I am committed to delivering high-quality education and excellent experiences for students and staff. My goal in this role is to be accessible to our student leaders and their organizations, to make sure they have the voice I never could, by making myself as accessible as possible for them. State executives | Why should people vote for you? Elections - Placer County Elections 2022 General Election Endorsements Placer County Democratic Party It is time to sit down and get serious about how we are going to go about repairing what was broken. Western Placer Unified School District elections (2014), Placer County, California ballot measures, Western Placer Unified School District, California, 2014 Western Placer Unified School District Elections, https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Western_Placer_Unified_School_District_elections_(2014)&oldid=7055730, Pages using DynamicPageList3 dplreplace parser function, United States school district elections, 2014, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, First day for candidates to file nomination documents, Last day for candidates to file nomination documents. A candidate is a person who knowingly and willingly takes affirmative action for the purpose of gaining nomination or election to public office or for the purpose of satisfying financial obligations incurred by the person in connection with the campaign for nomination or election. Why should people vote for you? It also According to the Allegheny County Office of Elections unofficial candidate list, all five incumbent members of the North Hills School Board are running for reelection to a four-year term. Im a North Hills graduate who returned to raise my kids here I love our community. I would also like to address bullying online and in the classroom. Placer County Elections Dashboard; . This has played out dramatically recently. However, I never saw a school board member who wasnt a parent taking a special interest in all of the activities, clubs and sports. I understand the policies, procedures and practices of North Hills School District. What is the biggest issue to address? The decisions that rest on the board impact our children directly. Creating what the classroom and and beyond looks like during these post-covid days. Likewise, we must do so in a fiscally-responsible manner, acting as excellent stewards of taxpayer dollars. We should be caring for the well-being of each child and our community as a whole. PROPOSITION 1 - CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOM. Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. If candidates raised or spent more during that time, they had to file Form 460 by the pre-election report filing deadline. Ballot measures, Who represents me? While working as a co-owner of a successful local franchise, I have served in countless volunteer roles. enhanced opportunity for parental involvement and school safety for this and future generations. Taxpayers want to know that their money is well-managed. School districts | Whats important to me will most certainly not be important to everyone in the district. Why should people vote for you? Why should people vote for you? were Local ballot measures, California. I also have four nieces in the district. Cities | Im not in this race to help my own children or benefit some of the students. Voters could request vote-by-mail ballots from October 6, 2014, through October 28, 2014.[6]. 103- #28 | Roseville, CA 95747, Kaiser Permanente Roseville names Kim Menzel to senior post, Salvation Army launches Virtual Red Kettles, Project 8 Winery in Penryn recommended for approval by Planning Commission, Loomis Soroptimist Tostada Bingo at Blue Goose Event Center May 13, Roseville and Rocklin joining in free Mulch Mayhem event, Roseville in full spring bloom as warm, sunny weather finally settles into town, Gold Country Pro Rodeo in Auburn this weekend at the Fairgrounds, Sierra College in Rocklin Spring Concert Schedule, Roseville TSI Semiconductors acquisition, site slated for $1.5 billion investment, Auburn Hiking: Black Hole of Calcutta Falls offers stroller-friendly family outing, Young Adults Living at Home are Ready to Buy, Roseville REALTOR shares Benefits of Owning a Home, Registered Voters 271,112 Cards Cast 239,315 88.27%, Num. This plan would focus on academics and recovery through social engagement techniques. Counties | As a parent, a taxpayer and an experienced public school teacher, I offer a well-informed viewpoint that is representative of various stakeholders within the districts community. Having closely followed district operations over the past three years, I believe families desperately need board leadership that will put them first when it comes to education and finances, and positioning our kids to prosper. We work for them! Five are cross-filed, running as both Democrat and Republican. Western Placer Unified School District elections (2014) How do I sign up for DirectLink, the City's alarm monitoring system? Improving education as a process with a focus on mental health needs. Federal courts | KEVIN KILEY'S SCHOOL BOARD ENDORSEMENTS "This year, the rights of parents are on the ballot like never before." Request an Endorsement Receive Updates Editors note: The Advance Leader is publishing primary election previews with candidate interviews for contested races only. Why should people vote for you? I will be a responsible steward of funds while being transparent with stakeholders. TribLIVE's Daily and Weekly email newsletters deliver the news you want and information you need, right to your inbox. Why did you decide to run? As board members, we are responsible to the taxpayers in our district. Unfortunately this is not a problem to be solved by us alone. Western Placer Unified School District incur bonded indebtedness of not to exceed $215,000,000 with interest rates below legal limits and no money for salaries or other routine U.S. President | This is a basic right that