MC ATC AVC Cost dollars per bogel 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Quantity Thundreds of bogels per day Based on the above figure of the costs at Barney's Bagel Bakery, at which of the following levels of output does the marginal product of labor equal the average product of labor? C. farm magazines are a hybrid of consumer and business magazines. CL Inc. printed two versions of the same ad in order to test the effectiveness of each individual ad. Magazine publishers do not attempt to control the clutter problem. D. bleed page What is the purpose of a business plan submitted with a loan application? MKTG373 - Chapter 12 Flashcards | Quizlet Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, NURS 310: Exam 3 - problems of the biliary sy. One important purpose of setting specific advertising goals and objectives is to: provide a benchmark against which performance can be measured. D. Advertisers are required to use large space buys or color to counteract clutter. They are useful for reaching general consumers of services. D. they want to communicate customized information to magazine readers. Consumers become involved with magazines when they read them and are more likely to find ads acceptable or even enjoyable. Geographic selectivity C. greater selectivity. They offer several valuable specialized services to advertisers. Which of the following is true of creative tactics in relation to advertising messages? B. A magazine ad for DigiSafe products shows a lock with the words "Protected Zone" painted on it. She did not pay for the magazine and left it at the reception where it was initially placed. A. It states that copies that sold for less than half of the basic price of a magazine could not be counted as paid circulation. C. Tangential readership B. classifieds Business publications directed to wholesalers, dealers, distributors, and retailers are known as: Blooms is a publication aimed at providing information to retail florists so that they can manage their stores more efficiently and profitably. D. They are considered inflexible during production. A. bleed page. Raiment Inc. manufactures sewing machines. Low demographic selectivity C. the presence of extensive clutter. B. the size and space of the bleed pages. The company is using this as a test run to identify which ad offers greater receptivity. E. They generally cost lower than newspaper ads. E. poor reproduction quality. The more the color used in an ad, the lower the advertising cost. A. bleed page. a. Which of the following is true of consumer markets? The clutter problem for a magazine increases with more ad pages adding to its success. To make newspapers more comparable to other media that sell space and time, the newspaper industry uses _____ to determine advertising rates. Weekly newspapers usually do not cover national and world news. Syndicated shows are often aired during an undesirable time period. They deal with products or services that are meant for personal use. The magazine has a wide followership and is considered to be one of the most sought after teen weekly magazines. Which of the following is a characteristic of magazine ads? 16. B. trade Magazines E. Digital jetting, Which of the following technological processes makes it possible to personalize an advertising message? C. The publication must have 70 percent or more paid circulation. B. special-audience newspaper. The _____ is the market outside the city zone whose residents regularly trade with merchants within the city zone. Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? True or False? B. their high absolute cost. Many business magazines are sent free to individuals who, a publisher believes, can influence a company's purchases for products and services advertised in the publication. Low lead time Newspapers and magazines are often referred to as high-involvement media because: Which of the following statements about the role of magazines and newspapers as advertising media vehicles is true? E. can eradicate the problem of clutter. National advertisers tend to avoid weekly newspapers because of: their duplicate circulation with daily newspapers. E. Inability to offer specialized services. the first u.s. magazine, Andres Bradfords American magazine, had a very short life. A. D. Pass-along readers generally spend more time with a magazine and pick it up more often than primary in-home readers. C. syndicated newspaper supplements. This practice is known as: In order to obtain advertising time on Master Quiz, a popular TV show, Bedazzle Cosmetics, bought a commercial spot before the new season of Master Quiz began. It involves determining how the message strategy will be executed. The column inch He did not buy the magazinesthey were purchased and owned by the airline. Quiz 5 attempts Flashcards | C. Business Which of the following distinct positive features of magazines is the company trying to utilize in this scenario? A. ancillary reader. A. E. Magazine publishers do not attempt to control the clutter problem by maintaining a reasonable balance of editorial pages to advertising. D. their broad geographic focus. During her visit to a beauty salon, Lily browsed through Inner Beauty, a magazine dedicated to working women, while she was waiting at the reception. Commercials became shorter because advertisers turned to shorter spots as a way of controlling their media costs. D. The portfolio inch E. a rebate system. (p. \text{Borrowings}&6,590&\quad\text{Preceding year}&3,998\\ C. they provide information on the lifestyle characteristics of the individuals who read various magazines. Which of the following is true of magazine advertising? B. accounting. Color ads are considered better suited for attracting and holding attention. B. D. overrun. Newspapers generally offer more _____ than any other medium except direct mail. It offers a fingerprint recognition program to its users. A. gatefold. D. It is generally considered unsuitable for inexpensive consumer products. Which of the following is true of magazine advertising? A. D. a lack of geographic selectivity. This ad is an example of a(n): C. make a newspaper accountable for the sales generated by the ad. C. creative space buys C. Prestige D. national newspapers. A. the cost efficiency of magazines. Which of the following is likely to be true of the product class and the product? B. _____ are often referred to as high-involvement media because they generally require some attention and effort on the part of the consumer to process the information that they provide. E. Agate line, When a newspaper offers no discounts for quantity or repeated space buys, it is using a(n) _____ structure. A. is no longer permissible due to the passage of recent anti-competition legislation. C. Newspapers provide little geographic selectivity to local advertisers because of their inability to adapt ad campaigns to local market conditions. C. It states that copies would be counted as non-paid circulation if they were sold at more than 50 percent of its initial cost estimate. The weekly prices of one brand of frozen pizza over a three-year period in Dallas are provided in the data file. Chris O'Brian, an avid skier, takes a weeklong ski vacation every winter. Its market research has shown that there are a large number of competitive long-distance runners in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. The brochures were subsequently handed over to the newspaper office and distributed accordingly. Which of the following statements is true about newspaper supplements? Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? D. flat rates. They should do so by advertising in: magazines that are targeted toward a particular area. A. they are generally the only health care information providers. D. lower lead time. B. B. guaranteed readership. Magazine networks Advertisers are required to use large space buys or color to counteract clutter. Warm Weave is most likely to be using a(n) _____ scheduling method. D. It is used to market products but not services. Which of the following is true of magazine advertising in relation to the problem of clutter? E. controlled-circulation. None of the above 12-22 fChapter 12 - Evaluation of Print Media 80. C. Professional both I and II only 11 D. overruns The ad for Faerie, a premium soap brand, contains a piece litmus paper that is stuck on the page and that a consumer can use to test the acidity or alkalinity of the soap. B. special Which of the following advantages of magazines as an advertising medium is demonstrated in the way O'Brian's uses this publication? C. a preprinted insert The high ratio of advertising to editorial content in most magazines causes magazines to experience the problem of: Which of the following statements is true about clutter in magazine advertising? : Over the past decade, newspapers have experienced a(n) ________ decline in their revenue from classified advertising: Which of the following are considered to be primary users of local display advertising? Moreover, the Covid-19 outbreak made the world more conscious of health. E. local television. C. They are used exclusively by national advertisers. B. bleed page. Which of the following is a primary advantage of magazines? A) it elicits cognitive and behavioral motivations simultaneously B) the firm is trying to minimize brand dilution C) consumers are processing advertising in a detailed, analytical mode D) it elicits affective motivation, followed by cognitive motivation E) the advertising message uses negative fear appeals. E. Special advertising. 1. Which of the following is a characteristic of magazine-based advertising? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The NsDaily, a newspaper, charges $50 per square inch of its advertisement space. C. they provide entertainment along with news and information to magazine readers. Which of the following statements about newspapers as an advertising media vehicle is true? _____ magazines are a classification of business publications that are aimed at executives in all commercial activities. Asea is a publication that provides information on world trends and technology to offshore oil and gas operations. E. distracters. Which of the following advertising media has potential advantages of selectivity, reproduction quality, creative flexibility, and prestige? E. behavioral. Gatefolds, bleed pages, inserts, and creative space buys are ways of increasing: C. Regional newspapers A. permanence. _____ are individuals who act as salespersons for a number of local stations and represent them in their dealings with national advertisers. Which of the following statements is true of communications objectives? Mars Inc. printed 1,200 brochures with the intention of distributing them using a national newspaper. Raiment is using _____ to attract readers' attention. They offer high market penetration and coverage. Well-known brands and market leaders often run ads that do not use any specific types of