Huskies got a reputation for being disloyal because of how friendly they are with other people. But even more, its his response thats just too funny! Find out more about how we use your personal data in our privacy policy and cookie policy. So when it comes time for his morning walk he bunkers down on his bed and howls in protest! Theres a reason dog owners refer to their pets as their babies, just like babies, they love being held, cuddled, and given continuous attention. Tons of viewers have left funny comments expressing their opinions. The Siberian Huskies, like all dogs, evolved from their ancestor, the wolf However, the Siberian Husky originated from the Chukchi dog due to ARTIFICIAL SELECTION imposed by the Chukchi tribe. It doesnt end there, while Zeus mom washes and refills the bowl, he delivers a few more dramatic cries, looking as betrayed as ever! When youre planning to ride in a vehicle with a group, most would probably say they prefer the front seat. A zhengongfu 32 pills male enhancer strange big dog sex pill review thought flashed quickly, causing Bathett a husky laugh from his throat. One wrote: Someone else said, At least hes not insisting on driving. Another stated the truth: Hey he called Shotgun. Usually he protests by stopping . "Zeus", The Husky Cries In The Bathtub - YouTube They are so stubborn in fact; they will loudly complain when they dont want to do something theyre being asked to do and seem very opinionated about life in general. Chewbacca mom continues her best week ever at Lucasfilm HQ, This is what happens when you ask Hodor to 'hold the door' IRL. A Husky is very sociable and loves to be around all people. Husky throws adorable temper tantrum over bath time - Yahoo News You can tell how smart Zeus is simply by watching the scene. You can almost hear him say, But Mom. The husky contains the bloodlines of two other ancient breeds native to Siberia: the laika and a type of spitz. Zeus the stubborn husky really lives up to his name. Understand The Danger Of Citrus For Dogs, Will Bobcats Attack Dogs? Zeus loves to register his vocal complaints so vehemently, he even whines about things he likes! Advertising | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use. Husky: average male However, this time, Zeus would prefer to be a lazy couch potato than go for a walk. Zeus the stubborn husky really lives up to his name. afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss en fonction de vos profils de centres dintrt; mesurer lefficacit des publicits et contenus personnaliss; et. According to his owner, the stubborn husky loves to take baths and play in the water. {"@context":"http:\/\/\/","@id":"https:\/\/\/stubborn-husky-front-seat\/#arve-youtube-bjepzfqvmc4644fd6faa14f8040702336","type":"VideoObject","embedURL":"https:\/\/\/embed\/bJepzfQVmC4?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0"}. In it, its time for a pack walk. We hope to get good news during surgery which is tentatively schedule for Friday September 11th, 2020. Take this husky named Zeus for example. Heres to remembering this beautiful, adorably stubborn furbaby! Even if you dont own a Siberian husky, you might be familiar with how vocal they can be simply by cruising around online. Despite these yummy offerings, he's struggled to eat all his meals and snacks. Like our Facebook page to get more stories. Zeus is laying comfortably in the front seat next to a female driver. A Husky is very loyal and pack-oriented, so he loves being a member of a family A Husky is even-keeled when it comes to his temperament, and is not known for being aggressive, which makes him a great fit for homes with kids. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. They are definitely big on personality. 510K. Since technically Zeus owner is the parent, the adult, AND the human it seems appropriate that she gets to sit next to the driver. Once he is there, no one is going to move him from his comfy spot with a good view! Heres What You Need To Know. A post shared by Zeus The Stubborn Husky (@zeusthestubbornhusky), Talented Artist Turns Peoples Pets Into Disney Characters. His mom calmly asks him to get out of the water bowl so she can refill the empty dish. 2023 Shareably Media, LLC. As his mom prepares for the ride home, Zeus starts telling his hysterical and pitiful tale of woe. That may sound bizarre at first, but Husky can certainly talk Scientifically speaking, dogs cannot talk. Huskies: The good Lord blessed us with an angel in Zeus. Mom always gets her way though, and Zeus finally submits. Huskies are an absolutely gorgeous type of dog, and are probably the closest to their wolf ancestors in terms of appearance. Who doesnt love dogs? Theyre athletic, playful, and have lots of stamina. Required fields are marked *. ancient greeks Dying Dog Receives An Emotional Final Farewell From 90-Year-Old Neighbor, Can Dogs Eat Tangerines? In truth, although huskies are stubborn most like activity a lot more than Zeus does. White Siberian Huskies are actually quite rare White is not one of the Zeus, world's tallest dog, dies at age 5 What dog is bigger than the Zeus? Now typically when dogs hear the word "walk" they go nuts, but this pup would rather chill on the couch . mesurer votre utilisation de nos sites et applications. Stubborn husky throws hilarious bathtub temper tantrum : r/aww - Reddit Its okay, buddy, weve all been in that situation one time or another, and we feel your pain. 20 to 22 inches. He complains all the way to the front door and actually manages to look like he needs a nap more than a walk. Come on, Zeus, you cant tell me you know how to control the radio! