D) The number of items in the field does not affect the difficulty if the target item is the only one of that colour. B) Inhibition of return prevents an individual from attending to the same location twice, an effective strategy when searching for moving objects. A. Filters sort information in alphabetical order. So the responsibility is with the person who is seeking the news and trying to get information on what is going on. They will keep unfriending those who dont, and passing on rumors and fake news that agrees with their point of view. "The negative effects of content filters on Internet access in public libraries and schools are demonstrable and documented. D) Targets are detected faster only if they are in cued locations. C) Single filter model Propaganda and the desire to distort truth for political and other ends have always been with us and will adapt to any form of new media which allows open communication and information flows., Kenneth R. Fleischmann, associate professor at the School of Information at the University of Texas, Austin, wrote, Over time, the general trend is that a proliferation of information and communications technologies (ICTs) has led to a proliferation of opportunities for different viewpoints and perspectives, which has eroded the degree to which there is a common narrative indeed, in some ways, this parallels a trend away from monarchy toward more democratic societies that welcome a diversity of perspectives so I anticipate the range of perspectives to increase, rather than decrease, and for these perspectives to include not only opinions but also facts, which are inherently reductionist and can easily be manipulated to suit the perspective of the author, following the old aphorism about statistics Mark Twain attributed to Benjamin Disraeli [There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.], which originally referred to experts more generally., Paul Saffo, longtime Silicon-Valley-based technology forecaster, commented, The information crisis happened in the shadows. "ConnectSafely.org is a Silicon Valley, Calif.-based nonprofit organization dedicated to educating users of connected technology about safety, privacy, and security. Content-based filtering. How to Filter Query Results in SQL - FutureLearn By Kristen R. Batch with ALA Office for Information Technology Policy and ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, Filtering and the First Amendment (2013) C) It assumes unattended information is completely filtered out, with no further processing. Answer: C Her boss suggests MBTI. Theyll be part of the immune system. Anonymous survey participants also responded: A number of respondents believe there will be policy remedies that move beyond whatever technical innovations emerge in the next decade. ", Electronic Frontier Foundation It is a social condition, like crime, that you must constantly monitor and adjust to. A) 50 objects including green triangles and red squares. These experts predicted that the problem of misinformation will be amplified because the worst side of human nature is magnified by bad actors using advanced online tools at internet speed on a vast scale. I dont think they will put much effort into eliminating it., A vice president for public policy at one of the worlds foremost entertainment and media companies commented, The small number of dominant online platforms do not have the skills or ethical center in place to build responsible systems, technical or procedural. The truth of news stories is far murkier and multi-faceted. He wrote: Artificial intelligence that will supplant human judgment is being pursued aggressively by entities in the Silicon Valley and elsewhere. 1. Anonymous project leader for a science institute. Misinformation is not like a plumbing problem you fix. The rights of minors to retrieve, interact with, and create information posted on the Internet in schools and libraries are extensions of their First Amendment rights. With our limbic systems continuously engaged, were more likely to pay attention to stories that make us want to fight, take flight or fill our social media accounts with links. In short, its a successful strategy, made simpler by more powerful information technologies., Philip J. Nickel, lecturer at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, said, The decline of traditional news media and the persistence of closed social networks will not change in the next 10 years. Jack. And can most people agree to trust anything as common knowledge? The difference between the top choice and the bottom one is troubling. The more a given source is attributed to fake news, the lower it will sit in the credibility tree., Micah Altman, director of research for the Program on Information Science at MIT, commented, Technological advances are creating forces pulling in two directions: It is increasingly easy to create real-looking fake information; and it is increasingly easy to crowdsource the collection and verification of information. For instance, after fake news stories in June 2017 reported Ethereums founder Vitalik Buterin had died in a car crash its market value was reported to have dropped by $4 billion. The quality of information will not improve in the coming years, because technology cant improve human nature all that much. Solved Which one of the following statements about Filtering | Chegg.com Overall there are powerful forces, including corporate investment in surveillance-based business models, that create many incentives