sadly can no longer be taken for granted. . Three seats on the Western Placer Unified School District Board of Education 2023 Trib Total Media | All Rights Reserved. I want to contribute my background in social work and mental health to keep our schools as safe as possible. I will provide an experienced and balanced leadership perspective on the decisions that impact students, district employees and taxpayers. A majority of the people in North Hills are here to stay and I want to devote my time to helping create a rewarding and prosperous future for the youth in our community. The Board members of the Western Placer Unified School District serve as a critical link between our community and the school district. I plan to use my experience as an educator to advocate for children and ensure that their education is our number one number one priority. Prop 29 will help ensure they receivesafe treatment in dialysis clinics under the care of a doctor or another highly trainedclinician in case of emergencies, without risk of infection, and without discriminationProp 30: YESTaxes annual personal income over $2 million to fund wildfire prevention, clean air andclimate change programs. George Dykstra for Western Placer Unified School District I want to use my nearly 15 years of nonprofit educational experience to impact our district positively. Kevin Kiley's School Board Endorsements | Capitol Quagmire Paul Guggenheimer is a Tribune-Review staff writer. What is the biggest issue that needs to be addressed? It is my job as a school board director to look at all issues presented to the board in a fair and balanced manner. Click to enlarge the calendar below. Western Placer School Board Member, Trustee Area 3. . Riverviews board and administration ignored the risks posed by virtual schooling and mandatory masking from 2020-22, and our kids paid the price in learning loss and mental health challenges. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes').parentNode.style.display = 'none'; What's on my ballot? California voters will be deciding on a host of ballot propositions, while local measures and races are in focus throughout Placer County. Choose a Contest - Placer County Elections I am running for re-election to continue the positive, effective work I have been doing in my first term. Three seats on the Western Placer Unified School District Board of Education were up for general election on November 4, 2014. Ive dedicated my career to improving schools across Pennsylvania, and I love using my expertise to help our district. Party affiliation: Democrat; municipality: Oakmont. All rights reserved. I will be a leader the whole community can count on. Why did you decide to run? Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here. Four are on the ballot only as Democrats, and one only as Republican. Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022; Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections; Trends in 2022 ballot measures; The Biden administration. [3] In the 2011-2012 school year, Western Placer Unified School District was the 185th-largest school district by enrollment in California and served 9,170 students. Roger Pogoda is running for Riverview School Board. These experiences will aid me in providing the best education available, while maintaining fiscal responsibility. 11 in primary race for North Hills School Board | TribLIVE.com We weren't paying enough attention. My goal is to improve the future prospects of all our students. School directors must utilize a multifaceted approach to problem solving and balance the overall needs of the students, with plenty of room for individual attention. School Board - Western Placer Unified School District - WPUSD These academic setbacks affect students now and will have a future community impact when the students enter the workforce. What is the biggest issue that needs to be addressed? I believe in quality public education for our current and future students in our district. What is the biggest issue to address? I would miss it too much. [10], Incumbent Brian Haley ran unopposed and won re-election to his Trustee Area 2 seat. George Dykstra is running for Western Placer Unified School District. Western Placer Unified School District prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying based on a persons actual or perceived age, ancestry, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, national origin, parental status, pregnancy status, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. | Are you this candidate? Ultimately we must prepare our students to meet the challenges of todays world. The biggest issue that needs to be addressed is the mental health of our children after the trauma of these last couple of years. held on November 4, 2014. Why did you decide to run? We also must remain fiscally responsible while keeping our buildings safe. Incumbent Brian Haley ran unopposed for re-election to his Trustee Area 2 seat and won the election by default. I am committed to challenging our state legislators to have the courage to make necessary changes for the long-term sustainability of North Hills. There is an increase in mental and emotional health needs and learning gaps. State legislature | Western School Corporation, Indiana - Ballotpedia Fiscal responsibility. If candidates raised or spent less than $1,000 during the 2013 and 2014 calendar years, they had to file Form 470 at that time. I have a vested interest in seeing that every school is the best it can be. Undoing the harm done to children by pandemic policies. The first scheduled pre-election report filing deadline was October 6, 2014. It was always in those other states like Florida, Texas, and others far away. In the race for Riverview School Board, 10 candidates are running for spots on the November ballot for five open seats, all four-year terms. California General Election Ballot, Tuesday November 8, 2022
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