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Its a good thing that just like babies, dogs are so darn cute that their little tantrums are no biggie! For more information, please read our About page. Zeus The Stubborn Husky - Facebook Usually animals do not like having baths or water in general and like having walks instead, but it is the exact opposite for this dog! Their howl cannot be ignored, and they refuse to be ignored. While theyre all dogs, some huskies may be crossed with wolves, producing a wolf hybrid Thats an entirely different animal from a purebred Siberian husky or its cousin, the Alaskan Malamute. Husky Hysterically Complains About 'Cone Of Shame' As Anesthesia Wears Off Many times Zeus wants to walk in the direction towards the house with the dogs out, or where he sees cats and squirrels. In this essay, I will talk about the topic Is Zeus The Husky Still Alive?, and I will do my absolute best to incorporate as much pertinent information as I possibly can. This is just one example of when he wants to walk down a different street. This page is dedicated to Zeus The Stubborn Husky. Si vous souhaitez personnaliser vos choix, cliquez sur Grer les paramtres de confidentialit. In this video, Zeus can be seen standing with both his front feet inside an empty water bowl. Well, if you have a dog like Zeus, it might not be worth the argument!, A post shared by Zeus The Stubborn Husky (@zeusthestubbornhusky) on Jan 29, 2020 at 7:26am PST. You can almost hear him say, " But Mom" Source: YouTube Screenshot Wait, this isn't right Breeds: Zeus The Stubborn Husky (@zeusthestubbornhusky) Instagram photos and Regardless of whether its a short trip or a long drive a lot of times passengers will race to call shotgun first, which is a classic way to secure the spot. It starts biting, escaping, digging holes, chasing and killing anything that runs (huskies do have a high prey drive). Now typically when dogs hear the word "walk" they go nuts, but this pup would rather chill on the couch and watch some TV. Zeus the Stubborn Husky has been diagnosed with a large liver tumor which may be inoperable. Lorsque vous utilisez nos sites et applications, nous utilisons des, authentifier les utilisateurs, appliquer des mesures de scurit, empcher les spams et les abus; et. He's acting like a spoiled toddler! Having watched so many videos with Zeus, we are already used to the way he reacts when something doesn't turn like he has imagined. Apparently, he doesnt see it that way though. Zeus the stubborn husky went to heaven - YouTube The videos quickly became a hit as people gushed and awwwd over his adorable stubbornness. They always want things to be done their way no matter if is having a bath, taking a walk or eating they want their wishes to be respected, and we appreciate them because they deserve all the love and attention in the world! 12K Followers, 1,384 Following, 686 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Zeus The Stubborn Husky (@zeusthestubbornhusky) Zeus The Stubborn Husky on Instagram: "It is with the most broken heart "Zeus", The Husky Cries In The Bathtub FastFriday'sFacts 5.38K subscribers Subscribe 1.7K views 5 years ago Zeus, The Husky Is Always Getting In Trouble. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The release also said the dog weighed 155 pounds. thuglife_7 2 yr. ago Well now I'm sad knowing that this puppy is no longer with us Frogging_back He lived a loooong happy life at least. Stubborn husky refuses to eat, tries to bury his food An And just like babies, they begin to whine and howl at the slightest inconvenience from their parents! Zeus The Stubborn Husky Argues Just About Everything - YouTube Zeus is a seven-year-old Siberian Husky who lives life on his own terms and does not like being told what to do. Take this husky named Zeus for example. Kids can be tough sometimes. Dogs are sentient beings that have their ups and downs, just like us. Husky: However, once you make it clear to your Husky that youre the alpha, you can teach them almost anything. Stay informed and entertained for free. Just to be clear, Zeus has other water bowls around the house and the only reason this one is empty is that he drank all the water five minutes ago. We hope you do, too. Husky Hilariously Refuses To Give Up Front Seat. for the husky. Many times Zeus wants to walk in the direction towards the house with the dogs out, or where he sees cats and squirrels. Zeus was an 11-year-old Siberian Husky that originally went viral through videos posted by his dog mom on the YouTube channel "Zeus the Stubborn Husky". Big Dog Sex Pill Review - The largest student-run philanthropy on All Rights Reserved. All dog breeds have characteristics that make them unique. Meet Zeus, the 'Stubborn Husky' - TheBright Husky throws adorable tantrum when asked to get off the couch One pet owner discovered her dog really loves the front seat too. Zeus the stubborn husky went to heaven king of bling 440 subscribers Subscribe 369 16K views 2 years ago Beloved Zeus the og triple og og utube dogs the king of all media beloved by millions. Saluki dogs were revered in ancient Egypt, being kept as royal pets and being mummified after death. Copyright 2023 This site is owned and operated by Bright Mountain Media, Inc., a publicly owned company trading with the symbol:BMTM. In the YouTube description, Zeus' owner clarifies that the dog does actually like to go for walks, but some days he can be a bit on the lazy side and needs some convincing. You're now subscribed to the latest stories. In fact, huskies are considered the most stubborn breed of dog. Taming Zeus: The Stubborn Husky - Nous, Yahoo, faisons partie de la famille de marques Yahoo. He really is just like a little child, adorable yet sostubborn! If you dont go their way, they will always throw a tantrum. Zeus had lost some weight which prompted a vet visit, and ultimately the discovery of the tumor. 4,194 likes, 941 comments - Zeus The Stubborn Husky (@zeusthestubbornhusky) on Instagram: "It is with the most broken heart to have to post that Zeusy passed away this afternoon.

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