for unreliability, invisible handshake agreements with governments that militate against changing surveillance models, international espionage at a governmental and corporate level in conjunction with mediocre cryptography and poor use of white hat hackers, poor educational standards in major industrial countries such as the U.S., and fundamental weaknesses in the U.S. political/electoral system that encourage exploitation of unreliability. Perhaps people can even install filters so that, when theyre doing searches, hits that dont meet a certain trust threshold will not appear on the list., A longtime U.S. government researcher and administrator in communications and technology sciences said, The intelligence, defense and related U.S. agencies are very actively working on this problem and results are promising., Amber Case, research fellow at Harvard Universitys Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, suggested withholding ad revenue until veracity has been established. Irene Wu, Frank Kaufmann, founder and director of several international projects for peace activism and media and information, commented, The quality of news will improve, because things always improve. And Barry Wellman, virtual communities expert and co-director of the NetLab Network, said, Software and people are becoming more sophisticated., One hopeful respondent said a change in economic incentives can bring about desired change. Filtering is communicating only some of the available information in order to manage the listener's reactions. The other side of the complexity coin is ignorance. Aadil is a font specialist in the linguistic department, and he is given a list of font words and asked to identify the font each word is scripted in. And people can gain more creating fake information (both monetary and in notoriety) than they can keeping it from occurring., Serge Marelli, an IT professional who works on and with the Net, wrote, As a group, humans are stupid. It is group mind or a group phenomenon or, as George Carlin said, Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. Then, you have Kierkegaard, who said, People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use. And finally, Euripides said, Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish., Starr Roxanne Hiltz, distinguished professor of information systems and co-author of the visionary 1970s book The Network Nation, replied, People on systems like Facebook are increasingly forming into echo chambers of those who think alike. The WHERE clause follows the FROM clause: SELECT column1, column2, . Which one of the following statements about Filtering and Sorting is true? People will continue to cosset their own cognitive biases.. National Conference of State Legislatures (updated periodically), (Note: The American Library Association does not endorse or recommend any internet filtering software. Most of these experts do not expect there will be a perfect system but they expect advances. This section features responses by several of the top analysts who participated in this canvassing. . This is a wake-up call to the news industry, policy makers and journalists to refine the system of news production., Maja Vujovic, senior copywriter for the Comtrade Group, predicted, The information environment will be increasingly perceived as a public good, making its reliability a universal need. Recorded: September 2014, American Library Association/Association for Library Service to Children,Notable Children's Digital Media, American Civil Liberties Union C) Filters can only be established on an Excel table. Chicago, IL:American Libraries Live. Communication is only important if you are an upper-level manager. Worse, their active philosophy is that assessing and responding to likely or potential negative impacts of their inventions is both not theirs to do and even shouldnt be done., Patricia Aufderheide, professor of communications and founder of the Center for Media and Social Impact at American University, said, Major interests are not invested enough in reliability to create new business models and political and regulatory standards needed for the shift. By Chris Petersen, Shannon M. Oltmann, and Emily J.M. C) Inhibition of return assists an individual in attending to various different locations, thereby increasing the salience of previously attended stimuli. Many of those who expect the information environment to improve anticipate that information literacy training and other forms of assistance will help people become more sophisticated consumers. a.c.to understand why people do what they do b.d.to identify how to motivate employees. by the ACLU of Rhode Island. Legal options include reversing the notion that providers of content services over the internet are mere conduits without responsibility for the content. Now I feel that people will tend to look for confirmation of their biases and the radical transparency will not shine a cleansing light., David Harries, associate executive director for Foresight Canada, replied, More and more, history is being written, rewritten and corrected, because more and more people have the ways and means to do so. Americans worry about that: A Pew Research Centerstudy conducted just after the 2016 election found 64% of adults believe fake news stories cause a great deal of confusion and 23% said they had shared fabricated political stories themselves sometimes by mistake and sometimes intentionally.

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