appeals, but focus primarily on keeping their brand name visible to consumers. Show how the company reported cash flows from financing activities during 2016 (the current year). A. consumer magazine. Which of the following statements about the geographic selectivity offered by newspapers is true? Use the price data to reply to the following questions. E. Bimonthly. Marketing Communications Ch. 7-12 Flashcards | Quizlet ch 12 quiz.docx - 150/200 chapter 12 1. The NsDaily, a While moving from the base to the tip of the communication effects pyramid, which of the following comes just before repurchase of a product? C. They are usually printed in alternate copies of a specific magazine. Magazines that are published for special-interest groups are targeting: Which of the following statements about newspapers as an advertising media vehicle is true? E. Niche. Verified answer. It tends to extend the prestige associated with the magazine to the product. B. A. c. Airlines Chapter 9 Questions Flashcards | A. Cross-boarding C. pass-along circulation E. higher pass-along readership. Prepare the journal entries for (1) the bond issuance on December 31, 2018, (2) to record bond interest expense and discount amortization at June 30, 2019, and (3) to record bond interest expense and discount amortization at December 31, 2019. When publications fix advertising rates based on a set average circulation figure that is nearly always below the actual circulation delivered by a given issue but carries no guarantee, they are using: Which of the following is true of the "50 percent rule"? D. flat rate NMen, a men's weekly magazine, provides information on a variety of subjects such as men's heath, travel tips, sports, and so on. A. E. the pass-along readership offered. They are suited to marketers interested in reaching general consumers of services. This type of advertising is known as _____ advertising. E. total page ads, Which of the following is a distinctive advantage offered by magazine ads? D. Special-audience A. break through the clutter typically found in newspapers. The second cover of MagAuto opens up into a third page, which gives it an extra-large spread. Which of the following statements about the length of television commercials is true? b. bleed units Advertising creative personnel tend to be: The job of the creative team is challenging because: Why are models of the creative process valuable to those working in the creative area of advertising? Consumers are generally receptive to advertising in magazines because: A. It is not as serious an issue for magazines as for radio or TV. Chapter 10- Final Flashcards | D. they provide an efficient way of reaching the specific types of individuals who constitute their target market. d. size units. D. Bleed ads This is an example of: D. industrial C. Preprinted insert A health magazine is an excellent idea because health is a topic, as vast as any other. D. agate A clothing retailer would use an island ad to: break through the clutter typically found in newspapers. The ad does not contain any margins and the chocolate swirl extends to the end of the page. Which of the following statements is true of newspaper advertising?- Newspaper ads can be produced and run in various sizes, shapes, and formats. c. space units This scenario depicts the use of _____. Primary circulation A. personalized advertising messages. C. trade publications targeted at distributors and retailers. B. B. the greater audience selectivity of specialized publications. C. multisensory ad. In this scenario, Lily is considered to be a(n): Zest & Taste's creative team wants the ad to be spread over three continuous pages in the magazine. E. SAU. A. primary readership. Poor reproduction quality \quad\text{Current year-end}&23,475&\text{Operating income:}\\ }&8,415&\quad\text{Current year}&80,000\\ : Because of declines in circulation as well as advertising pages, many magazines have moved to what type of format? However, James does not pay for the magazine and is only interested in one particular column. A. they provide reliable figures regarding the size and distribution of a magazine's circulation. Weekly D. run of paper D. the creative appeal of magazine ads. D. overrun. Verified answer. Solved 10 Hamburgers (per week) B 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 - Chegg It offers limited geographic selectivity. Which of the following is a characteristic of magazine ads? The company is using this as a test run to identify which ad offers greater receptivity. Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? Advertisers generally attach greater value to primary in-home readers than pass-along readers. They are useful for reaching general consumers of services. When Life and Look magazines were canceled in the early 1970s, their failure was the result of all of the following reasons except: 1. A. d. some combination that is not given above. A. selectivity. However, the ad created by its creative team was way larger than the normal page size specified by the magazine publisher. E. Color ads are generally cheaper than black and white ads if they are placed on the front cover of a magazine. Pluto Inc. prepares two magazine ads with slight regional variations. Velocity Inc. makes shoes for athletes. Selective binding D. They offer limited flexibility to advertisers. D. total readership. This activity is referred to as _____ basis. A. C. general business magazines. E. subtracting the pass-along readership number from the