15 a.m. Assault reported in the 1700 block of Front Street SW. 5:08 a.m. Criminal damaging reported in the 2600 block of Burton Street SE. Special to the Chronicle-Tribune, Moving forward beyond Aprils call to awareness, Taylor University Receives $20 Million Gift Largest Gift in 177-Year History, Field trip provides hands-on learning experience, Fairmount Public Library hosts cartooning program for National Library Week, City of Marion hosts Earth Day celebration, One of Marions most beautiful treasures': Tashema Davis opens new exhibit, Ma., Mayoral candidates prepare for Republican primary, Marion High School students earn unique academic achievements. CONTACT INFORMATION. Unable to locate. 1:03 p.m. Criminal damaging, assault reported in the 3100 block of Randolph Street NW. Captain Steven Showers has been with the Warren Police Department since August of 1998. LPD. 4:12 p.m. Theft reported at Lowes, Niles Cortland Road SE. Prior to that, he was in charge of the Narcotics Division for seven years, having risen through the ranks from the position of Patrol Officer. Owner of vehicle was located. Stock photo Thursday 10:58 a.m. Arrest. These standards include adherence to our mission statement and other core values. 11:01 p.m. Driving under the influence of alcohol, U.S. 35 and Indiana 18, Galveston. In 2009, Commissioner Dwyer received the Collegian Award from Wayne State University. Studies have shown that if a young person respects a police officer on the ball field, gym or classroom, the youth will likely come to respect the laws that police officers enforce. 5:54 p.m. Arrest. 2:06 p.m. Property damage accident, 24th and High streets. Sie knnen Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ndern, indem Sie auf unseren Websites und Apps auf den Link Datenschutz-Dashboard klicken. Cody Douglas Smith, 29, Logansport, was arrested on charges of public intoxication and disorderly conduct. Robert T. Baugh, 54, Logansport, was arrested on a charge of work release violation. CCSD. A report of intimidation. Warren Township Police Blotter | Echoes Sentinel News The district also approved several other resignations and retirements of staff members. A report of an animal problem. 2:34 p.m. Runaway reported in the 3000 block of Tod Avenue NW. Police blotter 4-14-23. Officer is lifelong city resident Deputy Chief Matthew Merlo retired from the Eastpointe Police on Friday after 28 years of service. Commissioner Dwyer has served on the Advisory Board of Directors for the Oakland County Narcotics Enforcement Team since 1987. To others, it means someone to look up to, someone who gives hope. 7:28 p.m. Domestic violence, aggravated menacing reported in the 3300 block of Elm Road NE. LPD. 4:05 p.m. Reckless driving, eastbound U.S. 24 and Cass County Road 700 East, Logansport. Records Dept. For more information please visit the Explorer website: warrenexplorers.org, Accident reports must be obtained online at the following website: clemis.org. 4:06 p.m. Champell Tatum, 30, was arrested in the 500 block of Youngstown Kingsville Road SE on a warrant for failure to appear in Warren Municipal Court. 12:04 p.m. Assault reported in the 2000 block of North Feederle Drive SE. 1:41 p.m. Reckless driving, westbound West Market Street, Dollar Store, Logansport. To serve the community and protect the lives, rights, and property of all people in the City of Warren with integrity, equality, and justice. Suspicious person/circumstances, 400 block of Eighth Street. As April unfolds and awareness of sexual assault increases through the efforts of teams like Grant Countys Sexual Assault Reponse Team (SART), it can be tempting to believe that recognition is enough. 4:18 a.m. Criminal damaging, petty theft, arson, felonious assault, reported in the 2200 block of Northwest Boulevard NW. Police Blotter: Oct. 5, 2021 | News | pharostribune.com LPD. Massive Police Response at Convent Station, New Jersey In December of 2018 he retired after his fourth two-year term as an Oakland County Commissioner. Report of Active Shooter Causes Lock Downs at St. Elizabeth's College and Fairleigh Dickinson University. Applicants who are City of Warren residents may have the fingerprinting process completed by the City of Warren Police Department Identification Division. He holds a bachelors degree in criminal justice from Kent State University and a masters degree in police administration from Youngstown State University. Symphane Gamble, 22, was arrested on charge of improper handling of a firearm in a motor vehicle. We will remain courageous in our actions. A resident of the home reported the incident to Prosecutors said Willard Miller and Jeremy Goodale carried out the 2021 attack on Nohema Graber because of a bad grade she had given Miller. 6:48 a.m. Domestic violence reported in the 700 block of Buckeye Street NW. Fingerprinting is performed Monday Friday, 8:30am-11:30am and 1:30pm-3:30pm. Moral courage is the adherence to principle, integrity, and dedication, no matter how easy it may be to do otherwise. mkeller@chronicle-tribune.com, By MAYA WILKINS Schulz was reelected to serve as the new boards president for the next two years, Steve Carlson was elected to be the boards vice president and Natalia Martinez was elected to serve as the secretary. 4:04 a.m. Assault reported in the 1600 block of North Park Avenue. Criminal Investigations (586) 574-4810 April 23, 2023 at 10:45 a.m. North Greenbush Police Department blotter Online civil services exams A report of reckless driving. If you have a comment or question related to public safety, please feel free to get in touch! Area: G1 Officer: Jason Mancani Email: jmancani@warrenpd.org works 8:00am-8:00pm 3:10 p.m. Disorderly conduct, 1300 block of Wright Street. 2:51 p.m. Reckless driving, westbound Logansport Road and Stone Quarry, Logansport. Traffic/Accident Investigation (586) 574-4870 A report of trees down. 11:41 a.m. Drug activity reported in the 700 block of West Market Street. We hold each other and ourselves accountable to these standards. Justin Adran Warren, 33, Logansport, was picked up on a warrant A report of suspicious circumstances. 2:13 a.m. Theft/receiving stolen property, 100 block of Hammon Street. Area: D1 Officer: Patrick Sidge Email: psidge@warrenpd.org Shift: 3:00pm 3:00 amt The R.J. Baskett Middle School Band Program has once again earned the prestigious All-Music Award from the Indiana State School Music Association for the second year in a row. LPD. 12:57 p.m. Theft/receiving stolen property, 500 block of Biddle Street. 369 talking about this. Sergeant Borycz 586-574-4848 June 7, 11:12 p.m. Mark Richardson, 48, was arrested at Front Street and Parkman Road SW on a warrant for a probation violation in Warren Municipal Court. 8:52 a.m. Leaving the scene of an accident, 18th Street and Woodlawn Avenue. We do what is right at all times because it is the right thing to do. Grant County Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) invites the public to Hear & Believe Sexual Assault Victims.. Warren Township D121 board welcomes new and 10:51 a.m. Arrest. Albany man pleads guilty in Capital Region cocaine conspiracy, Green Island Little League receives first of several AEDs in case of emergency, Three Rensselaer County officials charged with conspiring to violate rights of voters in 2021 elections, Rensselaer County holds annual DWI Memorial ceremony. CCSD. 1400 State Route 9 Lake George, NY 12845. LPD. If youre looking for a lost pet you feel may have been collected by Animal Control, contact Animal Control immediately at 586-574-4806. Sheriff Activity | Warren County 12:06 a.m. Arrest. Crime and Public Safety troyrecord June 6, 10:29 p.m. Stolen vehicle reported in the 1000 block of Perkinswood Boulevard SE. By KAY RIDEOUT Mississinewa High School (MHS) students got a taste of how the court system works on Wednesday when they had the opportunity to participate in a mock trial. LPD. 8:26 p.m. Menacing reported in the 200 block of Washington Street NE. A report of a suspicious male in the area. He is the past chairman of the High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) and served as Vice Chair in September 2003. Prevent Child Abuse Grant County (PCA) held the first annual training and luncheon since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic on Wednesday, April 12. Warren Township Police Blotter New Jersey Hills Media Group Editor Jul 6, 2021 0 Latest News Johnny Kinneys love in action remembered at funeral Morris A report by complainant that three stray dogs killed their cat. The core values of the Warren Police Department are. Searchable records from law 6:23 a.m. Criminal damaging reported in the 3100 block of Merriweather Street NW. 10:59 p.m. Domestic violence reported in the 3600 block of Rio Terra Street NW. 4:19 p.m. Criminal damaging reported in the 1300 block of Youngstown Road SE.