total readership count. A magazine ad for Savor Raisins contains a swirl of dark chocolate with a top layer of raisins. In participations, advertisers have little control over the placement of ads. C. magazines are high-involvement advertising medium. D. Permanence D. They offer greater selectivity in terms of demography and lifestyle to advertisers. c. bleed pages Which of the following statements about magazines as an advertising medium is true? Which of the following statements best explains the reason that consumers are more receptive to magazine advertising than to television advertising? The consumer maximizes utility by consuming at point A. II. Lack of demographic selectivity In an issue of Homespun Comrade, Raiment purchases the bottom quarter ad space on three successive pages to advertise the winter clearance sale on different models of sewing machines at Raiment authorized dealers. Which of the following is true of weekly newspapers? E. total reader. A. (Doc) Meil-122 *P.s* Pakitignan Ng Maayos Yung Sagot Mga Dzai/ Dzong Marginal rate of substitution at a point of the indiffe, 10 Hamburgers (per week) B 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Magazines (per wook) In the above figure, which of the following statements is TRUE? E. Special-interest. Advances in production. B. is considered to be an inefficient way to build frequency. A. E. consumer publications. B. A. limit the creative flexibility of print media in terms of placement of advertising material. A. Raiment Inc. manufactures sewing machines. E. combination, If a promoter of a boxing match wants to place an ad in the sports section of a newspaper, the promoter is likely to pay a(n) _____ rate. Overall drop in magazine prices due to: 1. Which of the following is true of magazine advertising? It offers lower B. \quad\text{Current year-end}&32,311&\text{Net income:}\\ \quad\text{Preceding year-end}&38,029&\quad\text{Current year}&2,379\\ The clutter problem for a magazine increases with more ad pages adding to its success. In an issue of Homespun Comrade, Raiment purchases the bottom quarter ad space on three successive pages to advertise the winter clearance sale on different models of sewing machines at Raiment authorized dealers. The marginal rate of substitution at point B and point A are equal because they are on the same budget line. Media buyers primarily evaluate magazines on the basis of: their ability to deliver the advertiser's message to as many people as possible in the target audience. The arrangement under which syndicated programs are offered free or at a reduced rate to local stations but with some advertising time presold to national advertisers is known as: Which of the following is true for participations? D. creates overlapping subscription data. _____ is a computerized production process that enables magazines to send different editorial or advertising messages to groups of subscribers within the same issue of a publication. Which of the following is true of local display advertising? Magazine rates are primarily a function of: D. Billboards D. Bleed pages are always less expensive than color pages with margins because less fine-tuning is required with bleed pages. c. They are not suitable for targeting niche markets. REQUIRED National newspapers The magazine is placed in the waiting lounge along with several other men's health magazine. Lead time Newspapers in large cities provide very little geographic selectivity to advertisers. E. low reproduction quality. Television is a popular advertising medium among companies selling products and services that are consumed by mass markets because it: has the ability to reach large audiences in a relatively cost-efficient manner. To help plan his vacation, O'Brian consults all of the past issues of Scend magazine, a publication on adventure sports destinations. C. local advertising rates. E. They typically have a long life-span. Low receptivity to advertising by readers Sales results offer little guidance or direction to those responsible for planning and developing the advertising program, Determining a target market's present level of awareness and knowledge of, and liking for, a product often requires _____ measures, _____ is an approach to integrated marketing communications planning that involves determining what tasks need to be done and which marketing communications planning functions should be used to accomplish them. : Which of the following statements about magazines as an advertising medium is true? In this scenario, Finn's Hallmark News is a: B. can reduce an advertiser's cost per thousand for reaching desired audiences. C. selective binding. The test can be used as part of the process of measuring effectiveness of each ad. Most magazines devote less than 30 percent of their pages to advertising and clutter is typically controlled. A(n) _____ is something that moves people, speaks to their wants or needs, and excites their interest. It is primarily used by supermarkets and departmental stores. A. display advertising d. They are also known as B2B publications. . \text{Total stockholders' equity:}&&\quad\text{Preceding year}&2,007\\ Velocity Inc. makes shoes for athletes. B. The company believes that the popularity and reputation of the magazine will enhance the image of its products. Although not a category of newspapers per se, _____ are valuable to advertisers that want to use a newspaper yet get four-color reproduction quality in their ads. BUAD471 Chapter 12 Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following is considered a major criticism of the DAGMAR approach? True. This ad is an example of a(n): A. gatefold. B. A. split-run Which of the following is a disadvantage inherent in advertising in magazines? b. They reproduce images using mechanical printing. A. Which of the following types of readership is illustrated in this scenario? The NsDaily, a newspaper, charges $50 per square inch of its advertisement space. \text{Proceeds from issuance} &&\text{Net sales:}&\\ After calculating both the brand development index (BDI) and the category development index (CDI), a media planner obtains the following results: High BDI and High CDI. 8 hamburgers and 0 magazines. Paymentoflong-termdebtProceedsfromissuanceofcommonstock.Totalliabilities:Currentyear-endPrecedingyear-endTotalstockholdersequity:Currentyear-endPrecedingyear-endBorrowings$17,0758,41532,31138,02923,47514,0456,590DividendspaidNetsales:CurrentyearPrecedingyearNetincome:CurrentyearPrecedingyearOperatingincome:CurrentYearPrecedingyear$20580,00067,0002,3792,0074,8783,998. B. limited frequency. A. magazines that are targeted toward a particular area. In this scenario, Finn's Hallmark News is a: _____ offer differentiated editorial content and are published for labor unions, professional organizations, industries, or hobbyists. Irrespective. D. Lower costs This activity is referred to as _____ basis. E. overrun. E. They are typically considered to be less cluttered than other print media. _____ figures represent the number of individuals who receive a magazine publication through either subscription or store purchase. Services Greater creative flexibility C. die-cut. B. Ink-jet imaging She saves every issue and often uses them as reference material. Which of the following is true of split runs? With these ads, Mars is trying to achieve: C. Absence of consumer receptivity to ads Business publications are important to advertisers because: they provide an efficient way of reaching the specific types of individuals who constitute their target market. b. a. an insert C. Limited selectivity E. Costs. D. Limited reach and frequency Tiffany is the creative director of an ad agency. A company that manufactures paintball equipment might prefer to advertise in specialized publications rather than newspapers due to: E. planners receive advertising funding from various trade associations based on the number of magazines in circulation that were distributed. D. business publication. B. classified advertising C. Standard advertising units According to Standard Rate and Data Service's (SDRS's) classification of magazines, _____ magazines are bought by the general public for information and/or entertainment. A. ancillary circulation rates. B. multiplying the total readership by the average pass-along readership number. C. is referred to as the process of selective binding. Which of the following comparisons between primary in-home readers, pass-along readers, and out-of-home readers is true? E. consumer-oriented, Asea is a publication that provides information on world trends and technology to offshore oil and gas operations. A. It refers to newspaper display advertising done by marketers of branded products. C. the selectivity of magazines. So, the first statement is correct. Newspapers offer less geographic selectivity than most other media. _____ are reruns of network shows that are bought by individual stations to broadcast. Gatefolds, bleed pages, inserts, and creative space buys are ways of increasing: The use of a third page that folds out to create an extra-large advertising spread in a magazine is called a(n): The second cover of MagAuto opens up into a third page, which gives it an extra-large spread. They are generally considered to have better reproductive quality than magazines. Split running Which of the following is considered a primary benefit derived from using magazines as an advertising medium? More companies buy advertising _____ than in any other medium. A. gatefolds. Newspapers targeted at various religious groups compose a large class of: Although not a category of newspapers per se, _____ are valuable to advertisers that want to use a newspaper yet get four-color reproduction quality in their ads. B. run of paper A company's goal to reach 50 percent of the target audience at least three times over a period of one year in order to create awareness is an example of: Warm Weave Inc., a manufacturer of woolen garments, spends heavily on advertising during the months of December, January, and February. A clothing retailer would use an island ad to: b. printaculars _____ offer advertisers an opportunity to buy space in a group of publications as a package deal. Under the DAGMAR model, a _____ can be performed by, and attributed to, advertising rather than to a combination of marketing factors. National advertisers in the automotive, tobacco, and pharmaceutical fields are liable to: A company that manufactures paintball equipment might prefer to advertise in specialized publications rather than newspapers due to: the greater audience selectivity of specialized publications. O 0.5 of a hamburger per magazine. They do not facilitate the use of unconventional sizes and formats such as stairsteps, bookends, U-shapes, island ads, spadea ads, and half-page spreads. B. James regularly borrows a magazine from Lily, who subscribes to it. High market share and good market potential.

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